Magic tips: how to make a wish correctly? How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true How to make a wish so that it comes true now.


Today there is a lot of literature and many Internet sites dedicated to techniques for fulfilling desires. The essence of all such methods comes down to one thing: direction in the right way for the implementation of the plan with the help of certain rituals.

The first rule, following which you can achieve what you want, is a positive attitude. Thoughts are material, so always think and dream in a positive direction, enjoy every day and gratefully accept even minor but pleasant moments (praise from your boss, a good grade from a child, an unexpected visit from an old friend, etc.).

It is very effective to make wishes on an emotional high: during the chimes on New Year’s Eve, when blowing out the candles on a birthday cake, after receiving a gift or good news. If you believe in the magic of numbers, take advantage of the moments when the clock shows 00:00, 11:11, 22:22 or other combinations that you like, save “lucky” tickets, remember “beautiful” car numbers and have no doubt - this will bring you happiness.

Formulate your dreams clearly, specifically and without the particle “not”, which implies denial. For example, the expression “I don’t want my salary to be cut” is incorrect, but the correct one is “My salary is the same (I get more money).” It is best to make wishes in the present tense, as if what you want has already come true: not “I want”, but “I am slim and beautiful”, not “I want my son to go to university”, but “My son is a student university."

Visualize your dream. Call on your imagination and imagine the result in the most vivid colors. Try to feel at least a fleeting moment of happiness from the fulfillment of a wish.

“Let go” of your dream, forget about it for a while: you have an order, you have sent it and you can calmly wait for it to come true. The main thing is the confidence that your plans will definitely come true. Do not even think about possible obstacles to the fulfillment of your desire.

Be sure to write down your wish on paper. You can keep a notebook or notebook for these purposes and describe your dreams. Put the leaf with the wish in a secluded place or burn it, and scatter the ashes to the wind: this technique helps to “let go” of the dream.

At the same time, make a clear plan for implementing your plans and do the maximum that is necessary for this. Do not specify deadlines and methods: perhaps the desire will not be realized at all in the way you imagine it, but in a completely different way, so do not limit the possibility of your dream being fulfilled in the best way for you.

Unconditionally believe that your wish will come true. Do not allow even a shadow of doubt that it could be otherwise. Dream, believe in success, and everything you plan will certainly come true!

Please note

For a wish to come true, you just need to make it correctly. Like in the cartoon "Up"! The main character there not only made a wish, she visualized it in an album and came up with a little story about how it would come true. Or like the little boy from the same cartoon - he very clearly and clearly pictured his dream in his thoughts and could describe it in the smallest detail.

“The Lord punishes us by fulfilling our desires”
(eastern wisdom)

Dear friends, I suggest we continue the conversation about desires. The article “Make wishes before going to bed” received mixed reviews:

“a few months ago I coded myself for rejuvenation... I said the phrase: “I’m getting younger!”... And, indeed, I have become much ...”,

“you need to be careful what you wish for, the main thing here is not to do harm,”

“You also need to weigh your desires against your capabilities and ethics,”

“You still need to be able to make wishes, because... their execution may sometimes have unexpected consequences.”

In this article: the rules of making wishes, how to dream correctly so that the fulfillment of a dream brings satisfaction and not disappointment; ethics and safety of desires for the surrounding world.

How to dream correctly

Rule 1. The wish must be written down, recommend many rituals and techniques for fulfilling your plans. A thought put on paper takes on a concrete form, clarity and completeness. This means that it is easier for our subconscious and the Universe to understand what we really want.

Rule 2. The desire must be formulated correctly and clearly. There are plenty of examples where the incorrect formulation of the mystery gave a result far from the expected:

one lady dreamed of going on a cruise. After a while, life turned out in such a way that she actually went on a liner around the world... as a cleaner.

The woman dreamed of getting new teeth. An accident happens to her, her teeth are knocked out so successfully that the dentist admires: “How wonderful your teeth were knocked out! We’ll insert new ones without any problems.”

The married couple could not decide to start renovating their apartment; there was constant talk about a new suspended ceiling. At one “wonderful” moment, the ceiling in the living room collapsed, and they inevitably had to make urgent repairs and a new ceiling.

Rule 3. The desire must have specific deadlines. If you are planning to buy a house, make renovations, buy a car, set aside an exact period or date. Example: “I am buying a car in September 2013.”

Rule 4. We write down the desire in the present tense.“I will buy a house” is the wrong wording. “I am buying a house in October 2013” ​​is correct.

Rule 5. Denial and doubt are prohibited! We avoid the particles “not” and the words “I’ll try.”
Some examples:

“I don’t want to smoke anymore” is not true, the correct thing would be: “I am becoming healthier every day, giving up bad habits.”

“I’ll try to eat less starting tomorrow to become slimmer” is not correct, but it would be true: “My weight is normalizing, I have a great figure.”

“I don’t want to be lonely” is changed to “I love and am loved.”

Rule 6. Sincerity and importance of desire for you personally. The desire should be yours, and not to please dad, mom, or society.

For example: A boy writes down the desire “I want to become a famous football player,” but he likes music more. But he loves his dad very much, an avid fan, who sent his son to the football section from childhood in order to raise him to be a champion.

This is a mistake; the Universe cannot be deceived by a “fake” desire.

Rule 7. The desire must be about oneself and for oneself.

“My son entered Moscow State University”, “My husband won the Jackpot”, “my daughter received a salary increase” - such desires are useless.

Focus your dreams on yourself: “I am helping my son with all my might to go to college.”

Rule 8. Details and emotions are very important. When writing down your wish, include as many details as possible. If you are “buying a car,” write down its color, model, and so on. Imagine your feelings when you buy a car. And write them down too.

Real life example: a young lady dreamed of a digital camera. In a magazine with photographs, she chose a model, wrote down all its characteristics in her desire and pasted in a photo of the device. After a short time, she provided a serious service, and in gratitude she was presented with a camera of exactly the model that she described in her wish.

Just a coincidence? Hardly.

Rule 9. Visualization of what you want. Imagine your dream down to the smallest detail so that your wish comes true as accurately as possible.

Rule 10. It takes time to fulfill a wish.. Usually no less than 21 days. Be patient and help your subconscious and the Universe with specific actions. If you want to open your own business, but you don’t have enough knowledge, educate yourself in this area.

Rule 11. Ethical desires.“I wish I could rob a bank to become rich.” “I want to become the head of a department, if only Yegorych would be sent to retire.” Such wishes can turn against those who make them. After all, evil always returns, even when spoken in thoughts.

Rule 12. Say your wish before going to bed and in the morning immediately after waking up. Read more about the technique of self-hypnosis.

Rule 13. Make a reminder symbol, looking at it, you will remember what you wished for and once again imagine the visualization picture.

Rule 14. There must be one desire. If you have many desires, then the strongest will be fulfilled or nothing will come true. So choose what's most important. Learn more about how to make wishes one by one in the video at the end of the article.

Rule 15. Safety of desire for the surrounding world.

End any wish you write with the phrase:

“May what I have planned, or something more, enter my life harmoniously, bring happiness and joy to me and everyone whom the desire touches.”.

The words “something more” give the Universe freedom for you. Perhaps the World will give you the opportunity to relax on the shores of not the Black Sea, but the Red Sea.

When your wish comes true, do not forget to express gratitude to all participants in the process, starting with yourself and ending with the Higher Power that accepted and fulfilled your order.

Every person has some desires and dreams. Surely, everyone would dream of having a magic wand, being able to summon a genie or a goldfish when needed. It turns out that you can do without all this if you know how to make a wish correctly. I suggest you clarify the question posed in the following material.

On New Year's Eve, on the magical days of Christmastide, on birthdays and just every day, when we dream, we come up with many big and small wishes. And we really want them all to become a reality, even the most unrealistic ones at first glance.

In fact, nothing is impossible in the world. The main thing is to want strongly and be able to formulate your desire correctly. Let's learn to make all our “wants” become reality.

Rules for drawing up what you want

  • When formulating “wants” you cannot use the word “not”. Because it gets lost and what we get is exactly what we don’t want.

Example. Replace the expression: “I don’t want to get sick” with “I want to be healthy (healthy).”

  • It is extremely important to think through the implementation of your idea in practice down to the smallest detail. In fact, this accounts for 80 percent of execution success.

Example. You dream of traveling around the world on the ocean. But the formulation “I want to go on a round-the-world cruise” is incorrect. After all, in the end you may end up on a ship, but as service personnel, for example, a cleaner.

So, express what you want differently: “I want to go on a trip around the world to relax...”. Be sure to supplement the phrase with other details, because the more there are, the better.

  • If you are already deciding to make a wish, then you will need firm and unconditional faith in the result. In general, it is faith that is the main driving force in any magical actions. Nothing will work without her. Therefore, when conceiving a desire, eliminate even the shadow of doubt about its possibility.

The most correct thing is to make a wish and let go of the situation, allowing it to move from the subtle plane into the physical world.

  • All desires are formulated exclusively in the present tense, and not in the past or future.
  • If your desire concerns the topic of money, then you must indicate what you need it for. Money is just an intermediate goal, since it is a unique form of energy, it cannot be the final result. Think about what needs you want to spend the funds you receive.
  • It is advisable to write down your wish on a piece of paper.
  • Do some visualization. Try to imagine in maximum colors how your wish has come true and you can enjoy it in practice.

It is important to learn to feel emotions as if everything has really happened. For example, imagine the interior of your new apartment, the design of your car, or how you walk along the ocean coast, breathing the cleanest air. This will greatly speed up the process of realizing what you want in life.

  • Read the piece of paper with your wish as often as possible, either mentally or out loud. Additionally, you can use affirmation sentences. Only the present tense is suitable for them.

Example. “I have such and such.” “I can do this and that” and so on.

  • Don't tell the Universe exactly how your desire should come true. Believe me, she knows much better how it will be better specifically in your situation.

Example. Replace the phrase “My husband gives me a new car” with “I receive a new car as a gift.”

  • Of course, it is important to be reasonable even in your dreams. Ask for what you can realistically receive in your life and in the very near future. Otherwise, the fulfillment of some “dreams” will have to wait for years, or even decades.

How to make wishes for different zodiac signs

To enhance the efficiency of the process, in order to get the result even easier and faster, you need to take into account the element to which your Zodiac constellation belongs.

  • Fire element(represented by the constellations Aries, Leo and Sagittarius). Your main assistant is the power of fire. Therefore, when you wish for something, be sure to light a candle and peer into its flame.

Do you dream of eliminating something from your life? Write it on a piece of paper and burn it. Ashes can be thrown out the window or washed down the drain.

On the contrary, do you want to attract something? Then also write what you want on paper and read more often by candlelight. After implementing your plan, you can burn the leaf and be sure to express your sincere gratitude to the Higher Powers for their help.

  • Water element(it includes the constellations Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Your main assistant is water. Therefore, astrologers advise thinking about what you dream about while being near bodies of water, while looking at the surface of the water.

Write down your wish on a piece of paper, then make a boat out of it and set it adrift.

  • Earth element(it includes the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). Your best helpers are finances and food. Make a wish on a coin and carry it with you until everything comes true. During this period, it is unacceptable to lend money to someone. You can also chew something while making a wish.
  • Air element ( represented by the constellations Gemini, Libra and Aquarius). A cheerful company and clouds will help you. Therefore, it is better to think about what you want surrounded by loved ones. You can, of course, do this alone, especially if what you want is of a purely personal nature.

How to make a wish correctly: continuation

What else should you pay attention to in the process of conceiving your desires?

The following rules are extremely important, since the final result largely depends on them.

  • You can't wish bad things on other people. It is important that your dreams contain only positive meaning. So that they do not harm anyone around them. Remember that absolutely everything that we send into the Universe will definitely come back to us.

Example. If you want to take a higher position, then do not think about firing the person who is currently in it. Formulate what you want abstractly and, who knows, maybe you will be offered to work in a new organization with better prospects?

Keep your desire realistic. And when you, for example, are 1.60 centimeters tall, it is naive to think about making a career as a professional basketball player.

  • Avoid getting personal. It is important that what you wish concerns exclusively your person. We do not have the right to influence the fate of others (the only exception is the closest people and then only with their knowledge).

Example. Replace the phrase: “I want (for example, your colleague) to fall in love with me with “I’m meeting my soulmate.”

Or “I want Viktorovich to promote me” to “I am taking a new position.”

Don’t get attached to specific people, because you don’t know where the dream will come into your life most quickly!

  • Be concerned about the surroundings. The process of making wishes is very creative. Pay attention not only to your internal state, but also to your appearance. It’s not a good idea to write your ideal life while sitting in a greasy robe or tattered slippers.

Also, be sure to buy a new, beautiful notebook and a good pen for this purpose.

  • Consider the consequences. Think about how your life will change when your desire becomes reality? Is this what you really want? Learn to think through the development of the situation much ahead.
  • Down with doubts! The biggest mistake in the process of making wishes is doubt. Drive them away with a big broom, trust that you will get what you ask for! Better yet, imagine that you have already received it.
  • Talk less. You can’t tell anyone about what you want until it happens! People can often even unknowingly jinx it, ruining everything. Or, at the very least, they will laugh at you if something doesn’t go according to plan.
  • Positive mood. You only need to make a wish for something while being in a good mood. Do not do this if you are emotionally depressed, very tired or feel unwell.

The fact is that what you want needs energy to be realized in life. And the less you have, the longer you will have to wait for results.

  • Learn to let go. Did you come up with a wish, write it on a piece of paper, read it? Now forget about him! Otherwise, if you constantly mentally return to your desire, it will be next to you, and you need to send it to the Universe.

How are wishes fulfilled?

What you want can come to life in different ways. for example, you will meet the right person, objects or an inscription will appear in your field of vision, which will push you to the right thoughts.

Sometimes interesting and surprising events happen, which are usually called miracles.

Or maybe it just dawns on you and you “catch” a grand idea that can lead to great success. The most important thing in this case is not to miss it, to grab it in time and take active action.

As a rule, people feel intuitively whether they are moving in the right direction or not. With the help of internal sensations, the Soul tries to suggest which of the undertakings is worth paying attention to, and which ones you don’t even need to take on.

What's stopping you from getting what you want?

Sometimes it happens that a person correctly formulated his dream, wrote it, visualized it, but for some reason nothing happens... What becomes an obstacle to the realization of desires?

  1. Lack of self-confidence.
  2. There is no willingness to solve new problems that would help bring your plans to life.
  3. Reluctance to eliminate outdated and no longer unnecessary stereotypes.
  4. Laziness and unwillingness to take any active steps to change your situation.
  5. Lack of understanding of one's self-causality.
  6. Fear of the changes that the realization of what you want will bring into life.
  7. Lack of understanding of your true inner resources.
  8. Belief in your own lack of talent.
  9. Fear of learning a new behavior pattern.
  10. Fear of starting to live in a new way.
  11. The desire to adhere to an outdated, ineffective image of one’s personality.
  12. Reluctance to take responsibility for your life entirely and completely.
  13. Failure to recognize the fact that no one else is able to influence our lives as much as we ourselves.

When else will the system not work?

  1. Those types of desires that are included in the category of “miracles” will not be fulfilled (to resurrect someone from the dead, to add a few centimeters to one’s height, to change gender at the biological level, to learn to fly, to live 1000 years, and the like).
  2. Conscious desires to cause damage to the moral or physical health of other people can be realized, but only in the future will you yourself suffer from your actions.
  3. Also, those desires in which you set yourself the goal of getting a certain amount of money, but do not indicate why you need it, do not come true. If you want to improve your financial situation, then determine what you need money for in general or a specific amount? What needs do you use it for?
  4. The last category of impossible wishes are those that conflict with your karmic debts and your life mission. In general, here it is not the person himself who decides, but only the Higher Powers, whether he can have something or not.

In conclusion

We can summarize this article:

  • always formulate the wording only in the present tense;

Be careful what you wish for...

Every person wants his wishes to be fulfilled, and to achieve this, one must wish correctly and wisely. If your wish is sincere, then it will come true. This is not about the illusory “I want a new Bugatti and my own island as a gift,” but about something that is actually important to you, even if you are afraid to admit it to yourself.

In this article we will talk about how to make a wish so that it comes true.

How to make a wish

Thoughts are material - absolutely everyone has heard this phrase, but for some reason not everyone takes it seriously, thinking that it is nonsense. This is the first mistake; for your wish to come true, you need to believe!

It is the materialization of what is desired that is the very factor that becomes the starting point for the fulfillment of a dream. This will help to identify real dreams, because you need to separate the fleeting want from the real goal.

Your dream and desire should be yours, and not be influenced by the opinions of friends and colleagues. Trying to please and please others makes it difficult to separate your desires from those imposed by rules and stereotypes.

Do not strive for a false and invented ideal; your dream should make you happier.

For example, you dreamed of playing on stage and gathering the best theaters, but mom and dad said that an artist is not a profession, and it’s a shame to be a famous clown who lifts the mood of the audience, because what will your neighbors and relatives think?

The childhood of many was during a difficult time, the last ten years of the last century, when all creative endeavors were nipped in the bud, and people of simple professions were respected, for which one could receive real and guaranteed payments.

So, a child dreamed of ballet or music, but he was told that this was bad, not like being a miner or a lawyer. The child’s subtle mental organization accepts this, and from childhood the child lives with other people’s dreams, forgetting about his own. In order not to disappoint his beloved mother, the child dreams of becoming a successful businessman, but this is his mother’s dream, and what does he dream of?

You cannot live by the desires of others; follow your thoughts and emotions - this is much more important than public opinion.

To understand what you want, you need to listen to yourself, and for this, love yourself. This is the only way you can begin to respect yourself and stop listening to imposed opinions and give up stereotypes. You are an individual, unique and inimitable, so why do what others want?

Formulate your wishes correctly

To make sure your wish comes true, reconsider its wording and essence. Let's look at this with an example.

The dream should be fueled by pleasure, formulate your desires correctly, instead of “I want not to starve and not be in need”, make a wish “I want to live in abundance and earn good money.” It may seem like there is no difference, but the universe is wary of denials, which can play a cruel joke.

1. Do you want to be healthy and do you have thoughts about what you will lose if you end up in the hospital? This is fundamentally wrong, you can’t think like that!

Tune in to the positive, how great it is not to get sick, and how much you can do and allow yourself if you feel good. You need to be healthy in order to enjoy life and achieve success!

2. One more example to make it clearer:

You cannot find a soul mate and want to find love in order not to be lonely and not to be left alone in adulthood. Wrong, you can’t think like that!

It is better to love and be loved, share joy and happiness with your other half and achieve success together. It even sounds better and without the negativity.

Formulate your desire so that it has a positive context, so that it emanates happiness and peace.

Set a time frame and be specific.

There are several techniques that help you make a wish so that it comes true; the most effective ones are described below.

But, first of all, clarify the time frame when you want to get what you want; the incomprehensible type “I want to buy an apartment” does not work, “I want to live in my own apartment in a year” is better. The meaning does not change, but the second is more specific, has a time frame and the chances that it will come true are much greater.

  1. Tune in to think through all the little things and details so that you can make a wish correctly. Relax so that nothing distracts you.
  2. Allow yourself to dream. Close your eyes and imagine an easel in front of you on which you want to depict your perfect day. How will it go? What will you be doing? What is your job, where will you sleep, with whom and what time will you wake up? Consider every step, down to playing sports and having pets.
  3. Reach out to yourself; quiet, relaxing music will put you in the right mood and set the mood. Count to 10 and close your eyes, disconnecting from problems and difficulties. Breathe slowly and gradually immerse yourself in meditation. Let your body relax and pleasant warmth spread throughout it.
  4. Now ask yourself, what do you want now, what do you dream about, what does your soul desire more than anything in the world?
  5. Let images and pictures form before your eyes, don’t control the situation, just observe. The fulfillment of your desire depends only on you and the proposed efforts.
  6. Now you have a chance to hear your inner voice, understand what your intuition and subconscious is saying, be open to it. Perhaps this is what will help you achieve success.

When you have learned all the necessary secrets of your Self, behave as if your dream has become a reality and nothing supernatural is happening here.

Remember your feelings and state of mind, put your thoughts on paper - this is a true desire. Now all that remains is to choose the exact wording for it so that it reflects the essence of your dream.

Trust your feelings

Making wishes is a whole science, mastered only by a select few, and an important place in this practice is given to emotions. Keep the whole range of feelings in your memory; you can rely on them in the future when you go towards your goal.

Remember that it is almost impossible to correct the situation with wishes alone, even if made correctly, unless a fabulous inheritance falls on you.

In addition to words, decisive actions are needed, you need to move towards your goal confidently, and you need to work hard to achieve material well-being.

Only the right thoughts combined with actions will be the key to success and there is no magic in this, everything is much more real!

There is one day left until the New Year. Do you already know what you expect from 2020? If the answer is yes, then this material is definitely for you. The author of the Marathon of Desires, Elena Blinovskaya, told us how to correctly formulate your dreams so that they come true.

The New Year is ahead - a magical time when you especially believe in miracles and hope that everything you dream about will happen in the next 12 months. As the chimes strike, millions of people make wishes. But are we doing this right?

Elena Blinovskaya, the author of the most popular personal growth marathon, helped us answer this question.

After completing it, millions of people, including celebrities, noted that they were able to qualitatively improve their lives and, thanks to simple but effective techniques, learned to get what they wanted. Whatever it is.

“If you're looking for an easy way, there isn't one. Take the same wish card - many people know about it, but only a few use it correctly. Without fertile soil, such a card can even do harm. For example, if a girl has a lot of internal conflicts and problems with herself, but she still stubbornly sticks a photo of a prince on a white horse on the card, then even if he gallops, he will gallop further in a couple of days. In this case, you must first of all get ready to work on yourself,” Blinovskaya immediately warns.

At our request, Elena outlined five important points, although she emphasized that there is simply no short algorithm for learning how to make wishes correctly. No wonder her marathon lasts four weeks.

1. The desire must be silent

First and most importantly: you need to make a wish for yourself. Only when you are happy yourself can you make people around you happy. Often women dream of something for their children, husband, friends, forgetting about themselves, hiding their personal “wants” somewhere far away.

This is fundamentally wrong.

For example, even if your desire is for your spouse to earn a lot of money, formulate it differently: “I want to live happily with my husband, who earns a lot.”

2. Charge your desire with the right energy

Even if there is a moment of despair in your life, leave this sadness and make a wish out of gratitude, from a pure heart, with a positive attitude and in a positive way.

The idea must be sincere, in tune with your true needs at the present moment.

For example, instead of the desperate “May I finally have a man in the new year,” say something like “I want a caring and loving man next to me in the new year, whom I myself will love with all my heart.” Do you feel the difference?

3. Your desire should not contain the particle “not”

This point is no less important than the previous two, because without it all your efforts may be in vain. It seems that the wish is made to yourself for a loved one, and is made in a positive way, but does not come true (or comes true exactly the opposite).

And why all? Yes, because the wording is also very important.

For example, you can make a wish: “Next year I want not to get sick” and with a high probability you will catch the virus. If you don’t want to get sick, make a wish: “Next year I want to be healthy.” If you don’t want to work overtime, formulate “I want to complete my work on time and have more free time.”

4. You can talk about your desire

A good option would be not to tell anyone at all what you wished for: just formulate your wish and don’t get hung up on it, thereby allowing the Universe to fulfill it.

5. The desire must be environmentally friendly

We all, one way or another, want to love and be loved, to live in prosperity and comfort. However, if you see this very love in your friend’s husband, and the only way for you to get rich is, say, to take away a profitable project from a colleague, then such desires are called unecological.