Catalog of scientific journals on philology. Publication of vacancies on linguistics, philology, linguistics Journals on philology

General provisions

Scientific journal “Philology and culture.PhilologyandCulture" publishes articles in the following sections:

  • philological sciences;
  • psychological sciences;
  • pedagogical sciences.

Magazine “Philology and culture.PhilologyandCulture" included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published.

The main requirement for published material is its compliance with high scientific criteria (relevance, scientific novelty, etc.). In the text of articles, preference should be given to references to publications of the last 15 years. The journal publishes materials that have not been published or transferred to other editors.

All articles are peer reviewed. The results of the review and the decision of the editorial board to accept the submitted article for publication in the journal “Philology and culture.PhilologyandCulture" are communicated to the authors by email.

Minor corrections of a stylistic and formal nature are made to the article without the consent of the authors. If more serious corrections are necessary, the edits are agreed upon with the authors or the article is sent to the authors for revision.

The order of receipt and movement of the manuscript

The editors of the journal accept articles exclusively in electronic form (Word format, file type .doc) to the journal's email address: [email protected]

Scientific articles must be between 20,000 and 40,000 characters (including spaces).

The abstract in Russian and English should include a description of the main topic, the problems facing the author, the goals of the work and its results. It is not recommended to quote from the text of the article. The average length of an abstract is from 150 to 250 words. All keywords (5–7 concepts, terms and proper names) must be used in the abstract text.

At the end of the article there is brief information about the author in Russian and English:

– last name, first name, patronymic (in bold),

– scientific degree (if any),

– position, place of work indicating the postal address, e-mail (data – 12 font, postal address – 10 font).


Literary texts and historical sources must be in the original language; when translating the text, the author of the translation is indicated.


(Our translation is P.I.)

The quality of illustrations should be maximum (not lower than 600 dpi). Illustrations are attached to the article as a separate file in jpeg format and must be captioned in Russian and English, indicating the place of the illustration in the article. Captions for illustrations are duplicated in a separate file.

After the manuscript undergoes double-blind review, the reviewer's opinion is communicated to the author.

The article form must be completed as follows:




Title of Article



The bibliographic list is formatted as follows:

– List of references (centered);

– works must be presented in alphabetical order: literature in Russian is indicated first, then in a foreign language (according to the English alphabet);

– References (center);

– transliterated list of references (the order should be changed according to the English alphabet).

Please format scientific articles using the following format:

The text of the scientific article should be formatted on an A4 sheet in accordance with GOST 9327-60, portrait orientation, Times New Roman font, size 14. Line spacing 1.5.

– MS Word format

– Margins: top and bottom – 2 cm, left and right – 2 cm.

– Paragraph indent – ​​1.25.

– Alignment of article text by width.

Letter spacing is normal.

Square brackets - on a Latin keyboard.

The interword space is one character. Spaces are required after all punctuation marks (including ellipsis), including in abbreviations i.e., etc., etc.

Two punctuation marks in a row are not separated by a space, for example: M., 1995. In personal names, all elements are separated by spaces, for example: A. S. Pushkin.

A hyphen must be different from a dash, for example: literary and artistic (hyphen), Russian literature of the late 19th - early 20th centuries (dash with spaces on the left and right, without spaces - in numbers and dates, for example: 1960–1970, p. 52 –65.

Quotes in the text of the article:

- French ("Christmas trees"), inside the quote - German ("paws").


– when translating the meaning of a foreign word, English single (‘Marrov’) quotation marks are used.


Criticism in a comment can also be expressed using the lexeme leider ‘unfortunately’.

– in the text in English, “English double quotation marks” are used.


I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” was published in the journal “Russian Messenger”.

A period, comma and semicolon for a word with a superscript footnote are placed after the footnote.

Roman numerals are typed using a Latin keyboard.

The letter ё / Ё is replaced by the letter е / E with the exception of contexts and proper names that are important for the distinction of meaning, for example: Heinrich Böll.

When typing, the use of styles is not allowed, columns are not specified.

No spaces are allowed between paragraphs.

Highlights in the text should be carried out according to the following rules:

Bold font – for headings and subheadings.

Discharge – for semantic highlighting.

Light italics are for short examples.


The meaning of turnover “compared to something” as part of a stable structure against / against the former: .... I thought about spending three times as much as before, but it turned out to be ten times...[Pushkin, vol. 8, p. 7–47].

Small font separated from the main text (one and a half spacing, size 12) - for fragments of poetic and prose text.


So, from A.I. Kuprin we read:

In mid-August, before the birth of the new month, disgusting weather suddenly set in, such as is so typical of the northern coast of the Black Sea. Then, for whole days, a thick fog lay heavily over the land and sea, and then the huge siren at the lighthouse roared day and night, like a mad bull. From morning to morning there was a continuous rain, fine as water dust, turning clay roads and paths into solid thick mud, in which carts and carriages got stuck for a long time [Kuprin, p. 3].

Procedure for writing an article

At the beginning of the article the UDC is indicated (in the upper left corner).

The title of the article is centered, without indentation, in capital letters.

Abstract in English (spacing 1.5; size 12).

Key words in English. Word keywords in italics.

Similarly - abstract and keywords in Russian.

Article text.

Notes are formatted using an interlinear alphabet and an Arabic numeral index as a footnote sign. References to literature in the notes are given according to the rules for formatting references.

Attention! Indications of the number of pages in the publication and the pages of cited articles are required.

References in the text are in square brackets indicating the names of the authors (if the document was created by 1–3 authors) or titles (4 or more authors, collective collections), as well as, if necessary, the volume and page numbers for direct citation. For example: [Pushkin, vol. 2, p. 287]. The year of publication is indicated only if there are links to other books by this author.

References to archives and manuscript collections are drawn up according to general rules, indicated in square brackets within the text of the article and included in the list of references.

For links to electronic resources, use the abbreviation URL (Uniform resource Locator) and the date of access.

No. Name of the heading/section of the peer-reviewed scientific publication Branches of science and/or groups of specialties of scientific workers in accordance with the Nomenclature of scientific specialties for which academic degrees are awarded
1. Theoretical problems of linguistics 02/10/19 – Theory of language
2. Sociolinguistics. Psycholinguistics 02/10/19 – Theory of language
3. Russian language in the modern world 02/10/01 – Russian language
4. Languages ​​of the world 02/10/02 – Languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation

10.02.03 – Slavic languages

02/10/04 – Germanic languages

02/10/05 – Romance languages

02/10/22 – Languages ​​of the peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia

5. Translation problems 02/10/20 – Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics
6. Literary criticism 10.01.01 – Russian literature

10.01.02 – Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation

10.01.03 – Literature of the peoples of foreign countries

10.01.04 – Theory of literature

7. Lingvodidactics 13.00.02 – Theory and methodology of teaching and education (Russian language, foreign languages)
8. Tribune of a young scientist
9. Criticism and bibliography
10. Scientific life

Rules for submission, review and publication of scientific articles

in a peer-reviewed scientific publication

"Issues of Philology"

DAccepted for publication in the journal previously unpublished scientific articles, review articles, reviews, information materials corresponding to the areas of the peer-reviewed scientific publication: linguistics (theoretical problems of linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, languages ​​of the world), literary criticism, as well as linguodidactics.

The journal “Problems of Philology” is published in Russian; Articles in English are also accepted for publication. Articles are accompanied by a summary in English or Russian, respectively, as well as a list of keywords in Russian and English.

In scientific articles proposed for publication, the author must provide justification for the relevance of the topic, clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the research, scientific argumentation, generalizations and conclusions that are of interest for their novelty, scientific and practical significance.

  1. Basic requirements for the content of copyright materials

1. Material for publication in the journal (articles, reviews, reviews, conference chronicles, etc.) should be sent to the editorial office’s email address public@ gaudeamus. ru.

  1. The original article should be sent to the editor, indicating the intended heading.
  • Materials are presented in Russian. Articles in English are also accepted for consideration.
  • The title of the article, summary (summary) and keywords (keywords) must be submitted in Russian and English.
  • The author's last name is indicated on the first page before the title of the article.
  • The maximum length of an article should not exceed one author's page (40,000 characters).
  • When preparing articles, you must comply with the rules adopted in the journal.

The literature referenced in the text is given at the end of the article in alphabetical order - first in Russian, then in foreign languages; works by one author are given in chronological order, starting with the earliest. The list of references is numbered. The author's surname and initials are in italics. The journal uses a brief bibliographic description without indicating the publisher and number of pages. The following output data must be specified:

b) for articles– surname, initials of the author, full title of the article, name of the collection, book, newspaper, magazine where the article was published, city (for books), year and number of the newspaper, magazine.

  • It is not allowed to format the list of references in the form of footnotes and notes.
  • References to literature in the text are given in square brackets after direct or indirect citation. A semicolon is placed between the numbers indicating the numbers of sources in the list of used literature.
  • Quotes are carefully checked against the original source and endorsed by the author on the reverse side of the page. When submitting an article in electronic form, a note “Citations verified” is made at the end.
  • The article must be carefully proofread and submitted without typos.
  1. Attached to the manuscript:

b) special fonts, if they are used in the article. Fonts must be attached as separate files. The editors have the right to demand that fonts that are too complex for layout be replaced with Cyrillic or Latin transcriptions.

  1. Graduate students and applicants are required to provide feedback from their supervisor.
  1. Rules for reviewing articles
  1. Manuscripts of articles received by the editorial office are registered, then the editor-in-chief or his deputy gets acquainted with them, who decide to send the manuscript of the article to one of the members of the editorial board or an outside reviewer for expert evaluation of the manuscript.
  2. All materials received by the editorial office that correspond to the topic of the journal undergo a review procedure for the purpose of their expert assessment. The review should provide an objective assessment and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the presented article. The review period is 1 month.
  3. Members of the journal's editorial board, as well as third-party reviewers who have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science and are recognized experts on the subject of the articles being reviewed, are involved in the review.
  4. All authors are warned about the mandatory review process. The full name, title, position and place of work of the reviewer are not disclosed by the editors.
  5. The decision to publish the manuscript or to refuse publication is made at a meeting of the editorial board in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers.
  6. At its meeting, the editorial board considers the content of the review and makes one of the following decisions:
  • recommend the article for publication without corrections;
  • return the article to the author to correct the reviewer’s comments;
  • submit the article for additional review;
  • reject the article (the reasons for making such a decision must be stated).
  1. A positive review is not always a sufficient basis for recommending an article for publication. The final decision is made by the editorial board. In some difficult cases, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
  2. If the review contains recommendations for improving the article, the editors of the journal send the author the text of the review with a request to take into account the reviewer’s comments when preparing a new (corrected) version or, if the author does not agree with the comments made, to respond to them with reason and (partially or completely) refute them . Finalization of the article should not take more than two weeks from the moment the email is sent to the author.
    9. If serious scientific contradictions arise between the author and the reviewer, the editorial board may send the manuscript for additional (external) review. The decision on this issue is made and the reviewer is appointed by the editorial board.
    10. An article not recommended for publication by the decision of the editorial board is not reconsidered. The editors send a letter of refusal to publish to the author by email.
    11. After the editorial board of the journal makes a decision to recommend an article for publication, the editors inform the author about this and indicate the publication deadline.
  3. The editors of the publication send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials, and also undertake to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editors of the publication.
  • Contents of the review

1. The review must contain an assessment of the compliance of the content of the article with the following requirements for scientific articles:

  • the relevance of the topic of the article and the issues being considered;
  • compliance of the presented results with the stated topic of the article;
  • completeness of the literature review;
  • scientific contribution of the author;
  • validity of conclusions; the presence of clear and understandable argumentation;
  • completeness, validity and correctness of the applied theoretical apparatus and provisions;
  • correctness of terminology, clarity and consistency of presentation, scientific style of presentation.

2. The review should end with a conclusion containing a recommendation:

  • publish the article without changes;
  • publish the article subject to corrections made by the author (without re-review or with re-review);
  • reject the article, state to the author the reason for refusal to publish.

3. All comments of the reviewer must be clearly and carefully substantiated and presented in the most respectful manner, without violating the author’s right to his own independent opinion.

  1. An article may be rejected for objective formal reasons, in particular as not corresponding to the profile or scientific level of the Journal.
  2. The reviewer must inform the editor-in-chief of any similarities he discovers between the manuscript under consideration and another article published in another journal, as well as the fact that the work contains borrowed provisions without reference to the author (plagiarism).
  1. More information
  2. The publication reviews all materials received by the editors that correspond to its topics for the purpose of their expert evaluation. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of the materials being reviewed and have published on the subject of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. All reviews are stored in the publishing house and in the editorial office for 5 years.
  3. The editors confirm the provision of permanent storage of published scientific articles, their accessibility, and submission of legal copies of the publication in the prescribed manner.

Information about the editorial board/editorial council of the peer-reviewed scientific publication (number of academicians - 7, corresponding members - 4, doctors of science - 17, candidates of science - 3, foreign scientists - 1) (see Table 1).

Information about the consent of members of the editorial board/editorial council to join the composition).

Table 1.

No. Last name I.O. Membership in state academies of sciences, academic degree, academic title Place of work, position Justification for a significant contribution to the development of the relevant field of knowledge
1. Volodarskaya E.F. PhD, academician, President of RALN Institute of Foreign Languages, rector A prominent scientist in the field of English and Russian linguistics, translation theory, and Shakespearean studies.
2. Alpatov V.M. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of RALN, Institute of Linguistics RAS, Director A prominent scientist in the field of general and oriental linguistics, one of the recognized specialists in the history of linguistics in Russian science.
3. Chelyshev E.P. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of RALN, Doctor of Philology, Professor Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, advisor A prominent scientist - literary and cultural critic, a major specialist in comparative literature and Indian philology. His research generated interest in Indological literary studies and allowed him to create his own scientific school.
4. Vinogradov V.A. Institute of Linguistics RAS, Head of the Department of African Languages A major specialist in the field of language theory and typology, African linguistics, sociolinguistics and the theory of language teaching.
5. Demyankov V.Z. Doctor of Philology, Professor Institute of Linguistics RAS, Deputy Director An outstanding scientist who has made contributions to such areas of linguistics as computational linguistics and typological research of languages ​​using computer technology, theory of interpretation, theoretical linguistics, syntax and semantics of the Russian language, linguistic metalanguage of the 21st century, cognitive linguistics, lexicography.
6. Mikhalchenko V.Yu. Academician of RALN, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor Institute of Linguistics RAS, Deputy Head of the Research Center for National-Linguistic Relations A major specialist in the field of syntactic typology, sociolinguistics, and Russian studies.
7. Seagal K.Ya. Doctor of Philology Institute of Linguistics RAS, Head of the Department of Experimental Speech Research A major specialist in such areas as the theory of experiment in linguistics, the syntax of compositional structures, the syntax of phrases, the metalinguistic activity of native speakers and the forms of its speech embodiment.
8. Shevyakova E.N. Doctor of Philology, Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, Professor of the Department of World Literature A major literary scholar, a recognized specialist in French literature at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries.
9. Babenko N.S. Candidate of Philological Sciences Institute of Linguistics RAS, Head of the Germanic Languages ​​Sector A well-known specialist in such fields as the theory and history of the German literary language, linguistic genre studies,
historical-linguistic pragmatics.
10. Bitkeeva A.N. Doctor of Philology Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher at the Research Center for National-Linguistic Relations A well-known scientist whose scientific interests are mainly related to the study of language situations, models of language policy in Russia and foreign countries, the development and implementation of language policy measures in solving language problems.
11. Kovshova M.L. Doctor of Philology Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, leading researcher in the sector of theoretical linguistics Leading specialist in linguistic and cultural studies. Her research interests include the study of linguistic units in the context of culture; general and Russian phraseology, lexicology, linguistics of text and discourse.
12. Nuriev V.A. Candidate of Philological Sciences Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher in the sector of Germanic languages Has achievements in such areas as translation studies, contrastive punctuation, modern English and French literature.
13. Alexandrova O.V. Doctor of Philology, Professor Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Head of the Department of English Linguistics, Faculty of Philology A well-known scientist whose scientific interests include cognitive-discursive features of speech in its different registers and styles, the language of the Internet, grammatical processes in modern English, comparative aspects of English and Russian languages.
14. Remneva M.L. Doctor of Philology, Professor Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Dean of the Faculty of Philology A well-known scientist whose scientific focus is on the problems of the history of the Russian literary language of the 11th-17th centuries, issues of evolution and codification of grammatical norms, as well as the Old Church Slavonic language.
15. Gilenson B.A. Doctor of Philology, Professor Institute of Foreign Languages, Head of the Interfaculty Department of World Literature A prominent scholar in the field of American literature of the twentieth century, ancient literature and foreign literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
16. Chelysheva I.I. Doctor of Philology, Professor Institute of Linguistics RAS, Head of the Department of Indo-European Languages A prominent scientist, specialist in Romance linguistics.
17. Grigoriev A.V. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Moscow Pedagogical State University, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics A well-known scientist whose scientific interests are related to historical lexicology and phraseology of the Russian language, biblical studies, and classical languages.
18. Vorotnikov Yu.L. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, Deputy Chairman of the Council A prominent scientist, a leading expert in such areas as philosophy of language, theory of linguistics, grammar, lexicology, history of language, culture of speech.
19. Oreshkina M.V. Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher at the Research Center for National-Linguistic Relations A well-known scientist whose scientific interests are related to sociolinguistic research in the field of the Russian language, language situations, language policy, language legislation in Russia and foreign countries, the study of lexical borrowings from the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and neighboring countries in the Russian language and their lexicographic description, with linguoculturology and conceptology.
20. Kudelin A.B. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Academician-Secretary; Institute of World Literature named after. A.M. Gorky RAS, director An outstanding Russian orientalist, specialist in the history of Arabic literature and Eastern literature in general.
21. Roberts J. professor University of London Leading specialist in English studies and history of the English language.
22. Sorokina I.G. associate professor executive secretary of the journal Specialist in English linguistics and linguodidactics.

Organizing Committee email: [email protected]

Organizers: Russian Linguistic Bulletin

Conditions of participation and housing: 1000 rubles/1500 characters

Dear colleagues,

Russian Linguistic Bulletin(, ISSN 2411-2968 (ONLINE), ISSN 2313-0288 (PRINT) (registration certificate PI No. FS 77 - 58339) invites authors of scientific papers to publish their works.

Russian Linguistic Bulletin a peer-reviewed scientific publication devoted to linguistics, language learning and teaching, and literature. The publication provides an opportunity to publish their scientific achievements for graduate students, university teachers, persons with an academic degree, public figures, cultural and educational figures, politicians from the CIS countries and abroad.

Articles are accepted for publication only in English. Translation services can be ordered from the publisher.

Articles received by the editors undergo careful selection, which guarantees a high probability of citing your work in scientometric databases.

Scientific citation databases in which the journal is included

  • Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation
  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
  • Google Scholar
  • OpenAIRE
  • OCLC WorldCat
  • DOAJ (RULB is the only magazine from the Russian Federation) awarded the DOAJ seal.

We care about your scientific citations, so we pay special attention to article metadata and its processing. More information about all databases and catalogs of university libraries where the journal is cited:

Publication cost

The cost of publication is 1000 rubles. for 1500 characters including spaces.

An invoice for payment is sent after the article has been reviewed and accepted for publication.

Submitting material for publication

Procedure for submitting material for publication : Articles are accepted through an automated system on the site; if you have difficulties submitting an article, you can send it by email [email protected], sample design:

Articles are accepted until 25.02.2018

For any questions please contact by email [email protected]

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