Sukharev Ivan Konstantinovich State Duma deputy of the 7th convocation. Candidate for deputy from the LDPR Sukharev Ivan Konstantinovich

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin: “If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: they drink and steal.” “I wanted something: either a constitution, or stellate sturgeon with horseradish, or to rip someone off.” “In all countries, railways are used for transportation, and in our country, moreover, they are used for theft.” “When and what bureaucrat was not convinced that Russia is a pie that you can freely approach and snack on?” “The Russian government must keep its people in a constant state of amazement.” “It’s nothing that in Europe they give one fifty dollars for our ruble; it will be worse if they start punching us in the face for our ruble.” “If in Holy Rus' a person begins to be surprised, then he will be dumbfounded in surprise and so stand like a pillar until death.” “The severity of Russian laws is mitigated by the optionality of their implementation.” “Well, it’s not like that with us, brother. Not only would they eat our apples, but they would also break off all our branches! The other day Uncle Sofron walked past a mug of kerosene - and he drank it all!” “We have no middle ground: either the snout or the hand!” “No, apparently, there are corners in God’s world where all times are transitional.” “Mon cher,” Krutitsyn used to say, “divide everything equally today, and tomorrow inequality will still come into its own.” "Alas! Not even a quarter of an hour had passed, and it already seemed to me that now was the perfect time to drink vodka.” “Nowadays, Mama, even without a husband is the same as living with a husband. Nowadays they laugh at the prescriptions of religion. We reached the bush, got married under the bush - and it was done. They call it a civil marriage.” “In order to steal successfully, you only need to have agility and greed. Greed is especially necessary because petty theft can lead to prosecution.” “Words that were completely unimportant were printed in large letters, and everything important was depicted in the smallest font.” “Every ugliness has its decency.” “The purpose of issuing laws is twofold: some are issued for the greater nations and countries of the dispensation, others - so that legislators do not become stagnant in idleness.” “The young lady is asked whether to wash her neck for a large or small neckline.” “Introduce education with moderation, avoiding bloodshed whenever possible.” “Idiots are generally very dangerous, and not even because they are necessarily evil, but because they are alien to all considerations and always go ahead, as if the road on which they find themselves belongs to them alone.” “A loan,” he explained to Kolya Persianov, “is when you don’t have money... you know? There is no money, and suddenly - click! - they are! - However, mon cher, what if they demand payment? - Kolya lisped. - Oddball! You don't even understand such a simple thing! You have to pay - well, and again a loan! Another payment - another loan! Nowadays all states live like this!” “Stupid, in the rough sense of the word, could not be called Strunnikov, but he was only smart enough that, as they say, he did not eat tallow candles and did not wipe himself with glass.” “A lie is hidden in talkativeness, and lies, as we know, are the mother of all vices.” “One receives another and thinks: “With what pleasure I would throw you, a hen’s son, out the window, if only ...” - and the other sits and also thinks: “With what pleasure I would spit on you, vile fawn, in person, if only..." Imagine that this "if only" did not exist - what an exchange of thoughts would suddenly occur between the interlocutors! “Those who think that only those minnows can be considered worthy citizens who, mad with fear, sit in holes and tremble, believe incorrectly. No, these are not citizens, but at least useless minnows.” “The words “not noticed in anything” already contain a whole reputation, which in no way will allow a person to plunge without a trace into the abyss of absolute obscurity.” “Many people tend to confuse two concepts: “Fatherland” and “Your Excellency.” “It’s scary when a person speaks and you don’t know why he’s talking, what he’s saying and whether he’ll ever finish.” “Talent in itself is colorless and acquires color only in application.”

"Connections / Partners"


Deputies proposed obliging road repairmen to create a guarantee fund

A group of deputies submitted a bill to the State Duma, according to which the contractor of road work carried out under government orders will be obliged to create a guarantee fund to ensure its obligations during the guarantee period. The document is at the disposal of the Parliamentary Gazette.

Press conference at Interfax dedicated to the study of the openness of Russian deputies and senators based on the results of the spring session

On Tuesday, September 19, at 11:00 at the central office of the Interfax agency (1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya St., 2) a press conference will be held on the topic: “Rating of openness of parliamentarians of the Russian Federation. Results of the spring session."

Participants: First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations Ivan Sukharev; member of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs Anatoly Shirokov; political strategist Sergei Markelov; President of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism in Russia “AVANTI” Rakhman Yansukov; editor-in-chief of the portal “All Elections” Grigory Gorchakov.

The Samara Gubernia Duma is thinking about benefits for “Cubans”

The LDPR faction in the Samara provincial Duma proposes to introduce benefits for local participants in Operation Anadyr, which the USSR carried out in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. At the federal level, the Russian authorities still do not recognize the “Cubans” as participants in hostilities, although since 2016 the State Duma of the Russian Federation has been considering the corresponding amendments to the law “On Veterans,” also introduced by the Liberal Democrats. Why participants in the famous episode of the Cold War are refused to be considered veterans - in the FederalPress material.

The deputy called for the closure of MDK for a joke about the death of the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki”

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public Associations and Religious Organizations Ivan Sukharev asked the Prosecutor General’s Office and Roskomnadzor to check the activities of the MDK public on VKontakte for compliance with Russian legislation. He told RBC about this.

Acting coordinator of the LDPR BRO Ivan Sukharev met with the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov

When addressing the President, Ivan Sukharev raised the burning problem of defrauded shareholders and demanded punishment for those responsible for the current situation.

— In general, there are many proposals to improve the political climate. Unfortunately, the format of the discussion did not allow us to talk about everything. Just before the meeting, the shareholders called me and asked me to remind the President of the Republic about a painful issue. Therefore, out of dozens of questions and proposals to the head of the region, it was the problem of Ufa shareholders that came to the fore,” said Ivan Sukharev.
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Ivan Sukharev: we hope for cooperation between the Prime Minister and the republican branch of the LDPR in the interests of residents of the region

The appointment of Azamat Ilimbetov as Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus caused a wide public outcry in the republic. The acting coordinator of the Bashkortostan regional branch of the LDPR, Ivan Sukharev, took part in today’s meeting of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Belarus, at which deputies gave their consent to the President of the Republic to appoint Azamat Ilimbetov as Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Belarus.
link: 364781/

The Central Election Commission has published declarations of candidates for deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party. The largest income for 2010 was 260 million rubles. - declared businessman from Chelyabinsk Sergei Vainstein. The sources listed are dividends from the Eurasian Construction Company, Nortoholme Investments Ltd (registered in the Virgin Islands), as well as “industrial investments, business activities, etc.” In second place is Ufa lawyer and (since July) coordinator of the regional branch of the LDPR Ivan Sukharev (60.5 million rubles). In third place is entrepreneur and deputy of the Naberezhnye Chelny City Council from the LDPR Kharis Sharifullin (58.9 million rubles).

They will be elected in a new way. Half of the deputy corps of the Ufa City Council will be formed for the first time

Ivan Sukharev, coordinator of the BRO ROO LDPR: “Out of 36 - 36 candidates. Our tactics are to attract young, energetic, literate and educated people. That is, the requirements for the candidate are about 30 years of age, higher education and no connections to crime, and, accordingly, no criminal record. This is the tactic."
link: option=com

Ivan Sukharev met with LDPR activists

Acting coordinator of the Bashkortostan regional branch of the LDPR Sukharev I.K. met with activists of the local LDPR branch of the Kirov district of Ufa. The meeting took place in a non-formal atmosphere. Party activists were able to communicate through dialogue with the new head of the regional branch of the LDPR: ask questions, find out the work plan of the regional branch for the near future. At the end of the event, the meeting participants received gifts from the LDPR with literature and party paraphernalia.
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United Russia members condemned the words of Ivan Sukharev

This attitude towards the ruling party was quite expected and did not cause much surprise among the seminar participants. But what really struck and outraged everyone present was the statement by the acting coordinator of the Bashkir regional branch of the LDPR party, Ivan Sukharev, that their party fully supports and approves the statement of their leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky about the expulsion of the Bashkirs and Tatars who have been living in Bashkortostan for centuries to Mongolia and Crimea . At the same time, Sukharev added that everyone should love and cherish the opposition, namely the LDPR, and that it was their party that should be represented in the State Assembly-Kurultai of the republic.

The richest candidate from the LDPR in the Republic of Tatarstan was an entrepreneur from Naberezhnye Chelny, who earned 59 million rubles

The Bashkortostan list of the LDPR is headed by the head of the Financial and Economic Bar Association, Ivan Sukharev, who declared an income of 60.55 million rubles. In Udmurtia, the party is being led to elections by a regional deputy, general director of the management company “Stolitsa” Andrei Markin, who, although he earned only 603 thousand rubles in 2010, owns 18 plots, 12 houses and 4 apartments in Udmurtia, a share in a Moscow apartment, three foreign cars, 100% shares in a number of companies.

Opposition parties in Ufa were denied outdoor advertising

In particular, the party indicated in the complaint, in a number of regions, including Bashkiria, local administrations have introduced a ban on the placement of outdoor advertising. The coordinator of the LDPR in the republic, Ivan Sukharev, explained to Kommersant yesterday that “advertising agencies in Ufa refused to place advertisements for the party under the pretext of lack of space.” “According to our information, agencies were given an unspoken ban on placing outdoor advertising of all parties except United Russia,” notes Mr. Sukharev. “We complained about this to the head of the presidential administration of the republic, Vladimir Balabanov. He promised to look into it."

On the way to a bright future

The goal of the Liberal Democratic Party is aimed at restoring Russia's status as a Great Power. According to the coordinator of the regional branch of the LDPR, Ivan Sukharev, the program involves advocating for thoughtful reforms, improving the tax system, stimulating wages, and improving pension legislation.

LDPR representative demanded love for the opposition

The representative of the LDPR demanded love for the opposition. And the acting coordinator of the Bashkir regional branch of the LDPR party, Ivan Sukharev, demanded that the party in power love the political opposition.

The political opposition must be cherished and loved,” he said at a seminar for the heads of cities and regions of Bashkortostan in Ufa. - This is an integral part of our party system. And the opposition must be represented in the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Belarus.
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Regardless of political affiliation

Ivan Sukharev, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia:
— The convening of deputies in 2007 can be called ineffective. Unfortunately, even now in the list of Duma deputies from Bashkiria there are people not from our region - only representatives of the United Russia party and the LDPR were elected from the republic to the new State Duma. We will try to ensure that Bashkiria receives worthy investments, and its citizens receive protection of their interests.
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Yabloko was launched into a monopoly

The leadership of the Kurultai responded to the opposition's legislative initiatives without much enthusiasm. Konstantin Tolkachev only expressed hope that the opposition would become an “ally” of the Kurultai. He suggested that the coordination council could meet “as needed.” But this proposal did not suit LDPR coordinator Ivan Sukharev. He said that meetings should be held “at least once a quarter.” As a result, those gathered agreed that they would meet at least once a quarter, and if necessary, then as needed.

Ivan Sukharev was born on June 10, 1978 in the city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan. In 1995, he graduated from secondary school No. 62 and entered the Bashkir State University with a degree in law. During his student years he joined the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Later he studied at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of Russia with a degree in state and municipal management.

After graduating from university, he worked as a lawyer at the construction company Trest-21 until 2001. In 2001, he became a lawyer at the Bashkir Republican Bar Association, and five years later he took the post of Chairman of the above-mentioned board.

In 2001, Sukharev received the position of head of the public reception office of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky in Ufa. Two years later he was appointed coordinator of the party’s district branch. In 2011, Ivan Konstantinovich headed the regional branch of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Further, in December 2011, Sukharev was elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Political Party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”. In July 2012, the experienced politician participated as an observer in the presidential elections in the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

In 2013, Ivan Konstantinovich was nominated as a candidate for deputy in the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the same year, Sukharev initiated the creation and co-founder of the Regional Public Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage “Historical Reconciliation”.

The following year, 2014, Sukharev was a candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Bashkortostan from the LDPR party in the elections of the President of Bashkortostan. As a result, the candidate took third place. At the same time, during this period he held the post of Chairman of the Bashkir Financial and Economic Bar Association.

In the elections of September 18, 2016, Ivan Konstantinovich Sukharev was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the political party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”. Member of the faction of the LDPR political party - the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on the Development of Civil Society, Issues of Public and Religious Associations. Start date of powers: October 5, 2016.

On the day of the Unified Voting September 8, 2019 Radiy Faritovich Khabirov won, becoming the Governor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, gaining 82.02% of the votes after processing 100% of the protocols. The candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Yunir Kutluguzhin received 6.89% of the votes, Ivan Sukharev from the LDPR 4.53%, Zulfiya Gaisina “Yabloko” 1.53%. Yuri Ignatiev from “A Just Russia” 1.23%, Rafis Kadyrov “Patriots of Russia” 1.1%, Vladimir Barabash “Civil Force” - 0.97%, Vladimir Kobzev Party of Pensioners 0.81%.

Awards of Ivan Sukharev

Certificate and honorary medal of the President of the Russian Federation for significant contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi.

Gratitude from the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation “For personal contribution to the development of legislation of the Russian Federation and parliamentarism in the Russian Federation in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.”

Certificate of honor from the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs “For significant contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation.”

Ivan Konstantinovich Sukharev(born June 10, 1978, Ufa) - Russian lawyer, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation. Member of the State Duma Committee on Civil, Criminal, Arbitration and Procedural Legislation.


Ivan Sukharev was born in 1978 in the city of Ufa.

Father, Konstantin Konstantinovich Sukharev, is currently the chairman of the Bashkir District Bar Association

Mother, Tatyana Ivanovna Sukhareva, worked as an engineer at the Vostoktruboprovodstroy trust before retirement.

1995 - Graduated from secondary school No. 62 in Ufa

In 1998 he joined the LDPR.

In 2000 he graduated from the Bashkir State University with a degree in law.

From 1999 to 2001, Sukharev worked as a lawyer at the construction company Trest-21. In 2001 he became a lawyer at the Bashkir Republican Bar Association, and in 2006 - chairman of the board.

In 2001, Sukharev received the position of head of the public reception of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Ufa, after 2 years he became the coordinator of the regional branch of the party, and in 2011 he headed the regional branch of the LDPR in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Since 2010, Sukharev has been studying at the Russian Academy of Civil Service with a degree in state and municipal administration.

In December 2011, Sukharev was elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Political Party “Liberal Democratic Party of Russia”. Before that, he held the position of head of the Bashkir branch of the LDPR, where, according to him, he ended up “by accident.” The name Sukharev was included in the Bashkir list by the federal center of the party.

In July 2012, Sukharev participated as an observer in the presidential elections of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In this regard, he is prohibited from entering the territory of Azerbaijan.

In 2013, he was a candidate for deputy in the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan, where he was among the wealthiest candidates for deputy.

In 2013, Sukharev was the initiator of the creation and co-founder of the Regional Public Fund for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage “Historical Reconciliation”

In 2014, he was a candidate for the post of President of the Republic of Bashkortostan from the LDPR party in the elections of the President of Bashkortostan. The main thesis of the election campaign was the development of industrial engineering in the region: “If I win the elections, then first of all I would like to pay attention to the social sphere: healthcare, education, pensions, salaries, tariffs, etc. In the economy - to ensuring the development of industrial engineering - as the main direction of economic development with the deployment of high-tech production on the basis of existing industrial enterprises, with the introduction of the best practices of developed countries. It is industry that can become the locomotive that will bring the republic’s economy to a leading position and carry other industries with it. This is discussed in more detail in my election program. Among my priority steps, I would note the fight against corruption, as well as the fight against the so-called raiders on the territory of Bashkiria, since they significantly undermine the economy of the region, negatively affect the investment climate both in Bashkiria and in the country as a whole and threaten national security .,” said Sukharev. As a result, Sukharev took 3rd place.

Sukharev is the chairman of the Bashkir Financial and Economic Bar Association.

Political activity

Ivan Sukharev advocates the establishment in Russia of a system with three or four leading parties, which, in particular, will help “get Russia out of the democratic hangover.”

According to Sukharev, raising the topic of learning the Russian language by Russian-speaking children in Bashkortostan schools “is regarded as inciting ethnic hatred.”

Sukharev is considered one of the initiators of the notorious “Dima Yakovlev law.” He is also the author of a number of other bills that have received wide coverage in the media: on the dangers of tattooing by women, on the transition to winter time, excluding the article on “extremism” from the Criminal Code, on reducing the tax rate on honey, etc.