Card index of games “Games with rhymes. Developing imagination: a game of rhymes Game “Come up with a phrase”

Elena Shakurova
Didactic game for speech development “Pick a Rhyme”

They love mice very much. (cheese).

in the blue sea. (ships).

shines in the night sky. (moon).

Mom's got burnt. (pie).

Mom and I washed. (floors).

brings us sand. (truck).

trumpeting to us with his trunk. (elephant).

go to nursery. (kids)

hanging pear. (high)


I'm not vaccinated. (I'm afraid).


the ship sat on its bottom. (stranded).


It's buzzing outside the window. (bumblebee).

I lost milk. (tooth).

wags his tail. (puppy).

big on the hill. (house)

I sharpened it. (pencil).


We're going tomorrow with dad. (circus).

cuts very sharply. (knife).

my sonorous one rushed off into the distance. (ball)

good with pancakes. (sour cream).

red from frost. (nose).

at a red light of course. (stop)

They give us cough medicine. (syrup)

the air soared upward. (ball)

a fragrant blossom bloomed in the forest. (lily of the valley).

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the author’s game “Pick a Chip”. This didactic manual will be useful for both teachers.

MATCH THE CUPS TO THE SAUCERS” Purpose of the game: to teach children the primary colors - red, yellow, green, blue; and also teach how to group objects.

Hello, dear colleagues, I invite you to get acquainted with the author’s game. The game is intended for children of primary preschool age.

The didactic game is called: "Pick up the petal." The purpose of this game is to enrich children's vocabulary. The game is intended for ages.

Educator: Lebedeva Ekaterina Andreevna Didactic game “Match the windows to the house” The didactic game is intended for children of the second age.

Goal: To consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them. Learn to match a given geometric pattern.

The game is intended for children of senior preschool age. Purpose of the game: learn to read syllables and words. Objectives: - teach the child to form words.

Didactic game “Pick up the Christmas tree fence” Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Koroleva Didactic game for children of the second junior group “Pick up.

Target. Teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships and select rhyming words.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children’s attention to sheets of paper and “washers” (chips) lying in front of each of them.

“Have you forgotten the game of hockey? - the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: “The impact and where might the puck end up?”

Listens to the children’s answers, suggests the direction of the puck’s flight, for example: “The puck is flying above the goal, to the left of it.”

The teacher calls a child who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from his seat). Then another child comments on the hockey players' training. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher, standing behind the children, observes who moves the puck on a sheet of paper in order to later work with some of the children individually.

“Today I will not treat you to coffee, as we will play the game “Say a word” (“Choose a rhyme”),” the teacher says. – A very famous poetess Elena Blaginina composed cunning poems. Listen to them carefully."

The teacher reads E. Blaginina’s poem “There is still a game...”:

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...
- New Year.

The needles glow softly,
The pine spirit comes from...
- Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright...
- They shine.

(“Or maybe they spark? They hiss?”)

And the toys swing -
Flags, stars...
- Firecrackers!

(“Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?”)

Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balls!

(“Balls or Gifts?”)

Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers...
- Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose,
Under the branches of Grandfather...
- Freezing!


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed...” Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

Target. Teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.

Progress of the lesson

“Today we will again learn to speak correctly,” the teacher begins the lesson. - Let's talk to you about the New Year holiday. All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed of before the New Year and how you spent the New Year holidays.”

The teacher listens to the child’s story, makes the necessary corrections, and asks clarifying questions. Then she evaluates the answer, noting its logic and expressiveness (unusual comparisons, emotionality).

Calls 2-3 more guys.

He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays in different ways.

It is also advisable to listen to a child experiencing various kinds of difficulties in mastering his native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and rejoice at his successes together with the children.

In order to add variety to the conversation and please the children, you can play the didactic game “Choose a Rhyme” using the following works:

The puppy looked through the window:
- What does... (the cat) enjoy?

- There are all sorts of people walking around here, look!
- Looks evil at the cat... (mouse).

- Maybe it’s enough, mouse, to be angry?
- Chirped... (tit).

Didn't say anything
Sleeping under the bed... (dog).

E. Lavrentyeva “Choose a rhyme”

* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and... (face).

My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash cleaner, wash more often -
I'm dirty... (I can't stand it).

Y. Tuvim. “A letter to all children on one very important matter,” trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov

On the merry ones,
On the greens
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks... (on their heads).
Through the mountains
On a scooter
They go there
Bulls... (in tomatoes)!
And one scientist cat
He even drives... (helicopter).

Ya. Bezheva. “On the Horizon Islands”, trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder

Lesson 2. Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

Target. Introduce children to a new work of fiction, help them understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites the children to find fairy tales, stories, and poems. You can divide the children into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - short stories, the third - poems. Groups of children will work in turns, and each subsequent group can look at the books of the previous group(s) to determine if they have the works they want to select.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher evaluates the children's work (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks through the first stack of books. It makes more sense to start with collections of poetry. Children often classify fairy tales by A. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky as poetry. The teacher finds out whether this is legal and to which group of works this or that book belongs.

“This is a fairy tale in verse,” explains the teacher.

The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).

Having assessed the children’s knowledge and intelligence, the teacher reads to them S. Georgiev’s story “I Saved Santa Claus” (see Appendix). Then he asks whether they liked the new work and whether it is a fairy tale or a story.

Mastering the concept of rhyme by preschoolers with OHP

Target: the formation of children’s ideas about rhyme, the development of children’s speech through the use of artistic words, through the use of poetic rhyme.
Tasks: develop the ability to select a suitable rhyme for a prepared quatrain, the ability of children to come up with short quatrains, create a joyful mood, positive emotions, and cultivate interest in poetry and poetic creativity.
Brief description: This material is intended for conducting educational activities with older preschoolers and children of primary school age.

Acquisition of the concept of rhyme by preschoolers with OHP. Methodical recommendations

When developing phonemic perception, children with speech disorders, listening to the sounds of speech, comparing words according to sound patterns and finding similarities and differences in them, learn to feel rhythm, rhyme, and participate in the formation of a sense of language. Their favorite exercises are play rhymes.
I bring to your attention the material that I use in my work.

Topics: “Sound [r]”; "Kind words."

Our fins would grow,
We would swim like... (fish).
I would wave my flexible tail
And frolicked like... (a fish).
Here he takes the crumbs off the hook
Very small... (fish).
Swims out, looking for food,
Large... (fish).
“Eh. My catch was lost! –
Angry... (fisherman) -
The fish don't bite at all
Apparently I’m bad... (fisherman).
Almost cries from resentment,
But he sits all day... (fishing).
The fisherman is terribly sorry,
What didn’t work out... (fishing).

The speech therapist reads a poem, the children add the sound combination TRA:

Our sister has kittens that are fast, their paws are fast,
Their claws are sharp, their fur coats are sharp, and their eyes are sharp!

"Pot of Porridge" (sound automation [l])

Children pronounce the syllable LA in unfinished words.

The porridge is boiling in the pot...
Hiss.., puff..,
Raise the lid...
And crawled outside...
From a hundred.., then from a hundred..,
I'm slowly slipping...
Reached the corner...
The whole apartment is occupied..,
Carefully open the door...
Ride the steps...
Along the way we swam...
I burnt my porridge...
Dasha got porridge into her mouth...
And it got into my pockets...
Run into our sleeves...
And flow down your fingers...
Our entire city was flooded...
Miracles! Well...!


Guys, let's play quickly.
We will choose different words!
Say whatever you want, okay?
But only such that it turns out... (smoothly).

The speech therapist throws the ball and says a word, the one who catches the ball responds with a word consonant with the name: stove - river, sheep, candle, heart, porch, ring;
bird - titmouse, match, sign, pigtail...

"Helper and Liar"

Rhyme can be a helper. From the rhyme you can guess, for example, what animal we are talking about.

Instead of wool, all needles,
The enemy of mice is the prickly...
The beast wears a horn on its nose
And it's called...
Among the animals he is considered a king,
They call him fearless...
A log floats down the river.
Oh, how furious it is!
To those who fell into the river,
The nose will be bitten off...
Can swim all day
In icy water...
Knows a lot about sheep
Fierce gray...
I'm having some bad luck
Own house...

But here are poems with a deceiving rhyme: one word is guessed, but the rhyme suggests something completely different.

What the owner says
He will calmly repeat.
Oh yes voice, oh yes hearing!
What a smart girl...
Honey with raspberries is a dish
Lunch for...
I dig a hole day and night,
I don’t know the sun at all
You won't find my eyes...
And my name is...
Underground, breaking a hole,
Sleeping tired...
He lives calmly and is in no hurry.
Carry a shield just in case.
On land and in water -
She belongs everywhere
Live at least three hundred years
On two legs from all pursuits
The fleet-footed one will rush away...
Here, guys, are miracles -
Brings honey to the hive...

Two stacks of paired pictures are selected for the game. Their names in the first pile rhyme with the names of the pictures in the second pile. One child takes a picture, the other finds a picture with a rhyming word.

Target:form an idea of ​​rhyme


Clarify the concept of tongue twister.

Develop diction in children.

Introduce the concept of “rhyme”.

Learn to come up with simple rhymes for words.

Learn to work together, together, amicably.

Materials and equipment: ball, cards from the book “Toy Library of Speech Games. Issue 11. Playing rhymes. Games for the development of phonemic awareness"

1. Speech warm-up

Diction exercise: pronounce intonationally, highlighting the highlighted word one by one:

We play with words- we compose together,

We play with words - we compose together,

Our meetings are good, we have fun from the heart!

We play with words - we compose together,

Our meetings are good, have fun from the heart!

Children and teachers remember what a tongue twister is and why it is needed. Then they, if desired, pronounce any tongue twisters.

And learn new ones:

Buying a parrot

Buy without intimidation:

Parrots with fright

They'll wake up the whole neighborhood. (Heinrich Wardenga)

There was drama at the ball:

Noble Cavalier

From under the nose of a noble lady

He stole one eclair.

And one more eclair,

And one more eclair,

And one more eclair -

Here's your gentleman. (Peter Sinyavsky)

2. Speech situation


Educator: Have you ever tried to become an echo? How does the echo answer questions? I'll ask, "What time is it now?" What about it for me?

Children: It's an hour! Hour!

Educator: That's right, “It’s an hour!” That’s how you are: if you have become an echo, then answer the questions like it is. And to make it more fun, clap your hands when answering. The answer is two claps at the same time.

Teacher (children)

Get ready, kids! (ra-ra)

The game begins! (ra-ra)

Don't spare your hands (lei-lei)

Clap your hands more cheerfully (ley-lay)

What time is it now (hour-hour)

What time will it be in an hour (hour-hour)

And it’s not true, there will be two (two-two)

Think, think, head (wa-wa)

How the rooster crows in the village (uh-uh)

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)

Are you sure it is so (so-so)

But in reality, how? (how-how)

What is two and two? (two-two)

My head is spinning! (wa-wa)

Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)

(the presenter holds his ear)

Or maybe a load of hay? (cart-cart)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)

(the presenter points to his elbow)

But what do we have here? (us-us)

(the presenter points to his nose)

You are always good (yes, yes)

Or only sometimes (yes, yes)

Don’t get tired of answering (chat-chat) if you answer “no” there’s a fine

I ask you to be silent (-)

Game over. And those who made a mistake and gave their forfeit to the presenter are waiting for a fun task to be completed.

Educator: Since ancient times, people, writing proverbs, riddles, and tongue twisters, have tried to decorate these works of oral folk art by rhyming the ends of the lines.

Thanks to rhyme, poems turn out well. Rhyme - when words end the same way. For example, cat-spoon, cone-mouse, spruce-shoal, rose-mimosa, buffet-stool, owl-head, river-stove, etc. These words have similar sounding final syllables. Such endings of words are called rhymes.

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.

After this, the children find a rhyme in the poems "Eli" And "Vanechka the Shepherd"


Ate at the edge of the forest -

To the top of the sky -

I listen, they are silent,

They look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees,

Thin needles -

At the forest gate

They lead a round dance. (Irina Tokmakova)

Vanechka - shepherd

Sheep are standing in the meadow

The wool is twisted into rings,

And plays for the sheep

There is a man on the pipe.

This is Vanechka, the shepherd!

He has good hearing.

He hates the wolf too

And he won’t hurt the lamb,

Doesn't hurt at all.

To be Vanyusha a violinist! (Junna Moritz)

Game "Come up with a rhyme"

Educator: Guys, I have a rhyming ball in my hands. Let's play rhyming words.

I ask the word, throw the ball, and whoever catches it chooses the rhyme.

Friend (bow), crow (crown), business (bravely), barn (loaf), house (gnome), sleep (ringing), pillow (frog, bun, cheesecake, toy, girlfriend), path (basket, potato, cover , okroshka), pencil (jumble, hut, gouache, mirage, crew)…

Game "Find a Pair"

Educator: Now look carefully at the pictures in front of you and find words that rhyme with each other.

Educator: There is another game for you.

I'll start the poem now

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

Gray wolf in a dense forest

I met a red... (fox).

Where did the sparrow have lunch?

At the zoo with... (animals).

And a rooster with a prickly hedgehog

They cut the lard with a sharp... (knife).

Not prickly, light blue,

Hanging in the bushes... (frost).

In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Collect it quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up.

After all, this is... (bullfinches).

Game "Prompt the Word" based on the poem by John Ciardi.

About amazing birds

On the street


I saw it yesterday.

He was carrying a box

On the box

It says: “Game”.

I'm two blocks away

I followed him

(Believe me, I'm not lying).

And finally

I asked him:

How to play

To the game?

He smiled


Then he answered me:


What are games

You haven't met yet.

Two birds


It's in my drawer.

And if you want,

That's with you

The two of us will play.

And so that we

We could start

You must remember

What do dissimilar people have?

These birds



Such funny birds -

Very hard work.

No wonder people





Birds are nimble

From a big box

Suddenly they started

Pull out


Behind the word is the word.

One got it

The word NAIL,

Another one right away -


One got it

The word SADNESS

Another phrase:


One got it

The word ELEPHANT,

Target. Teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships and select rhyming words.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher draws the children’s attention to sheets of paper and “washers” (chips) lying in front of each of them.

“Have you forgotten the game of hockey? - the teacher is interested. And he clarifies: “The impact and where might the puck end up?”

Listens to the children’s answers, suggests the direction of the puck’s flight, for example: “The puck is flying above the goal, to the left of it.”

The teacher calls a child who wants to report from the hockey field (the child answers from his seat). Then another child comments on the hockey players' training. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

The teacher, standing behind the children, observes who moves the puck on a sheet of paper in order to later work with some of the children individually.

“Today I will not treat you to coffee, as we will play the game “Say a word” (“Choose a rhyme”),” the teacher says. – A very famous poetess Elena Blaginina composed cunning poems. Listen to them carefully."

The teacher reads E. Blaginina’s poem “There is still a game...”:

It's snowing outside,
Holiday coming soon...
- New Year.

The needles glow softly,
The pine spirit comes from...
- Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly,
The beads are bright...
- They shine.

(“Or maybe they spark? They hiss?”)

And the toys swing -
Flags, stars...
- Firecrackers!

(“Not cuckoos? Not frogs? And, of course, not ears?”)

Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balls!

(“Balls or Gifts?”)

Fragile fish figures,
Birds, skiers...
- Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose,
Under the branches of Grandfather...
- Freezing!


Lesson 1. Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed...” Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

Target. Teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.

Progress of the lesson

“Today we will again learn to speak correctly,” the teacher begins the lesson. - Let's talk to you about the New Year holiday. All people, adults and children, were waiting for the New Year: gifts, guests, travel, beautiful Christmas trees. Tell us what you dreamed of before the New Year and how you spent the New Year holidays.”

The teacher listens to the child’s story, makes the necessary corrections, and asks clarifying questions. Then she evaluates the answer, noting its logic and expressiveness (unusual comparisons, emotionality).

Calls 2-3 more guys. He tries to listen to the stories of those children who spent the New Year holidays in different ways.

It is also advisable to listen to a child experiencing various kinds of difficulties in mastering his native language. But this child must be prepared in advance and rejoice at his successes together with the children.

In order to add variety to the conversation and please the children, you can play the didactic game “Choose a Rhyme” using the following works:

The puppy looked through the window:
- What does... (the cat) enjoy?

- There are all sorts of people walking around here, look!
- Looks evil at the cat... (mouse).

- Maybe it’s enough, mouse, to be angry?
- Chirped... (tit).

Didn't say anything
Sleeping under the bed... (dog).

E. Lavrentyeva “Choose a rhyme”

* * *
My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and... (face).

My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash cleaner, wash more often -
I'm dirty... (I can't stand it).

Y. Tuvim. “A letter to all children on one very important matter,” trans. from Polish S. Mikhalkov

On the merry ones,
On the greens
Horizon Islands,
According to scientists,
Everyone walks... (on their heads).
Through the mountains
On a scooter
They go there
Bulls... (in tomatoes)!
And one scientist cat
He even drives... (helicopter).

Ya. Bezheva. “On the Horizon Islands”, trans. from Polish B. Zakhoder

Lesson 2. Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

Target. Introduce children to a new work of fiction, help them understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Preliminary work. Having replenished the corner of the book with new collections of works, the teacher invites the children to find fairy tales, stories, and poems. You can divide the children into three groups. The first group will select fairy tales, the second - short stories, the third - poems. Groups of children will work in turns, and each subsequent group can look at the books of the previous group(s) to determine if they have the works they want to select.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher evaluates the children's work (their diligence and conscientiousness). Then he looks through the first stack of books. It makes more sense to start with collections of poetry. Children often classify fairy tales by A. Pushkin and K. Chukovsky as poetry. The teacher finds out whether this is legal and to which group of works this or that book belongs.

“This is a fairy tale in verse,” explains the teacher.

The next group of children proves that the books they have chosen are fairy tales (stories).

Having assessed the children’s knowledge and intelligence, the teacher reads to them S. Georgiev’s story “I Saved Santa Claus” (see Appendix). Then he asks whether they liked the new work and whether it is a fairy tale or a story.

Lesson 3. Teaching storytelling

based on the painting “Winter Fun”

Target. Teach children to purposefully examine a picture (target perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of what is depicted); develop the ability to write a logical, emotional and meaningful story.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks what time of year it is, what month of winter it is now.

After listening to the children’s answers, the teacher continues: “Winter is a wonderful time of year, isn’t it? Children don’t want to leave home from a walk because it’s interesting outside. You can ski and skate, play hockey, build forts out of snow. Both books and paintings have been written about this time of year. Didn’t you find it strange that I said “the pictures have been painted”? I was not mistaken - that’s what they say: the artist wrote (not painted) the picture.”

The teacher demonstrates the painting “Winter Entertainment” (series “Four Seasons”, author O. Solovyova (M.: Prosveshchenie)). (Children should be seated as close to the easel as possible.)

“What can you call the picture? - asks the teacher. – What time of year and what time of day is depicted in the picture? What was the weather like that winter day? How do you determine that the day is warm and sunny?

One day on a warm sunny winter day, the children went for a walk. Everyone found something to their liking. Do you agree with me? How can you confirm this?

The child begins to talk about children sliding down the slide.

“Let’s take a closer look at what’s happening on the slide,” the teacher suggests.

Listens and evaluates children's statements. Asks the child to talk about how children ride down the slide.

Then the teacher begins the story: “One warm winter day, the children ran out to the site. One child immediately ran up the slide...” - the teacher passes the word to the child.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the snowman. One of the children summarizes the result of observations in a short story.

“See if the kids have forgotten about their feathered friends,” the teacher reminds.

Children talk about what birds are depicted in the picture and who feeds them.

2-3 stories are heard. The teacher evaluates the stories. Praises the child who managed to avoid repetitions in the story. Emphasizes that this is achieved by sequential description of the completed parts of the picture (skating down the slide, at the snowman, near the bird feeder). Draws children's attention to successfully found comparisons and descriptions.

In conclusion, the teacher offers the children his sample story (if the children told the story well, the sample may not be given): “On a sunny winter day, the children ran out to the site. Everyone found something to their liking. There were especially many children on the slide. Not everyone manages to roll off it safely. A boy in a black fur coat overturned his sled. And from above they are already shouting something to him. They are probably asking to clear the way as soon as possible.

There is a big snowman next to the slide . There must have been a thaw and the snowman's buttons fell off, which the boy and girl are reattaching.

The children did not forget about their feathered friends. The mountain ash brought some other food in a bucket.

“Don’t be afraid, birds, we won’t hurt you,” a boy in a coat with a fur collar says to the birds, holding out a rowan branch to them.”

In conclusion, the teacher reads S. Cherny’s poem “Wolf” and “gives” the children a new winter riddle:

Yashka came -
White shirt,
Where does he run?
Covers it with a carpet.