How do geese fly? Where are the geese flying now?

03/30/2010 | Migratory Goose Migration Maps

Last year, we already offered our readers a service for tracking the migration of migratory goose on-line. If anyone is not yet familiar with our materials and became our reader this year, we will briefly remind you of the main things last year, and then we will post the data on this year’s goose flight. So, we offer to the attention of all goose hunters.

We decided to give our readers the opportunity to learn how to track the migration of waves of migratory goose without leaving the computer. Today we will teach you how to track your favorite hunting object directly from your monitor screen around the world. With our help, you can track the flight of geese using data from two geopositioning control systems at once.

If you click, for example, on the picture below, you will see a standard example of the migration route of a bean goose named Adri. In autumn he flies through Tulsk wow region, and in the spring - through Tver region. But this does not mean that other waves of migratory goose do not exist. There are quite a lot of them, so we will put in your hands a whole mechanism for tracking waves of geese migration.

One request - so that this can work for future generations - do not shoot at marked birds. Orange collars in the spring waves of geese migration are German, yellow collars are Japanese and Italian. Please let us know about any collars you see.

In real time, the flight map of a particular goose looks like this:

The use of satellite transmitters opens up new prospects for a detailed study of geese migrations, because until recently our knowledge about the flight paths of birds and their stopping places during long-distance migration from wintering grounds to nesting areas in the Arctic was far from complete.

Small "backpacks" containing satellite transmitters draw intricate lines on maps that can be viewed online. It turned out that the geese traveled from wintering sites to nesting sites in different ways, sometimes quite unexpected for researchers. The transmitters are still in operation, transmitting data on the location of the geese every day. This data is constantly plotted on maps, which can be viewed on websites in our review, published in the section.

However, goose tracking is not the only point in the long line of skills of the modern hunter. Within a month, in the article feed you will be able to find a series of articles on goose hunting and a monograph on geese.

Modern technologies make it possible to monitor the migration of geese in real time. Bird tracking using GPS navigation has been carried out by many organizations around the world for several years.

The most comprehensive and successful project tracks the migrations of the goose, which... winters in Western This German site gives its visitors the opportunity to follow the migration of the goose through the traditional Google Earth service.

The migration of our goose, wintering in Egypt, can be tracked on this site; some specimens already set off last year and reinforced themselves in Turkey (as of March 16, 2009).

However, we will teach you how to accurately track a goose to select the location and time of hunting using the world's most advanced Google Earth service. Of course, this service is not intended for hunters at all, but, on the contrary, for scientists and wildlife defenders. But access is not denied to anyone, and therefore we will simply provide you with the opportunity not to waste your money and time.

So. First you need to install on your computer or the free version Google Earth, which can be downloaded from the page Google:

The whole world is open before you!

However, now there are many not entirely licensed offers on the Internet, so we, without having this material on our website ourselves, provide a link to information posted on the Internet by third parties. Please note that in accordance with the Law, after reviewing it, you must erase this information from your computer. The material is not provided for distribution and for non-commercial purposes.

Professional latest version of Google Earth Pro Final 4.3.7191.6508

Google Earth Pro Final With license Key 4.3.7191.6508 - Google Earth can take you anywhere on earth to view maps, satellite images, landscapes and 3D buildings, and even provides opportunities to explore galaxies and starry skies. You can explore geographic content, save an overview of places, and share information with other users.

Peculiarities: Google Earth Pro makes it easy to explore geographic features and display the data you find. With a few clicks, you can import site plans, property listings, or client locations and share the view with your client or colleague. Moreover, you can export high-quality images to documents or the Internet. Want to see how the program works? Free trial for 7 days.

Operating system: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Interface language: Russian
Size: 30 MB
Medicine: Present (This technique is for demonstration purposes and the responsibility for its use lies with the user).


Online tracking of migratory goose migration has been carried out for more than 10 years.
Online migratory goose migration maps using GPS transmitters look something like this:

The Committee for Bird Conservation (Vogelschutz-Komitee e.V.) has been funding a satellite tracking project for white-fronted geese since 2006.
A special computer program has been developed that allows anyone to track the migration routes of geese via the Internet in real time...

The flight route of geese through Kharkov, Poltava and Dnepropetrovsk regions:

The wild goose winters mainly in Southern Europe and Asia, as well as North Africa

Fresh, 2017 maps of flights of geese wintering in the Netherlands and Germany:

Migration tracks of wild goose wintering in the Netherlands and Germany:

  • Femma_3099 Track
  • Bar_L6R-_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6R=_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6RE_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6R2_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6R4_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6R6_2017 Track
  • Bar_WTN1_2017 Track
  • Bar_L6R8_2017 Track
  • Bar_L5R6_2017 Track
  • Bar_L4R1_2017 Track
  • Bar_L4R2_2017 Track
  • Bar_L4R4_2017 Track
  • Bar_WTNP_2017 Track
  • Bar_WVNE_2017 Track
  • Bar_L4R9_2017 Track
  • Bar_WVN9_2017 Track
  • Bar_WVNK_2017 Track
  • Bar_WVNU_2017 Track
  • Bar_Y1N3_2017 Track
  • Bar_Y1N5_2017 Track
  • 43_AdrieII_M Track
  • 52_EvertII_M Track
  • 58_WouterII_M Track

Fresh, 2017 migration maps of goose wintering in Hungary:

Gray geese migration tracks online:

  • 14_Zorralina
  • 15_Kamilla Migration track of a goose wintering in Hungary
  • 16_Clementina Migration track of a goose wintering in Hungary

Flight maps of marked geese in Sweden:

All geese migration routes 2017 on one map:

All migration routes of geese on one map
(On the left, select the goose with the transmitter, Dates below!, so that the tracks are visible.)

Birds have been ringed for scientific purposes for over 100 years. Traditionally, metal rings were used with numbers and the name of the ringing organization engraved on them. Thanks to ringing, it was possible to learn a lot about the directions and migration routes of birds and the features of their ecology.
Unfortunately, the metal ring becomes informative only when the bird can be held in your hands. In most cases, these are already dead birds; Thus, information about banded geese comes mainly from hunters. Occasionally you manage to catch a ringed bird, or read the ring number from a short distance. We will never know the fate of the vast majority of birds ringed with metal rings.
Due to the fact that the return rate of metal rings is extremely low, specialists began to use colored tags. Geese are usually marked with colored leg rings and collars, the numbers of which can be read by examining the bird through binoculars, even from a great distance. To mark birds of other species, wing marks and other colored marks are used.

In addition, radio and satellite transmitters are now used to study bird migrations; However, the satellite tracking method is very expensive, and radio tracking requires significant effort and time.

Unfortunately, this kind of tracking of geese migration is short-lived. Many geese die of natural causes, some are shot by a hunter. If you come across a goose with a GPS transmitter, please inform the owner of the transmitter. The coordinates are usually indicated on the transmitter itself or on the website or This will help study and preserve the world's wild geese population.
Some unscrupulous hunters keep transmitters as souvenirs or try to sell them to their owners.
For example, a “goose” nesting in a five-story building in Perovo in Moscow

  • Rolf_3272_KY6 Track
  • Mari_3269_KY4 Track

Well, Diana is their judge. You can't fool karma

We remind you

  • Goose hunting in Ukraine is still prohibited in 2017
  • Never shoot at marked birds so that it can work for future generations.
  • Sightings of tagged geese can be reported online at
  • Orange collars in the spring waves of geese migration are German, yellow collars are Japanese and Italian.

Let's try to figure out how geese fly through Belarus in the spring. And we will do this using the example of the most numerous species - the white-fronted goose.

First, let's look at wintering places

The nesting range of the white-fronted goose is circumpolar; it covers the tundra and forest-tundra strip of Eurasia and North America. The main wintering areas of European white-fronted geese are located in the countries of Western and Central Europe; some birds winter on the Balkan Peninsula, in the Black Sea region and the southern regions of the Caspian Sea.

What is known from the literature?

At the end of the last century, visual census data were published. In the article “Features of migration of waterbirds in Belarus,” the spring migration of geese is described as follows:

“In spring, most geese migrate in east and northeast directions. In this case, a certain pattern in the direction of flight is observed. Thus, in the southern part of Belarus the eastern direction predominates, which coincides with the location of the Pripyat riverbed from west to east. The absolute majority of geese fly to the east in this zone: 82.7% in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, 87.1% in the Pripyat floodplain (Pripyatsky Nature Reserve). In the southeastern point of Belarus (the territory adjacent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant), where the river bed. Pripyat turns to the southeast, only 20% of geese continue to adhere to the Pripyat floodplain, 34% flies further to the east, and the majority - 42% - turns to the northeast.

In the central part of the republic, most geese migrate in a northeast direction. Thus, in the floodplain of the Neman River, which flows from southeast to northwest, the main direction of flight of geese was northeast (58%) and east (25%). In the vicinity of Minsk, the eastern direction predominated (52.8% of recorded birds), 24.2% flew to the southeast and 20.3% to the northeast. In the floodplain of the river. On the Berezina River, most geese migrate in a north-easterly direction (49%).”

Thus, in spring the general direction of movement of migrating geese is from west to east.

Satellite data

Modern technologies make it possible to monitor the migration of geese in real time. Bird tracking using GPS navigation has been carried out by many organizations around the world for several years. The most comprehensive and successful project tracks the migrations of geese wintering in Western Europe. The German site provides its visitors with the opportunity to monitor goose migration through the traditional Google Earth service.

Some geese wintering in Western Europe fly north of Belarus in the spring. One of the main spring gathering places for geese migrating through this region is the Neman River delta. Next, the birds fly to nesting sites located in the tundra of the European North of Russia.

Another part of the geese flies through Belarus in the spring. We can say that she is less fortunate, because in the spring our birds do not receive a warm welcome at all.

And lastly, information from our Bird Banding Center

We currently have information from more than two hundred ringed birds. The average age of white-fronted geese harvested is more than three years (1046 days). The maximum age recorded from banding data is over 22 years. However, given the fact that the adult bird was ringed, its age was at least 24 years.

Based on information received from ringed birds, it can be stated that the main wintering grounds of white-fronted geese migrating through Belarus are in Western Europe (the Netherlands, Germany, England). In 139 out of 143 cases they were ringed in the Netherlands.

Information from the places where birds flying through the territory of Belarus nest is scarce, but according to available data, it can be said that the nesting area of ​​white-fronted geese extends from the White Sea coast to at least Taimyr.


In principle, the new data has not changed much in our understanding of the spring migration routes of white-fronted geese. Its general direction on the territory of our country is eastern and northeastern. Part of the white-fronted goose population is characterized by a loop-like migration: in the spring from Western Europe they first fly east, and in the central regions of Russia and Northern Kazakhstan they turn north. In autumn, these birds return to their wintering grounds by the shortest route along the Baltic Sea coast, only partially touching Belarus.

Last year, we already offered our readers a service for tracking the migration of migratory goose on-line. If someone is not yet familiar with our materials and became our reader this year, we will briefly remind you of the main things from last year, and then we will post this year’s data. So, for the attention of all “goose lovers” we offer:

We decided to give our readers the opportunity to learn how to track the migration of waves of migratory goose without leaving the computer. Today we will teach you how to track your favorite hunting object directly from your monitor screen around the world. With our help, you can track the flight of geese using data from two geopositioning control systems at once.

If you click, for example, on the picture below, you will see a standard example of the migration route of a bean goose named Adri, which flies in close proximity to the bases of the National Foundation of St. Tryphon. In the fall he flies through the base "Barsuchok" in the Tula region, and in the spring - through the bases "Noble Nest" , "All" in the Tver region. But this does not mean that other waves of migratory goose do not exist. There are quite a lot of them, so we will put in your hands a whole mechanism for tracking waves of geese migration.

One request - so that this can work for future generations - do not shoot at marked birds. Orange collars in spring waves are German, yellow collars are Japanese and Italian. Please let us know about any collars you see.

In real time, the flight map of a particular goose looks like this:

Small "backpacks" containing satellite transmitters draw intricate lines on maps that can be viewed online. It turned out that they traveled from wintering sites to nesting sites in different, sometimes quite unexpected for researchers, ways. The transmitters are still in operation, transmitting bird location data daily. This data is constantly plotted on maps, which can be viewed on websites in our review, published in the “Articles” section.

However, goose tracking is not the only point in the long line of skills of the modern hunter. Within a month, in the article feed you will be able to find a series of articles on goose hunting and a monograph on geese.

Modern technologies make it possible to monitor bird migration in real time. Bird tracking using GPS navigation has been carried out by many organizations around the world for several years.

The use of satellite transmitters opens up new prospects for a detailed study of geese migrations, because until recently our knowledge about the flight paths of birds and their stopping places during long-distance migration from wintering grounds to nesting areas in the Arctic was far from complete.

Small "backpacks" containing satellite transmitters draw intricate lines on maps that can be viewed online. It turned out that they traveled from wintering sites to nesting sites in different, sometimes quite unexpected for researchers, ways. The transmitters are still in operation, transmitting bird location data daily. This data is constantly plotted on maps, which can be viewed on the sites in this review.

The most comprehensive and successful project tracks the migrations of the goose, which... winters in Western This German site gives its visitors the opportunity to follow the migration of the goose through the traditional Google Earth service.

However, this is not a hindrance for hunters who have chosen the hunting bases of EBF-Tour and the National Foundation of St. Tryphon. It is the migration of this goose that passes through our bases in Red Hill ("Nobles' Nest" ).

Partially it affects our base "All"(city of Vesyegonsk) and Dolgolugovskoe hunting reserve . According to our hunting experts, on average, only 7-10 hunters out of 100 (this is why we offer huts and profiles) located at the designated hunting sites catch a goose, and only 1 out of 1000 of those on the flight route (which is why we guarantee We sell goose tours only at the base "Noble Nest" in Krasny Kholm.

The years of “our” goose, wintering in Egypt, can be tracked on this site; some specimens already set off last year and reinforced themselves in Turkey (as of March 16, 2009).

However, we will teach you how to accurately track a goose to select the location and time of hunting using the world's most advanced Google Earth service. Of course, this service is not intended for hunters at all, but, on the contrary, for scientists and wildlife defenders. But access is not denied to anyone, and therefore we will simply provide you with the opportunity not to waste your money and time.

So. First you need to install on your computer or the free version Google Earth, which can be downloaded from the page Google:

Download Google Earth 5.0 The whole world is open before you!

However, now there are many not entirely licensed offers on the Internet, so we, without having this material on our website ourselves, provide a link to information posted on the Internet by third parties. Please note that in accordance with the Law, after reviewing it, you must erase this information from your computer. The material is not provided for distribution and for non-commercial purposes.

Professional latest version of Google Earth Pro Final 4.3.7191.6508

Google Earth Pro Final With license Key 4.3.7191.6508 - Google Earth can take you anywhere on earth to view maps, satellite images, landscapes and 3D buildings, and even provides opportunities to explore galaxies and starry skies. You can explore geographic content, save an overview of places, and share information with other users.

Peculiarities: Google Earth Pro makes it easy to explore geographic features and display the data you find. With a few clicks, you can import site plans, property listings, or client locations and share the view with your client or colleague. Moreover, you can export high-quality images to documents or the Internet. Want to see how the program works? Free trial for 7 days.

Operating system: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista
Interface language: Russian
Size: 30 MB
Medicine: Present (This technique is for demonstration purposes and the responsibility for its use lies with the user).


Download from Vip-file
Download from
Download from

Now you have received a professional product (geobase), onto which you only need to apply the corresponding module of geese flight paths in real time.

An example of the route you will receive is shown in the figure. To do this, below are links to *.kmz modules, which you need to download using the buttons given below with a picture of a globe. Descriptions of symbols are provided for other buttons. The date, altitude of the goose's flight and its number are given here.

Symbol Meaning
Filming location
only 2 messages, not an accurate assessment
only 3 messages, not an accurate assessment
>1500 m
<1000 м
<350 м
<150 м

Migration of waterfowl from Egypt. Click on the picture to see the most recent locations of each bird (updated April 6, 2009).

current locations
