Eysenck intelligence test. Description of the method and Eysenck's IQ test - determining the level of intelligence online

So that you don’t become like the hero of the joke who finished taking the test by asking the question: “What is the Eysenck test?”, we want to tell the story of its origin. And so, as soon as the world-famous psychologist Stern introduced the concept of intelligence coefficient in 1912, the problem of its correct calculation immediately arose. It turned out to be a curious situation when there is an answer, but no solution has been invented for it. And only in 1916 Mr. Eysenck proposed a convenient option for assessing intelligence by solving problems assigned to a person. Naturally, scientists could not come to terms with the world fame that had passed them by and proposed their own versions of tests, but it remained the classic Eysenck IQ test.

In our version, which is optimal for calculating the coefficient, you will need to take the Eysenck IQ test for free and answer 40 questions, and the online test is designed for 30 minutes.

Naturally, on our resource you can take the test several times for free, checking the state of your intelligence at a certain time of day. This way, you can determine when your brain is most prepared to solve various problems. And subsequently, based on the data obtained, you will be able to plan your activities at the peak of your performance. After you pass the Eysenck questionnaire test, you can even create a table in which you will enter the obtained values. This will allow you to clearly assess changes in the level of intellectual preparation over a certain time period.


From the table and graph we see that the evening hours can be considered the most productive for you.

Why do you need the Eysenck IQ test?

In more strict terms, this Eysenck test and the questions it contains assess your ability to complete the integrity of the “picture.” Those. you, based on your own experience and knowledge, formulate an answer to the question. Thus, the subjects demonstrate their ability to quickly adapt to the proposed conditions, and the correctness of their answer is assessed in a numerical value.

Very often there is a substitution of the concepts of mind and intelligence. And if intelligence is expressed through the ability to cognition, as well as the correct assessment of the situation, then the mind includes the process of cognition. Therefore, the Eysenck IQ test online to determine intelligence quotient includes questions where a problem should be solved. The test contains questions on solving logical, semantic and figurative problems and, based on the answers, generates an IQ score. Eysenck's online test (free) is a test of the ability to make logical conclusions; practically, it is a test for the development of the mind. Therefore, you are not only assessing your intelligence, but also assessing the potential of your mind.

Naturally, one should not accept the test results as beyond doubt. Perhaps the result of low readings was your absent-mindedness or stress. The Eysenck intelligence test does not take into account psychology, so make allowances for the wind, calm down and thoughtfully take the test - the Eysenck questionnaire again. According to proponents of the test, its result will only be meaningful if it is taken multiple times. This way it is possible to determine the maximum possible level of intelligence for an individual, as well as exclude the influence of extraneous factors.

Hans Eysenck test - test yourself in a few minutes.

And so, just thirty minutes, and you will receive an assessment of your intelligence level according to the version proposed by our resource. G. Eysenck's test is a chance to learn better about your intelligence and an opportunity to understand in which direction you should direct your activities. Take the IQ test online for free, Eysenck created it just for you, preparing the most tricky questions to answer. It is quite possible that the test result will be a complete surprise to you, and this is a powerful incentive for the further development of your personality.

To complete the test you are given 30 minutes during which you must answer the questions posed. After the specified time has elapsed or if you do not answer all 40 questions, you will be automatically shown the test result in the form of a number - an IQ indicator. Minimum IQ level = 70, maximum 180. Average IQ level ranges from 100 to 120 points. At the end of testing, you can view the correct answers to all questions and compare them with yours.

Answers to tasks consist of one number, letter or word. The dots in the task indicate the number of letters in the missing word. For example (....) means that the missing word has four letters. Answer is written(!) in the text line under the task or answer options in numbers or in capital (small) letters of the Cyrillic alphabet (Russian alphabet) without using spaces(neither at the beginning, nor for division, nor at the end!). Don't stay too long on one task. Remember that towards the end of the series the tasks generally become more difficult.

Hans J. Eysenck - Doctor of Psychology, one of the most respected psychologists in the world. He has conducted research in the field of intelligence for more than 50 years. He created the psychology department at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, where he worked all his life. Author of more than 70 books, 1000 scientific articles and the most famous intelligence quotient (IQ) test.

The test presented consists of a series of different problems, or problems, starting from the easiest to the most difficult, although it should not be assumed that the level of difficulty increases in between according to a precisely calculated curve.

The test taker must receive absolutely no outside assistance; it is much better if no one watches the test at all.

You need to start taking the test from the very beginning, and not look at the questions before starting to work. Otherwise, the test taker gets an advantage over those people based on whose results the test was standardized.

About the script “Eysenck IQ test”

To fully work with the online version of the IQ test, JavaScript support must be enabled in your browser. You have JavaScript disabled and need to enable it!

At the end of testing, a “permanent link” is generated, saving which, you will be able to access the test results in the future.

Please note that the test results are not saved on the server, therefore, if the link is lost, the results will not be restored. We recommend that you save a link to the test result after testing.

Intelligence quotient or, as they say in the world, IQ is a certain quantitative characteristic that establishes the level of a person’s intelligence in relation to the average figure. In a narrower sense, IQ is the ratio of mental age to real (chronological) age. Determining its level is possible through the use of specialized tests and techniques (we suggest taking the Eysenck IQ test online). At the same time, it is measured and studied as a certain facet of general intelligence.

Historical background

The term “intelligence quotient” was coined by the German scientist Wilhelm Stern in 1912. Having drawn attention to the noticeable shortcomings of mental age (the Binet scale was taken as a basis), he proposed measuring intelligence by dividing mental age by chronological age. And only later (in 1916) IQ was actually used in the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale. Today, everyone is invited to take the Eysenck IQ test online or take part in another way of measuring intellectual level. However, if the first is a generalized work covering many areas of human life, then the rest are nothing more than a pathetic parody. Attempts to compare the results of different tests usually lead nowhere, so experts advise relying on proven IQ techniques - in particular, the Hans Eysenck test. According to its indicators, the minimum intellectual level is 70, the average ranges from 100 to 120 points, the maximum IQ is from 170 and above.


Repeated scientific research and its analysis allowed foreign scientists to come to the following conclusions: The development of IQ tests was carried out in such a way that their results could be described by a normal distribution with an average IQ = 100. As a result, it turned out that 50% of respondents had an IQ = 90 - 110 , 25% of those tested 110. An IQ value of 70 was equivalent to a diagnosis of mental retardation. Having invited American high school students to take the Eysenck IQ test online, experts found that their IQ advantage was 115. At the same time, it was even higher for excellent students - it ranged from 135 to 140. It is noteworthy that young people under 19 years of age and, conversely, over beyond the age of 60 show lower results.

Group differences - gender

Most scientists adhere to the point of view according to which the level of intellectual development of men and women is approximately the same. At the same time, they admit such a feature of men as a spread in IQ - among them there are both geniuses of society, amazing with their intellectual abilities, and mentally retarded individuals. Despite the same range of male and female IQ, there is also a difference in the development of certain areas of it. Moreover, it is absent until the age of 5, and after reaching this age, boys show themselves better in the field of spatial intelligence and manipulation, and girls - in the field of verbal abilities.

Group differences - race and nationality

As for the IQ level of representatives of different races, the difference becomes even more noticeable. According to The Bell Curve (1994), the average African American has an intellectual level of 85, Hispanics - 89, people of European descent - 103, Asians - 106, Jews - 113. This gap is often interpreted by pacifists as “scientific racism”, however, according to them It is believed that over time it becomes less and less noticeable. Moreover, the average IQ tends to “grow” over time. Thus, as a result of the Flynn effect, the average IQ of Negroids in 1995 corresponds to the average IQ of Caucasians in 1945. Moreover, genetic factors play absolutely no role here. But social factors, as studies of orphans show, on the contrary, have an impact on IQ level. Thus, American children of African descent raised in a family of white adoptive parents have an ~10% higher intellectual level compared to children raised by blacks. In 3 of 4 tests, no racial differences in intelligence were observed in children 2–5 years old. In one test, white children scored lower on IQ.

Take Eysenck's IQ test online

You have 30 minutes to complete the test. Experts advise not to linger on one task and, if difficulties arise, to quickly move on to another. At the same time, according to them, all tasks can be solved. It is enough to show a little more perseverance and the correct answer will be found. Therefore, it is necessary to use only common sense. Please note that the difficulty of the tasks increases as you approach the completion of the text. Anyone can give the correct answers to some questions, but almost no one is able to solve all the test problems in the allotted time.