Упражнения на причастие 1 в английском языке. Причастие в английском языке

1. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме причастий.

2. Распределите следующие предложения по группам.

The garden was full of children, laughing and shouting. (Сад был полон детей, смеющихся и кричащих.) Could you pick up the broken glass? (Ты не мог бы поднять разбитый стакан?) The woman sitting by the window stood up and left. (Женщина, сидевшая у окна, встала и ушла.) I walked between the shelves loaded with books. (Я прошел между полками, нагруженными книгами.) Be careful when crossing the road. (Будь осторожен, переходя дорогу.) Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest. (Проехав 200 км, он решил отдохнуть.) If invited, we will come. (Если нас пригласят, мы придем.) I felt much better having said the truth. (Мне стало гораздо лучше, когда я сказал правду.) He looked at me smiling. (Он взглянул на меня, улыбаясь.) She had her hair cut. (Она подстригла свои волосы.) Built by the best architect in town, the building was a masterpiece. (Построенное лучшим архитектором города, здание было шедевром.) Not having seen each other for ages, they had much to talk about. (Не видя друг друга вечность, им было много о чем поговорить.)

Причастие I:

Перфектное причастие I:

Причастие II:

3. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя причастие I.

Н-р: He was jumping down the stairs. He broke his leg. – He broke his leg jumping down the stairs. (Он сломал ногу, прыгая вниз по лестнице.)

Tom was watching the film. He fell asleep. The pupils opened their textbooks. They looked for the answer. Julia was training to be a designer. She lived in Milan for 3 years. They are vegetarians. They don’t eat meat. Jane was tidying up her bedroom. She found some old letters.

4. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя перфектное причастие I.

Н-р: He handed in his test. He had written all the exercises. – Having written all the exercises, he handed in his test. (Написав все упражнения, он передал свою контрольную.)

She went to her car and drove off. She had closed the door of the house. I sent him an SMS. I had tried phoning him many times. We moved to Florida. We had sold our cottage. His head was aching at night. He had studied all day. He knew all the goals by heart. He had seen that match several times.


Причастие I Перфектное причастие I Причастие II

Work working having worked worked

Read reading having read read

Leave leaving having left left

Go going having gone gone

Laugh laughing having laughed laughed

Причастие I: 1 – 3 – 5 – 9

Перфектное причастие I: 6 – 8 – 12

Причастие II: 2 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 11

Tom fell asleep watching the film. (Том уснул во время просмотра фильма.) The pupils opened their textbooks looking for the answer. (Ученики открыли учебники в поисках ответа.) Julia lived in Milan for 3 years training to be a designer. (Джулия жила в Милане 3 года, обучаясь на дизайнера.) Being vegetarians they don’t eat meat. (Будучи вегетарианцами, они не едят мясо.) Jane found some old letters tidying up her bedroom. (Джейн обнаружила старые письма, когда убиралась в своей спальне.)

Having closed the door of the house she went to her car and drove off. (Закрыв дома дверь, она пошла к машине и уехала.) Having tried phoning him many times I sent him an SMS. (Попытавшись дозвониться до него несколько раз, я отправил ему СМС.) Having sold our cottage we moved to Florida. (Продав свой коттедж, мы переехали во Флориду.) Having studied all day his head was aching at night. (Прозанимавшись весь день, его голова болела ночью.) Having seen that match several times he knew all the goals by heart. (Посмотрев этот матч несколько раз, он знал все голы наизусть.)

(Пока оценок нет)

Related topics:

  1. 1. Продолжите предложения в косвенной речи, соблюдая правила согласования времен. Н-р: He said, “I work in New York.” (Он сказал: “Я работаю в Нью-Йорке.”) – He said that he… .... ...
  2. Причастие настоящего времени в английском языке Причастие настоящего времени образуется прибавлением окончания -ing к базовой форме глагола, поэтому это причастие также известно как “-ing”-форма. Эта форма используется: – в длительном... ...
  3. Или Perfect Participle I Перфектное или совершенное причастие является сложной формой Причастия I с характерным Ing-окончанием, смещенным на вспомогательный (первый) глагол. Active Passive Perfect Participle I having AskEd having been... ...
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  5. 1. Выпишите те предложения, в которых относительные местоимения могут быть пропущены, но смысл останется прежним. Н-р: Do you like the present which we gave you? (Тебе нравится подарок, который мы... ...
  6. Как известно, в английском языке глагол может находиться в одной из четырех форм: инфинитив, прошедшее время группы Indefinite, причастие I и причастие II. В данной теме будет подробно рассмотрена форма... ...
  7. 1. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в форму Present Perfect. Предложения могут быть утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные. Н-р: I never… (be) to Australia. – I have never been to Australia. (Я... ...
  8. 1. Переведите предложения и определите значение модального глагола (способность или неспособность делать что-либо, выражение сомнения, недоумения, запрет или разрешение, вежливая просьба). You can’t be rude to your sister. Could you... ...
  9. 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола to be. Н-р: My phone… (is/am/are) is broken. (Мой телефон сломан.) – My phone is broken. Mary and Adam… (am/is/are) married. (Мэри и Адам женаты.)... ...
  10. 1. Поставьте подходящее неопределенное местоимение somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody. Переведите предложения. Why is it so quiet here? – Because… came to my party. Can… give me a haircut? –... ...

Choose the correct variant:

1. She enters, ______ by her mother.

b. being accompanying

2. ______ by the crash, he leapt to his feet.

b. Have been aroused

3. ______ about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.

b. Having been warned

4. ______ that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything.

5. Tom, ______ at what he had done, could at first say nothing.

b. having horrified

6. Jones and Smith came in, ______ by their wives.

d. have followed

7. ______ by the blow, Peter fell heavily.

8. The new job ______ to me lately seems to be very interesting.

9. She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread ______ into two halves.

10. The animals ______ in the morning struggled furiously.

11. The child ______ alone in the large room began screaming.

12. ______, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up.

c. Having been bitten twice

13. The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester ______ with Liverpool by a canal.

14. The story ______ by the old captain made the young girl cry.

15. He didn’t doubt that the information ______ by morning mail was of great interest to his competitors.

16. The equipment ______ in the shop is rather sophisticated.

a. had installing

17. We’ve got a great variety of products, which are in great demand. Here are some samples ______ to our distributors last month.

18. The methods ______ in the building of the new metro stations proved to be efficient.

19. She warmed uр the dinner that she ______ the day before.

20. ______ by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.

a. Having been weakened

Ответы к упражнению:

1. c; 2. c; 3. b; 4. b; 5. a; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. b; 11. b; 12. c; 13. b; 14. b; 15. c; 16. c; 17. a; 18. c; 19. b; 20. a;

Введение понятий Present/Past Participles

Причастия происходят от глаголов. Причастия могут быть настоящего времени (Present Participle/Participle I) или прошедшего времени (Past Participle/Participle II).

Participle I оканчиваются на -ing (drinking water, laughing girl).

Participle II оканчиваются на -ed (decorated house), если глагол правильный или если глагол неправильный, то причастием прошедшего времени является III форма глагола из таблицы неправильных глаголов (broken vase, written text).


Present (Verb + -ing)

Past (Verb + -ed/III)

drinking water laughing girl

Прочитайте отрывок из песни The winner takes it all (ABBA), обращая внимание на выделенные причастия.

I don"t wanna talk
about things we"ve gone through,
Though it"s hurting me, now it"s history.
I"ve played all my cards
and that"s what you"ve done too,
Nothing more to say, no more ace to play.

The winner takes it all,
The loser standing small
beside the victory,
that" s her destiny.

I was in your arms thinking I belonged there,
I figured it made sense, building me a fence,
Building me a home, thinking I"d be strong there,
But I was a fool, playing by the rules.
The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice,
And someone way down here loses someone dear.

The winner takes it all,
The loser has to fall
It"s simple and it"s plain
Why should I complain.

В таблице приведены причастия, использованные в песне The winner takes it all (ABBA).


Present (Verb + -ing)

Past (Verb + -ed/III)




Прочитайте предложения. Назовите причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени.

  1. He has flown to London three times.
  2. The sun was shining so I went for a walk.
  3. The man wearing a black suit is our teacher.
  4. The movie was extremely exciting.
  5. That girl looks lost.
  6. They have just arrived.

Правильные ответы:

Present Participle- shining/wearing/ exciting

Past Participle - flown/ lost/ arrived

Функции Present/Past Participles в предложении

Если вы внимательно читали предложения, то обратили внимание, что причастия активно используются для образования некоторых грамматических времен, а значит, вы с ними уже давно были знакомы.

Прочитайте таблицу.

Present participle V-ing

Continuous tenses

I am speaking English now.

Yesterday he was playing tennis from 5 to 7 p.m.

Perfect tenses

He has written a novel.

They had left before I called.

Passive Voice

The dinner was made by the chef.

The ship was broken in the storm.

У причастий есть еще одна функция в предложении. Их можно использовать как прилагательные, чтобы описать существительное.

Present participle V-ing

Past Participle V-ed/III

A cowboy put on his riding clothes yesterday.

It was a shocking secret for me.

The broken chair was used for firewood.

The tired pupils wanted to go home.

Смысловая разница между Present/Past Participles

Разница между причастием настоящего времени и прошедшего ощутимо видна и в их значениях.

Если вы используете Participle I (V-ing), вы описываете человека или вещь.

The teacher was boring I nearly felt asleep.

Если вы используете Participle II (V-ed), вы говорите о том, что чувствуете вы или другой человек.

Iwas bored at his lesson.

Прочитайте примеры:

exciting - excited

I think football is a very exciting game. Я думаю, футбол - увлекательная игра.

Everyone at the stadium is so excited . Все на стадионе были увлечены.

Interesting - interested

I think being a nurse must be a very interesting job. Я думаю, работа медсестры очень интересная.

I am interested in looking after people. Мне интересно ухаживать за людьми.

Annoying - annoyed

My neighbors are very annoying . Мои соседи очень надоедливые.

They always play loud music and I am annoyed . Они всегда очень громко музицируют, и я раздражен.

Frightening - frightened

That horror film was too frightening for me. Этот фильм ужасов был очень пугающим для меня.

I was frightened even with the music in it. Меня пугала даже музыка в нем.

That TV programme is really amusing.

He was amused to hear his little son singing in the bath.

I"ve never seen such a boring film!

The students looked bored as the teacher talked and talked.

I find these instructions very confusing! Could you come and help me?

I was confused, because I asked two people and they told me two different things.

This weather is depressing! Is it ever going to stop raining?

I was feeling depressed, so I stayed at home with hot chocolate and a good book.

That is the most embarrassing photo! I look terrible!

John was really embarrassed when he fell over in front of his new girlfriend.

It"s a really exciting book. I couldn"t wait to find out what happened at the end.

I"m so excited! I"m going on holiday tomorrow!

I hate doing housework! It"s exhausting!

Julie was so exhausted after her exams, she spent the next three days sleeping.

The brain is fascinating, isn"t it? It"s amazing how much it can do.

Joan was fascinated by her grandmother"s stories of life in the 1920s.

What a frightening film! I don"t want to walk home on my own now!

I was really frightened of bees when I was little, but I don"t mind them now.

It"s frustrating when you want to say something in another language, but you don"t know the word.

I tried all morning to send an email, but it wouldn"t work. I was so frustrated!

That was a very interesting book.

She"s interested in animals, so she"s thinking of studying to be a vet.

I find London a bit overwhelming. It"s so busy and noisy.

Julie felt overwhelmed. She"d moved house, got a new job and was learning to drive, all at the same time.

A nice hot bath is so relaxing after a long day.

She was so relaxed, sitting in front of the fire, that she didn"t want to move.

John loves his new job as a teacher. He says it"s very satisfying when he makes a student

I"m very satisfied that I managed to order the meal in French.

What a shocking crime! It"s terrible.

I was shocked when my co-worked admitted stealing some money.

It"s surprising how many people don"t want to travel to another country.

She was surprised when she arrived at her class and found the other students doing an exam. She"d thought it was a normal lesson.

What a terrifying dog! It"s huge!

My little son is terrified of the dark. We always leave a light on in his room at night.

What thrilling music! It"s some of the most beautiful music I"ve ever heard.

I was thrilled to win first prize in the competition.

My job is really tiring. I don"t get home until 10 p.m. sometimes.

David"s too tired to come to the cinema tonight. He"s going to go to bed early.


Выберите правильную форму и вставьте в предложение.

1. interesting/interested

This exercise is ________.

2. exciting/excited

On Christmas Eve, many children are so ______ that they stay up all night.

3. annoying/annoyed

My friend has a very ______ habit.

4. tiring/tired

I had such a ______ day I went straight to bed.

5. relaxing/relaxed

We were_________ after our holidays.

6. disgusting/disgusted

Their hamburgers are ________ .

7. satisfying/satisfied

I"m not __________ with my job.

8. boring/bored

George always talks about the same things, he is so __________.

9. disappointing/disappointed

I like this actor but the film was _________.


English grammar can be________.

Правильные ответы:

  1. This exercise is interesting .
  2. On Christmas Eve, many children are so excited that they stay up all night.
  3. My friend has a very annoying habit.
  4. I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.
  5. We were relaxed after our holidays.
  6. Their hamburgers are disgusting .
  7. I"m not satisfied with my job.
  8. George always talks about the same things, he is so boring .
  9. I like this actor but the film was disappointing .
  10. English grammar can be confusing .


Список литературы

  1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык 8 класс. - М.: Дрофа, 2007.
  2. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык 7 класс. - Титул, 2012.
  3. Голицынский Ю. Грамматика Сборник упражнений (издание 6). - Каро, 2007.
  4. К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. Английский язык: Счастливый английский.ру/ Happy English.ru: 7/8 класс. - Титул, 2012.
  5. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. и др. Английский язык, 8 класс. - М.: Просвещение, 2009.
  1. Engtime.ru ().
  2. Engtime.ru ().
  3. Comenglish.ru ().
  4. Englishfromhome.ru ().

Домашнее задание

Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Participle and translate the expressions into Russian.

1. _______dogs (bark)

2. _______children (play)

3.________ girls (scream)

4._________ women (dance)

5. ________ducks (swim)

6.________ babies (cry)

7. ________water (run)

Open the brackets using the verbs in Past Participle and translate the expressions into Russian.

1.________ watches (repair)

2. ________сomputers (break)

3. _________students (bore)

4. __________doctors (worry)

5. _________boys (confuse)

6. _________exercises (write)

1. Напишите следующие глаголы в форме причастий.

Причастие I Перфектное причастие I Причастие II

2. Распределите следующие предложения по группам.

  1. The garden was full of children, laughing and shouting . (Сад был полон детей, смеющихся и кричащих.)
  2. Could you pick up the broken glass? (Ты не мог бы поднять разбитый стакан?)
  3. The woman sitting by the window stood up and left. (Женщина, сидевшая у окна, встала и ушла.)
  4. I walked between the shelves loaded with books. (Я прошел между полками, нагруженными книгами.)
  5. Be careful when crossing the road. (Будь осторожен, переходя дорогу.)
  6. Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest. (Проехав 200 км, он решил отдохнуть.)
  7. If invited , we will come. (Если нас пригласят, мы придем.)
  8. I felt much better having said the truth. (Мне стало гораздо лучше, когда я сказал правду.)
  9. He looked at me smiling . (Он взглянул на меня, улыбаясь.)
  10. She had her hair cut . (Она подстригла свои волосы.)
  11. Built by the best architect in town, the building was a masterpiece. (Построенное лучшим архитектором города, здание было шедевром.)
  12. Not having seen each other for ages, they had much to talk about. (Не видя друг друга вечность, им было много о чем поговорить.)

Причастие I:

Перфектное причастие I:

Причастие II:

3. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя причастие I.

Н-р: He was jumping down the stairs. He broke his leg. – He broke his leg jumping down the stairs. (Он сломал ногу, прыгая вниз по лестнице.)

  1. Tom was watching the film. He fell asleep.
  2. The pupils opened their textbooks. They looked for the answer.
  3. Julia was training to be a designer. She lived in Milan for 3 years.
  4. They are vegetarians. They don’t eat meat.
  5. Jane was tidying up her bedroom. She found some old letters.

4. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя перфектное причастие I.

Н-р: He handed in his test. He had written all the exercises. – Having written all the exercises, he handed in his test. (Написав все упражнения, он передал свою контрольную.)

  1. She went to her car and drove off. She had closed the door of the house.
  2. I sent him an SMS. I had tried phoning him many times.
  3. We moved to Florida. We had sold our cottage.
  4. His head was aching at night. He had studied all day.
  5. He knew all the goals by heart. He had seen that match several times.


Причастие I Перфектное причастие I Причастие II

work working having worked worked

read reading having read read

leave leaving having left left

go going having gone gone

laugh laughing having laughed laughed

Причастие I: 1 – 3 – 5 - 9

Перфектное причастие I: 6 – 8 - 12

Причастие II: 2 – 4 – 7 – 10 – 11

  1. Tom fell asleep watching the film. (Том уснул во время просмотра фильма.)
  2. The pupils opened their textbooks looking for the answer. (Ученики открыли учебники в поисках ответа.)
  3. Julia lived in Milan for 3 years training to be a designer. (Джулия жила в Милане 3 года, обучаясь на дизайнера.)
  4. Being vegetarians they don’t eat meat. (Будучи вегетарианцами, они не едят мясо.)
  5. Jane found some old letters tidying up her bedroom. (Джейн обнаружила старые письма, когда убиралась в своей спальне.)
  1. Having closed the door of the house she went to her car and drove off. (Закрыв дома дверь, она пошла к машине и уехала.)
  2. Having tried phoning him many times I sent him an SMS. (Попытавшись дозвониться до него несколько раз, я отправил ему СМС.)
  3. Having sold our cottage we moved to Florida. (Продав свой коттедж, мы переехали во Флориду.)
  4. Having studied all day his head was aching at night. (Прозанимавшись весь день, его голова болела ночью.)
  5. Having seen that match several times he knew all the goals by heart. (Посмотрев этот матч несколько раз, он знал все голы наизусть.)

Итак, как вы помните, английское причастие (Participle ) – это неличная глагольная форма (verbal), соединяющая свойства прилагательного и наречия. В этом уроке мы продолжим изучение причастия и рассмотрим более сложные случаи его употребления.

Итак, вы уже знаете, что обладая свойствами прилагательного , причастие служит определением к существительному , и в этой функции соответствует русскому причастию.

  • a flying bird (Participle I) — летящая птица
  • a broken cup (Participle II) — разбитая чашка

Но, возможно, вы еще не знаете, что обладая свойствами наречия , причастие служит обстоятельством, определяющим действие, и в этой функции соответствует русскому деепричастию.

В предыдущих уроках мы подробно рассмотрели формы английского причастия (Participle I, II) и его основные свойства:

В этом уроке мы подробно рассмотрим свойства английского причастия, как обстоятельства определяющего действие. В этом случае оно отвечает на вопрос как? и соответствует русскому деепричастию.

ПРИМЕР He sat at the table thinking. (как?) — Он сидел за столом и думал. (досл. думая )

Обстоятельства определяющие действие могут быть разные:

Present Participle в функции обстоятельства времени (когда?)

  1. В функции обстоятельства времени Present Participle обычно выражает действие,одновременное действию глагола-сказуемого.

ПРИМЕР. Translating the text, he wrote out unknown words. — Переводя текст, он выписывал незнакомые слова.

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Living in the country, they enjoyed beautiful nature.
  2. The boys kept silence, thinking about the teacher’s question.
  3. Looking for his dog, Tom was running around the town.
  4. Running in the yard, the girl fell and hurt her knee.
  5. He stood watching people coming along the street.
  6. Going home I kept thinking about my friend.
  7. Waiting in the hall he thought over the problem.

Однако с некоторыми глаголами, например, arrive, see, hear, come, enter и нек. др. Present Participle, может выражать действие, предшествующее действию глагола-сказуемого, но непрерывно следующее за ним.

ПРИМЕР Arriving at the station, I called a porter. — Приехав на вокзал, я позвал носильщика.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Seeing clouds of smoke over the building, the girl cried, «Fire! Fire!»
  2. Hearing the steps on the stairs, he turned round.
  3. Entering the house, I heard some strange noise.

В этом случае наряду с Present Participle on .

Perfect Participle в функции обстоятельства времени (когда?)

Perfect Participle I переводится на русский язык деепричастным оборотом в прошедшим времени (что сделав?)

ПРИМЕР Having read the book , I gave it to my friend. – Прочитав книгу , я отдал ее своему другу.

В этом случае наряду с Perfect Participle , часто употребляется герундий с предлогом after .

Обратите внимание, что

Perfect Participle I используется, когда хотят именно подчеркнуть предшествование.

Сравните употребление Present Participle и Perfect >Particile:

Coming home – придя = When he сame home, … не подчеркиваем предшествование.

Having come – придя = After he had come home, … подчеркиваем предшествование.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения с действительным причастием Perfect Participle I

  1. Having read the letter, he began to think about her.


В этом уроке мы рассмотрели, как работают формы Participle I в активном залоге. Сделаем вывод:

Present Participle I переводится на русский язык:

  1. действительным причастием или причастным оборотом в настоящем времени
  2. настоящем времени (что делая?)

Perfect Participle I переводится на русский язык:

  1. деепричастием или деепричастным оборотом в прошедшем времени (что сделав?)

The boy reading a book is my brother. – Мальчик, читающий книгу , мой брат. (1)

Reading the book , I remembered all facts. – Читая эту книгу , я вспомнил все факты. (2)

Having read the book , I remembered all facts. – Прочитав эту книгу , я вспомнил все факты. (3)

Participle. Упражнения (для продолжающих, часть 3)

Упражнение 4. (повторение) Переведите предложения с причастием. Назовите причастие Present Participle I, Perfect Participle I, Past Participle.

Participle I — действительное причастие (active)

Participle II (=Past Participle) — страдательное причастие (passive)

  1. The girl riding the horse is my sister.
  2. She hurt herself (while) riding a bicycle.
  3. Going to the club, I met some of my friends.
  4. Leaving the house, I noticed someone in the garden.
  5. Arriving at the station, we hurried to the information bureau.
  6. The pictures exhibited there are very expensive.
  7. Not knowing what to do, I turned to Jack for advice.
  8. I often think of my friends living in Paris.
  9. I went to bed, not being able to work.
  10. The story written by him is rather thrilling.

Упражнение 5 . Перефразируйте предложения одним из двух способов.

Holding up a picture, the teacher asked us if we recognized the man. = The teacher held up a picture and asked us if we recognized the man.

Держа картину в руке, учителя спросил нас, узнаем ли мы этого человека. = Учитель держал картину в руке и спросил нас, узнаем ли мы этого человека.

Opening the door, Mike found the room full of people. = When Mike opened the door, he found the room full of people.

Открыв дверь, Майк увидел, что в комнате полно людей. = Когда Майк открыл дверь, он увидел, что в комнате полно людей.

  1. Walking in the forest, the children suddenly saw a wolf.
  2. People stood on the bridge, watching the boats on the river.
  3. The pupils remained silent for a minute or two, thinking about the teacher’s question.
  4. Looking for his ticket in all his pockets, Tom discovered that he had lost it.
  5. The crowd moved slowly forward, forcing the soldiers back.
  6. Taking the dictionary, he looked up the unknown word.
  7. Seeing clouds of smoke over the building, the girl cried, «Fire! Fire!»
  8. Crossing the wide field, the frightened animal escaped into the forest.

Упражнение 6. Перефразируйте предложения с действительным причастием Perfect Participle I, подчеркивая предшествие.

ПРИМЕР. Having come home, he remembered her warning. = After he had come home, he remembered her warning.

  1. Having gone there twice, I didn’t want to go there again.
  2. Having left the house, I suddenly remembered that I had left behind the umbrella.
  3. Having shown us his new picture, he left.
  4. He knew the city very well, having lived in Paris for a long time.
  5. Having written the book, he could relax.

Упражнение 7 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Participle или Perfect Participle.

  1. (to translate the text), he was thinking hard.
  2. (to translate the text), he went for a walk.
  3. (to ride a bike), she fell off and hurt her knee.
  4. (to ride a bike), she felt excited and energetic.
  5. (to talk to her neighbour in the street), she didn’t notice her friend coming to her.
  6. (to talk to her neighbour in the street), she went home.
  7. (to read a story), she got interested.
  8. (to read a story), she closed the book and put it on the shelf.
  9. (to chop vegetables), she cut her finger.
  10. (to chop vegetables), she put them in the bowl.

Запомните, что если два действия непрерывно следуют одно за другим, и нет необходимости подчеркивать предшествование (то есть можно поставить союз «и» как в русском, так и в английском предложении), то деепричастие прошедшего времени: переводится на русский язык Present Participle. Обычно с глаголами arrive , see , hear , come , enter, open и нек. др.

ПРИМЕР Открыв окно, он увидел летящую птицу. — Opening the window , he saw a flying bird.

Упражнение 8 . Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Present Participle в функции обстоятельства причины (почему?)

Не углубляя в детали, просто запомните наиболее распространенные случаи употребления Present Participle I в функции обстоятельства причины:

  • being tired — будучи уставшим
  • being busy — будучи занятым
  • being angry — будучи рассерженным

ПРИМЕР 1 Being tired , I went home. — Будучи усталым, я пошел домой. (почему?)

ПРИМЕР 2 My little sister being tired , we went home. — Так как моя сестренка устала, мы пошли домой. (почему?) — НЕЗАВИСИМЫЙ ПРИЧАСТНЫЙ ОБОРОТ

Переведите на русский язык.

  1. Being very ill, she couldn’t speak.
  2. Being busy, he put off the trip.
  3. Mrs Maple being angry, they sat in silence.
  4. The weather being cold, he put on his overcoat.
  5. Our horses being weary, we decided to stop at the inn.
  6. There being little time left, they took a taxi.
  7. The hour being late, she hurried home.
  8. Dinner being over, they stood up and went into the garden.

На этом пока заканчиваем. Нам осталось рассмотреть формы причастия (Participle I) в пассивном залоге (см. таблицу) . Об этом в следующих уроках.