The "SAMBO to School" project - from Russia to all over the world. All-Russian sambo competition “Sambo to school Sambo to school project roadmap

All-Russian project “Sambo to school” - is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to studying the basics of sambo wrestling, creating conditions for the patriotic, physical, spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

You can get acquainted and join the domestic sport “Sambo”:

In physical education lessons;

At events held outside school hours;

In classes in additional education sections on physical education programs based on sambo;

As part of the activities of school sports clubs;

As part of participation in physical education, sports and educational events.

Become a project participant:

In order to become a participant in the project, you must send a scanned package of documents (application, network interaction agreement) by email:[email protected] and original documents (application, agreement on network interaction in two copies) by mail of the Russian Federation at the address: Russia, 117292 Moscow, st. Kedrova, 8 building 2 or in another convenient way.

The idea of ​​creating the “SAMBO in Schools” project arose back in 2010. All-Russian project “Sambo to school” - is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to studying the basics of sambo wrestling, creating conditions for the patriotic, physical, spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. The working group was created under the leadership of the Deputy Secretary of the Security Council Nurgaliev Rashid Gumarovich. Appointed as the head of the “SAMBO in Schools” project Kaganov Veniamin Shaevich(Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). The project working group also includes: State Secretary, Parshikova Natalya Vladimirovna(Deputy Minister of Sports of Russia), Eliseev Sergey Vladimirovich(President of the All-Russian Sambo Federation ), Fedchenko Nikolay Semenovich(Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FTSOMOPV"), Tabakov Sergey Evgenievich(Head of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of the All-Russian Sambo Federation, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Combat Sports, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian State University of Sports and Sports), Anisimova Marina Vyacheslavovna(Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FTSOMOPV"), Lomakina Elena Vladimirovna(Head of the Department of Additional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FTSOMOPV"), Begun Inna Stanislavovna(methodologist of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FTSOMOPV"), Alekseev Roman Vladimirovich(physical education teacher at GBOU school No. 118, head of the Alkid sports club).
Over the course of several years, the program was developed and refined, and as a result, the positive experience of Moscow schools showed that the project deserves support from educational authorities, and it can be extended to other regions of Russia. In particular, Sergei Eliseev spoke convincingly about this in his report at a meeting with the president Vladimir Putin, which took place at the Russian school “Sambo-70” in March 2013. Stressing that the experiment of conducting sambo classes in secondary schools as an additional physical education lesson has been successfully carried out for three years, Sergei Eliseev appealed to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to provide support and assistance in the further continuation of this experiment and the involvement of more schools in all regions of the country.
The All-Russian Sambo Federation (VFS) decided to sum up the results of 2018 with such a significant event as the All-Russian competition among schoolchildren under the “Sambo to School” project. P Resident of the All-Russian Sambo Federation Sergei Eliseev spoke about the development of the project:“To date, 47 regions, 700 schools are covered by this project. This is a good indicator. Lots of kids are learning the basics of self-defense. This indicates that the project is actively developing. The tournament provides an opportunity for schoolchildren who have just entered the project and are not yet professionals to see what they are like and what successes they have already achieved.”
The Kursk region is only taking its first steps within the framework of the All-Russian Sambo to School project. On November 23rd the opening took place the first specialized school wrestling hall in our city as part of the all-Russian educational project “SAMBO to School”.
Now a significant part of the wrestling and weightlifting hall of school No. 8 is occupied by a new tatami, provided to the educational institution by the Sambo Federation of the Kursk Region, and the room itself seems more comfortable and literally sparkles with cleanliness.
This hall is known to many sports fans in our city, because it is here that the tournament in memory of Alexander Zachinyaev and many other important competitions take place every year. Its appearance for a long time left much to be desired, but now it will be especially pleasant to train and perform here: as part of the “Sambo to School” project, the Zheleznogorsk administration allocated about one hundred thousand rubles for its repair, thanks to which the walls and floor were painted, the ceiling was repaired, and information posters and so on.
-Several dozen people practice sambo in our school, so a specialized gym became a great gift for them,— says the director of the educational institution, Evgeniy Tyazhkorob.
To congratulate the children and their teachers on the opening of the renovated hall, on November 22, honored guests came to visit them: representatives of the city administration, the Zheleznogorsk City Duma and the regional Sambo Federation.
-This is a significant event, both for your school and for the entire city as a whole. Let classes in this hall become for you a step to new victories and achievements,- said the Chairman of the Zheleznogorsk City Duma Alexander Voronin.
Sambo is not only a sport, it is the ability to defend oneself in a critical life situation. I wish you guys to master this useful science well. I sincerely hope that such premises will eventually appear in all educational institutions in our region,— added the vice-president of the Kursk Region Sambo Federation Vladimir Tatarenkov.
The schoolchildren, in turn, thanked the guests for their kind words and promised to study diligently and lead a healthy lifestyle, and the athletes proudly demonstrated their skills.

The “Sambo to School” project, which is currently being actively deployed in Russia, will be able to enter the international arena in the future. This opinion was voiced by the Deputy Minister of Education of Russia Veniamin Kaganov at the Moscow International Education Fair (MIFE) in Moscow.

As already mentioned, students of Russian schools will soon be able to practice sambo in physical education classes or in additional classes. Active work to introduce sambo into the school curriculum is being carried out in the country. The start date for this innovation is also announced – September 1, 2016. A big conversation about the progress of preparing schools, teachers, students and their parents for the appearance of sambo in the curriculum took place within the framework of the International International Sports Competition at the stand of the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education.

Director of the Center Nikolai Fedchenko, opening the work of the section, noted the versatility of sambo. It is precisely because of this quality that this sport is excellent for schoolchildren - it allows you to develop various muscle groups and motor activities. He introduced the audience to the importance of sambo in the education system and the activities of the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education in the implementation of this project, and also thanked the partners for their fruitful joint activities.

The senior coach of the Russian national combat sambo team, Alexander Konakov, presented the scale and necessity of the project in the modern social environment, and also introduced the audience in detail to the technical aspects of this sport, which allow sambo to fit organically into the school curriculum. He also explained that SAMBO in schools is not a sport of the highest achievements, but the basics that allow not only to gain the necessary self-defense skills, but also make children more confident in life.

Executive Director of the International Sambo Federation, who is one of the authors of the “Sambo for School” project, Sergei Tabakov presented a program and methodological complex for physical education of students in grades 1-11 based on Sambo, and also demonstrated methodological videos on teaching schoolchildren the elements of Sambo. Sergey Tabakov also spoke about the experience of introducing various sports in other countries. In particular, he cited Japan as an example, where not only schoolchildren and students, but also many adults are actively involved in judo and sumo, comprehending the philosophy of these sports. The FIAS website has already reported that it was Sergei Tabakov who trained teachers for the “SAMBO to School” program at the federal level.

One of the teachers, who mastered the science of sambo under the guidance of the FIAS executive director, took part in the work of the section. Elena Krokul, who is a physical education teacher at the Kurganin Cossack Cadet Corps cadet boarding school, shared her impressions of the process of training physical education teachers to teach sambo, and also expressed the opinion that sambo can become a favorite subject for many schoolchildren.

Oleg Polin, a physical education teacher at the cadet boarding school “Karelian Cadet Corps named after Alexander Nevsky,” also shared his opinion, as well as the first results on the introduction of sambo into schools.

The head of the Federal Resource Center for Innovative Development of Physical Education of the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education, Elena Lomakina, focused the attention of those present on the applied nature of sambo. This is a sport that can be successfully used in difficult situations for self-defense, which means that its introduction into the school curriculum will not only help the physical development and education of children, but will also make them more secure.

For the famous Sambo-70 school, our favorite sport is a major subject. The head of the methodological department of the Sambo-70 Sports and Education Center, Konstantin Biryukov, shared with the participants his many years of experience in this area, presented historical facts and the results of the current stage of development of Sambo-70. He talked about how sports helps in studies - about the ever-increasing number of school students who receive gold medals not only for their achievements in competitions, but also at the end of their studies - for excellent academic performance.

Representatives of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Karelia shared their first successes in introducing sambo in schools. Presentations were made by the head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Krasnodar Territory "Center for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Education System" Konstantin Demchuk...

And Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Petrozavodsk State University" Romuald Kemza.

The results of organizational work at the municipal level were presented by Lyudmila Pozdneva, head of the education department of the Gulkevichi district municipality.

They talked about how students and their parents reacted to the innovation, as well as what typical questions arise when Sambo is introduced into the school curriculum. Representatives of the regions also shared their own opinions regarding this program. According to school teachers and leaders of local education systems, sambo allows children to stay healthy, and also teaches them how to properly protect themselves and their loved ones, which is very important in the complex modern world.

What was talked about a lot by representatives of various parties related to the development of the “Sambo to School” project was clearly demonstrated by young sambo wrestlers from Moscow sports school No. 114 “Record” Alexander Lomakin and Nikita Ivanov.

In their performance, they showed not only Sambo techniques from the arsenal of professional athletes, but emphasized those elements that all Russian schoolchildren will study in the near future.

And, of course, it was not without the basics - self-insurance or the ability to fall correctly. Without a special sambo mat, right on the floor of the VDNKh exhibition hall, young sambo wrestlers showed how to land so as not to get injured.

Deputy Minister of Education of Russia Veniamin Kaganov summed up the work of the section. He stated that he was indebted to sambo: in his student years he himself practiced this martial art, and therefore knows firsthand its benefits for health and general development. Veniamin Kaganov assured that the Ministry of Education actively supports the deployment of the “SAMBO to School” program in Russia.

He emphasized that in this aspect we are talking about educating a younger generation with spiritual and moral values, a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle. Veniamin Kaganov also expressed his deep conviction that this will be the starting point for introducing sambo training programs in schools in many other countries.

On December 9, the Moscow Martial Arts Center hosted All-Russian sambo competition among schoolchildren born in 2005-2006. "Sambo to school" . The All-Russian project “Sambo to School” is aimed at introducing schoolchildren to learning the basics of Sambo wrestling, creating conditions for the patriotic, physical, spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

A member of the working group of the Sambo to School project, President of the All-Russian and European Sambo Federation Sergey Eliseev, was present at these competitions. In his welcoming speech, he noted: “Sambo should be treated as a national treasure. Children should know the history of sambo and be proud of it.” “We don’t teach children to fight or throw throws. We teach them how to fall correctly, how to free themselves from holds and how to behave in extreme situations. If children like it, we advise them to go do sambo at a more advanced level.” - commented the specialists of this program.

The “SAMBO to School” project is being successfully implemented in Ryazan. SDYUSSHOR "Native Land - Sport" organizes sambo classes in secondary schools No. 41 and 50. Athletes from our school represented "Native Land - Sports" at these competitions. In the team competition, the guys lacked only 2 points to enter the top three. But in the individual competition the guys showed good results:

3rd place - Andrey Viktorov (coach A.A. Vinogradov)

3rd place - Alexey Viktorov (coach A.A. Vinogradov)

3rd place - Egor Klimovsky (coach I.E. Bragin)

3rd place - Ivan Fedurov (coach S.A. Savelyev)

3rd place - Nikita Mikheev (coach S.A. Savelyev)

2nd place - Nikita Mefodin (coach I.E. Bragin)

3rd place - Denis Korshunov (coach S.M. Seregin)

You can watch the video from the competition

Congratulations to our guys and their coaches! We wish you further sporting victories!