How to learn history from scratch in order to pass the Unified State Exam? How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history - advice to graduates Is it realistic to learn history in a year?

Is it really possible to prepare for an exam on Russian history in one week if you have virtually no knowledge of it?
I had rather fragmentary knowledge and didn’t know anything concrete, I didn’t know practically a single date...

How I prepared and PASSED the exam for 4

So, what to do if there are 6 days left before the exam?
1 day - find ALL the answers to the tickets (I was lucky and I found ready-made ones, although they were very clumsy and did not quite correspond to the questions)
Day 2 - As for me, looking for answers to tickets is a very long task, especially if there are 60 questions, so you can continue your search. After we find ALL the answers, we make spurs for printing in Microsoft Office Word. But at the same time you need to set yourself a goal, by any means to place a certain number of questions on one sheet of paper (On each sheet I had 3 columns, respectively, each with one answer per ticket, that is, there were 3 answers on the sheet). I advise you not to make the font too small, at least 6.5-7. In addition to all this, you need to find the main dates and make spurs from them, sorting them for convenience in this way: Dates from ancient times to the end of the 17th century, Dates from the beginning of the 18th to the end of the 19th century, Dates of the 20th century. I also advise you to print out all Russian rulers in chronological order (Wikipedia to the rescue!). So, we’ve done everything, everything is fine, so let’s print it out!
Day 3 - 5 days left until the exam! Great, you have your printed spurs, you can start reading thoughtfully and meaningfully. First you need to calculate how many tickets you need to study per day in order to complete it in 5 days. I had 60 tickets, so 60:5=12 In addition to the existing spurs, I advise you to also read lectures, if any, or a textbook. Of course, as you read, you should try to understand and remember the main points.
Day 4 - Let's continue reading. By the way, you can find historical spurs in the store. I came across some where a lot of unnecessary things are written, however, this is how it always happens. I read these printed spurs I found on the Internet, spurs I bought in a store, lectures, and another little book that summarized the history. It was for that emergency case when it is completely unclear what is what, where and where.
5 day Let's continue reading. Here’s another piece of advice from personal experience, when you can’t read the planned number of tickets because there’s not enough stuff there. For example, I went for a walk all day. You just need to evenly scatter the unfulfilled plan over the remaining days.
Day 6 - “The last day before death,” everyone thinks. I couldn’t read it to the end, much less learn it. LET'S MAKE Spurs! Here, whoever wants and knows how to do it.

How and what kind of spurs I made

Came from a very small audience size (3 rows of 2 desks) in which the examination is to be held.

1) I dropped these hated spurs on my phone, which I found on some website. Just like that, just in case, because teachers are now aware of many of the functions and capabilities of the phone.
2) On a black notebook I wrote a chronology of all Russian rulers. In general, a very convenient and unnoticeable thing. Since the notebook is black, the blue pen on it is only visible up close when exposed to light. From other distances, this is an ordinary notebook, which is placed under a piece of paper during the exam.
3) I used the old-fashioned way of writing dates on my hands.

My first question was about the foreign policy of the 17th century, and this was Peter I and Catherine II and with them these hated Turkish wars. I was lucky to spy this question on my phone and name the dates of the Russian-Turkish wars. Then they forced the phone to be turned off and placed on the edge of the table, and all the spurs were removed. There is only one “magic” notebook left with the chronology of Russian rulers. The second question was about the thaw and the politics of the 50-60s. Of course, I didn’t get to this question and my knowledge was limited only to Khrushchev’s rise to power and the exposure of Stalin’s personality cult. Therefore, 4, which couldn’t help but make me happy

@music: One Republik - Everybody loves me

Most people have trouble remembering historical dates and events. This is due to the fact that our brain has difficulty assimilating information that is thoroughly saturated with numbers and unfamiliar names. Especially if new knowledge is “stuffed” into him by force and without the slightest desire to enjoy the process.

However, what to do if there is no time for empty thoughts? What if the exam is next week and you don't know anything yet? How to learn history in such a short period? Well, no need to worry, because we have as many as six tips that can help you in this matter.

Method number 1: playing cards

Our grandparents knew well how to learn dates in history in just a few evenings. To do this, they cut out rectangles from paper, somewhat similar to playing cards. On one side they wrote the key date, and on the other - the events that accompanied it. It is noteworthy that already at the preparation stage, our brain begins to remember the selected historical dates and events, as it unconsciously focuses its attention on them.

As for the rectangles themselves, they are laid out on any convenient surface with the numbers facing up. When everything is ready, you should begin to study the material written on them. To do this, you need to take the card and read aloud the text indicated on its back. Then put it back in place, only this time with the letters facing up.

This procedure is repeated until all the cards are upside down. Then you need to rest for several hours, and then start processing the material again. After 5-6 repetitions, the dates will be completely fixed in the human mind, and with them the events that were attached to them.

Method number 2: mind games

Psychologists know how to learn history as accurately as possible. They have a special technique called “Mind Game”. Its essence lies in the fact that a person creates stable images and pictures in his head related to the material he is studying. Simply put, he fantasizes about a given topic.

Let's say you need to remember the key moments of the siege of Leningrad. To do this, you should act as an ordinary soldier surrounded by invaders. Try to experience all the emotions that the Soviet military experienced during that difficult time. What orders did he receive from his superiors? How long did his squad wait for reinforcements? How glad you were that the enemy’s ring was broken?

This technique will tie your memories, albeit false ones, to real dates and numbers, which will subsequently help you remember them all. True, to implement this technique you need a good imagination, which, unfortunately, not everyone is endowed with.

Method number 3: visualization

However, the question then arises of how to learn history for those who cannot create believable images in their heads. In this case, you can use those fantasies that already exist in the real world. That is, open your browser and look for documentaries on history, archival photos, drawings, and so on.

By looking through them, a person will gradually begin to remember the material that they contain. After all, vision is one of the best mechanisms for absorbing information from the environment. Especially when this process occurs in complete solitude and concentration.

Method number 4: starting point

When studying dates, you need to follow the order of calculation. That is, it is impossible to learn the chronology of events by jumping around it like crazy. Therefore, before you start studying the material, find a common reference point for all events. Then slowly “go” up through the years, counting in your head how much time has passed from the “place” of departure.

However, this method is only good in situations where you need to study a specific time period. When we are talking about an entire era, then a reference point is unlikely to help synchronize all events.

Method number 5: your own history book

How long does it take to learn the history of the whole world? A month, two, a year or more? In truth, it is impossible to learn absolutely all historical events. And you have to come to terms with this, since human nature is to blame. However, it is quite possible to remember key dates and events in world history.

To do this, you need to get a special notebook, preferably 96 sheets. It will need to include brief historical notes for each individual era. Over time, you will have your own history book, revealing the formation of the world order. At the same time, it will be written in a language that you can understand, which will subsequently help you study it from cover to cover.

Method number 6: how to learn history easily?

The last piece of advice will be very banal, but at the same time effective. All you need is to love this subject. It's much easier to focus on what brings you pleasure. Agree, each of us remembers many interesting facts about our hobby, even without memorizing them.

So find something in the story that resonates with you and focus on that feeling. Let these not be dry facts for you, but distant memories of forgotten times. Thus, you will not only be able to study this subject, but also visit those places where no human has set foot for a long time.

The Unified State Exam in history is one of the popular elective exams. It is taken by those who enroll in humanities faculties: journalism, law, political science. Many people believe that history is an easy subject and you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch and in a year. Is this true?

The average score in history is low compared to other electives. Many people try to pass the Unified State Exam in History, but usually they pass it poorly, especially if they are preparing for the Unified State Exam in History from scratch. They are unlikely to give you a “D”, but it won’t be enough for admission!

What do graduates from the Unified State Examination program in history not know? They do not know cultural studies, cartography, and cannot compare (synchronize) events in foreign and domestic history. They confuse historical figures and terminology. There are a very large number of incorrect answers in the second part, where you need to give arguments to confirm or refute the position.

The last question in the Unified State Examination in history is an essay. It gives 11 initial points, but few students score them.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch? If we now begin to teach history, and at the same time we did not study history either in the seventh and eighth grades, or later, then where should we start? The first thing we pay attention to is the chronology. Yes, this is knowledge of events in chronological order. Which event follows which. And this is the most difficult thing for students! How to learn all the dates if there are so many of them? It’s good that there aren’t many questions in the Unified State Exam where knowledge of dates is tested down to the day! And yet there are so many events and dates that a high school student can become desperate.

How to learn events and dates when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch? This is the memorization technique I recommend as an expert.

Let's say you're studying the 10th century. There are many events: the war with Byzantium in 907-911, the uprising of the Drevlyans, the pagan reform of Vladimir, the baptism of Rus', and that’s not all! How can you remember all this? First, let us remember that this is our tenth century, then we will “arrange” the personalities who ruled at this time in chronological order. Prince Oleg, in the next place - Prince Igor, Princess Olga, Svyatoslav and Vladimir. And then we will “link” to each of the princes the event that happened during his reign. This way we have a chronological sequence.

With its help, you can easily answer the question of which event happened first - the uprising of the Drevlyans or the baptism of Rus'. You will immediately remember that first there was Oleg, and then Vladimir. This means that the uprising of the Drevlyans happened earlier, and the baptism of Rus' happened later.

This is a great trick for memorizing chronology - take it and use it. By the way, each ruler must also be “linked” to his contemporaries! For example, Metropolitan Hilarion was a contemporary of Yaroslav, and Metropolitan Macarius was a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible. And if you come across the question, which of the metropolitans lived earlier and which later, you can easily answer it, knowing that Prince Yaroslav ruled first, and only then Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The second thing that is important when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch: while studying the topics, you need to learn cartography at the same time. For example, we are studying a historical figure - Prince Oleg. Let's look at the map: who he fought with, how he expanded the territory of Kievan Rus. What historical monuments were built. We build associative connections. Example: Prince Vladimir - Tithe Church. It happens that her current appearance is not in the textbook. Then Google can help us! We search and find an illustration - a reconstruction of the Church of the Tithes. And of course, it is necessary to know the architects who built the temple.

This means that when preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch you need to:
knowledge of dates
knowledge of historical figures
cultural studies

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch, make a sign: century, ruler, his domestic policy, foreign policy (reforms, wars). In the next column - write down the terms, the next column - contemporaries.

And then - the second part of the Unified State Exam in history. To prepare for the Unified State Exam in history from scratch, you need to read a lot - “read” the material. Use different sources. This will help you understand the text that you will see in the task in the second part. You will need to determine the time, the ruler, the main events described in this text. And then - the following questions, where you need to write arguments to confirm or refute the position. This is one of the most difficult questions.

For example, the baptism of Rus': its positive and negative meaning, that is, we must give two arguments with a “plus” sign and two with a “minus” sign. This means that it is necessary to consider controversial issues, of which there are many in history.

In class, we spend a lot of time on such controversial issues and develop a base that will help us complete such tasks correctly.

Now about essay writing. The essay is one of the most difficult topics on the Unified State Exam in history. It is necessary to determine exactly what events took place. The events relate to one of three periods: the period of Rurik rule, the period of Romanov rule and the Soviet period. My recommendation is to carefully work out the second period. Next, you need to write why the event happened, the content of the event and its consequences, describe the personalities who are associated with this event, what role they played.
And plus the historical assessment of this period - with a “plus” sign and with a “minus” sign.

In our courses we provide an algorithm for writing essays. We remember the chronology and analyze events from the positive and negative sides. This is how a complete picture emerges. And additional material that is not in the textbook. Recommended films and historical literature.

When you are preparing for the Unified State Examination in history from scratch, by March you should have a complete historical picture, and then work on tasks and complex questions of the Unified State Examination in history. History must not only be taught, history must be lived in order to pass the exam well.

A history tutor guides, focuses on complex issues of the Unified State Exam, teaches essay writing, arguing a position, identifying chronological sequence, and introduces cartography and cultural studies.

When choosing a future profession, the question arises about the place of further study. You can only get into the best university in the country and the most sought-after faculty by receiving a score close to 100 points on all required Unified State Examinations. If your chosen specialty requires historical knowledge, you should find out how to better and more effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in order to earn the highest possible points.

Unified State Exam 2018 in history

History is an optional exam in 2018. The right to choose is given to the student himself, and depends on the university and the area of ​​specialization where he decided to enroll.

Those who pass history have access to the country's top universities in a wide variety of fields.

What tasks does the exam include?

You can get acquainted with the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in history on the official website The exam consists of 2 parts and includes 25 tasks.

Part 1 covers 19 tasks testing the basic level of knowledge. Almost all of them offer answer options. You need to correctly enter the required number in the provided cells.

The 2nd part consists of 6 tasks of increased difficulty.

  • Tasks 20 to 22 are completed based on the document excerpt given in the Unified State Examination text. They test not only knowledge of history, but also the ability to analyze and systematize the proposed documentary source.
  • Questions 23 and 24 are reasoned mini-essays, in which you need to provide at least 2 facts as evidence based on given historical material to confirm your thoughts. Otherwise, points will be reduced.
  • Task 25 is a real essay on one of the proposed historical time periods. The task is the most capacious in terms of points (11 points), but also the most difficult.

It is almost impossible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history in a month due to the huge volumes of information.


The website is convenient when preparing for the Unified State Exam. It has the opportunity to take the entire test and find out the points awarded, or you can select a separate topic and work on the proposed tasks on it. All options are updated monthly. There is also a timer that records the time spent answering.

Several examples of proposed tasks.

Task 1. It is necessary to correctly arrange 3 events in chronology:

  1. Murder of Prince Igor.
  2. Founding of Novgorod.
  3. Formation of the empire of Charlemagne.

Not only historical knowledge related to Russia is required, but also basic information on world history. The event from point 1 occurred in 945, from point 2 - in 862, and from point 3 - in 800. The answer to task 1 should look like this: 321.

Task 2. It is required to establish a correspondence between events and dates:

When completing this task, you should find events that are 100% known. For example, the baptism of Rus' (988) and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941). Next, from the remaining dates you need to remove those that definitely do not fit: 2013 and 1054. That leaves 1564 and 1648. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov is known for several riots, including the salt riot. The year 1648 should correspond to it. Answer: A-5, B-3, C-6, D-2.

Task 9. Indicate the correspondence between the terms and the rulers in whose time they appeared.

Answer: A-3, B-1, B-2, B-5.

Task 25. It is proposed to write an essay, choosing one of the periods: 1425–1505, 1762–1796, 1941–1943. You should indicate at least 2 personalities of this period and 2 events.

When choosing the period 1941–1943, it is known that the Great Patriotic War was famous for a large number of military leaders: G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, L.A. Govorov. The commander-in-chief was I.V. Stalin. The most famous battles and events in the initial period of the war: the battle for Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Leningrad, the defense of Sevastopol.

What specialties will require an exam?

Knowledge of history is required for admission to the following areas and specialties:

  • story;
  • archeology;
  • philosophy;
  • cultural studies;
  • art history;
  • sociology;
  • religious studies;
  • theology;
  • political science;
  • linguistics;
  • international relations;
  • tourism;
  • hotel business.

How to quickly and effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in History

It is impossible to gain deep knowledge of Russian history in a short period of time. In addition, the Unified State Exam contains tasks that require basic knowledge of world history. Due to the large volume, you should start preparing for the history exam in advance, from the 10th grade. In 2 years, you can study the material in depth, which covers not only knowledge of dates, events and figures, but also the ability to work with maps and analyze historical documents.

If you decide to take history, it is better to start preparing for the Unified State Exam at least a year in advance.

Study the subject yourself or contact a tutor? This issue is decided by each individual. It is necessary to take into account that no tutor will be able to put a large number of dates and events into his head. You will have to memorize this yourself. A good tutor will be able to guide and organize the preparation process, and will tell you about the intricacies and criteria for assessing assignments.

In a few months

When preparing for history in a few months, it will be more difficult to thoroughly master all historical material.

  • It is recommended to study the subject every day. You shouldn’t attack a story one day and then forget about it for a week.
  • Lessons should be divided into several parts. In part 1, study the theory. The educational material is not just read, but a plan or outline is drawn up based on the information that was gleaned from the topic being studied. Take a short break to better assimilate the material. Then, in part 2, solve tests based on the theory you have read, of which there are a large variety offered on the Internet. This will help you understand and reinforce the topic.
  • Based on the material studied, it is recommended to study all the maps available in textbooks, view illustrations and posters related to the period under consideration.
  • When resting, don't relax. You need to make good use of your free time by watching documentaries on historical topics.

When studying topics, you should arrange them in the correct chronological sequence, without tearing out individual pieces of material. Then the cause-and-effect relationships of all subsequent events will be clear.

In 1 month

The less time left before the exam, the less material the examinee will be able to learn. In a month you can only superficially study the main points of history. It is impossible to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject in such a short period.

Task 25 usually offers 3 options for historical periods. As practice shows, they definitely contain the 20th century. It is worth paying more attention to studying materials about this time: characteristics of historical figures, their reforms, events. There is not enough time for a detailed study of other periods.

It is impossible to independently study and systematize all historical material in a month. You can resort to the services of professionals. A number of universities offer express preparation for the Unified State Exam. You should choose an educational institution where history is a core subject.

In 1–2 weeks

It is impossible to prepare weeks before any exam. In such a short period of time, you can only go through all the material again, refreshing it in your memory. Even if the student has a unique memory in a week, he can only memorize the dates and names of the main personalities. But there is unlikely to be time left to study historical documents, reforms, maps and illustrations, or to study in depth any historical period to write an essay. You should not count on a high score with this approach to the subject.

How to properly manage your time during an exam

You have 3 hours and 55 minutes to complete all history tasks. In order to complete time-consuming tasks, you need to properly allocate exam time. You should not spend more than 3-5 minutes on each question from Part 1. If in doubt, it is better to move on to the next questions. Having completed all the tasks in Part 1, you should return to the unanswered questions and try to consider them again.

You can spend 10–15 minutes to complete the tasks of part 2. You should distribute your time in such a way that you have a free hour left to write on assignment 25.

Some students try to start with the 2nd part, getting carried away with writing an essay. It is difficult to control time during an exam, so this approach can lead to the fact that there is no time left to complete other tasks. In addition, starting with complex tasks, you can panic when you discover a lack of knowledge on the proposed tasks. It is recommended to move from simple to complex. This will help you better tune in to more complex questions.

Having chosen a specialty that requires Unified State Examination results in history, you need to properly organize your preparation. It is required to rationally distribute time between studying theory, taking tests, getting acquainted with historical maps and illustrations. You should spend at least 2 hours a day preparing. It is recommended to study topics in chronological order. When starting to consider the next period, constantly refer to the materials already covered, consolidating them. It is quite possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own. A good tutor will only be able to give the right direction and explain the intricacies of completing the second part of the assignments.