Development of creative imagination in preschool children. GCD for art activities (drawing) in the preparatory group “Fairytale Bird”

Irina Klemenkova

Subject: « Fairytale bird»

Target: Creating an artistic image fairy bird

Relationship with others regions: cognitive, speech development

Program tasks:

Learn to create a bright artistic image in a painting fairy bird based on the perception of various types of art (fine, arts and crafts, fiction);

Expand children's understanding of warm and cold colors, their influence on the image of a pictorial composition;

Exercise in creative use of visual materials and techniques drawing;

Develop creative imagination, imaginative thinking, independence, emotional responsiveness, sense of beauty;

To develop an interest in works of fiction and fine art.

Materials and equipment: slides "Heat- bird» , sheets of A3 paper, brushes No. 3;5, gouache, napkins, jars of water, cotton swabs, markers with signets, musical accompaniment - classical music

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales P. Ershova "The Little Humpbacked Horse"; looking at illustrations, modeling birds, watching a cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and Zhar- bird» .

Guys, do you like miracles? (Yes)

Together with a miracle, a bright light,

Magic comes to us

Carefully, carefully,

We shouldn't scare him away...

For the magic to happen, let's say the magic words, close your eyes


The teacher takes out a beautiful, painted chest.

What's in the chest, let's get it let's open:

“Chest, chest. Open up your barrel."

- Guys, did you guess which one? bird does this pen belong to? (fairy bird)

Why do you think so?

This feather is hot birds.

Let's go and meet this fabulous amazing bird.

Use of ICT (slide show)

Working with slides

The teacher reads poem about the Firebird:

Not at sea, on land, somewhere in fairyland,

There is a feathered queen called fire- bird,

The wings glow with gold and sparkle with rubies,

Light flows from the pen, more beautiful there are no birds in the world!

(G. Dolzhenko)

It was believed that the heat bird at deep midnight she flew into the garden, illuminating it with herself, where she pecked golden apples that give youth, beauty and immortality. Everyone thought that this bird must be extraordinarily beautiful. People sincerely believed that these birds bring joy and happiness. And if you really want it, then Heat - bird or bird Happiness will definitely arrive someday. Everyone dreamed of meeting their bird of happiness.

The image of this birds was one of the people's favorites. Oh the heat- tales were told to the bird.

From which fairy tales this illustration? (P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

Image birds Happiness is found not only in fairy tales.

Slide 3, 4.

Guys, look at how differently I portrayed this bird people in arts and crafts creativity, decorating your household items.

Why do you think folk craftsmen decorated fairy birds their products?

So what is she like? fairy bird?

Guys, I suggest you dream up and draw a bird of happiness like this, how you imagine it, and give these birds to their relatives.

In what tones, warm or cold, can you depict bird? Why?

What visual materials will we use? (paints, glitter paints, cotton swabs, markers with signets)

Finger gymnastics:

"Our red flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway,

Our red flowers cover their petals,

They quietly fall asleep and shake their heads.”

Check the seating and posture of children at tables.

Independent work of children at easels (musical background).

Individual work of a teacher with children:

Help in choosing the overall composition of the drawing (bird in flight, resting); various ways of depicting the beautiful plumage of the tail and wings; advice on choosing color combinations, unconventional techniques and techniques for working with visual materials.


We came to a wonderful forest, full fairy tales and miracles,

To the right is a birch tree in a fur coat, to the left is a Christmas tree looking at us,

How beautiful it is in the forest in winter, so let's go home.

At the end of the lesson, organize an exhibition of drawings.

Analysis of works:

Examine all the drawings, note their beauty and uniqueness.

Tell me which one bird different from others and in what ways?

Why? Explain.

Conclusion: Everyone got their own beautiful bird, not like others.

Let us each other quietly, so as not to frighten away the magical bird, we wish you happiness! Who would you give the drawings to? Of course to my family.

And another surprise awaits you in the magic chest

Children say magical words: “Chest, chest, open your barrel”

The teacher takes it out of the chest and gives the children magical birds(made from origami-type paper). - May your dreams come true.

Drawing that theme"Magic Bird"

Goal: creating conditions for developing the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to completion; Creating conditions for painting with watercolors. Creating conditions for developing the ability to examine your drawings, highlight images that are interesting in design, and evaluate works.

GCD move.

Educator. Today I invite you on a journey to the country of Risovandia. And our path lies in a fairy forest. Do you want to travel to this country? Then close your eyes and imagine that the magic carpet is lifting off the ground and carrying you higher and higher. Forests, rivers and mountains appeared ahead. This is the country of Risovandia, where amazing birds live in a beautiful forest. Our magic carpet quietly descends into the clearing. Now open your eyes. Guys, someone is hiding in the tall grass here. Let's see? What an unusual bird. She is holding some kind of note. Now we will read it with you.

It says here: “Once upon a time, amazing birds lived in our magical forest. And among them was the Firebird - the most beautiful of birds, thanks to its bright plumage. Where she appeared, everything blossomed and this made it sunny and beautiful. But the evil sorceress became jealous of the Firebird, caught her and turned her into a tailless creature. All the birds of the fairy forest became sad and flew far, far away, away from the evil sorceress.”

But is it possible to stay away when trouble comes to someone? How can we help the unfortunate Firebird? (Children offer their own options. For example: draw a beautiful tail.)

I suggest you sit down at the table. (I show the children a portrait of the Firebird.) This is what the bird looked like before. What a beautiful and bright tail she had. What kind of bird do you think it looks like? (Children answer that it’s a peacock.) How did you determine this? (Children's answers.)

Educator. (I show the children peacock feathers - drawn.) Describe peacock feathers in beautiful words. (Children describe.)

Educator. Look at the structure of the Firebird's feather: a long shaft, bare at one end, with a beautiful multi-colored “eye” at the other and with hairs along the entire length - long or short, straight or wavy. Pay attention to the multi-colored “eye” of the pen, think about how it can be depicted? (Children express their guesses.)

Educator. (I explain certain artistic techniques for depicting the “eye” on the Firebird’s feather.) You can draw a peacock “eye” with a wax pencil: a large oval, another one inside, and another smaller one inside the second. Then “fill in”, i.e. paint over it. The wax line will protect one layer of paint from the other and prevent them from mixing. And if you draw not with a wax pencil, but with an ordinary one, and also paint with paints, then the color will flow into the color - this is also beautiful. You can draw a feather with colored pencils and color it using shading or shading. Shading is a quick, continuous movement of the pencil back and forth, and shading is also a rapid, repeated movement of the pencil, but with a lift off the paper.

Educator. Before you start drawing, I suggest stretching your fingers.

Finger game "Cockerel, cockerel"

Cockerel, cockerel, Place your index finger and thumb (beak).

golden comb, Cross the fingers of both palms (comb).

Oil head, Pat yourself on the head.

Silk beard, Stroke yourself on the chin.

That you get up early Shake your index finger.

Why are you singing loudly?

Don't you let the kids sleep? Place your palms together and place them under your head (simulating sleep).

Children choose materials (watercolor paints, colored pencils, wax crayons - your choice), strips of colored paper for the background and create the image of a fairy-tale bird according to plan.

Educator. What beautiful birds you have created, all different and extraordinary. What a beauty! Now the fairy-tale forest will become sunny and beautiful again, all the birds will return and drive the evil sorceress away from the country of Risovandia.

The Firebird thanks you for the wonderful gift

Educator. Now it's time for us to go home. Let's say goodbye to the Firebird. Let's close our eyes. Our magic carpet lifts off the ground again, higher and higher. The magical forest, the country of Risovandia, is already behind us. And then our kindergarten appeared. We're landing. Now open your eyes.

Look at your drawings, explain what kind of birds you got.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 21 “Rucheek” in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic


integrated drawing lesson

in the preparatory school group

on the topic "Firebird"

Prepared and developed:

Pavlova Z.I.


October 2012

G. Novocheboksarsk. 2012

Theme "Firebird"

Program content:

    creating a bright artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in a picture based on the perception of various types of art (fine, arts and crafts, music, fiction);

    expanding children’s ideas about warm and cold colors, their influence on the image and mood of a pictorial composition;

    an exercise in the creative use of visual materials and drawing techniques;

    development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative independence, emotional responsiveness, sense of beauty;

    formation of information culture, interest in works of fiction and fine art.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation “The Firebird”, musical fragments from I. Stravinsky’s ballet “The Firebird”, sheets of A4 paper, brushes No. 3.5, watercolors, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work : reading the fairy tale by P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”; watching the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird”, watching excerpts from the ballet “The Firebird”.

The lesson begins with the question: “What is happiness?”(Give children the opportunity to express their opinion about this.)

Teacher's story:

“People have always wanted to be happy. Since ancient times, they believed that there was an amazing bird beyond the seas and forests that carried happiness on its wings. And if you really want it, the bird of Happiness will definitely fly to them someday. It seemed to everyone that this bird must be unusually beautiful, and that a bright and warm light emanates from it, which can warm everyone - all people with its warmth. Everyone dreamed of meeting the bird of Happiness, so that it would bring joy, goodness and beauty into his home. But not everyone had a bird fly to them. She visited only that house where they loved each other, cared about others, worked with their souls and did not refuse to help the poor and sick. This is the bird of Happiness!”

Teacher . I wonder what she is like, this bird of Happiness? Let's imagine and try to imagine what it might look like.

After all, this is not a simple, but an amazing bird. This means that it must be different in some way from other birds.(Children's statements.)

Teacher. The image of the bird of Happiness and its description are found in many fairy tales. Artists and musicians have also repeatedly turned to this beautiful image. Let's go and meet this fabulously amazing bird.

Viewing the multimedia presentation “Firebird”.


Not required for showing to children

Reading the riddle about the Firebird. If the answer is correct, her image appears.

The slide show is accompanied by text that is located on them

Showing and examining various options for the image of the Firebird

Question: What real bird does the Firebird resemble?

(Peacock, swan)

If the answer is correct, an image of birds appears.

    What fairy tale is this illustration from?

(P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

    What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale who managed to catch the Firebird?(Ivan)

Examination of book illustrations about the Firebird.

The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Proverb “Happiness is like the Firebird - not for everyone”


Didactic exercise “Cold - warm colors”

Clarifying the color palette for the Firebird.

Question - a proposal to move on to artistic activity: What is she, the Firebird?

Children go to the art studio, where the teacher invites them to dream up and draw the Firebird the way they imagine it.

Independent work of children at tables (with musical accompaniment). Individual work teacher with children : help in choosing the overall composition of the picture(bird in flight, resting); reference to examples of various ways of depicting the beautiful plumage of the tail and wings; advice on choosing color combinations and watercolor techniques.

At the end of the lesson arrange an exhibition of paintings about the Firebird - the bird of Happiness. Look at all the pictures. Invite the children to answer the question: “What does the bird of Happiness bring to your home on its wings?” Admire all the drawings, note their beauty and uniqueness; each one has its own bird, unlike the others. If you try and really want, then happiness will definitely come to your home and family. Let us quietly wish each other, so as not to frighten away the magic bird...(happiness!)

These children's paintings will be a wonderful decoration for the interior of a group room or dressing room. Their brightness and originality will definitely attract the attention of viewers.

Subsequently, they can be issued with individual passports together with the children.(this work can be the topic of a separate lesson on frame design) and give it to your loved ones at one of the family holidays.

Good luck to you!

Literature used .

View presentation content
"Copy of Firebird"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 290

Samara urban district

Heat is a bird

Additional material for GCD

drawing for children

senior preschool age

Samara 2012

  • creating a bright artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in various forms of art (painting, literature, choreography);
  • expanding children's ideas about warm and cold colors, their influence on the image in the picture;
  • development of imagination, creative independence, emotional responsiveness;
  • formation of interest in works of fiction and fine art.


Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day.

Who is this?

Firebird in fine arts

Many peoples have legends about a magical bird with extraordinary golden feathers.

In Russian fairy tales -

This Firebird .

Its name indicates a connection with fire. The heat is both the coals in the stove and the sultry time of summer.

One feather from the firebird's tail can, replacing candles, illuminate a dark room.

What real bird?

Looks like the Firebird?

From what fairy tale

this illustration?

(P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

What is the chief's name?

fairy tale hero who

managed to catch


The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Firebird and objects around us

The image of a fairytale bird in the theater: ballet "The Firebird"

Happiness How

Firebird -

not everyone


Warm colors

Cold colors

What colors

we will need

for drawing the Firebird?

  • http:// pictures
  • http:// riddles

Lesson notes on fine art activities


Topic: “Firebird - a magical bird.”

Program content. Learn to convey the fabulous image of the firebird in a drawing through the selection of paint colors and the structure of the bird (small body with a long neck, large wings, bushy tail); consolidate children's knowledge of how an artist transforms real images into fairy-tale ones; develop children's creative abilities when viewing images.

Material. Several images of real birds, including a peacock and a parrot, and several fabulous ones, including the firebird.

For children. Landscape sheets, gouache paints, soft brushes (sponges), wet wipes.

Methodical techniques.1 Conversation about birds, peacock.

3 Poem “Firebird”.

4 Finger gymnastics

5 Independent work of children.

6 Playing off finished works.

Preliminary work. 1 Reading the fairy tale “The Firebird”. 2 Examination of illustrations for a fairy tale with the image of the firebird. 3 D/I “Tsvetik-semitsvetik”. (for definition - cold and warm colors).


Attach the magpie bird, parrot, bullfinch, sparrow, pigeon, crow, peacock to the magnetic board.

Guys, today we have some unusual guests joining our group. Look who they are? (Birds).

Did you recognize them? Tell me who they are? (Rooster, peacock, parrot.....etc.).

Where do we meet these birds? (Everywhere on the street). But do we see a peacock on the street? (No). Why? (listen to the answers).

Yes, the peacock is an unusual bird and we won’t see it on the street, only in the zoo. She's so beautiful with an ocellated “tail” and extravagant plumage - this is the peacock. The peacock's trail, called its tail, is known throughout the world. It is formed by the feathers of the upper tail, not the tail. Tail feathers help the bird raise its “train” and fan it out. She as if it came to us from a fairy tale. What is the main decoration of a peacock? (tail).

Guys, remember what bird the Peacock looks like? (Firebird). That's right, remember we read a fairy tale about her? 1

Let's remember an excerpt from a fairy tale:

Sweet apple aroma
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s light all around, like during the day. Attach a firebird picture to the board.

Who will tell us a poemanything about the Firebird? It’s not for nothing that the Firebird is called the Firebird,

Ivan learned a secret from the Horse.

To avoid burning his hands, he put on mittens

And instantly, while hunting, he caught the Firebird.

(Well done).

Tell me, does the Firebird really exist? (No). How did she appear in the fairy tale? (It was invented by the artist).

That's right, well done. It was invented by the artist and that is why it is called “Firebird, magical, fairy-tale bird.” How is this bird unusual, how does it differ from other birds that we see on the street, in the park?

Yes, they are colorful, decorated with patterns, they have an unusually shaped tail, wings, and crests.

Then place pictures of real birds separately, and fabulous ones separately.

Guys, find among ordinary real birds those from which artist-storytellers could borrow both a bright multi-colored color and an unusual fluffy tail with patterns for their imaginary birds. (Children can point to a parrot, peacock, dove...).

Tell me, where else can you find images of fairy-tale birds besides books with fairy tales? (In different patterns: embroidery, carpets, on boxes of candy, on dishes). (Showing children 2-3 such objects is a decorative image).

Remove pictures with images of real birds and ask about the fabulous firebird.

Look at these birds and tell me, is the Firebird different from other birds? How is it different? (after the children’s answers, confirm that the artist paints this bird with “hot” colors, the same as fire). These are red, orange, yellow. (Remove all the birds and leave only the image of the Firebird).

Today I invite you to become artists. And we will draw a magical image. Do you want it? And what are we going to draw? You probably guessed it? Of course, the fairytale Firebird.

But before we start drawing it, let's take a good look at it. What do we need to learn about it when examining it: let's look at the shape, structure of the parts, their size, color. (If the children’s answers are incomplete, 2 then through questions the teacher clarifies the features that the children will have to convey in their drawings.

Today we will draw the Firebird in an unconventional way - with the palm of our hand. To do this, take a brush (sponge), put red (orange) paint on it and paint your left hand. When the whole hand is painted, we place our hand on the album sheet so that a handprint remains on the sheet. Fingers spread out. Then wipe your hands with a napkin and finish drawing the Firebird’s head, beak, and level the body with a brush.

(Advise children to layer paint on paint as it dries to use all the “hot colors”). It is recommended to paint the eyes on the bird’s tail with cool colors to make the bird even hotter and brighter.

Guys, now let's get ready to draw. But first, let's play with our fingers. Fizminutka:

The cuckoos were flying
Three huts later.
They fussed so much
We were in such a hurry
They turned their heads,
They flapped their wings -
Where did they fly?
They didn’t say so!

And now artists - let's draw.

At the end of the lesson, invite the children to show their drawings one by one and tell about their bird (rhyme, riddle, etc.). Praise all children. Organize an exhibition of children's works.

Instead of the result: Analysis of works: “The hottest bird.” Show the hottest bird why you think so.