Sergei Izvolsky colonists read. Sergey Izvolsky - Wild World

"Wild world. Colonists" is a science fiction novel by Russian writer Sergei Izvolsky.

The train from Moscow to Surgut brought together different people. One of the passengers was going to visit his friend, the other went to see his girlfriend. Another group of guys were going to relax and have fun. Everyone had their own plans and goals that were not destined to come true. After all, they arrived in a completely different place - in a huge deep ravine.

At the same time, far in the forest, in a military unit located away from people, a leak of a dangerous virus occurred. All people and passengers became prisoners of one town. They are cut off from the outside world, there is no way to contact anyone. Now they have to deal with dangers, and these are not only those who decided to take advantage of the situation. Strangers will have to unite in the fight for survival. The city is full of zombies and mutants that civilians and military personnel will have to face. And then, willy-nilly, you will kill, fighting for your own life.

The book contains several storylines, the narrative moves from one character to another, but at the end of the book everything is woven together and a complete picture emerges. The book will appeal to anyone who loves combat science fiction, fighting, shooting, although there is some lyricism in the work.

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Wild world. Colonists Sergei Izvolsky

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Title: Wild World. Colonists

About the book “Wild World. Colonists" Sergei Izvolsky

The guys just got on the train.

One was going to Surgut, to visit friends. The other is to his girlfriend.

Still others - shoot and run around, at an airsoft party.

Someone else decided to go for a ride “for company.”

We met and sat for a while.

And then something terrible happened. Everything that came before is over.

And the train arrived... into a ravine as deep as a nine-story building.

Winter, frost, snow. Those who survived scream. He who does not scream is dead.

All around are unknown animals, an unknown world, mutants...

And people who can no longer be called people.

But I want to live.

We'll have to shoot...

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Wild World. Colonists" by Sergei Izvolsky in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Sergei Izvolsky

Wild world. Hyenas

The old world died unexpectedly in everyday life. Or rather, no, not like that. The old world died in an indecently everyday way. And boring. And it’s insultingly ordinary. Most people didn’t even notice anything on the first day. What was there to notice? Let it snow heavily, albeit at the end of April - but that doesn’t happen here - maybe it was brought by the north wind. Against the backdrop of the vagaries of the weather, the power outage did not look strange - tea is not in a metropolis, and people here, if not accustomed to such gifts, but the blackout panic was definitely not about them.

The biggest inconvenience was the lack of mobile communication. But for the most part, the people were not particularly worried - on the first day of the new world, there was still the same sky around, the same native birch trees and the same water of the slowly flowing Velikaya River. Emergency and public service vehicles drove along the roads, saleswoman Baba Zoya habitually grumbled, counting out change from large bills in the dim light of a candle on the counter, and the usual sounds of the grinding of shovels of wipers clearing snow echoed through the quiet streets.

The old world ended, but the system still worked. While I was working.

The usual course of things was disrupted gradually, imperceptibly. The understanding that a new reality had arrived did not come immediately and not to everyone. And, unfortunately, many of those who were the first to realize this very quickly threw off the incredibly thin husk of civilization that turned out to be, literally feeling with their skin what was now possible. But this did not happen right away, and on the very first day of the new world, the majority were engaged in familiar and everyday activities. Although there were those whom another reality immediately slammed their face into the harsh reality, also moving their muzzle around it in order to assimilate the emerging realities. Like us, for example. I have every reason to believe that the first civilian casualties were on our train, which arrived at the border so unsuccessfully. And we first of all experienced for ourselves what it means when the old world ends. Not only in the allegorical, but also in the literal sense - no one survived in the cars that collapsed to the bottom of the abyss of the ditch enclosing the new lands.

But we were not the only ones who came face to face with the inexplicable immediately and irrevocably. There were others - military men from Yagodnoye and military unit 10003/018, relatives of those killed in the Velikopolye Palace of Culture, residents of villages who, unfortunately, found themselves close to the border. There were those who realized almost immediately the inevitability of change, albeit subconsciously for now, and there were quite a few of us like that. But in the absence of communication, information spread very slowly. Even catastrophically slow, so most people remained dangerously ignorant in the early days.

The very first sign of the new world is previously unseen animals. It’s good that there were only a few of them, but those who met them and survived certainly immediately realized that not everything was all right around them. The second obvious sign is that they are soulless. Many met them, and it’s good that in the first days the soulless did not pose much of a threat. Well, on the fifth day, when the gloomy clouds cleared and everyone saw two moons in the sky, even those furthest from what was happening realized that we were not at home.

There was no time to answer the first on the list of the eternal question: “who is to blame?”; The question came to the fore: “what to do?” Fortunately for me, there were people nearby like Tolstoy, Lekha Nikolaevich, Artem, Zheka, met by an incredible coincidence of circumstances, Stas and Dim-Dim, yes... yes, the same Shcherbakov in the end! All of them saved me from tossing around freedom of choice. Sometimes they even saved me so much that I had to act first, and only then reason - the whirlpool of events picked up and carried my insignificant figure in the scale of the general catastrophe, sometimes carrying me to the very top. Like foam on a wave.

Yes, the world around has changed, but instead of looking beyond the borders of the new land, those around them began to divide power. In principle, it is not surprising - the world around has changed, but the people, the people, have remained the same.

... from the notes of Alexander Startsev

The sun peeked through a gap in the clouds and its rays, which saturated the white veil of snow covering the ground with light, instantly blinded the driver. The washer motor whirred, but it didn’t get any better, even worse - the dry brushes only smeared water on the glass. Through the veil of liquid drips the road was now completely invisible, so the speed had to be reduced.

A heavyset man, dozing in the passenger seat, opened his eyes slightly as the light hit him, but immediately squinted and lowered the sunshield. Despite this, the bright rays still blinded him, reflecting from the ground and playing with a myriad of colors on the surface of the snow-white, virgin snow.

Where are they?! - the driver, a lean man with a narrow face, said irritably, rummaging through the door's glove compartment. But he soon let out a cry of glee when he discovered the dark glasses and immediately put them on. The passenger, looking sideways at the driver, chuckled and turned away, still squinting his eyes, unaccustomed to the bright light.

If you don’t like it, don’t look,” the driver commented after hearing a chuckle, “but I can see everything now.”

His appearance at the moment was truly comical - wide aviator glasses did not look at all on his narrow face, and besides, they sat crookedly - one temple was bent.

“Come on, Igor, but it’s like Stallone’s,” the overweight passenger answered in a hoarse, smoky voice, smiling.

It's true. I carried them for a couple of years when the fashion took off. Now, if I see photographs from that time... it’s just terrible,” Igor winced.

“I had those too,” the obese man nodded to his memories, reaching for cigarettes. The lighter wheel clicked and clouds of bluish smoke, clearly visible in the sunlight, filled the car.

If so, open the window,” the driver winced. But after thinking, he reached for cigarettes.

Passenger Kolya, who was comfortably seated in the seat, grunted with displeasure, and then twisted heavily and turned the window handle. The glass only dropped a couple of centimeters, but he considered it sufficient. The driver Igor also did not open the window wide, and cigarette smoke filled the entire cabin.

Nikolai, taking another drag, looked around the car. Early in the morning, when he sat down here in the dark, everything in the cabin looked less gray and dirty. Then only the general outlines were visible, and the lighting of the instruments and radio was comfortably illuminated. Now the dust on the dashboard is clearly visible, and the ash from cigarettes is below, and there is absolutely a deposit of it in the gearbox lever casing. The carpets on the floor are no longer visible - just dried dirt, and brown stripes are visible on the door trim.