Translator in the field of professional communication. National Research Nuclear University "Myfi" (NIU Myfi) Implementation at the expense of

Since 2005, the program has become an experimental platform for the leading professional organization of translators in the country -Union of Translators of Russia , where the program director is Emeritus Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova L.V. Polubichenko is the chairman of the scientific and methodological council and a member of the board.

Program Goals

  • training of specialists in the field of specialized translation in order to improve their professional qualifications
  • development of practical skills in professional (oral and written) translation in combination with the study of language theory and translation theory
  • general improvement of language competence (native and target languages)
  • deepening knowledge about the world of the language being studied
  • development of intercultural competence in order to increase the effectiveness of intercultural communication in the field of professional activity

The program is designed for those who seek to improve their professional competence in the field of foreign languages ​​and obtain additional qualifications that allow them to combine their specialized knowledge and translation skills in the field of professional interests.

Target Audience

  • certified specialists in various fields of knowledge: economists, lawyers, specialists in other humanitarian fields, specialists in the natural sciences and technology
  • corporate clients providing personnel training to improve the skills of their employees
  • senior students
  • graduate students

Principles and objectives of training

  • improving the general level of foreign language proficiency in oral and written forms
  • development of universal translation skills from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language
  • study of translation strategies and models
  • active application in practice of acquired theoretical knowledge in the field of interlingual and intercultural communication
  • development and development of skills in professional use of dictionaries and databases
  • work with special terminology and expansion of the terminological apparatus in the professional field
  • practical work with texts in the specialty
  • development of skills in searching for terminological equivalents and translation correspondences
  • improving Russian language proficiency in different functional styles of speech
  • expansion and deepening of training through targeted elective (students' choice) courses that are focused on:
    • expanding the range and more detailed development of practical skills of written and interpreting in the field of professional interests of the student
    • more detailed acquaintance with intercultural aspects of translation activities

Learning outcomes

Graduates of the program have the following professional competencies:

  • possess a system of linguistic knowledge about basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical, word-formation phenomena, spelling and punctuation, about the patterns of functioning of the foreign language being studied, its functional varieties - in comparison with the Russian language
  • are able to generate and understand oral and written texts in the foreign language being studied in relation to the basic functional styles in official, neutral and informal communication situations
  • are able to carry out interlingual and intercultural interaction in oral and written forms in both general and professional spheres of communication
  • are able to carry out pre-translation analysis of written and oral text, facilitating accurate perception of the original statement, predicting possible inconsistencies in the translation process and ways to overcome them
  • are able to apply translation transformations to achieve the required level of equivalence and representativeness when performing translation
  • capable of post-translation editing of the translated text
  • capable of summarizing and annotating written texts
  • master the basics of modern information and bibliographic culture, are able to work with electronic dictionaries, translation memory programs and other specialized electronic resources to solve professional problems.

Upon completion of training, a diploma from Moscow State University is issued in the established form for the additional qualification “Translator in the field of professional communication.” Persons who have not completed their basic education receive a translator’s diploma only after completing it.

Dormitory accommodation is not provided for the period of study.

Languages ​​and areas of professional specialization

Language studied (one: according to a diploma of secondary vocational/higher education)

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish

Directions of translation specialization (in accordance with the diploma specialty)

  • economics and business
  • right
  • scientific and technical translation

The program is conducted

  • highly qualified teachers of translation and foreign languages ​​at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University
  • practicing translators, members of the Union of Translators of Russia

Duration of training and scope of the curriculum

Duration of training - 2 years (with an intensity of 12 classroom hours per week).
Training possible partially in remote form. It is also possible to reduce the duration of training for persons with a first linguistic education and a high level of proficiency in a foreign language.

The curriculum is designed for 1500 academic hours.

Classes are held 3 times a week from 18.00 to 21.10 at the address: Leninskie Gory 1., building 13/14.
The duration of the autumn semester is 13 weeks, the spring semester is 15 weeks.

Description of the program

The professional retraining program “Translator in the field of professional communication” includes:

  • study of general theoretical disciplines
  • study of special practical disciplines
  • elective courses (at students' choice)
  • writing coursework in the 3rd and 4th semesters on translation problems related to the subject of first education
  • translation practice

The final certification for the program is the state qualification exam in foreign language and translation.

Program curriculum

General disciplines

1. Practical foreign language course
2. Presentation technology and speaking practice
3. Fundamentals of the theory of the target language with seminars on grammatical aspects of translation
4. The world of the language being studied
5. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech

Special disciplines

1. Translation theory
2. Practical course of professionally oriented translation

  • economics and business
  • right
  • socio-political and general humanitarian topics
  • scientific and technical translation

Program of additional (to higher) education "Translator in the field of professional communication" is intended for those who seek to improve their professional competence in the field of foreign languages ​​and obtain additional qualifications that allow them to combine their specialized knowledge and translation skills in the field of professional interests.

Program goals:

    training specialists in the field of specialized translation in order to improve professional language skills;

    development of practical skills in professional (oral and written) translation;

    deepening knowledge about the world of the foreign language being studied;

    increasing the effectiveness of intercultural communication in the professional sphere.

Target Audience:

    graduate students;

    certified specialists - economists, lawyers, specialists in the humanities (public relations, social work, psychology and pedagogy), technical specialists (information systems).

Basic principles and objectives of training:

    improving the general level of foreign language proficiency in oral and written forms;

    development of universal translation skills from a foreign language into Russian and from Russian into a foreign language;

    working with special terminology in the professional field;

    expansion of the circle and detailed development of practical skills of written and interpreting in the field of professional interests of the listener;

    more detailed acquaintance with intercultural aspects of translation activities.

Learning outcomes:

    increasing linguistic and intercultural competence in the field of professional and business interests;

    acquisition of universal translation skills;

    obtaining a translator qualification (as an additional qualification to the main specialty).

Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued for the additional qualification “Translator in the field of professional communication”.

(To enlarge the image, click on the image)

Students who do not have a higher education receive a translator diploma only after completing their basic higher education and receiving their first diploma.

Languages ​​studied:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Duration of training- 2 years:
- on weekdays from 19:00 to 21:15
- in weekend groups from 10:00 to 14:30.

Tuition fees

For those entering the program in 2013, the tuition fee is 24,500 rubles. per semester (49,000 rubles for 1 academic year). Discounts for RosNOU students.

It is possible to reduce the duration of training for persons with first linguistic education and a high level of foreign language proficiency.

Classes are held in the building of the Russian New University (RosNOU) at the address: Radio Street, 22 (metro station "Baumanskaya")

Registration for the program "Translator in the field of professional communication" is carried out based on the results of testing.

Testing is held daily on weekdays from 16:00.

You can take on-line testing (foreign language of your choice):


1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL STATE AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI) APPROVED by Vice-Rector of NRNU MEPhI V.V. Uzhva AGREED Chairman of the Council for the Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel N.A. Kudryashov Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee V.I. Secretive Entrance test program in the discipline “Foreign Language” for all areas of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school Moscow, 2016

2 The entrance test program is formed on the basis of federal state educational standards of higher education. 1. Goals and objectives of the entrance exam During the foreign language exam, the knowledge, abilities and skills of an applicant for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school are tested: abilities and skills in translating written texts on professional or related topics; skills and abilities of oral reading in a foreign language of texts in the field of study; the ability to make messages in a foreign language on topics related to scientific or everyday topics; possession of the skills of conducting a professional conversation on issues within this field of activity. 2. Requirements for types of speech communication Speaking. An applicant to graduate school must have prepared monologue speech in the form of a message, as well as dialogic speech in situations of scientific and professional communication within the limits of the studied language material. Reading. An applicant to graduate school must be able to read original scientific literature in his specialty, relying on the studied language material, background regional studies and professional knowledge. Translation. An applicant to graduate school must be able to translate text in his specialty in writing with a dictionary within a given time; A graduate student/applicant must be able to translate orally without preparation and without a dictionary text in the specialty. 2

3 3. Requirements for the mandatory verifiable minimum content of the academic discipline Phonetics. Specifics of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; main features of pronunciation characteristic of the field of professional communication; reading the transcription. Vocabulary. Lexical minimum in the amount of 2000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature. The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by areas of application (everyday, terminological, general scientific, official and other). The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units. The concept of the main methods of word formation. The minimum includes stylistically neutral, most commonly used vocabulary, reflecting early specialization (basic terminological vocabulary of the specialty) Grammar. Grammatical skills that ensure communication without distortion of meaning in written and oral communication of a general nature; basic grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech. Language material. Vocabulary. The applicant's vocabulary must be at least 2000 lexical units, taking into account the university minimum and potential vocabulary, including approximately 200 terms of the major specialty. Grammar. The applicant must know the essential morphological and syntactic features of the grammatical structure of a modern foreign language. Word order of a simple sentence. Complex Sentence: Compound and complex sentences. Conjunctions and relative pronouns. Unconjunct clauses. Noun: number and case. Pronouns. Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Verb. The use of personal forms of the verb in the active and passive voices. Coordination of times. Functions of the infinitive. Complex addition. Complex subject. Functions of participles, participial phrases. Functions of the gerund. Subjunctive mood. Modal verbs. Conditional sentences. Emphatic constructions. 3

4 4. Requirements for applicants At the entrance exam, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to use a foreign language as a means of cultural and professional communication. The applicant must master the spelling, lexical and grammatical norms of a foreign language and use them correctly in all types of speech activity. Taking into account the prospects for the practical and scientific activities of graduate students, the requirements for knowledge and skills in the entrance exam are carried out in accordance with the level of the following language competencies: Reading. The student's reading and viewing skills are monitored. In the first case, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to read original literature in the specialty, translate it into Russian as completely and accurately as possible, using a dictionary and relying on professional knowledge and skills of linguistic and contextual guesswork. Written and oral translations must comply with the grammatical and stylistic norms of the Russian language. Speaking and listening. At the exam, the applicant must demonstrate mastery of prepared monologue, as well as unprepared dialogic speech in a situation of official communication within the university program topic. The ability to adequately perceive speech and give logically sound, detailed and brief answers to the examiner’s questions is assessed. 5. Content and structure of the entrance exam in a foreign language The entrance test in a Foreign language for all areas of training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the graduate school of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI is carried out in the form of an interview and includes the following stages: 1. Written translation of the text in the area of ​​training with a dictionary. The volume of text is 2000 printed characters, the execution time is 60 minutes. 2. Reading and oral translation of text in the direction of preparation without a dictionary, preparation time 10 minutes. 3. Conversation in a foreign language on scientific or social topics. 4

5 The applicant must bring with him to the entrance test 6-8 articles in a foreign language on the subject of the field of study for the first and second stages. Evaluation criteria for the entrance exam: 1. Written translation “excellent”, complete translation (100%), adequate to the semantic content of the text in Russian; “good” full translation (100%-80%), adequate to the semantic content of the text, presentation in Russian, 2-3 semantic inaccuracies are allowed; “satisfactory” incomplete translation (2/3 ½), 4-6 errors in conveying semantic content; “unsatisfactory” incomplete translation (less than ½). Misunderstanding of the content of the text, semantic and grammatical errors. 2. Reading and interpreting “excellent” 100%-90% understanding of the main content of the text; “good” 100%-75% understanding of the main content of the text, no more than 2 errors in translation; “satisfactory” less (75%-50%) understanding of the main content, 3-5 errors in translation; “unsatisfactory” - less than 50% of the main content of the text, distortion of the content of the text. 3. Conversation “excellent”, a detailed, complete, grammatically correct statement (no less than sentences); “good” complete statement, 3-5 grammatical errors, phonetic inaccuracies are allowed; “satisfactory” incomplete statement, more than 6 grammatical, lexical or phonetic errors, speech is not grammatically formulated; “unsatisfactory”: inability to construct a sentence, a large number of grammatical, lexical, and phonetic errors. 6. Materials for preparing for the entrance exam Basic literature 5

6 1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Second edition. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, Mikhelson T.N., Uspenskaya N.V. Practical English grammar course. St. Petersburg, 1995 3. Golitsynsky Yu.B. Grammar: Collection of exercises. 6th ed. St. Petersburg: KARO, Merkulova E.M. English for university students. Reading, written and oral practice. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, Istomina E.A., Sahakyan A.S. English grammar. - M.: Iris Press, 2007 Additional literature Internet resources: Sample questions for conversation in a foreign language on scientific topics Education When did you graduate from the University? What University did you graduate from? What department did you study at? What courses did you like best? Why? Did you enjoy your five years at the University? Have you got a diploma with high honors? Which of your college years was the most difficult one? Have you ever had any difficulty in getting along with fellow students and professors? Do you feel that you have received a good general training? When did you decide to take a postgraduate course? Why did you decide to take a postgraduate course? Why do you think you will succeed in a postgraduate course? Family, hobbies, interests How interested are you in research work? What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your chosen 6

7 field? Are you going to take a full time or correspondence course? How will you manage to support yourself while studying? Do you live on your own or with your parents? Are you single or married? What do you do to keep you in good physical condition? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What leisure activities do you enjoy? Do you like to read? If you do what kind of books do you prefer? If you don"t, why? You have got some friends, haven"t you? What kind of a person is your closest friend? Which of your parents had the most profound influence on you? Do you go in for extreme sports? Have you ever been abroad? What do your parents do? Are there any scientists in your family or among your relatives? Research and Scientific work What department are you in? What faculty does it belong to? What position do you fill? Do you give seminars to students? Who is the head of your department? Are there any distinguished scientists working at your department? What are the lines of investigation in your department? What branch of industry does your department train specialists for? Is the research work performed on a large (broad) scale? Do you have many research teams (task groups) in your department? Do you work in a team? Do any scientific research institutes participate in teamwork with your department? Are you often away / sent on business or study trips? Is there a laboratory in your department? Who is the chief / head of the lab? How is your laboratory equipped? What modern installations and devices does your laboratory need? What fundamental theories and methods of research do you apply? Have you worked out any new methods of research? Do you have to make a lot of calculations / experiments / measurements? 7

8 Have you got up-to-date equipment at your disposal? Have you succeeded in obtaining any interesting results? What are the most interesting results you ve obtained so far? When are you supposed to report on the results obtained? What area of ​​scientific exploration have you chosen? What field do you do research in? What are your interests focused on? Does your research cover a wide range of subjects? Are you a theoretician or an experimentalist? What problems does your work deal with? Do you work in a research team or do you carry out individual research? Who is your scientific adviser / research supervisor? Does he help you a lot with your research? In what way does your scientific adviser help you? How often do you go to see your supervisor about your work? What subjects are you most interested in? Why is the problem you are trying to solve of importance? When did you start working on this problem? Have you found the solution to the problem yet? When are you going to complete / finish the research program? When are you supposed to report on the results / information obtained? Is your scientific advisor satisfied with your research / experimental activity? Do you take part in scientific seminars of your department? Have you presented / delivered any paper to / at a seminar yet? When and what PhD exams do you still have to take? Agreed by: Chairman of the examination committee Stroilova Georgievna, associate professor Alevtina Ph.D., 8

The entrance test program is developed on the basis of federal state educational standards for higher education. Compiled by: Head of the Department of International Education, Associate Professor I.A. Vorobyova Introductory


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Smolensk State University" English language exam program


MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Adyghe State University" Faculty


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education (RGGMU) Entrance exam program for graduate school in the discipline

1 ABSTRACT Applicants to graduate school take an entrance test in a foreign language in accordance with state educational standards of higher professional education. According to


2 3 1. General provisions for studying English Admission to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University" for postgraduate studies is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Education and Science

Compiled by: Usmansky Yu.V., Ph.D. Philol. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. department foreign languages ​​Reviewer: Goverdovskaya E.V., Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Ph.D. Philol. sciences, head department humanitarian disciplines Entrance program

2 1. Goals of mastering the discipline CONTENT 2. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline 3. Language material 4. Content and structure of the candidate exam 5. Recommended

1. Goals and objectives of the entrance test During the foreign language test, the knowledge, skills and abilities of an applicant to graduate school are tested in the following areas: abilities and skills in translation of written documents

The entrance test program in English includes the content of major academic disciplines included in the Basic educational program of higher professional education, according to which

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg State Art and Industrial

1. Explanatory note The program for the entrance exam to graduate school in a foreign language is developed in accordance with the state educational standards of higher education at the specialist levels,

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Agrarian University" Program of entrance examinations to graduate school ENTRANCE PROGRAM

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Belinsky Faculty of History and Philology Department of “English Language” PROGRAM

ADOPTED by the Decision of the Academic Council dated April 11, 2017. Protocol 5 APPROVED by Order dated April 12, 2017. 25 PROGRAM OF THE ENTRANCE TEST IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE for applicants to study in educational

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Institute of Postgraduate

This program was developed on the basis of the minimum program for the candidate exam in the general scientific discipline “Foreign Language”, approved by the expert commission of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (developer:

Program for the entrance exam to graduate school in a foreign language Abstract The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the mandatory minimum content and level of preparation of applicants

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after. M. Akmulla" (FSBEI HE "BSPU named after M. Akmulla")

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "MPEI" "APPROVED" Vice-Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NIU "MPEI" for Scientific

3. Tested abilities, qualities, knowledge, abilities and skills: During the professional test, the applicant must demonstrate the ability to use a foreign language as a means of communication. Incoming

1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline The study of foreign languages ​​is an integral part of the training of specialists in various fields. The main goal of mastering the discipline is to achieve

Interview questions Remember to say: 1. when you left school 2. if it was easy or difficult to study at school 3. if parents helped you with homework 4. what your favorite subjects were 5. what

Entrance test programs for admission to postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel are formed on the basis of federal state educational standards

1 ABSTRACT Applicants to graduate school take entrance exams in French in accordance with state educational standards of higher professional education. According to

1. Contents of the candidate exam in a foreign language At the candidate exam, the graduate student must demonstrate the ability to use a foreign language as a means of professional communication in scientific

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev" (Samara University) PROGRAM

1. Requirements for applicants The program for the entrance exam to graduate school in a foreign language is developed in accordance with state educational standards for higher professional education

1 ENTRANCE EXAM PROGRAM Applicants to graduate school take a competitive entrance exam in a foreign language in accordance with the State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education

Contents of the sections of the discipline “Foreign Language” for graduate students of the direction of training 06.21.01 Geology, exploration and development of useful PROGRAM Program of the entrance exam to graduate school in a foreign language

Approved by the decision of the Academic Council of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Krasnodar State Institute of Culture" dated March 29, 2016, protocol 3 PROGRAM OF THE ENTRANCE TEST IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE for

ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR APPLICANTS TO POST-GRADUATE STUDIES Nizhny Novgorod 2018 Introduction The study of foreign languages ​​is an integral part of the training of specialists

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg State Art and Industrial

The applicant must demonstrate the ability to read original literature in the specialty, translate it into Russian as completely and accurately as possible, using a dictionary and relying on professional knowledge.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kaluga State University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky"

4. Structure and content of the entrance test for creative and professional orientation. The professional test consists of two parts: written (comparing pictures); oral (containing tasks

INTRODUCTION The proposed program is based on the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the relevant field and the basic program for training specialists in higher education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "NATIONAL RESEARCH MOSCOW STATE CONSTRUCTION


2 Purpose of the exam: to determine the level of development of communicative competence among those entering graduate school. Communicative competence is understood as the ability to correlate linguistic means with specific areas,

PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION TO POST-GRADUATE STUDIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE The program of entrance examination in foreign language is compiled in accordance with the State Standards of Higher Professional Education and recommendations



Exam in a foreign language (English) The program for the entrance test in a foreign language (English) is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution

CONTENTS I. General provisions....... 3 II. Contents of the entrance test.3 III. Evaluation criteria....5 IV. Educational, methodological and reference support...5 2 I. General provisions This program

State budgetary institution of additional education of the Pskov region "Pskov Regional Center for the Development of Gifted Children and Youth" Curriculum of the English language department (module 1),


Instead of an introduction Every second word This textbook is an English-Russian dictionary that includes descriptions of only 135 English words. These special words: by frequency of use

The objectives of the postgraduate course “Foreign Language” include the improvement and further development of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in higher education in a foreign language in various types of speech communication.

ADOPTED by the Decision of the Academic Council dated June 14, 2016. Protocol 6 APPROVED by Order dated June 14, 2016. 20 ENTRANCE TEST PROGRAM to the Graduate School of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “GosNIORH” in foreign language St. Petersburg

Work program of the discipline “Foreign language (English)”. 1. Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline Goals of the discipline: achieving practical knowledge of a foreign language, allowing you to use it in

FEDERAL AGENCY OF SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATIONS RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Federal state budgetary institution of science Institute of Problems of Mechanical Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMash RAS) FUND OF EVALUATION

St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after A.L. Stieglitz Department of Humanitarian and Engineering Disciplines Department of Foreign Languages ​​Entrance Test PROGRAM

Contents 1. Requirements for preparing applicants for graduate school.. 3 2. Recommendations for preparing for the exam.. 3 3. Procedure for conducting entrance tests 3 4. Contents of the program 5 5. Structure

Introduction The study of foreign languages ​​is an integral part of the training of specialists in various fields, who, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational

/ Central Federal District / National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (branches) (data 2011) / Translator in the field of professional communication (Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy - branch of NRNU MEPhI)

Translator in the field of professional communication (Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy - branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (branches) (2011 data)

Program code


The program is designed for 3-5 year students and graduates of technical universities. The program offers the study of the following linguistic disciplines: introduction to linguistics, stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture, fundamentals of the theory of the target language, theory of translation, practical course in a foreign language (English and German), practical course in professionally oriented translation. Students write a workshop on written translation and undergo a translation internship, which lasts 5 weeks. The course lasts 2 years (four semesters). At the end of the training, students write and defend certification papers and pass the state exam in translation. The program is aimed at improving foreign language proficiency and developing translation competence. The main goal of the program is to prepare a translator capable of working with professional documentation in a foreign language (written and oral translation).

Program volume, in hours

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Full name of the person responsible

Bazhenova I.S.

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