What truth is being hidden from humanity? Are underground cities hiding the government from humanity? US-sponsored earthquake

A dungeon is one of the most reliable ways to hide from prying eyes. It is no coincidence that the first Christians preferred to meet in the catacombs. People were engaged in the construction of underground settlements long before the advent of Christianity. Protection from the enemy was the main function of the tunnels. In case of danger, you could hide underground. A special category of secret cities are the catacombs, which were built for the elite, for example, the richest people in the country or rulers. Probably, even today, underground secret cities hide the government from humanity.

In case of the Apocalypse

Legends about the end of the world have always excited people's minds. Previously, the end seemed more fantastic. According to the ideas of religious people, angels (horsemen) should come to earth, announcing the Last Judgment. The modern idea of ​​the end has a completely different character. It is portrayed as a terrible disaster: a flood, a meteorite, an earthquake, etc. Climate change makes such fears quite realistic. If glaciers melt due to global warming, much of the land could be flooded. Ozone holes in the atmosphere lead to the fact that it ceases to be a natural shield for “uninvited guests” from space in the form of large meteorites.

The absolute reality of the threat forces the world elite to think about saving humanity. However, salvation does not mean concern for the lives of the seven billion people currently living on earth. It is simply impossible to hide every earthling from the elements. It costs too much and requires a lot of resources. In addition, no one knows exactly when the disaster will occur or what it will look like. There will probably be even more people on the planet by then.

Only the best of the best should be saved. From these people the human race will be revived. By the best, the earthly elite means themselves. Many famous politicians, scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, etc. have already built or are still building underground shelters that will be useful to themselves or their descendants. The movie “2012,” which was popular several years ago, perfectly illustrates the idea that only the most solvent need to be saved. In real life, the elite will not be hiding on giant ships, but in a dungeon.

For those in power

The catacombs have always been required by representatives of the ruling elite. Secret underground passages were built for almost every major government official, who should have been able to leave his home in the event of an attack by external or internal enemies. Underground cities and bunkers are designed to hide the government from humanity and protect it from danger. Among the most famous underground shelters are:

Underground cities and government: video

We live without understanding what scientists are hiding from us and those People who don't want us to know the truth. In fact, some things have been known for a long time, but they have not yet been fully disclosed to society or have been disclosed, but not in an understandable form. Many people are simply too lazy to understand the secrets of life, and they prefer to be content with what they have and enjoy life.

But if you want to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of life, this article is for you. Psychologists and scientists have sorted it out and found out what they are actually hiding from us and how to deal with the form of information that is presented to us today in an incomprehensible form. You can believe or not everything that is written in this article, but in order to protect your health, be free and happy, it is advisable for you to carefully read the research of psychologists in this article.

Where do we come from and who created us

What scientists are hiding from us in a given issue or even problem. After all, today practically no one knows where we came from, who created the world and us in this world. There are many erroneous theories about the creation of the world and man. You can find out about this yourself if you think logically about what we are told about the creation of the world and people. Many will say that we came from animals, but if this is so, then where did the animals themselves, water, earth, air and the world as a whole come from? This theory is not true, because, thinking logically, every sane person would not believe it. But those people who want us not to know the truth give us such information.

Also today, a popular answer to the question about the creation of the world is that God created us, in some countries, his own God, and he is called differently. In fact, people believe that God created us, similar to the image of man, but no one has yet seen him and proved that this is exactly so. In fact, this is not an entirely correct theory of the creation of man and the world, since the Bible was written by wise people, and not by God, accordingly, we read a smart book, but not everything in it is written truthfully. This is rather a fictional story, a fantasy that people came up with and decided to write the whole story in the Bible. The most correct theory, which has been proven by scientists, is energy.

Energy created the world, the universe and man

People who do not understand this call energy God or creator; in other countries this name changes, but the essence remains. If you don't believe that we are created by energy, then go to any doctor and do a study whether you have energy or not. To your surprise, you will see for yourself that every person consists of energy, every animal, plant, water and earth is energy, the planet Earth on which we live is also energy. This theory was hidden from us for many years, but there were scientists who revealed the main secret to us and proved it. There are bad people who do not want us to know the truth and therefore, today there are many stories of the creation of the world. People are bullied into becoming slaves to their own thoughts and believing bullshit that comes from the wrong sources.

Our fears, insecurities and indecision

There is something else from us hide some scientists people, this is the cause of our fears, uncertainty and indecision. We are born happy children, but over time, we develop new fears, insecurities and worries. This is connected not only with the upbringing of parents, but also with society. Society, thanks to bad information, began to fear everything, create stereotypes, lose faith in itself and in the meaning of life.

Bad people want society to always be in fear and not want to change anything and interfere in the lives of rulers and businessmen. You need to decide whether you want to take the bad information coming out seriously and live in fear, or whether you want to build happiness by not paying attention to rumors and information. If you decide to become happy, protect yourself from such information, set a big goal and achieve it no matter what. Remember that we were not born to live in fear and be afraid of everything, we were born to live a happy life, rejoice and have fun every minute of our lives. Don’t listen to anyone, think logically, independently, and soon you yourself will reveal some of the secrets of our world.

I would tell you what is written in the Book of Secrets, but then I would have to kill you“,” US President Barack Obama joked to famous journalist Michael Smerconish.

What are the world rulers hiding from us, forcing society to live by their rules!?

Dear readers!

We hate being deceived and led by the nose.

We fear for the future, wishing only good things for ourselves and our loved ones.

We always want to know the truth and search for the hidden truth.

And therefore, now it is very important for us to think carefully, opening our clouded consciousness.

Every new day we wake up, turn on the TV, open the latest newspaper, go online and, like sponges, absorb all the information that the media pours on us in an incessant stream every day. We rarely think about the degree of truthfulness, on a global scale, of all the information that reaches us. We are accustomed to the fact that the latest news that we learn about is more or less true, and this is how we build our new day, our everyday life, our life.

We blindly believed everything that was pumped into us to the fullest, starting from a very young age. All cartoons, movies, books and magazines, and finally textbooks at school (especially history!) extolled our system, human way of life and everything else connected with it. We were brainwashed, but we blindly believed and submissively existed.

Sometimes the truth is so harsh that perhaps many would prefer to live under the veil, not knowing what is really happening. It is always difficult to take off your rose-colored glasses, and even more so to admit that you are blind or a narrow-minded person who is unable to distinguish truth from fiction. And this is probably the worst thing. We are ready to deny basic things rather than admit our own blindness. All this is characteristic of humans, and only this can explain the fact that we often behave like a herd, easily being subject to the most, sometimes, absurd suggestions.

Suggestion- this is the basis of any religion, suggestion - this is the power of any power, a means of controlling the masses.

I'm not trying to open your eyes, but just think for a minute that everything around you is created only to control you. All! Everything you see around you, everything you hear, smell. Even your feelings sometimes work against you, and these are not paranoid thoughts. It’s just that it’s so deeply ingrained in us that we can’t notice it, unfortunately.


The history of the world is not really the way we are used to accepting it. In ancient times, various highly developed civilizations inhabited the earth for millions of years.

The existence of ancient civilizations is confirmed by material finds, which are sometimes attributed to alien activity or declared hoaxes.

For example, finds in mines containing millions of layers of rock, a gold chain, an iron parallelepiped, a 20-centimeter nail.

Or plastic columns found in coal mines of the USSR, an iron meter-long cylinder with round inclusions of yellow metal. An imprint of a boot tread in sandstone, found in the Gobi Desert, whose age is estimated at 10 million years, as reported by the Soviet writer A. Kazantsev, or a similar imprint in blocks of limestone in Nevada (USA).

Porcelain high-voltage glass, overgrown with fossilized mollusks, whose age is estimated at 500 thousand years, etc. These few finds so far allow us to conclude that the ancient civilization not only mined coal, had electricity and produced plastics, but also that there was not a single developed civilization on Earth.

In 1965, the Italian scientist Colossimo summarized the data of all then known archaeological expeditions and ancient written sources and concluded that in the past the Earth was the scene of military operations with the use of nuclear weapons. In the “Puranas”, in the “Rio Code” of the Maya, in the Bible, among the Arvaks, among the Cherokee Indians and some other peoples, weapons that are very reminiscent of nuclear weapons are described everywhere.

In ancient times, people were of considerable height. Today there is, perhaps, not a single nation that does not have legends about giants. In all ancient written sources that have come down to us: the Bible, Avesta, Vedas, Edda, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, etc. - Everywhere we come across messages about giants. Even the Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets speak of the giant Izdubar, who towered above all other people, like a cedar above a bush.

Many ancient structures were not built by our civilization. Official science simply does not recognize this or prefers to refute existing facts.

The next lie is...


The Bible that we use today was repeatedly rewritten and corrected to please the ruling kings and sovereigns. I will dwell only on a few points.

Why is there no murder in the seven deadly sins of man - the most important and serious sin!?

In the real Bible, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden not because Adam ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, but because his son Cain killed Abel. It turned out that knowledge is a more serious crime than murder! After this replacement, it became possible to commit murders with the Bible in hand. Remember history - numerous bloody wars in the name of God, the Inquisition, executions with the blessing of the Church, and rulers at all times persecuted people striving for knowledge.

When reading the Bible, one absurdity immediately catches the eye - in the book of Genesis it is written: “God created Adam and Eve... Eve gave birth to Adam two sons - Cain and Abel... Cain killed Abel and was expelled by God... Cain knew his wife, and she bore him a son, Enoch..."

Question: Where did Cain's wife come from?

Who gave birth to all these sons, where did all these women come from?

The biblical story of Noah's Ark has come to us in a somewhat distorted form. Mount Ararat was far from the only place on Earth that was not affected by the flood.

Besides Noah, many people and animals were saved in various parts of Asia and Europe.

The Bible says “Do not build temples on earth, build a temple in your soul,” but again the church tries to keep silent about this, thinking about material wealth and the power that temple building gives.

End of the first part.... In the next part, the Truth about UFOs, Secret world governments, The truth about the end of the world.

Mood: As always

Recently, restless astronomers identified and captured a very distant star that exploded and died 13 billion years ago. And since our Universe is almost the same age, it turns out that she lived at the beginning of the creation of the universal world...

This is difficult for us to imagine, almost impossible.

That is why we always have so many questions about any subject unknown to us. And, perhaps, one of those that still has not been answered: why is reliable information about UFOs hidden from us?

The fact that such information exists is indisputable. Many people guess about this; it is on such reliable, but carefully hidden information that the plots of films and books are built. Anyone can understand what the military, intelligence services, and officials are trying to hide, denying it with just one phrase: “for the security of the country and the people.”

Although, it seems that the root cause is different: as if the technology and scientific knowledge of the aliens were not figured out by another state. That is why the United States hides its information from Russia and China, the latter from the United States and generally from each other.

However, it seems that there are more than enough aliens for everyone.

It is likely that the President of the United States, the President of Russia, and the Chairman of the Chinese Central Committee have their own personal information, guessing that similar information exists among their competitors.

They say that every new US president begins his reign by reading the “Book of Secrets,” which has been allegedly written since 1947, when the story of UFOs from the Roswell military base began. Many today believe that back in 1947, the American military found dead aliens and hid them in some kind of “green” room, where only the President of the United States enters and only after becoming acquainted with the “Book of Secrets.”

They also say that anyone who even accidentally finds out about its contents dies.

I don't know if this is true or a joke, but as they say, there is only a small part of the joke in every joke.

The mystery of the Roswell accident is already more than six decades old, but new details of that distant year are still being revealed. For example, information recently appeared that in 1947 three UFO accidents occurred in the United States at once, and that local Indians were lucky enough to pick up and get out of a wounded alien.

But the Indians are stubbornly silent. At the same time, almost none of those who studied this event thought of interviewing witnesses—the indigenous people. Many believed that the Indians living near Roswell would begin to tell their legends and myths, collected over the years, only adding confusion to the already rather contradictory facts.

And the Indians themselves were not particularly eager to communicate with journalists, or with the authorities, much less with the military, having imposed a silent taboo on the fall of a UFO. After all, they knew for sure that when “strange stars fell from the sky,” military men and soldiers literally immediately appeared, and the latter did not stand on ceremony either with them or with the aliens themselves.

And only at the end of 1995, a researcher from Germany, Michael Hesemann, who came close to solving the mystery of Roswell, met many Indians, from whom he learned incredible details about the accidents of alien vehicles that occurred that year.

The Indians all unanimously claimed that in 1947 there was not one, but three accidents at once. They even named the exact crash sites of the alien ships.

And when the researcher decided to study local newspapers and magazines for that year in more detail, he strangely did not find a single one. Even in large US libraries, where literally all printed publications are stored, not a single copy was found.

But Hesemann was lucky enough to find living eyewitnesses of the fall - the Askoma Indians.

The press is always full of reports about astronauts' encounters with UFOs and their detailed reports to senior authorities.

Marina Popovich, a test pilot, also claims this: literally all astronauts see UFOs, but not everyone has the courage to admit it.

The fact that the governments of large states are hiding information about aliens from people is also stated by Edgar Mitchell, who, not without reason, believes that the KGB has classified information about visitors on its territory.

He, who has extraordinary authority in the world of astronautics, absolutely states that aliens not only exist, but also that very often the intelligence services of literally all leading powers hide shocking facts about their contacts with aliens.

Mitchell is 77 years old today and has been on the Moon for a total of more than nine hours. In his opinion, the KGB has been accumulating reports, photographs and video documents regarding UFOs for more than four decades. And today they are located in the twenty-second research institute, located near Moscow. It is clear that these voluminous dossiers are classified.

Mitchell absolutely accurately states that aliens were in almost every region of our vast country. And many eyewitnesses of meetings with them are still alive. They exist not only in Russia, but also in any other country. Born and raised in Roswell, Mitchell has first-hand knowledge of UFO remains. They were seen by his neighbors, close friends, and relatives.

To date, only two major powers - France and partly England - have decided to open their secret archives so that the public can get acquainted with them.

Let’s assume that everything that is hidden in the archives was told by people, including astronauts. But then why are the authorities and heads of state trying so carefully to hide the truth from the public?

If you ask the military, scientists or those who are against the UFO theory about this, the answer will be the same: THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE. Everything that eyewitnesses are talking about is supposedly inexplicable weather phenomena or, at worst, ordinary military tests. Maybe they are right somewhere, but in fact, if you look at this issue scrupulously, you can understand: they simply deny the existence of UFOs.

Meanwhile, this is not the question at all. Why do they still try to keep everything that concerns aliens, true and false, a secret behind seven seals?

In a very secret environment, far from the public eye, in a special department of the State Security Committee, evidence, documents, notices of observations and meetings with UFOs, of all mysterious incidents associated with unidentified swimming and aircraft, as well as reports that cover the territory from the Pacific ocean to the Baltic Sea.

In a very secret environment, far from the public eye, in a special department of the State Security Committee, an extensive network of special informants was created, which included police officers, pilots, sailors, military personnel, party activists, etc. This team was headed by a career intelligence officer, Colonel Boris Sokolov, who subsequently handed over more than 400 copies of valuable information. Including video recordings made in different parts of Russia, to the West and to the Americans.

This is exactly what Sokolov was accused of by the publicist of the Ogonyok magazine, Alexander Nikonov, who followed the trail of these documents, which were stored in the attic of the dacha of the head of the secret network.

In 1980, the magazine “New World” published a novel by Chingiz Aitmatov entitled “And the day lasts longer than a century.” The plot of the novel - fantastic - tells how Soviet cosmonauts, having found themselves on an inhabited but unfamiliar planet, convey to their earthly command that life on this planet is organized on very high principles of morality, reason and goodness. The astronauts report that very soon they will return home along with the aliens. In response, the governments of two ideologically warring states - the USA and the USSR - join forces and create such a rocket hoop around planet Earth that not only not a single living person, but even a grain of information will pass through.

In the latest edition of the novel in 2008, a rather unexpected annotation appears: “A work that even today, through the decades, sounds tragic and relevant.” But why? Chingiz Aitmatov does not give any answer to this question; he simply sets out the events.

And we, mere mortals, have no choice but to try to independently find the reasons for the appearance of mysterious crop circles, glows and unusual phenomena in water.

At the very early stage of the era of ufology, intelligence agencies and the military were quite concerned about the nature of the UFO phenomenon: maybe they are an unknown secret weapon of the enemy, and if their extraterrestrial origin is proven, how people will react to this, etc. How will the disclosure of the facts of the existence of UFOs affect the political and social systems, and human values?

Back in the 1980s, many people, after reading the novel “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century,” had ideas as to why everything related to extraterrestrial civilizations is hidden from us. The theory is quite simple: strangers can harm the existing order that has existed for centuries. This is very similar to how strangers are treated in a high mountain village isolated from civilization. Knowing that other tribes live behind the mountain, they live completely differently, maybe even better, makes you fear that the foundations that have been established for centuries will be shaken. And if we are not talking about a neighboring tribe, but about aliens, since everything that is known cannot be classified here. No matter how the foundations were shaken, a blow of monstrous force would not have been dealt to consciousness and the world order.

Man, starting from religious foundations, is created in the image and likeness of the Creator.

And in whose image were they created - the aliens, what do they believe?

That's why there is danger. No matter what happens...

That is why they protect us by hiding the facts, if, of course, there are any.

No related links found

Today, more and more facts are appearing that “say” that we are not the first on the planet. True, official science is doing everything to prevent these facts from becoming available to the general public.

We were robbed, our past, history and super-knowledge were stolen from us. At least that’s what scientists say, whose archaeological finds do not fit into traditional history. This is called knowledge filtering, which is practiced by Darwinians. Darwinists themselves had 150 years to find the so-called missing link. Not yet a human, but no longer a monkey. This did not happen, but many other discoveries were made.

In the 19th century, gold was mined in California by digging tunnels in the mountains. And in the depths of the tunnels, prospectors found human bones and artifacts. These finds were made in rocks estimated to be 50 million years old. Historians claim that 50 million years ago man was not even in the picture. Homo sapiens appeared on our planet 195 thousand years ago.

Rocks with dinosaurs

Drawings of dinosaurs on stone. Peru

Having recognized the presence of these artifacts, not even just one, but their system, which indicate that an ancient civilization could have existed long before the appearance of modern man, then in this case official science will have to either revise or even simply break the existing historical doctrine, and thereby admit that all previous constructions turned out to be false. Nevertheless, there are hundreds of similar evidence. Bones, arrowheads, kitchen utensils, stone mortars and pestriki, at one time a whole collection of his artifacts, was collected by Dr. Jusai Whitney. Others bring humans and dinosaurs together altogether. This is evidenced by strange stones found in Peru. Some ancient people depicted on them something that, according to modern scientific views, they could not have depicted in any way - dinosaurs, which became extinct tens of millions of years ago, no longer existed. From the point of view of academic science, this could not have happened. This means that these stones simply do not exist. No matter how hard they tried to explain, these findings, objectionable to science, were both the unbridled imagination of the ancient Indians and a banal fake. But the imagination of the masters, for some reason, did not go further than giant reptiles, and the number of excavated figurines has already exceeded 33 thousand. They were not stamped at the factory. Such “discoveries” follow one after another; it is absolutely unclear what to do with them. What to do, for example, with ancient roads; for modern scientists they turned out to be completely “untraveled”.

Peru. Ventaron. Fire Temple

Each individual piece of evidence like this could still be brushed aside; in fact, this is what official science does. What remains for them? Meanwhile, bolder archaeologists dug even deeper in Peru. Under the foundations of the city of the ancient Mochica Indian civilization, which is 2000 years old. And they discovered the ruins of a temple twice as old; the temple was given the name Ventaron, which, according to the official version, is 4000 years old. The fact is that at that time in America there were no people capable of this. By the way, the Egyptian pyramids were also built at this time, but it looks like they will have to “grow old” even more.

It is believed that traces of ancient nuclear attacks remain in cities in India, Pakistan and Ireland. Human remains found there still emit radiation. Their buildings look as if they were hit by the shock wave of a nuclear explosion.

The Indian opus about the death of the capital Mohenjo-Daro amazingly describes an ancient but very destructive weapon, as if we were talking about a modern nuclear warhead. But none of the official modern historians can explain this phenomenon. The reason is simple to the point of banality - these are holes in modern science. And it will be up to subsequent generations to patch these holes.