Presentation on the topic "ideal gas in μt". Basic equation μm of an ideal gas Nature of particle motion

“Air temperature and humidity” - Energy during liquid condensation... Pressure and density of saturated water vapor at various temperatures. Evaporation occurs... 6. There is always a certain amount of water vapor in the atmospheric air. 8. Evaporation - ... Determines the absolute humidity of the air based on the dew point. 9. Saturated steam...

“Gas molecules” - V. Gases. Answers: Relationship between pressure and gas density. 2. Understand and list on what values ​​the gas pressure on the walls of the vessel depends. 3. Write the basic MKT equation. Ideal gas in MKT. 1. Have an idea of ​​an ideal gas as a physical model. Masses of molecules Concentrations of molecules Molecular speeds.

“Stern Experience” - Task No. 2. Otto STERN (1888-1969), physicist. Born in Germany, since 1933 in the USA. Task No. 1. PERRIN Jean Baptiste (1870-1942), French physicist, 10th grade. The cylinders began to rotate at a constant angular velocity. History of physics in questions and problems. Optional physics classes. Described the nucleus of a plant cell and the structure of the ovule.

“Air humidity” - What instruments are used to determine air humidity? Municipal educational institution "Kemlyanskaya secondary school" of the Ichalkovsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia. What role does evaporation play in human life? Absolute humidity. What is absolute air humidity called? Lesson objectives: Consolidation. Why do window panes sweat in winter if there are many people in the room?

“Air humidity lesson” - Are the hygrometer readings correct? Table "Air Humidity". 1. Motivation of cognitive activity (1718, St. Petersburg. Developed skills: 3. Relative humidity in the evening at 16? C is 55%. Compare; analyze; draw conclusions; work with instruments, tables, calculators. Dew point is taken using a thermometer , and then determine the relative humidity.

"Air" - Meaning of air. In such a “shirt” our planet does not overheat from the Sun. Every living thing on Earth breathes air. Properties of air. Formation of skills to present the received information in the form of graphic drawings. Then he pumped out the air from the balloon, plugged the hole and put it back on the scales. And you can “emerge” from the ocean of air only on a spaceship.

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1st level of difficulty.

Lesson type: combined.

Total lesson time: 1 hour 10 minutes.

Organizational moment (number, topic, organizational issues).

(t = 2–3 min.)

(Slide 1)

UE 0. Setting goals:

Didactic purpose of the module:

(Slide 2)

  1. Introduction to the theory of sufficiently rarefied gases.
  2. Proof that the average speed of molecules depends on the movement of all particles.
. Repetition (t = 10–15 min.)

UE 1. Updating knowledge

Private didactic goal:

  1. Updating basic knowledge on module topics M1–M4.
  2. Determining the degree to which students have mastered the educational material in order to further eliminate gaps.

Task 1.

For D-type students: Fill out the table, indicating the designation (symbol) of a physical quantity and its unit of measurement.

Result evaluation: 1 point.

For students I - type: Think through the logical connections between formulas (branches).

Create a “physical tree” yourself.

Result rating: 1 point.

Task 2.

(Slide 3)

Generalized algorithm for solving a typical problem:

For students I – type:

Task No. 1.

1. Determine the number of atoms in 1 m 3 of copper. The density of copper is 9000 kg/m3.
2. Use a generalized algorithm for solving problems of this type; apply it to solving this problem, describing the step-by-step actions you performed.

Result rating: 1 point.

For D-type students:

Task No. 1.

  1. The mass of the silver strip obtained during rotation of the cylinder during a physical experiment is equal to 0.2 g. Find the number of silver atoms contained in it.
  2. Write down the step-by-step actions you took to solve the problem. Compare the steps you highlighted with the actions of a generalized algorithm for solving problems of this type.

Result rating: 1 point.

3rd stage. Basic. Presentation of educational material.

(t = 30–35 min.)

UE 2. Physical model of gas – ideal gas.

(Slide 4)

Private didactic goal:

  1. Formulate the concept of “ideal gas”.
  2. Formation of a scientific worldview.

Teacher's explanations

(IT, IE, ID, DT, DE, DD)

Part 1. When studying phenomena in nature and technical practice, it is impossible to take into account all the factors influencing the course of a particular phenomenon. However, from experience it is always possible to establish the most important of them. Then all other factors that do not have a decisive influence can be neglected. On this basis it is created idealized (simplified) idea of ​​such a phenomenon. A model created on this basis helps to study actually occurring processes and predict their course in various cases. Let's consider one of these idealized concepts.

(Slide 5)

F.O.– Name the properties of gases.
– Explain these properties based on MCT.
– How is pressure indicated? SI units?

The physical properties of a gas are determined by the chaotic movement of its molecules, and the interaction of molecules does not have a significant effect on its properties, and the interaction has the nature of a collision, and the attraction of molecules can be neglected. Most of the time, gas molecules move as free particles.

(Slide 6)

This allows us to introduce the concept of an ideal gas, in which:

  1. attractive forces are completely absent;
  2. the interaction between molecules is not taken into account at all;
  3. molecules are considered free.

Task 1.

Cards with a task for each student I, D - type .

Type I students:

  1. After carefully studying §63 p. 153, find the definition of an ideal gas in the text. Memorize it. (1 point.)
  2. Try to answer the question: “Why is the kinetic energy of a rarefied gas much greater than the potential interaction energy?” (1 point.)

D-type students:

  1. Find the definition of an ideal gas in the text of § 63 p.15. Memorize it. (1 point.)
  2. Write the wording in your notebook. (1 point.)
  3. Using the periodic table, name the gases that best fit the concept of “ideal gas”. (1 point.)

UE3. Gas pressure in MKT.

Private didactic goal:

1. Prove that despite the change in pressure, р 0 ≈ const.

  1. What do gas molecules do to the walls of the container during their movement?
  2. When will the gas pressure be greater?
  3. What is the impact force of one molecule? Can a manometer record the impact force of one molecule? Why?
  4. Conclude why the average pressure p 0 remains a certain value.

Gas molecules hitting the wall of the container exert pressure on it. The magnitude of this pressure is greater, the greater the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of gas molecules and their number per unit volume.

Task 1.

Cards with a task for each student I, D - type .

Students I, D – type:

Draw a conclusion: Why does the average gas pressure p 0 in a closed vessel remain practically unchanged?

Result rating: 1 point.

Teacher's explanations (IT, IE, ID, DT, DE, DD):

The occurrence of gas pressure can be explained using a simple mechanical model.

(Slide 8)

UE 4. Average values ​​of the velocity modulus of individual molecules.

(Slide 9)

Private didactic goal:

Introduce the concept of “average value of speed”, “average value of the square of speed”.

Task 1.

Cards with a task for each student I, D - type.

Students I - type:

Please read § 64 pp.154–156 carefully.

  1. Find answers to the questions in the text:

  2. Write your answers in your notebook.

D-type students:

Study § 64 pp.154–156. (1 point.)

  1. Answer the questions:
    1.1.What does the average speed of movement of all particles depend on?
    1.2. What is the average value of the square of speed?
    1.3. Formula for the mean square of velocity projection.
  2. Write your answers in your notebook.

Teacher's generalization (IT, IE, ID, DT, DE, DD):

(Slide 10, 11)

The speeds of molecules change randomly, but the average square of the speed is a well-defined value. Similarly, the height of students in a class is not the same, but its average is a certain value.

Task 2.

Cards with a task for each student I, D - type.

Students I - type:

D-type students:

Problem No. 2. When carrying out the Stern experiment, the silver strip turns out to be somewhat blurred, since at a given temperature the velocities of the atoms are not the same. Based on the determination of the thickness of the silver layer in various places on the strip, it is possible to calculate the proportion of atoms with velocities lying in a particular velocity range out of their total number. As a result of the measurements, the following table was obtained:

4th stage. Control of students' knowledge and skills.

(t = 8–10 min.)

UE5. Output control.

Particular didactic goal: Check the mastery of educational elements; evaluate your knowledge.

Cards with a task for each student I, D - type .

Task 1.

Students I, D - type

Determine which of the properties of real gases listed below are not taken into account and which are taken into account in the ideal gas model.

  1. In a rarefied gas, the volume that gas molecules would occupy if they were tightly “packed” (their own volume) is negligible compared to the entire volume occupied by the gas. Therefore, the intrinsic volume of molecules in the ideal gas model...
  2. In a vessel containing a large number of molecules, the movement of the molecules can be considered completely chaotic. This fact is in the ideal gas model...
  3. The molecules of an ideal gas are on average at such distances from each other that the adhesion forces between the molecules are very small. These forces are in a mole of an ideal gas....
  4. Collisions of molecules with each other can be considered absolutely elastic. These are the properties in the ideal gas model….
  5. The movement of gas molecules obeys Newton's laws of mechanics. This fact in the ideal gas model...
    A) is not taken into account (are)
    B) taken into account (are taken into account)

Task 2.

– Explanations (A–B) are given for each of the expressions for the speeds of molecules (1–3). Find them.

A) According to the rule of vector addition and the Pythagorean theorem, the square of the speed υ any molecule can be written as follows: υ 2 = υ x 2 + υ y 2

B) the directions Ox, Oy and Oz due to the random movement of molecules are equal.

C) with a large number (N) of chaotically moving particles, the velocity modules of individual molecules are different.

Evaluation of the result: check yourself with the code and evaluate. For each correct answer - 1 point.

5th stage. Summing up.

(t=5 min.)

UE6. Summing up.

Private didactic goal: Fill out the control sheet; evaluate your knowledge.

Control sheet (IT, IE, ID, DT, DE, DD):

Fill out the control sheet. Calculate points for completing tasks. Give yourself a final rating:

16–18 points – “5”;
13–15 points – “4”;
9–12 points – “pass”;
less than 9 points – “fail”.

Hand in the checklist to the teacher.

Educational element Tasks (question) Total points
1 2
UE1 1 1 2
UE2 3 3
UE3 1 1
UE4 1 3 4
UE5 5 3 8
Total 18
Grade ….

Differentiated homework:

“Test”: Find in the table “Periodic Table of Elements D.I. Mendeleev" chemical elements that, in their properties, are closest to an ideal gas. Explain your choice.

“Fail”: § 63–64.

(Slide 12).

Internet resources:

Lesson materials will help to develop students' knowledge about ideal gas, gas pressure based on MCT

"ideal gas"

Lesson progress:

Students fill out the table"

Distance between particles

Particle interaction

The nature of particle movement

Particle arrangement

Preservation of shape and volume

    Learning new material.

    Ideal gas - the simplest model of real gas

P= m 0 nv 2


IfE = m 0 v 2 /2 , thenp = nE

    How many times will the pressure of a monatomic gas change as a result of a decrease in its volume by 3 times and an increase in the average kinetic energy of its molecules by 2 times?

    Lesson summary

    Homework: § 64.65, exercise 11 task 9

Lesson development

in physics

"Ideal Gas"

Physics teacher MOUSOSH No. 53

Kalabina T.T.

View document contents
"ideal gas"

Lesson topic: Ideal gas. The main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory.

Objective of the lesson: on the basis of molecular kinetic theory, establish the quantitative dependence of gas pressure on the mass of one molecule and the mean square of its speed of movement.

Equipment: PC, multimedia presentation.

Lesson progress:

    Testing students’ knowledge on the topic “Structure of gaseous, liquid and solid bodies”

Students fill out the table"

Aggregate state of the substance

Distance between particles

Particle interaction

The nature of particle movement

Particle arrangement

Preservation of shape and volume

    Learning new material.

P=m 0 nv 2

III . Relationship between pressure and the average kinetic energy of molecules.

IfE = m 0 v 2 /2 , thenp = nE

The pressure of an ideal gas is proportional to the concentration of molecules and the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of the molecules.

    Consolidating what you have learned by solving problems:

    Determine missing parameters

"Ideal Gas"

Teacher MOUSOSH No. 53

P. Najdorf

Kalabina T.T

Distance between particles

Particle interaction

The nature of particle movement

Particle arrangement

Preservation of shape and volume

  • Р=1/3* m 0 nv 2
  • Р=1/3* m 0 nv 2

p =

p =

The pressure of an ideal gas is proportional to the concentration of molecules and the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of the molecules. p =2/3* nE

View presentation content
"Ideal Gas"

Ideal gas. The main provisions of the molecular kinetic theory.

Teacher MOUSOSH No. 53

P. Najdorf

Kalabina T.T

  • on the basis of molecular kinetic theory, establish the quantitative dependence of gas pressure on the mass of one molecule and the mean square of its speed of movement.

Fill out the table

Aggregate state of the substance

Distance between particles

Particle interaction

The nature of particle movement

Particle arrangement

Preservation of shape and volume

Chaotic movement of molecules - v x 2 =1/3*v 2

Basic equation molecular kinetic theory

  • Р=1/3*m 0 nv 2

Relationship between pressure and the average kinetic energy of molecules.

The pressure of an ideal gas is proportional to the concentration of molecules and the average kinetic energy of the translational motion of the molecules. p=2/3*nE



is a theoretical model of a gas that does not take into account the sizes of molecules (they are considered material points) and their interaction with each other (except in cases of direct collision). Real gases are well described by the ideal gas model when the average kinetic energy of their particles is much greater than the potential energy of their interaction. This happens when the gas is sufficiently heated and rarefied (helium, neon under normal conditions).


– at a constant temperature, the product of the volume of a given mass of gas and its pressure is a constant value. In modern physics, the Boyle–Mariotte law is considered as one of the consequences of the equation of state of an ideal gas (Mendeleev–Clapeyron equation). From the Boyle–Marriott law it follows that at a constant temperature of a gas, its pressure is inversely proportional to its volume.


If the gas temperature remains constant, then Boyle–Mariotte law : pV= const.


– at constant pressure and mass of the gas, the ratio of the volume of the gas to its absolute temperature is a constant value. In modern physics, Gay-Lussac's law is considered as one of the consequences of the equation of state of an ideal gas (Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation).

ADIABATIC PROCESS (adiabatic process)

is a model of a thermodynamic process occurring in a system without heat exchange with the environment. The line on the thermodynamic state diagram of a system depicting an equilibrium (reversible) adiabatic process is called adiabatic.