Who is better karateka or boxer? Who is stronger: boxers, karatekas, wrestlers, taekwondoists

Boxer vs wrestler? Boxer vs karateka? Who is stronger: a wrestler, a boxer, or a karateka?

All boys asked this question in childhood. But even as adults, many are interested in who will win in a head-to-head confrontation - a boxer, a karateka or a wrestler.

We will not talk about the fact that boxing is undoubtedly the strongest martial art. This is wrong. There is not a single martial art that can rightfully be called the strongest. Because all martial arts are strong in their own way. Although, the category of the strongest can only be attributed to:

  • sambo;

  • struggle;

  • jujutsu;

  • Thai boxing;

  • kickboxing;

  • boxing.

Today boxing is the highest paid form of martial arts in the world. There is no other form of martial arts that involves as much money as boxing. For one fight, top boxers receive $30-40 million.

Boxing is the highest paid fighting sport

The stronger is the one who is better prepared. A boxer-master of sports of international class will easily defeat a 3-class wrestler. A wrestler who is a master of sports will defeat a 3rd category boxer.

More important than the type of martial arts is the level you have achieved in this sport. If we are talking about street fighting, then absolutely anyone can win here, regardless of whether he is involved in sports at all. In this regard, athletes have a great advantage, and this advantage is not related to their physical strength and ability to hit hard. The most important thing is calmness and self-confidence, which inevitably come to a professional athlete.

Fights without rules

In a sport like MMA, there has been a mixture of styles. We went there:

  • and karatekas (Lyoto Machida);

  • and wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnett);

  • and jiu-jitsu fighters (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum);

  • and representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fedor Emelianenko, Alexander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov);

  • and even prominent drummers (Mirko Cro Cop and one of the UFC champions Junior DOS Santos).

Athletes from all types of martial arts went into fights without rules: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, as well as from others, but they did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, since they pay much less and the risk of injury is much higher.

Percussion technique

However, at the moment, the world champion in the most prestigious weight category (super heavyweight) is a fighter who uses exclusively striking techniques. One of these is Junior dos Santos.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Do you know who is stronger? Boxers? Karateka? Wrestlers? Or maybe kickboxers? And is it even logical to compare them?

Children most often like to think about who is the stronger boxer or karateka, or some other fighter. Often, after watching enough militants, schoolchildren argue about who is going to hurt whom. For example, a street fighter can easily defeat a karateka.

General considerations

If we think sensibly, each school is strong in its own way. And if you need to identify the level of a fighter, then this is exactly what is done. The quality of his school is not determined. There are boxers with excellent training, and there are karatekas with a satisfactory level.

And often what comes to the fore is not skill, but the territory and conditions of the fight. So, on the streets without any rules, a trained street fighter will have some advantage.

If the place of the fight is a hall, but with a minimum of rules, the street representative is doomed to failure.

If a boxing representative and a karate representative collide in the summer, then in a fair fight the karateka can have success due to his footwork. In such a fight in winter, the boxer has more advantages.

But these are all abstract fights. In reality, victory can be won by those who are better prepared both physically and psychologically.

Who is a stronger wrestler or boxer? This is a question from the same opera. For example, an MSMK boxer can easily defeat a third-class wrestler. Or an MC wrestler will easily defeat a boxer with the specified category.

The achievements of an athlete, what level he has reached in his field, are very important.

About MMA

Who is stronger MMA fighter or boxer? At first glance, the first has a huge advantage. After all, MMA combines many disciplines. And wrestlers, sambo wrestlers, karatekas and kickboxers came here. In general, representatives of all martial arts, except boxing. The reason lies in the high risk of injury and low salaries in MMA.

In MMA you can work with both hands and feet, and there are no special rules. And it seems that those with superior punching and kicking have a greater advantage. However, it is worth noting the champion in this area, Junior dos Santos. He achieved the world championship using predominantly. He also skillfully built a defense against leg attacks and grabs. Therefore, boxers can easily compete in MMA.

Fight with a bodybuilder

The question often arises - who is stronger: a jock or a boxer? Some argue that the jocks are clumsy and slow, and boxers can quickly defeat them. Others are sure that the power of such strongmen is so great that even boxing masters will be tortured to punch them.

In the ring, a boxer can win on points.

On the street the situation is different. There are no gloves, no helmet, no rules.

For example, a professional boxer weighing 70 kg faces a bodybuilder weighing 120 kg. Who will win? You need to know the following factors:

Pros of jocks:

Their key advantages: physical strength and mass. The power of the attack is directly determined by the weight of the hand. And how to knock out this giant? How to put up an effective block against his assault. This is tantamount to repelling an assault with a sledgehammer. Even through a high-quality block, the boxer will fully feel it.

At first glance, it is slow and clumsy. Lifting heavy equipment reduces the length of muscle fibers and tightens the muscles. This negatively affects the dynamics of impacts. But experienced weightlifters have found a way out - stretching the muscles after each exercise.

No special techniques are required on the street. A lot of things here just don't work. Enough with very strong blows and only some of its types: side, straight and uppercuts. At least the simplest wrestling techniques are also useful. Suddenly the battle will take place in a horizontal position.

In fact, professionals will never bring matters to a fight. They will solve everything by talking. And some boxers are not allowed to fight outside the ring under contract.

About Taekwondo

Who is stronger taekwondo player or boxer? The first one can attack with both hands and feet. And the second represents a tougher discipline with full contact.

And by definition, due to the length of the legs, the first will not allow the second to come within striking distance. The second can competently and effectively fight with his hands.

The skill of both is important here. Reaction is also very important, the ability to act quickly and keep your distance.

In a street fight, a taekwondo fighter can keep his opponent away, quickly kick his stomach and finish the job with a deuce. Can wait for the moment for a feint and a swift leg hook. If he hits the target, he will practically win. If not, the boxer can skillfully close the distance and hit with his technique.

The battle can turn in favor of both. But in practice, such battles are rare. If only for the sake of interest and by agreement.


Who is a stronger boxer or kickboxer? There is a similar picture here with taekwondo. The boxer has the advantage. And if high-level fighters fight, then the chances are equal. In a vacuum, by definition, a kickboxer has more chances. And so he has plenty of superiority if he has excellent attacking technique with his feet and hands, as well as defense.

Who is stronger kickboxer or Thai boxer? The first one works better serially with arms and legs. The second one is better at maneuvering. Both have powerful and fast punches and kicks in their arsenal.

On the street, the winner will be the one who is more reactive in this regard, who has a more effective preemptive assault. It may also have an impact on who is better at techniques from related disciplines. With this he can seriously surprise his opponent.

In practice, all of these confrontations occur extremely rarely. Basically, these are abstract fights from the “who - who?” series.


Professional fighters try to avoid conflicts on the street as little as possible (and better yet, never) with other professional fighters representing other martial arts.

This is a childish act. And this is fraught with unnecessary injuries, exclusion from the team and losses.

All boys asked this question in childhood. But even as adults, many are interested in who will win in a head-to-head confrontation - a boxer, a karateka or a wrestler.

We will not talk about the fact that boxing is undoubtedly the strongest martial art. This is wrong. There is not a single martial art that can rightfully be called the strongest. Because all martial arts are strong in their own way. Although, the category of the strongest can only be attributed to:

  • sambo;
  • struggle;
  • jujutsu;
  • Thai boxing;
  • kickboxing;
  • boxing.

Today boxing is the highest paid form of martial arts in the world. There is no other form of martial arts that involves as much money as boxing. For one fight, top boxers receive $30-40 million.

Source: goodwp.com

The stronger is the one who is better prepared. A boxer-master of sports of international class will easily defeat a 3-class wrestler. A wrestler who is a master of sports will defeat a 3rd category boxer.

More important than the type of martial arts is the level you have achieved in this sport. If we are talking about street fighting, then absolutely anyone can win here, regardless of whether he is involved in sports at all. In this regard, athletes have a great advantage, and this advantage is not related to their physical strength and ability to hit hard. The most important thing is calmness and self-confidence, which inevitably come to a professional athlete.

Source: covers8.com

Fights without rules

In a sport like MMA, there has been a mixture of styles. We went there:

  • and karatekas (Lyoto Machida);
  • and wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnett);
  • and jiu-jitsu fighters (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum);
  • and representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fedor Emelianenko, Alexander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov);
  • and even prominent drummers (Mirko Cro Cop and one of the UFC champions Junior DOS Santos).

Athletes from all types of martial arts went into fights without rules: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, as well as from others, but they did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, since they pay much less and the risk of injury is much higher.

Boxer vs wrestler? Boxer vs karateka? Who is the stronger wrestler, or boxer, or karateka?

All boys asked this question in childhood. But even as adults, many people wonder who will win in a head-to-head confrontation - boxer, karateka or wrestler. On well-known video portals you can often see videos with the loud title “boxer versus sambo wrestler,” or “boxer versus wrestler,” and so on.

In these videos, as a rule, two guys sort things out in a rude manner. And the wrestler “sticks a boxer into the ground with a backbend throw” or easily knocks out a wrestler or karateka, a kickboxer defeats a Thai, and so on. All these videos and the opinions of adherents of this or that school of martial arts do not correspond to reality.

We will not talk about the fact that boxing is undoubtedly the strongest martial art. This is wrong. There is NO Martial Art that can rightfully be call him the strongest. All martial arts that claim this are usually among the weakest or simply a scam. Of the most famous types of martial arts that have achieved the greatest success, which have a long history and which can lay claim to the most effective martial art are: sambo, wrestling, jiu-jitsu, Thai boxing, kickboxing, and, of course, boxing.

Today boxing is highest paid form of martial arts in the world. There is no other form of martial arts that involves as much money as boxing. For one fight, top boxers receive 30-40 million dollars.

The stronger is the one who is better prepared. A boxer, a master of sports of international class, can easily defeat a third-rate wrestler. A master of sports wrestler will defeat a 3rd category boxer.

Much more important than the type of martial arts is the level you have achieved in this sport. If we are talking about street fighting, then absolutely everyone can win here, regardless of whether they play sports at all. In this regard, athletes have a great advantage and this advantage is not related to their physical strength and ability to hit hard. The most important thing is calmness and self-confidence that inevitably come to a professional athlete.

Fights without rules

In a sport like MMA it happened mixing styles. Karatekas (Lyoto Machida), wrestlers (Brock Lesnar, Josh Barnett), jiu-jitsu fighters (Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, Fabrizio Werdum), representatives of the Russian sambo school (Fedor Emelianenko, Alexander Emelianenko, Roman Zentsov) and prominent strikers ( Mirko Cro Cop and current UFC champion Junior DOS Santos). Athletes from all types of martial arts went into fights without rules: from wrestling, from karate, from sambo, as well as from others, but they did not go from boxing. Boxers did not want to go into fights without rules, since they pay much less and the risk of injury is much higher.

However, at the moment, the world champion in the most prestigious weight category (super heavyweight) is a fighter who uses exclusively striking techniques. This Junior DOS Santos. You won't see any throws or painful holds in his technique. He spends all his fights in a standing position, attacking only with his hands and competently defending himself against legs and holds. From this we can conclude that boxer with ease could compete in fights without rules.

Who is a stronger boxer or wrestler, Schwarzenegger or Stallone, karateka or weightlifter, everyone asked themselves similar questions, and at any age. Children are most interested in this, but adults are also interested in this issue. There is no answer to this question. In an equal fight, everyone will have a chance. A boxer can knock out a fighter with one punch. A good wrestler will easily get into the karateka’s legs and on the ground will be able to apply a painful karateka, the karateka with a roundhouse kick will be able to knock out anyone, if it hits.

In such a confrontation, it is not the fighter’s school that will play more importance, but the level of his training. How physically strong he is, how far he has advanced in his martial arts. Mike Tyson is a boxer and a third-rate lightweight boxer, both boxers, but the level of opposition in a head-to-head confrontation can be completely different. It's the same with other martial arts schools.

MMA fighters

Fighting has become a relatively new trend in combat sports. mixed martial arts. Unlike boxing, this area of ​​martial arts began to develop only at the beginning of 2000. Fighters are taught not only striking or wrestling techniques, but an integrated approach to training. Among modern MMA fighters there are no pure boxers or pure wrestlers; they are all able to fight, hit, and enter a painful hold. We are talking about top fighters.

Among the lower-level fighters there are still representatives of various schools of martial arts, preaching exclusively their school. But, as a rule, such fighters do not stay long in fights without rules. Previously, during the birth of MMA, fights were precisely confrontations between different schools of martial arts. Confrontations could often be seen here boxers against karatekas, wrestlers against boxers and so on. Most recently, the MMA champion was a fighter from professional wrestling (fake theatrical fights) Brock Lesnar.

If you decide to choose MMA, then keep in mind that this is one of the toughest types of martial arts and here the risk of injury is greatest. Exactly, this type of contact fighting is not suitable for those who are going to train “for themselves.”

Boxing's place in the ranking of contact sports

Today, boxing is the most famous sport of all contact sports. Boxers - world champions receive millions in fees, the audience boxing shows the greatest. And there are reasons for this.

Boxing is more spectacular spectacle, rather than wrestling or fights without rules, which very often also turn into wrestling. In boxing, a fight lasts until 12 rounds, which is more profitable both from the point of view of advertisers and from the point of view of viewer interest.