Summary of a lesson on speech development for preschoolers “sound and letter w”. Summary of an open lesson with children of the senior group on speech development Summary of a lesson on speech development letter c

Yulia Kurbatova
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Sound and letter” and “”

Subject: Sound and letter I.

Target: consolidation of the concept "vowel sound» ;

highlighting a given vowel sound from a stream of vowel sounds;

at the beginning and at the end of a word; in words from the text;

acquaintance with letter I.

Equipment: mirrors, house for vowels sounds, red circle, letter Both large and small (for the house, stripes divided into three parts for each child and for the teacher, red circles and letters I to these stripes; boy doll; pouch, items: turkey, toffee, raisins; pictures: sleds, skates (or objects); cards with the inscription Ia, Aui, Iua, Uia.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Children stand around the teacher.

Guys, remember what sounds we learned from the past class? (Sounds a, y).

Do you remember what these are? sounds? Vowels. Why are they called vowels? sounds? Because they can be sung with your voice.

2. Game "Repeat".

A boy doll appears. A boy came to visit us. Let's ask, what's his name? What is your name? Ivan. Guys, what is the boy's name? (Ivan). Which sound did you hear this word first? (AND). Right, sound and. Guys, what do you think about this the sound can be sung? Let's let's try: and-and-and. Look in the mirror, your mouth is smiling, the tip of your tongue behind your bottom teeth. Sing it long and drawn out. Air flows freely. You guessed which one it is sound? (Vowel sound) . What circle will we use to denote sound and? (Red). Show the red circle.

Today you and I will say a lot of words with with the sound and and we recognize the letter and.

3. Game "Catch sound» .

And now you and I will catch sound and palms. Clap your hands only when you hear sound and.


4. Game "Present".

What is the name of our guest? (Ivan). Ivan brought us gifts. Let's see, what is this? They come out of the bag items: turkey, toffee, raisins. Name them. Where did you hear sound and - at the beginning (At the beginning of the word).

Turkey – Show on the strip where it is sound and? (At the beginning of the word). Place a red circle in this place. Toffee. Raisin.

There are still some items in the bag. Name them. Get toys or pictures: sleds, skates. Where did you hear sound and - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? (At the end of a word).

Skates - show on the strip where it is sound and? (At the end of a word). Place a red circle in this place. Sled.

5. Game "One-many".

The children stand in a semicircle. The teacher says that now there will be a fun game with a ball. "One-many". The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn.

I tell you one object, and you tell me when there are many of these objects.

Ball - balls, sock - socks, hat - hats, fork - forks, spoon - spoons, cup - cups, leg - legs, arm - arms, shoulder - shoulders, elbow - elbows. Guys, where did we hear? sound and(balls, socks? (At the end of words.)

6. Physical education minute "Present".

We brought you gifts,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

One of the children imitates the action of a wind-up toy, and the others repeat it.

7. Letter I. A house for vowels is exhibited sounds and the letter I.

The teacher introduces children to letter.

This - letter I. Letter And he will live in a red house, because sound and – vowel, and vowels sounds What color do we use? (Red).

I got a hammer from some planks knocked down a letter.

How many planks are there? - Three!

Which one letter? –(AND.)

We write letter Both big and small.

Who can tell me how the donkey talks? (Eeyore). How many sounds you heard? (two). Which sound first? (AND). Second? (A). Read what is written here? (Eeyore).

Listen to me tell you. Aui. How many sounds you heard? (Three). Which one is the first? sound? (A). Second? (y). Third? (AND). Read what is written on the card. That same: Iua, Uia.

8. Summary. Game "Guess the word".

Using a card divided into 3 parts, the teacher puts at the beginning of it letter And he invites the children to guess what word is intended.

I will pronounce part of the word without sound I. You will complete it sound And say the whole word. _zbushka, _ndyuk, _zum, _grushki, _tools, _nzhir.

Then letter And moves to the end of the strip and the same task is given with words without the last sound. Skate_, sank_, stick_, fork_, plate_, bag_.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Sounds “L” and “L”

Author of the lesson: teacher-speech therapist: Samsonova A.P., Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten No. 73 “Dolphin”, Avtozavodsky district, Tolyatti city district.


Automate the sounds “l” and “l” in syllables, words, sentences and spontaneous speech.


Differentiation of sounds L and L;
Improving the skill of dividing words into syllables;
Consolidating children's knowledge of vowels, hard, soft, voiced and voiceless consonants;
Development of memory, thinking, imagination, coherent speech, voice strength, phonemic hearing, phonemic analysis and synthesis, fine, General and articulatory motor skills, breathing;
Coordination of speech with movement.

Lesson duration:

Type of lesson:


Type of lesson:

Fixing the material.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment

Articulation gymnastics: “Let’s bite the tongue: ta-ta-ta and five-five-five,” “Horse.” Breathing exercise “The steamer is humming.”

II. Main part of the lesson

Game “Say the Word”

The verse flowed smoothly, smoothly,
Suddenly he stumbled and fell silent.
He waits and sighs
Words are not enough!
To get back on track again
The verse flowed like a river,
Help him a little
Say a word!

Well, let's play football!
Score quickly... (goal)

It's dark for us. We ask mom
We should turn on brighter... (lamp)

Lyudmila went to wash her hands,
She needed... (soap)

This Lina is a good girl,
Sculpts everything from... (plasticine)

A goat looked in the door,
Very sad... (eyes)

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, prickly... (needle)

The kitten made himself some slippers,
So that they don’t freeze in winter... (paws)

What is the first sound in the word "paws"? ("l")

Characteristics of the sound “L”

The sound “l” is consonant, hard, sonorous. The tongue is located between the teeth.

The difference between consonants and vowels

The vowels are sung, drawn out, and when we pronounce them, nothing gets in the way in the mouth.

The game “Whose plane will fly farther?”

“L” is the song of an airplane that flies high above the clouds.
Having spread your arms - wings, “fly”, pronouncing the sound “l”.

Game "Big and small planes"

Folding two airplanes of different sizes out of paper.
Explain that a large plane hums loudly - “l”,
and the small airplane hums quieter and more gently - “l”.
a) Children lift a big plane - they call the sound “l”.
They raise a small airplane and pronounce the sound “l”.
b) The speech therapist shows large or small airplanes - the children pronounce the appropriate sounds.
c) The speech therapist pronounces soft and hard sounds, children lift airplanes of different sizes.

Game "Repeat after me"

Reproduction of pairs and chains of syllables.


Game "Guess which bell is ringing?"

The big bell rings like this: “la-la-la,” and the small one rings “la-la-la.” What bell is ringing?
Also play with other pairs of onomatopoeia: lo-lo-lo and le-le-le; lu-lu-lu and lu-lu-lu; ly-ly-ly and li-li-li; le-le-le and le-le-le.

Game “Determine where the sound “l” is located in words”

Isolating the sound “l” by ear and in pronunciation from a number of words:
lamp, dump truck, varnish, apple, stick, woodpecker, tent, bee, floor, swallow, dress, spoon, table, doll, soap.

Game "Syllable Auction"

Come up with as many words as possible with the syllable:
la - paw, lamp, husky, bench, gourmet, palm, lily of the valley, swallow, eraser, flippers, varnish.
lo - forehead, elbow, elk, spoon, boat, crowbar, horse, catch, Laura.
lu - bow, moon, magnifying glass, puddle, ray, onion, Lusha, Luka.

Outdoor game "Airplanes"

The planes buzzed. (Rotations with arms in front of chest)

The planes took off.

They sat quietly in the clearing.
(Sit down, hands on knees)

We flew over the forest again.
(Arms to the sides, running in a circle)

Sound analysis of words

Words used: paw, linden.

Working with sound lines. Intonation of each sound in a word.

What is the first sound in the word "paw"? ("l")

What is the second sound in this word? ("A")

What is the third sound in the word "paw"? ("p")
What chip will we use to denote this sound? (blue)
Why? (Because it's a solid sound.)
What is the fourth sound in this word? ("A")
What chip will we use to denote this sound? (red)
Why? (Because it's a vowel sound.)
How many sounds are there in this word? (Four)
How many vowel sounds? (Two)
How many consonants are there? (Two)

Similar work with the word “linden”.

Game "Toy Store"

Children are given a task - to buy a toy in the store, the name of which has two or three syllables. Children place toys with a two-part name on the shelves on the left, and three-part names on the right.

Game “Find out the proverb”

Each of several envelopes contains 2 pictures. You need to name them, remember the proverb in which they appear together.

Awl, bag: you can’t hide an awl in a bag.
Needle, thread: where the needle goes, so goes the thread.
Wolves, forest: if you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.
Stone, water: even water does not flow under a lying stone.
Bee, honey: one bee does not produce much honey.

Game “Say it out”

We learn the sound “l”: la-la-la, la-la-la,
Apple, woodpecker, tent, bee,
Swallow, dress, spoon, table,
Lamp, baby, doll, football.

Game "Repeat the tongue twister"

You need to pronounce the tongue twister first in a whisper, then quietly, in a voice of medium strength, and finally loudly (at a moderate pace):

Mom did not regret soap,
Mom washed Mila with soap,
Mila didn't like soap
She didn’t love her, but she didn’t whine.

Lesson summary

The teacher sums up the lesson and distributes prizes.



speech development classes

Topic: Sound "U". Letter U

Completed by a teacher

additional education Kozhukhovskaya S.V.


Teacher Kozhukhovskaya Svetlana Vasilievna.

Age of students 5 years

Lesson topic : “The sound “U”. Letter U

Target: create conditions for improving the articulation and pronunciation of the vowel sound “u”, its differentiation,the ability to determine the position of a sound in a word.


educational :

1) familiarization with the sounds “u”;

2) learn to highlight the sound “u” at the beginning of a word, in the middle and at the end.

3) practice the isolated pronunciation of “u” sounds, as well as in combination with other sounds and in words;

4) Exercise in the ability to do sound analysis of a word, practice reading.


1) promote the development of the articulatory apparatus, phonemic

hearing (the ability to recognize the sound “u” and differentiate it).

2) promote the development of fine motor skills;

3) promote the development of memory, attention, thinking.


1) cultivate a kind attitude towards others; interest in the subject

2) cultivate a caring attitude towards teaching aids.

3) develop the ability to listen to others.


Ensuring psychological comfort in class

Type of lesson: educational (study and primary consolidation of new knowledge).

Form of conduct : class.

Teaching methods:

Lesson equipment: Didactic:image of Leopold the cat, fishing rod, float, 3 buckets, silhouettes of fish with pasted pictures for d/i.

Handout: flannelgraphs, beans, red chips, letters A and U.

1. Organizational moment.

Target: motivate children to participate in activities.

Tasks: 1) update children’s knowledge about fishing;

2) promote the development of the articulatory apparatus.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher



Fishermen, fishermen.


Fishing rod, float, bucket.

Without a fishing rod.

- Guys, our good friend cat Leopold is visiting us. Today he goes fishing and invites you with him. Do you agree?

What are the people who go fishing called?

So, who will we be today?

First of all, we need to select those items that are necessary for fishing. What will you take?

Without what item can you catch a fish?

Listen to me say this word. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

What sound will we be familiar with today?

Note 1

I show pictures.

I say the word fishing rod.

2.Learning new material.

Goal: familiarization with the sound “u”, the letter “u”.

Objectives: 1) to promote the development of phonemic hearing and articulatory apparatus.

    promote the development of voluntary attention and memory.

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher


Children turn to each other and pronounce the sound (U)

They stretch into a tube.

There is no barrier.



Because we denote vowel sounds in red.

We hear and pronounce the sound, but we write and see the letter.

They stop.

They stretch and turn their heads.

They walk in place at a marching pace.

They sit on the chairs.

Now stand in pairs, turn to each other and say the sound (U)

What's happening to your lips?

How does the air come out?

So what sound is this?

And here is the owner of the sound - Zvukovichok. What color is it?


The sound is designated by the letter (U). What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

Now it's time to hit the road.

We walk together, cheerfully,

Together we go to the river,

We are not in a hurry, we are not lagging behind.

It's time for us to take a break

We stretched and sighed,

Turned my head

And all the fatigue is gone.

We're walking through the forest again,

And everything around is so interesting.

It's time to rest, my friend,

We'll sit down on a tree stump.

I show Zvukovichok.

Physical education minute.

I read poems and show movements.

3. Practical work.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to distinguish the sound “u” by ear, to exercise the ability to find the location of the sound in a word.

Objectives: 1) promote the development of phonemic hearing and articulatory apparatus;

2) promote the development of voluntary memory and attention.

3) promote the development of fine motor skills;

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher


When children hear the sound [u], they clap their hands.

Children go out one at a time, take a fish, show it to the children and say where the sound (U) is, at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Place in the correct bucket.

Lay out the letter U from beans on a flannelgraph.

So we came to the river.

Guys, Leopold the cat wants to see how attentive you are. Now we will play the game “Attentive Ears”.

I willname the sounds, and when you hear the sound [u], clap your hands.

Well done!

Today we will catch unusual fish. Each fish has a picture on it. You need to determine whether the name of the object has the sound [y], where it is located: at the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word. We will put all the fish in buckets.

- In the first - if the sound is at the beginning of the word, in the second - if in the middle of the word, in the third - if at the end of the word.

Guys, on your tables there are trays containing beans. Now we will lay out the letter (U) from beans on a flannelgraph for Leopold the cat.

Well done, you tried very hard, you got a beautiful letter U. Leopold the cat really likes it.

Game "Attentive Ears".

I name the sounds: (A), (O), (I), (U), (O), (U), (I), (A), (U).

Appendix 2.

I put three buckets and lay out fish cards with pictures on the table.

I help children who are struggling.

4. Consolidation of educational material.

Goal: to create conditions for consolidating the acquired knowledge.

Objectives: 1) to promote the consolidation of the ability to distinguish sounds by ear;

2) exercise the ability to do sound analysis of a word, practice reading.

Methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher





Because we can sing it.


Children place a red chip in front of them.



Place the second red chip.


Place the letters under the chips: (A), (U).


- Leopold loves to travel. One day he got lost and started calling for help.

What do they say if someone gets lost in the forest?

Listen to this word again.

What is the first sound in this word?

What sound is this?


What color should we use to represent the sound [a].

Place a red chip in front of you.

- What's the second sound?

What sound is this?

Place the second chip.

How many sounds are there in this word?

- - Every sound has a faithful friend - a letter. Place the required letter under each chip.

Now read what word we made up.

Well done! Now Leopold the cat will definitely be found.

I pronounce the word AU

Appendix 3.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Goal: To restore in the children’s memory what they did in class.

Tasks: 1) create a situation of success.

2) promote the development of voluntary memory.

Methods: verbal.

Children's activities

Activities of a teacher


With sound (U).


Because you can sing it.


What sound did we meet today?

What sound is this?

Why do you think so?

What color do we use to indicate vowel sounds?

Appendix No. 3

Abstractspeech development classes.

Subject: « Letter G; sounds[g], [g`]".

(for children of the preparatory group)


educational: improve knowledge about the sounds [g], [g`], the ability to conduct sound and syllabic analysis of words, developing experience in reading syllables;

developing: develop coherent speech, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize;

educational: cultivate interest in the native language, the ability to work in a team.


Curtain for the board. Images of 10 Gnomes on a magnetic board, magnets. Pouch. Objects with the sound “G”: dumbbells, newspaper, nail, pear, mushroom, clove. Picture of Puss in Boots. The letter [G], a picture of a Dwarf, an envelope with pictures (8 pieces), green and blue signal cards.

Stump, pictures (8 pieces), 3 diagrams - cards for determining the place of a sound in a word.

Items (8 pieces), 3 baskets with a number to determine the number of syllables in a word, a hoop.

Printed syllables (work in pairs).

Puzzles (work in pairs).

Basket with mushrooms (2 pieces).

Progress of the lesson:

An exercise to isolate the sounds [g], [g`] in words, determining hardness and softness).

- Dwarfs came to visit us (the teacher invites the children to the tables).

- How many guests do we have? Let's count with our eyes.

And what are their names, we will read in chorus.

– Why do you think some gnomes have blue hats, while others have green ones?

The gnomes came with a beautiful bag, let's see what's in there? There are objects. Name them. (One by one, objects are taken out, the children call them: gantlers, knee socks, newspaper, nail, pear, mushroom, clove).

What sound does each of these words begin with?

Is it a hard or soft sound? Let's say it.

The gnome "Gi" knows a lot of simple sayings. Want to know them?

Ga-ga-ga (ga-ha-ga) - the goat grows... horns.

Gu-gu-gu (gu-gu-gu) - quickly through the meadow... running.

Gi-gi-gi (gi-gi-gi) - a cat wearing ... boots (show picture).

Does the Gnome "Gi" in his name have a hard or soft sound? Let's say it.

Who can show the letter that represents the sounds [g], [g`]?

What is the name of this letter?

Reading a poem by the teacher:

Early in the morning someone threw a letter through my window...

Maybe the breeze is a prankster, the one that blows in our faces?

I looked out the window: the cap flashed...

Someone hid behind the house... Did you guess it? This is...(gnome)

Let's look into the envelope. Yes, here are pictures... Why did the gnomes send them to us?

I understood that they want us to practice identifying the softness and hardness of sounds (8 subject pictures, signal cards).(The teacher takes turns taking out pictures, children name words, show a card - a square).

2. Exercise to determine the place of the studied sounds in words.

– Where can the sounds [g], [g`] be found in a word?

But the gnomes don’t know this. Let's help them complete one interesting task? Come out guys to the carpet.

Look, there are pictures on the stump. Take one picture at a time. Consider them. Now try to determine for yourself where the sounds [g] or [g`] are located in your word, and place it near the desired diagram.


Let's explain to the gnomes how you completed this task.

(-Nastya, why did you put the card next to this diagram?

Nastya: - The word is goose. The sound [g] is at the beginning of the word).

Verbal assessment of the teacher!

3. Exercise in determining the number of syllables in a word. Game "Put into baskets."

Dwarves are great pranksters, they leave tasks and hide from us.

What kind of task is this? I get it, kids. The gnomes want to know how you can determine how many syllables there are in a word. Place items in baskets. If the word has one syllable, we will put the item in the basket with number 1, if 2, in the basket with number 2, and if 3, then in the basket with number 3.

Checking the task (children stand in a circle):

- I will take items out of the basket. Prepare your palms. Let's check everything together.(Teacher: car.Children in chorus, clapping:mashi– on).

Fizminutka"Our gnomes have woken up."

We lived in a house

Little gnomes

In the morning the gnomes woke up,

Handle stretched to the right,

The handle was pulled to the left,

She smiled tenderly at the sun.

All fingers clenched into a fist,

All the hands began to rub

Arms, legs and sides.

What a beauty!

(All massage movements are performed from the periphery to the center: from the hand to the shoulder, from the foot to the thigh).

4. Exercise in composing words. "Say a word"(work in pairs).

Now we are already visiting the Dwarfs. (Sat down at the tables). The gnomes want to play with you and say half a word. The gnome will start, and you will finish the words, that is, come up with your own word (the teacher hands out printed syllables). We work in pairs. You have a minute, come up with your own words.


- Read your syllable. What words did you come up with?

Verbal assessment of the teacher!

Exercise in composing words using sound cards.

And our friends also like to play football, when they score the ball into the goal, what do they shout? Let's teach the Dwarfs to write this word, they really want it .

Let's say the word GOAL in chorus slowly and clearly.


How many sound cards did you use?

Well done, children!

6. Puzzles (work in pairs).

- Guys, I know that gnomes learn to solve puzzles, but they don’t always succeed. Shall we help?

Verbal assessment of the teacher!

7. Work on drawing up proposals.

- The gnomes are very happy to meet you. Look how they smiled, let's make a sentence with the word GNOME.

Check (children pronounce composed sentences).

- In the word GNOM, what is the sound [g]? (consonant, hard, voiced)

Where is it?

How many syllables are in the word GNOM?

You did a great job! Today you played a lot with the Dwarves and helped them. Our friends want to treat you to these mushrooms that grew in their fairy forest (in baskets there is a green sheet of cardboard with mushrooms inserted into them), as well as treat our guests.

8. Productive activity.

And now I propose, in turn, to make gifts for our Dwarves. They really like the letter [r], go to the table and choose any material from which you would like to depict their favorite letter.

We will say to our guests: “Goodbye!”

Materials for the lesson: knitted snowman; image of the letter “C”; boards for each child; markers: green, blue and red for each child; paper snowflakes for each child; drawing “boy and girl on a sled”; a set of subject pictures.

(On the board there is a sheet of Whatman paper with a drawn pine tree and a slide).

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.


What time of year is it now? (Winter)

And what natural phenomena occur in winter: - snow falls, frost sets in, the day is short - the night is long, etc. - Guys, show that you are cold and shriveled, warmed up and relaxed.

There's a knock on the door.

Guys, do you hear someone knocking on our door, let's take a look.

The teacher opens the door and takes away the letter with AFRICA written on it.

Guys, look, you and I received a letter with Africa written on it, and do you know who it’s from?

No, you don’t know, but let’s open it and read it. Will you help me with this?

The teacher opens the envelope, takes out the letter and reads it to the children.

Text of the letter: hello guys, Jack the giraffe is writing to you. I live in Africa, where it is always warm, a lot of sun, palm trees, sand. I really want to know what winter is. Tell me about her.

2. Introduction to the topic.Creating a game situation.

Guys, we will help Jack the giraffe, tell him about winter, and for this we need to create a winter picture.

But first, guess the riddles:

1. They come to us in winter

And they circle above the ground.

Very light fluff.

These are white... SNOWFLAKES.

Well done, guys!(the child comes out and places an image of a snowflake on whatman paper).

2. Blue scarf, dark back.

Little bird. Her name is... (titmouse)

Let's put a titmouse in the picture too. (the child comes out and places an image of a titmouse on whatman paper)

And what is the most characteristic symbol of winter – snow.

Say the words “snowflake”, “titmouse”, “snow”.

What sound do you hear first in these words?

That's right guys, have you guessed what sounds we will talk about today?

3. Subject message. Characteristics of sound.

Say the sound (C).

Let's talk about this sound, what it is (consonant, hard)

There are a lot of winter words that start with this sound: icicle, sled, bullfinches, snowflakes, snowfall;

Snow is falling - snowfall, a car that walks on the snow is a snowmobile.

And there are a lot of related words to the word snow.

Try to find related words for the word “snow” (snowy, bullfinch, Snow Maiden, snowfall, snowmobile, snowman)

Make the sound (C*).

What sound is this? (consonant, soft).

What winter words do you know with this sound?

4. Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing.

1) (pictures are laid out in a large lump on the table)

Guys, we have a big lump, we need to make it smaller, remove unnecessary pictures.

Remove pictures whose words do not have sounds (s) and (C*).

Something is still big, let's now divide the remaining cards into words with a hard sound (C) and words with a soft sound (C*).

(Children sort out the pictures, explaining why they put them in one or another group of cards.)

Guys, look, we have three lumps, but what can we make from them? Let's show.

5. Physical exercise.

Snowball upon snowball,

And a carrot instead of a nose

He is not afraid of frost...

Guess who we're talking about?

Small and great knows

It's definitely a snowman!

That's right, well done, we have a snowman.

(the teacher places the snowman on the board)

Downy snowflakes (waves hands)

Cheerful and alive!

You're spinning, flickering (spinning)

In the silence of the forest

And you cover the ground (sit down)

Shiny silver.

6. Phonetic analysis of the word.

Guys, what do you think is missing from our picture?

Children should slide down the slide correctly.

(the teacher or child places an image of a girl and a boy on a sled on the picture)

Come up with names for the children that begin with the sound (C) or (C*). (Sima and Stas)

Let's make up a story about children.(children come up with a story of three sentences)

Let's analyze the word Sima.

(One child goes to the board, the rest draw a diagram of the word on the marker boards.)

What's the first sound? (soft consonant (C), means green circle)

What is the second sound? (vowel (I) means red circle)

What is the third sound? (hard consonant (M), blue circle)

What is the fourth sound? (vowel (A) means red circle)

You will do the analysis of the word Stas yourself on the boards and check with each other.

(while the children were working on the boards, the letter C, wrapped like a gift, was attached to the sled.)

7. Introducing the letter S.

Look, children, there is something on Stas’s sled.

That's right, it's the letter C.

Look at the letter, what does it look like?

“C” - like a sickle we draw with you.

“C” - a curled up catfish with a mustache.

There are horseshoe tracks in the snow.

“C” - the silhouette sparkles.

Let's write the letter "C" in the air with our finger.

Take the boards, write the letter on the board.

8. Automation of sound in syllables and words.The syllables written on the board are: OS, US, IS, AS, ES, IS, SA, SU, SY, SE, SO, SI.

Children read syllables.

Write these syllables on your boards.

Check with each other.

9. Summary of the lesson.

Look at the picture we got. Don't you think that the snowman is missing something?

Now each of you will add something to the snowman.

(each child comes to the board and attaches a button, bucket, etc.)

What new have we learned? (letter “S” and sounds “S and S”)

What words did you come across? (related words to snow).

Did you enjoy the lesson?

Look, the snowman has a surprise for you.

Each child receives a snowflake.