Organization of anti-terrorist security in Orthodox churches. Fire Safety Circular

Requirements for anti-terrorism security and forms of safety passports for church churches.



from "__" ________ city N ___





In accordance with the Federal by law dated March 6, 2006 N 35-FZ “On countering terrorism” The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve Requirements to anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers.

2. Approve Requirements to anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) subject to mandatory police protection.

3. Establish that the Requirements approved by this resolution do not apply to transport infrastructure facilities (territories), vehicles and fuel and energy complex facilities.

4. Establish that sections V, VI Requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers and sections V, VII - X Requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects (territories) subject to mandatory police protection come into force three years from the date of official publication of this resolution.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government resolution

Russian Federation

from ______ city N ___





1. These Requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements) establish uniform approaches and determine the procedure for carrying out organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers, as well as organizing control over the implementation of the Requirements. These Requirements do not apply to objects (territories) whose copyright holders are federal executive authorities and the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" or which relate to the scope of their activities that involve the use of an object (territory) subject to anti-terrorist protection, as well as to objects ( territories) subject to mandatory police protection.

2. Based on these Requirements, categorization is carried out, a safety passport is developed for places where people gather in large numbers, and measures are planned to improve anti-terrorism security.

3. Places of mass stay of people, subject to categorization and provision of anti-terrorism protection, are established by local government bodies in whose territories they are located, in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, emergency situations and disaster relief.


4. Anti-terrorism protection of crowded places is ensured by fulfilling the following general requirements:

carrying out organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers;

the use of modern information and communication technologies to ensure the safety of crowded places;

equipping public places with the necessary engineering and technical means;

control in a single information space in real time over the situation developing in places of mass presence of people;

information protection measures.

5. Responsibility for carrying out organizational measures to ensure anti-terrorism protection of places of mass gathering of people rests with the government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the heads of municipalities in whose territories the corresponding places of mass gathering of people are located.

6. Anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers must correspond to the nature of the threats, the operational situation, and ensure the most effective and economical use of forces and means involved in ensuring their security.


7. To establish differentiated security requirements for places where people gather in large numbers, taking into account the degree of potential danger of committing a terrorist act there and its possible consequences, places where people gather in large numbers are categorized.

8. In order to determine the category of the object, as well as the set of organizational and technical measures necessary to ensure proper anti-terrorist protection of a place where people gather in large numbers, it is examined by an interdepartmental commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

9. The composition of the Commission includes: the chairman of the Commission - the head of a municipal entity or an authorized person, the copyright holder (owner) of a place of mass gathering of people, representatives of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, with the involvement, if necessary, of representatives of the owners of objects that are located within the boundaries of the place mass presence of people or in close proximity to it.

10. Depending on the possible consequences of committing a terrorist act based on forecast indicators of the number of people who may die or be harmed, places where people are in large numbers are divided into the following categories:

11. The calculation of the number of people is carried out by monitoring the simultaneous stay and (or) movement of people in the territory of a place of mass presence of people. Monitoring is carried out over 3 calendar days, including working days and weekends (holidays).

12. Depending on the established category, a set of measures for its anti-terrorism protection, specified in section V.


13. Based on the results of the work of the Commission, officials included in the Commission draw up a Categorization Act for places where people gather in large numbers (hereinafter referred to as the Categorization Act).

13.1. The categorization act is drawn up in five copies and signed by all members of the Commission.

13.2. The act of categorization is an integral part Passports security of places where people gather in large numbers (Appendix No. 1 to the Requirements).

14. The safety passport of a place of mass presence of people (hereinafter referred to as the Passport) is drawn up by members of the Commission in five copies, agreed with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and approved by the head of the municipality.

14.1. The passport is an information and reference document for the implementation of measures to prevent (suppress) terrorist acts, as well as determining the state of anti-terrorism security of a place where people are in large numbers.

14.2. The passport is a document of limited distribution.

14.3. Responsibility for non-dissemination of the data contained in the Passport lies with the copyright holders (owners) of places of public gathering, heads of municipalities on whose territory places of public gathering of people are located and heads of departments of the relevant departments that preserve original copies of Passports.

14.4. The approval of the Passport is carried out within 30 days from the moment of its development.

14.5. One copy of the Passport is kept in the administration of the municipality on whose territory the place of mass stay of people is located, one copy each is kept in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and at the copyright holder (owner) of the place of mass stay of people.

If it is impossible for the copyright holder (owner) of a place of mass stay of people to ensure the safety of a copy of the Passport, it is transferred for storage to the administration of the municipality on whose territory the place of mass stay of people is located.

14.6. When drawing up a Passport, it is allowed to include additional information taking into account the characteristics of the place of mass stay of people.

14.7. The Passport is updated at least once every 3 years, as well as in cases of changes:

the main purpose and significance of the place where people gather;

the total area and boundaries of the place of mass gathering of people;

terrorist threats against places where people gather in large numbers;

construction of any objects within the boundaries of a place of mass presence of people or in close proximity to it.

14.8. When updating the Passport, it is agreed upon with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia within 30 days from the date of its update.

14.9. In cases where changes are made to the Passport that are not provided for subclause 14.7 of these Requirements, it is subject to adjustment, indicating the reasons and the date of their introduction.


15. All places where people gather in large numbers, regardless of the established category, are equipped with:

video surveillance system;

warning and evacuation control system;

lighting system.

16. In order to maintain law and order in places where people gather in large numbers, physical security is organized.

16.1. As part of the unified deployment of forces and means of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to ensure law and order in the service territory, the squads of motor patrols of police units (patrol service, private security, road patrol service) should be as close as possible to places of mass presence of people in order to quickly respond to changes operational situation.

16.2. Various public associations and organizations may be involved in ensuring the physical protection of places where people gather in large numbers in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

17. It is not allowed to litter evacuation routes throughout the entire territory of a crowded place.

18. Places of mass presence of people of the 1st category (with the exception of walking and pedestrian areas, streets, avenues, alleys, boulevards) are equipped with stationary columns (stands) with emergency call buttons for the police squad and a feedback system.

Advertisement places of mass presence of people, emergency services, law enforcement agencies and security agencies.

20. The video surveillance system must provide continuous video surveillance of the state of the situation in places where people are crowded, their archiving and storage for 30 days.

21. The number of video cameras installed in a place of mass gathering of people and their location must ensure control of the entire territory of the place of mass gathering of people.

22. The warning system in the territory of a place of mass presence of people must ensure prompt notification of people about the possibility of committing or committing a terrorist act.

22.1. The warning system is implemented independently, not combined with relay technological systems.

22.2. The number of sirens and their power must ensure the necessary audibility throughout the entire territory of a crowded place.


23. When the administration of a municipality receives information about the threat or commission of a terrorist act, including an anonymous one, in relation to a place of mass stay of people located on its territory, the head (administration) of the municipality immediately informs the territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

24. Information about the threat of or about the commission of a terrorist act in a place of mass presence of people is sent to the territorial bodies of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia by the head (administration) of the municipality through the means of communication at its disposal.

25. In order to timely inform the population about the emergence of a threat of a terrorist act and organize activities to counter its commission, levels of terrorist danger may be established in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for establishing levels of terrorist danger, providing for the adoption of additional measures to ensure the security of the individual and society of the state.


26. Monitoring the implementation of these Requirements is carried out by the Commission through organizing and conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections with the report of the results to the head of the municipality or the person performing his duties, on whose territory the place of mass stay of people is located.

27. A scheduled inspection is carried out once a year, in accordance with the schedule approved by the Chairman of the Commission, and is carried out in the form of documentary control or an on-site inspection of a place of mass gathering of people for its anti-terrorism protection.

28. An unscheduled inspection is carried out in the event of emergencies in places of mass gathering, realized or prevented terrorist threats, facts of crimes, complaints from citizens about non-compliance with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places of mass gathering of people and inaction of officials, bodies and organizations in matters of ensuring anti-terrorist protection.

29. The period for conducting scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the implementation of measures for anti-terrorist protection of a place of mass gathering of people cannot exceed ten working days.

30. Upon completion of the inspection, the owner of a place of mass gathering of people and the head (administration) of the municipality on whose territory the place of mass gathering of people is located, the Commission makes proposals for improving measures to ensure anti-terrorist protection of a place of mass gathering of people and eliminating identified deficiencies.

31. Control over the elimination of identified deficiencies is carried out by the Commission.

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MOSCOW, November 30 – RIA Novosti. The entire range of measures for anti-terrorist protection of religious objects cannot be ensured within the established two years; now separate requirements are being developed for such objects, said the head of the legal service of the Moscow Patriarchate, Abbess Ksenia (Chernega).

According to her, the Russian Orthodox Church is “fairly concerned” about the bill amending the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). It establishes fairly high administrative fines, up to 500 thousand rubles, for non-compliance by legal entities with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places where people gather in large numbers.

Abbess Ksenia recalled that earlier the Interreligious Council of Russia sent an appeal to the Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin with a request to establish the responsibility of religious organizations for failure to comply with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of objects only after special requirements for them are approved.

“To date, this request has been satisfied, in the near future it is expected that the federal law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses will be adopted in the second reading. This bill has been amended, the essence of which is that religious organizations will have one year before the development of special requirements for anti-terrorist protection of their objects will be exempt from penalties for violations of the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of religious objects,” Chernega said.

At the same time, she recalled, the government instructed the relevant authorities to develop such requirements and formalize them in the form of a separate document.

“We are now already working on this document,” added a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, speaking at a round table on the topic of improving state-confessional relations with the participation of religious figures, experts and government officials.

Chernega also said that regional authorities classify prayer halls of churches as places of public gathering even if they are filled with people (by law, more than 50 people) only once, twice or three times a year. As a result, rural churches, for example, are classified as places of public gathering.

“They are faced with the fact that the security forces are forcing them to fill out safety data sheets with attached diagrams of all available engineering and technical communications. In addition, they are making demands for the prompt, within two years, equipping prayer halls - at the expense of religious communities - with expensive video surveillance systems , security alarms, they demand that church watchmen be replaced with private specialized security alarms. That is, in fact, we must involve private security companies in the protection of our temple buildings, who may be non-believers, provocative towards the church, or people of a different religion,” she said. Abbess.

She drew attention to the fact that “religious organizations carry out their activities through donations, and it is obvious that they are not able to fulfill the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of their facilities within two years.”

The round table was held by the Russian Association for the Defense of Religious Freedom (RARS), which unites representatives of traditional confessions of Russia, non-governmental organizations and scientists, with the support of the Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

Changes to the Fire Regulations

for religious organizations

The Government of the Russian Federation, by Resolution No. 1174 of September 28, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1174), introduced changes to the current Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (approved by Government Resolution No. 390 of April 25, 2012) that streamline the application of fire safety requirements in relation to religious objects appointments.

The absence of special requirements for religious objects in the previous edition of the Fire Safety Rules led to the fact that religious objects were fully subject to the general requirements of the Rules, which did not take into account the internal regulations of religious organizations.

The draft changes were developed by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations together with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and were approved by the Interreligious Council of Russia. The prepared document takes into account the internal regulations of traditional religious organizations in Russia.

The innovations are commented on by the head of the Legal Service of the Moscow Patriarchate, Abbess Ksenia (Chernega).

General characteristics of changes in the fire regime

So, the changes introduced by Resolution No. 1174 are as follows:

· the requirement for mandatory attachment of candlesticks to the floor has been eliminated;

· the requirement to store flammable liquids in metal cabinets is eliminated; at the same time, the requirements for specially equipped places for storing flammable liquids are not specified, which gives the religious organization the opportunity to resolve this issue independently;

· the amount of flammable liquids allowed for one-time storage in the prayer hall has been increased (from 5 to 20 liters);

· the requirement for pouring flammable liquids on a baking sheet made of non-flammable material has been eliminated, which is impossible when pouring into a hanging lamp;

· the requirement to prohibit pouring oil into lamps in the presence of an open fire has been eliminated. According to the new rules, oil can be poured into a burning lamp and in close proximity to burning candles and lamps;

· the requirement to attach carpets and paths to the floor at protection facilities with large numbers of people and on evacuation routes has been eliminated.

As for the general fire safety requirements, for religious organizations they are significantly relaxed, in particular:

· provision is made for the installation of one fire extinguisher in the altar without adjusting the distance of its placement from a possible source of fire;

· the right of a religious organization to independently provide for additional organizational fire-fighting measures during festive services has been established;

· requirements have been established for censers that reflect the current practice of using objects with open fire in religious premises;

· the minimum distance to candlesticks and other sources of open fire from flammable objects (hangers with clothes, fir trees, dry grass) has been established, it has been increased to 1.5 m (for comparison: according to general rules, the minimum distance starts from 0.2 m);

· the basic requirements for evacuation and emergency exits are only to check them daily and bring them (if necessary) into compliance with general requirements.

Thus, today, when operating religious facilities, religious organizations must be guided by Section XXI “Objects for Religious Purposes” of the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 390 dated April 25, 2012 (as amended by the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 1174 dated September 28, 2017).

For all questions regarding the application of Section XXI “Religious Objects” of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, you should contact the Legal Service of the Moscow Patriarchate.

The full commentary of the Legal Service of the Moscow Patriarchate on the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation (as amended on September 28, 2017) was published inmagazine "Parish" No. 6 for 2017

Appendix 2

General facility instructions on fire safety measures in

Local religious organization Orthodox

Parish ***

Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese

Russian Orthodox Church

(Moscow Patriarchate)

This instruction has been developed on the basis of __________________________

1. General fire safety requirements.

1.1. The rector and employees of the local religious organization of the Orthodox Parish *** of the Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety, are obliged to:

a) ensure timely compliance with fire safety requirements, regulations, decrees and other legal requirements of state fire inspectors;

b) inspect the organization’s premises before closing at the end of the working day.

1.2. All temple employees must be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training, and if the specifics of the work change, undergo additional training in preventing and extinguishing possible fires in the manner established by the rector.

1.3. All employees of a religious organization are required to comply with fire safety rules approved in the prescribed manner, as well as observe and maintain the fire safety regime.

1.4. By order of the manager, a fire safety regime must be established, including:

a) a ban on smoking in the premises and throughout the entire territory of the local religious organization of the Orthodox *** Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate);

b) the procedure for de-energizing electrical equipment in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day;

c) the procedure for conducting:

Temporary fire and other fire hazardous work;

Inspection and closure of premises after completion of work;

Actions of workers upon detection of a fire;

d) a schematic plan for the evacuation of employees and parishioners in case of fire has been developed, according to which practical training of all employees involved in the evacuation should be conducted at least once every six months;

e) instructions have been developed defining the actions of employees to ensure the safe and quick evacuation of people.

1.5. In the premises of the local religious organization of the Orthodox Parish of the *** Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), signs should be posted in prominent places indicating the telephone number for calling the fire department and developed evacuation plans.

1.6. There must be mandatory and safety signs on the doors of emergency exits.

1.7. All emergency exit doors must open freely towards the exit from the premises. When people are in the room, doors can only be locked with internal, easy-to-open locks.

a) block passages and vestibules with furniture, cabinets, equipment, various materials, and also block the doors of emergency exits;

b) arrange clothes dryers of any design, clothes hangers and wardrobes in the vestibules;

uniforms, storage (including temporary) of any equipment and materials;

c) install thresholds, turnstiles, sliding, lifting and rotating turnstiles on evacuation routes

doors and other devices that prevent the free evacuation of people.

1.9. In the event of a power outage, employees must have self-powered electric lights in the temple building. The number of lanterns is determined by the rector of the temple, based on the availability of employees on duty and the number of parishioners, but not less than one for each person on duty.

1.10. Before the start of the heating season, AOGV boilers and the heating system must be checked and repaired. Faulty boilers and other heating devices and systems are not allowed for operation.

1.11. Buildings (premises) of the local religious organization of the Orthodox Parish *** of the Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing means, powder fire extinguishers with a powder mass of at least 5 kg, in the amount of:

a) two - in the altar;

b) two - in the prayer hall.

1.12. Fire extinguishers should be placed in easily accessible places at a height of no more than 1.5 m, where they are not damaged, exposed to direct sunlight, or directly exposed to heating devices.

1.13. The territory of the local religious organization of the Orthodox Parish *** of the Primorsky Territory of the Vladivostok Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) must be kept clean at all times. Waste flammable materials, fallen leaves and dry grass should be regularly removed and removed from the area.

1.14. Doors (hatches) of attic and technical rooms must be locked at all times.

a) for employees and other persons to live in the temple building;

b) store flammable and combustible liquids in the temple building, with the exception of flammable liquids and materials used during worship (oil for lamps, lamps), provided they are stored in a metal container in an amount of no more than 5 liters;

c) remove the doors of corridors and vestibules provided for by the project.

2. Basic fire prevention measures.

2.1. During worship, charcoal should be lit only in an established and equipped place for this purpose.

2.2. Pouring flammable liquid into lamps and lamps should be carried out from a closed, unbreakable container, on a baking sheet made of non-flammable material, only in the absence of an open flame and electric heating devices turned on at a distance of at least 1 m from them.

2.3. When operating electrical appliances, it is prohibited:

a) use electrical equipment and devices in conditions that do not comply with the recommendations (instructions) of manufacturers, or have malfunctions that can lead to a fire, as well as use wires and cables with damaged insulation or that has lost its protective properties;

b) use damaged sockets, switches, and other electrical installation products;

c) wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials, and also use them with caps (diffusers) removed;

d) use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices without stands made of non-combustible materials;

e) leave electric heating devices, etc., connected to the network unattended;

f) use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices, use uncalibrated fuse links or other homemade overload and short circuit protection devices.

2.4. If, while in the building (premises) of a religious organization, an employee detects characteristic specific odors of burning, smoke, burnt insulation, gas, all work in this room (premises) must be stopped, the serving clergyman and the rector of the temple must be immediately notified, accepted measures to identify and eliminate the causes of fire danger (with the involvement of qualified specialists).

2.5. When holding large holiday services (Christmas, Easter, etc.), responsible persons must be on duty in the church.

a) carry out fire, welding and other types of fire hazardous work in the buildings (premises) of a religious organization if there are people in the premises, as well as without written permission from the institution;

b) clean premises using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids, as well as warm frozen pipes with blowtorches and other methods using open fire;

c) plug in several high-power household electrical appliances into one outlet, use homemade electrical appliances;

d) heat paints, varnishes, mastics over an open fire;

e) leave gas appliances turned on without control;

f) if you smell gas, light matches, turn on lights and electrical appliances.

3. Actions in case of fire

3.1. If a fire is discovered in a religious organization, in any possible way it is necessary to try to extinguish the flame in the bud, with the obligatory observance of personal safety measures.

3.2. It must be remembered that all fire extinguishers work for a very short time: foam - 60-80 s, carbon dioxide - 25-45 s, powder - 10-15 s. They should be activated directly near the source of the fire.

3.3. When extinguishing fires in electrical installations, it is necessary to de-energize (turn off) the power supply system of a separate electrical receiver, premises or an entire religious organization as quickly as possible. In this case, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish fires. Water and foam fire extinguishers must not be used.

3.4. If the fire grows, immediately report the fire to the nearest fire department by calling 01 or mobile phone 112.

3.5. Immediately notify as many employees and parishioners of the temple as possible about the fire and report it to the rector of the temple, the serving priest, and, if impossible, another official.

3.6. In the subsequent development of events, one should be guided by the instructions of the rector of the temple or the official replacing him.

3.7. Open all emergency exits, evacuate all people present in the fire building of the religious organization.

3.8. In compliance with personal safety measures, try to remove church utensils (liturgical books, icons, etc.) and documents from the building.

3.9. If clothing catches fire, try to throw it off. If this fails, fall to the floor and, rolling, knock out the flame; You can cover the burning clothing with a piece of thick fabric, douse yourself with water, but under no circumstances run - running will only increase the intensity of the burning.

3.10. In a room on fire, there is no need to wait for the flames to approach. The main danger of fire to humans is smoke. If signs of suffocation occur, lie down on the floor and crawl as quickly as possible.

Appendix 3

Fire safety in temples and churches: basic rules

All religious buildings - churches, monasteries, temples - contain many fire hazardous items in their interiors and everyday use. These include lamps, candlesticks, one, two and seven candlesticks, and many services are held using lit church candles. Recently, gas pipelines and electricity began to be supplied to these structures. In addition, churches contain many cultural and historical values ​​that are subject to special protection. Fire in such buildings, unfortunately, is not a rare occurrence. A common reason is failure to comply with instructions on fire safety measures in churches and other religious premises. Modern rules require the presence in public places, which also include temples and churches, of visitor warning systems, fire detectors and fire extinguishers. What other rules and regulations exist for fire prevention at religious sites? How to escape if a fire breaks out while you are inside the room - we will consider further.

New fire safety rules in churches

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev approved a document that describes in detail the fire safety requirements for religious organizations. It was prepared jointly with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and was also approved by the Interreligious Council of the Russian Federation. Changes made to the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation Add section XXI with the following content: “XXI. Religious objects. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 2017 No. 1174

The document contains several points that prescribe the following:

In the room where clergy are located, there must be at least 1 fire extinguisher.

Organization of constant telephone communication with security and duty officers.

Flammable liquids should be stored only in designated areas.

Only certain quantities are allowed in the prayer hall or during rituals. In halls decorated with non-combustible materials, the maximum amount is 20 liters, and for the rest - no more than 5 liters are allowed.

There is a ban on fire-hazardous work in the premises when parishioners are present.

Electric heating devices should be installed at a distance of more than 1 meter from places where oil liquids are stored and spilled.

Glass containers for flammable liquids are prohibited. They are poured into lamps only from unbreakable containers.

During holiday services with a large number of parishioners, additional fire safety measures should be organized.

All items of religious interior with open fire are installed stably only on a non-flammable surface. The possibility of overturning such objects must be excluded.

Lighted censers are located at a distance of 0.5 meters or more from flammable furnishings or interior items.

Hangers and a changing room with clothes can only be located at a distance of 1.5 m from open fire places (lamps, candlesticks, stoves).

Carpets that are used only during religious events may not be attached to the floor.

Placing grass in the prayer hall on the Feast of the Holy Trinity is possible only for 24 hours. Subsequently it must be replaced.

If the room requires the presence of flammable materials (dry grass, spruce branches), then they should be located only 1.5 m from open flame sources.

In addition to clarified fire safety rules for churches, which must be observed during services, the new document instructs clergy to check emergency and evacuation exits daily. All of them must comply with the above points.

Despite the fact that a huge number of people, including children, come on holidays, there were no special rules that would regulate fire safety at religious sites. This is what influenced the determination of the rules of special regulation in this area.

Due to the large number of open sources of fire and crowds of parishioners, it can be extremely difficult to fully comply with all fire safety rules in the church. The situation can be further complicated by the presence of carpets and other items that are easily exposed to fire. When a fire occurs in temples, it can be difficult to control its spread. This is often due to the structural features of religious sites. In many churches, the presence of a high dome does not give firefighters the opportunity to bring the fire under control. Thus, it is extremely important to act correctly during a fire in the temple.

Let us remind you how parishioners should behave if a fire is detected:

It is necessary to immediately, without wasting time, call the fire brigade. Information must be accurate. You should name: the address of the church; briefly about what happened; and your contact details. Don't lose your composure. Organize the evacuation of people. For small fires, try using primary extinguishing agents to extinguish the fire. There must be a fire extinguisher in the church; check its availability and location with the church staff. If the fire spreads too quickly, don't be a hero. Leave the room by closing the doors tightly. However, the most important thing is to prevent such a fiery situation. To do this, all visitors need to carefully and seriously follow the established instructions on fire safety measures in the church.

Don't lean too close to the lit candles. Be sure to check where the emergency exits are before the service. When there is a sound warning about a possible fire, do not create panic, do not push other parishioners, and try not to get into a crush.

Temple workers should also follow all regulations to ensure the safety of parishioners:

Ensure unimpeded access for fire brigade vehicles and medical assistance.

Alarms and fire alarms must be in working order. To do this, check them regularly.

Ensure that working fire extinguishers are available in open access areas.

All church workers should know what to do in case of fire. The Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation recommends remaining vigilant and exercising control over children while in churches. Fire often occurs due to human negligence. Knowing and following fire safety regulations will make visiting church safe,

May 16, 2018, 5:36 pm

The Russian Church does not support tightening fire and anti-terrorist safety rules in churches

*** Inspections without prior approval may offend the feelings of believers

Saint Petersburg. May 16. INTERFAX - Legislative initiatives to tighten fire and anti-terrorist safety rules on the premises of religious organizations are inappropriate and can provoke discord, believes the head of the legal service of the Moscow Patriarchate, Abbess Ksenia (Chernega).

The draft federal law “On State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control,” which provides for a risk-oriented approach when conducting inspection activities, “raises some concern,” K. Chernega said on Wednesday during one of the discussions at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

The legislative act assumes that inspection bodies will be allowed to assess the risk of non-compliance by religious organizations with the law, assigning denominations or religious communities a danger class, depending on which the frequency of inspections and the order of their conduct will be determined.

“This kind of initiative to assign a danger class to religious organizations, to divide religious communities into dangerous and safe, violates the unconditional principle of equality of religious associations before the law and will give rise to certain tension in the sphere of state-confessional relations, religious discord and hostility. In addition, this bill provides for inspection activities without prior agreement with religious organizations on the date and time of inspections, which can lead to disruption of services and insult to the religious feelings of clergy and parishioners,” said K. Chernega.

She also noted that the Church does not agree with the law adopted in the first reading, according to which administrative liability for non-compliance with the requirements for anti-terrorist protection of places of mass gatherings is tightened. According to K. Chernega, this could lead to unreasonably large claims against religious buildings and premises, especially in small settlements.

“Religious organizations carry out their activities at the expense of donations from citizens. And it is clear that when applying these rather strict requirements to them, it is necessary to use some balanced approaches,” she added.

A special approach is needed to anti-terrorist security of churches

According to the head of the legal service of the Moscow Patriarchate, Abbess Ksenia (Chernega), it is not possible to carry out the entire set of necessary measures for anti-terrorist protection of religious sites within the approved two years. Currently, separate criteria are being developed in accordance with which the safety of objects of this type will be ensured. She made this statement at a round table held the day before, where the topic of improving the quality of state-confessional relations was discussed, in which religious figures, experts and government officials took part.

The abbess noted that the Russian Orthodox Church is concerned about the bill providing for amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO). This document establishes a fairly high amount of administrative fines (up to 500 thousand rubles) for legal entities that do not comply with the requirements for anti-terrorism protection of crowded places.

Early, as Chernega indicated, the Interreligious Council of Russia sent an appeal to the Speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin with a request that the responsibility of religious organizations for failure to comply with these requirements be established only after special criteria are approved in relation to these objects.

To date, this request has already been satisfied, and the federal law on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses will soon be adopted in the second reading. This draft law contains amendments, according to which religious organizations and their facilities are exempt from fines for a year (until special requirements are developed). The abbess also said that the government has instructed the relevant authorities to develop these criteria and formalize them as a separate document. Currently, work is already underway on such a document.

In addition, Chernega drew attention to the fact that regional government bodies include prayer halls of churches as places of public gatherings, even in cases where the number of people established by law (over 50 people) gathers in them only a few times a year. We are talking, for example, about rural churches.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies require them to fill out safety data sheets, attaching to them diagrams of all existing utilities. In addition, they need to equip prayer halls with fairly expensive security alarms and video surveillance systems in no more than 2 years. Moreover, the costs of this will be borne by the religious communities themselves. Also, in accordance with the new requirements, church watchmen must be replaced by employees of private specialized organizations. Thus, according to the abbess, the security of churches will be provided by private security company employees who may profess a different religion, be simply non-believers, or have a provocative attitude towards the church.

Another point that Chernega emphasized is related to financial costs. The activities of religious organizations are carried out through donations, so not all of them are able to ensure anti-terrorist security of their facilities during a two-year period.