Sandy teacher briefley. My interests

In 1927, A. Platonov’s story “The Sandy Teacher” was written. The prototype of the main character was the bride of the writer himself, M. Kashintsev, who, like Maria Naryshkina from the work, was engaged in eliminating illiteracy in a remote village near Voronezh.

In the story, Platonov addresses the theme of the struggle of a human enthusiast with the natural elements, which he repeatedly raised in the 20s. We offer a summary of it for you to read.

“The Sand Teacher”: meeting the heroine

Maria Naryshkina was twenty years old and had just completed her pedagogical courses. She was a healthy, strong girl, whose childhood and youth were spent in the Astrakhan province. She was familiar with the Caspian sands, but her parents protected their daughter from the details and echoes of the events that had recently taken place in the country: revolution and civil war. This is the beginning of the story (and its summary) by Platonov “The Sandy Teacher”.

Maria was interested in geography, had fallen in love, and now, with sparkling eyes, she listened to the boss and expected changes. She was sent to a school in the village of Khoshutovo, located on the border with the dead desert in Central Asia.

A long journey and getting to know a new place of residence

The second chapter opens with a description of a sandstorm. The heat, the dunes that look like blazing fires, the endless streams of moving sand - this is its summary. The sandy teacher - that's what we'll call Maria - saw such a picture for the first time, so she felt melancholy.

Only on the third day did the girl reach the village. Several dozen houses, sparse bushes near wells, a stone school and the same drifts of sand brought from the Pamirs. Residents desperately tried to clear it from their yards, but it was “hard and almost unnecessary work.” The result is poverty and despair among the peasants, tired of the struggle. This picture ends the second chapter and its summary.

The sandy teacher settled at the school, which made the guard, tired of loneliness, very happy.

First difficulties

Maria Nikiforovna somehow prepared the premises for study and two months later she met the students. They walked sometimes in groups of five, sometimes in groups of twenty. And with the onset of cold weather, there was no one left to teach. Parents did not have funds to clothe their children. There was almost no bread left, two students died of hunger. The girl gave up because the peasants, when it came to survival, did not need school.

Maria Nikiforovna thought for a long time about what to do. Finally, I realized: I need to learn how to fight sand, and I went to the district. They sympathized with her, gave her books and advised her to seek help from an agronomist who lived one and a half hundred miles from Khoshutovo. This is how you can describe the meeting that took place and its brief content.

“The Sandy Teacher”: two years later

It was not without difficulty that Maria Nikiforovna persuaded residents to go out for public works in the spring and autumn. Soon she found assistants in the person of two activists. A year later, the village was surrounded by green shell plantings. As a result, yields increased greatly, since the soil was protected from sand and stored more moisture. Additional fuel also appeared. The residents also developed an additional income: they wove baskets and furniture from twigs. Here are the results of Maria Nikiforovna’s two-year activity and its summary. Platonov's sandy teacher attracted her with her enthusiasm and faith in the future. In the near future, she planned to set up a pine nursery near the school.

Life in the village began to improve - in the first winter alone, an additional two thousand rubles were received. Adults now, along with children, constantly attended school, where they learned new ways of dealing with the desert.

This is the summary (the sandy teacher has gained weight during this time and has become even more “undressed”) of the fourth chapter.

First real sadness

The trouble happened in August of the third year. Residents had long been waiting for the nomads who passed through these places once every fifteen years. This usually happened in the spring, when there was still some greenery. And by the end of summer everything dried up, even birds and animals went to look for better places.

The arriving herds in three days destroyed everything that had been created with great difficulty for three years. Confused and embittered, Maria Nikiforovna went to the leader of the nomads. The girl accused those who came of robbery, to which she heard: “The steppe is ours... He who is hungry and eats the grass of his homeland is not a criminal.” The conversation turned out to be unpleasant, as evidenced by its brief content. The sandy teacher (Platonov notes that Maria Nikiforovna still considered the leader smart) immediately went to the district.

Living for the well-being of others

The manager surprised the girl by immediately declaring that now in Khoshutovo they could manage without her. And then he explained that the village peasants themselves would be able to fight the sand, but they wanted to send her to Safuta, where settled nomads live. Maria Nikiforova was at first indignant, but the manager immediately explained his plan. Here is a brief summary of it. The sand teacher will have to teach the nomads to fight the elements. Then the fear will disappear that at some point they will escape from the sand-covered places and again go to destroy the plantings of Russian settlers.

Maria Nikiforovna thought. What about youth? Family? But then she remembered the smart leader, thought about the hopelessness of the tribes squeezed by the sands, and answered with satisfaction: “I agree.” Zavokrono approached the girl: “You...could be in charge of a whole people, and not a school...I...for some reason feel ashamed. But the desert is the future world...”

This is the summary of the story “The Sandy Teacher” by A. Platonov.

Year: 1927 Genre: story

Main characters: Maria Naryshkina

The young teacher Maria Nikiforovna is hired to work in a village near the desert. She is forced to fight the sands to win the favor of the residents. The results of her work do not wait long. The leader of the neighboring village also turns to her for help. The goal of Maria's whole life is to fight the sands of the desert.

The main meaning. Purposeful steps will certainly lead to the goal. The main thing is to believe in yourself and fully devote yourself to the task. Nothing can stop such a person from achieving his goal.

Summary of Platonov - The Sandy Teacher

Maria Nikiforovna spent her happy childhood in her home. Her father was a teacher and in a loving way wanted to make his daughter happy. Having matured, Maria studied to become a teacher and finally entered adult life. She becomes a teacher in the village of Khoshutovo. Near the village there is a Central Asian desert. The only task of the villagers was to fight against the endless sands of the desert.

All of the village's land was covered with sand, making the villagers' task even more difficult. Because of this problem, none of the children have the desire to come to school and study. Maria Nikiforovna puts all her strength into the fight against the sands. She asks agronomists for help. They refuse to help her. In return, they give special literature that describes ways to fight against the desert. She decides to handle the task on her own. He studies many books on this topic and organizes planting of green plants and a pine nursery. These steps significantly improve the condition of the village and force residents to look at the young teacher with different eyes.

Schools are already filled with students of all ages eager to learn. This action of the teacher's steps soon loses its impact. After some time the situation changes. Nomads move into the village. Their actions were devastating for the village. They destroyed all the greenery and completely exhausted the water in the wells. Maria is ready to take any steps, just to preserve the result of her labors. She decides to go to the leader of the tribe and ask him to stop destroying and destroying the village, not to destroy the ancient green plantings and not to waste too much water. The leader asks the teacher to teach the residents of the village of Safuta to live like the residents of Khoshutovo.

The teacher agrees to teach them how to grow greens in her village. She decides to devote herself entirely to the cause and rid the residents of both villages of the sands. Maria promises all village residents to grow a real forest in place of the desert.

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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  • Summary of Tolstoy Bird

    The main character of the work is the boy Seryozha, who is given a bird trap among his many gifts for his birthday.

  • Summary of Averchenko in the Evening

    One evening, an older man sits and reads “The History of the French Revolution,” forgetting everything in the world. While reading, someone comes up to him and distracts him by scratching him with a nail and trying to move him away from the chair. And he sits and doesn’t seem to notice anything.

2) The title of the work is “The Sandy Teacher”

4) Genre of the work - story

5) The work was written in 1927. The woman who inspired the writer for this story was Platonov’s wife Maria Kashintseva. She managed to correct the situation with progressive illiteracy in one of the villages near Voronezh

6) The action in the story takes place in the 1920s in the distant village of Khoshutovo.

7) Main characters:

Maria Nikiforovna Naryshkina, a young teacher.

Since childhood, I have been interested in geography, and as an adult, I successfully completed pedagogical courses. The love and care of her father allowed the girl to bypass the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. Of course, I want to be like this heroine, because through the lines in which the author describes the peculiarities of Mary’s actions, you can feel how strong and assertive her character is, what is her desire to be useful to society, to selflessly help those in need. These qualities deserve attention and respect.

8) The story begins with the fact that a young teacher Maria Naryshkina was sent to the village of Khoshutovo, which was covered with sand. Residents could not cope with the elements, which turned their lives into a desperate and unsuccessful struggle with sand. Fewer and fewer students came to classes due to poverty and hunger. And then the teacher, unable to stay away, began to think about an idea that could help the residents. She decided to teach lessons in which she would tell peasants and their children about the effective fight against sand. At first it was difficult to attract residents to this matter, but Maria managed to do it. The result was soon noticeable. The village has changed dramatically: special plants appeared that were suitable for life in such conditions, they strengthened the sands, protected the village from harsh desert winds, and brought valuable harvests. Life in the village of Khoshutovo has become better. But everything changed three years later, when nomads passed through the settlement. They took everything that the peasants had created through honest labor. Maria decided to go to the district to report on the current situation, but there she was told that the village no longer needed her, because the people had already learned to deal with the harsh desert and would henceforth use the teacher’s advice on their own. Then she was offered to transfer to the village of Safuta, where people also need the “science of sands.” Maria thought about the fact that her life would be spent in the wilderness, but the desire to help people was stronger.

9) I was very impressed by this story. I admire the main character, who saved an entire people from poverty and misery. “The Sandy Teacher” taught me that it is very important to remain a sympathetic and good-natured person, because so many people around need it. We must live not only by our own interests, but sometimes sacrifice them for the sake of a good goal.

Maria Naryshkina, the daughter of a teacher, was born in the Astrakhan province. As a child, she delightedly read her father's geographical books. The desert was her home, and geography her poetry. At the age of sixteen, Maria entered pedagogical courses in Astrakhan, graduated four years later and was appointed as a teacher in the Russian village of Khoshutovo, in Central Asia, right on the border with the sandy desert.

Khoshutovo, a village of several dozen households, was almost completely covered with sand blown from the Pamir plateaus. There were shovels everywhere, and every day the peasants worked to clear sand drifts from their estates. But the cleared places were again filled with sand, which choked people’s breath. The young teacher saw that the residents of Khoshutov were broken by this fruitless labor and completely lost heart.

Andrey Platonovich Platonov

The children went to school to see the teacher incorrectly. In winter, amid snowstorms mixed with acrid, stinging sand, terrible poverty set in. People began to starve. By New Year, out of twenty students, two had died.

Teacher Maria Nikiforovna guessed: at school they need to teach fighting against sand, the art of turning the desert into living land. She went to the district department of public education. There they did not give her a teacher in sand science, but they provided her with books and suggested that she teach this matter herself.

Upon returning to Khoshutovo, Maria Nikiforovna convinced the peasants to organize voluntary public works every year - a month in the spring and a month in the fall. Within a year they bore brilliant fruit. Under the guidance of the “sand teacher,” the only plant that grows well on these soils, shelyuga (a shrub like willow), was planted everywhere. He protected the village from the desert winds and allowed the gardens to be irrigated. Shelyuga gave the inhabitants fuel; they learned to make baskets and even furniture from its twig. Life has become calmer and more satisfying. The whole village thanked the “sand teacher”, who began to plant pine trees.

But in the third year of her life, trouble happened in Khoshutov. Once every 15 years, nomadic herders passed through the village along their nomadic ring in the desert. That year, at the end of August, thousands of their horses and huge herds appeared. Three days later, there was nothing left of either the shell or the pine - everything was gnawed, trampled and destroyed by the horses and herds of the nomads. Their animals drank all the water from the wells.

The sandy teacher went to the leader of the nomads. He accepted her politely, but said that their cattle needed grass, so nothing could be done... Why did the Russians come to our land?

Maria Nikiforovna left to complain to the Soviet authorities in the district. There they listened to her and said: in Khoshutovo the population has already learned to fight the sands. The sandy teacher is now more needed not there, but in Safuta - a village where not Russian settlers settle, but nomads who are settling into sedentary life. The Soviet government was afraid that they would not sit there and would run away, so they decided to send Maria Nikiforovna there to teach the nomads the culture of the sands.

The teacher felt sorry for burying her youth in the sandy desert among wild tribes. But remembering the hopeless fate of two peoples squeezed into dunes, she agreed, saying that she would try to come to the district again in fifty years as an old woman - and not along the sand, but along a forest road.

Russian Historical Library
Platonov “The Sandy Teacher” - summary

Maria Naryshkina, the daughter of a teacher, was born in the Astrakhan province. As a child, she delightedly read her father's geographical books. The desert was her home, and geography her poetry. At the age of sixteen, Maria entered pedagogical courses in Astrakhan, graduated four years later and was appointed as a teacher in the Russian village of Khoshutovo, in Central Asia, right on the border with the sandy desert.

Khoshutovo, a village of several dozen households, was almost completely covered with sand blown from the Pamir plateaus. There were shovels everywhere, and every day the peasants worked to clear sand drifts from their estates. But the cleared places were again filled with sand, which choked people’s breath. The young teacher saw that the residents of Khoshutov were broken by this fruitless labor and completely lost heart.

Platonov. Sandy teacher
Andrey Platonov, author of the story “The Sandy Teacher”

The children went to school to see the teacher incorrectly. In winter, amid snowstorms mixed with acrid, stinging sand, terrible poverty set in. People began to starve. By New Year, out of twenty students, two had died.

Teacher Maria Nikiforovna guessed: at school they need to teach fighting against sand, the art of turning the desert into living land. She went to the district department of public education. There they did not give her a teacher in sand science, but they provided her with books and suggested that she teach this matter herself.

Upon returning to Khoshutovo, Maria Nikiforovna convinced the peasants to organize voluntary public works every year - a month in the spring and a month in the fall. Within a year they bore brilliant fruit. Under the guidance of the “sand teacher,” the only plant that grows well on these soils, shelyuga (a shrub like willow), was planted everywhere. He protected the village from the desert winds and allowed the gardens to be irrigated. Shelyuga gave the inhabitants fuel; they learned to make baskets and even furniture from its twig. Life has become calmer and more satisfying. The whole village thanked the “sand teacher”, who began to plant pine trees.

But in the third year of her life, trouble happened in Khoshutov. Once every 15 years, nomadic herders passed through the village along their nomadic ring in the desert. That year, at the end of August, thousands of their horses and huge herds appeared. Three days later, there was nothing left of either the shell or the pine - everything was gnawed, trampled and destroyed by the horses and herds of the nomads. Their animals drank all the water from the wells.

The sandy teacher went to the leader of the nomads. He accepted her politely, but said that their cattle needed grass, so nothing could be done... Why did the Russians come to our land?

Maria Nikiforovna left to complain to the Soviet authorities in the district. There they listened to her and said: in Khoshutovo the population has already learned to fight the sands. The sandy teacher is now more needed not there, but in Safuta - a village where not Russian settlers settle, but nomads who are settling into sedentary life. The Soviet government was afraid that they would not sit there and would run away, so they decided to send Maria Nikiforovna there to teach the nomads the culture of the sands.

The teacher felt sorry for burying her youth in the sandy desert among wild nomads. But remembering the hopeless fate of two peoples squeezed into dunes, she agreed, saying that she would try to come to the district again in fifty years as an old woman - and not along the sand, but along a forest road.