Golodets: psychological services in schools will be reformed. Will the reform of the school psychologist service become juvenile? Expansion of vocational education

MOSCOW, November 21 – RIA Novosti. The reorganization of psychological assistance to children has long been necessary; in addition, it is necessary to improve the quality of training of psychologists working in schools, according to experts interviewed by RIA Novosti.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy Olga Golodets said that the government intends to reorganize and strengthen the service of psychologists, primarily school psychologists, after the death of teenagers in the Pskov region. On November 14, a 15-year-old boy and girl barricaded themselves in the Pskov region. They opened fire on law enforcement officers who responded to the call. According to the Investigative Committee, after several hours of negotiations, the teenagers stopped communicating, and when the special forces launched an assault, they were found dead with gunshot wounds. According to the preliminary findings of the investigation, the young man shot the girl and then committed suicide.

Expansion of vocational education

School psychologists are now mainly involved in supporting the educational process, while about 20-30% of families need educational classes to help children solve psychological problems, said Anna Portnova, head of the department of clinical psychiatry of childhood and adolescence at the Serbsky Center.

“The service really needs to be reorganized, strengthened training of school psychologists, in terms of introducing the basics of clinical psychology and the basics of psychiatry into their training, so that they have a general understanding of the dangers that children with disabilities may have,” the expert said.

“The fact is that in our country, by prosperous families we mean families in which the parents do not drink and have a permanent job, but in fact, psychologists still mean by troubled families psychological troubles - this is the lack of trusting relationships in the family, detachment, these are dysfunctional methods of education, various forms of domestic violence. Of course, they don’t pay attention to this, since now school psychologists are mainly involved in supporting the educational process, that is, observing and correcting,” Portnova said.

“I think 20-30% (of families) need at least some kind of psychoeducational sessions so that they can deal with problems that arise more often during adolescence, but also occur earlier in the school period,” she said.

Independence of school psychologists

According to Elena Morozova, a teacher at the Department of Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, it is necessary not only to strengthen the training of such psychologists, but also to remove them from the subordination of the school administration.

“Of course, a psychologist must be independent, he cannot submit to the school administration, he must stand up for protecting the interests of the child. He must constantly grow professionally, so he needs to be in a professional community, where periodic retraining and seminars take place, and he can receive supervision for difficult cases ", said the expert.

At the same time, she noted the importance of organizing the work of psychologists, which “should not be calculated according to some formal indicators and pure reporting, but is focused on results; the content of their work should be spelled out.”

Now, according to Morozova, many school psychologists do not have sufficient skills due to the fact that initially they often took only short courses and thus became psychologists, although such education is not enough to work with children, especially with difficult children.

A tragedy occurred: on November 14, in the village of Strugi Krasnye, Pskov Region, two ninth-graders fired at a police car, barricaded themselves in a house and committed suicide. Who is to blame and what to do remains to be seen. In the meantime, according to TASS, at a press conference in Masterslavl in Moscow, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Olga Golodets said that it is necessary to reorganize the service of school psychologists.

According to her, the service of school psychologists needs to be “given a completely different professional content, set out different methods of working with parents and teachers,” since at present psychologists in schools are most often focused on children in so-called difficult life situations, children who live in disadvantaged families, and children who find themselves in such difficult situations do not come to the attention of “so-called psychologists.” She also said that the Institute named after V.P. Serbsky will prepare a course of seminars and methods based on the results of analyzes of all tragic cases, as well as new programs for retraining school psychologists.

Speaking at the plenary session of the scientific and practical conference “System of psychological support for education” on November 23, 2016, Minister of Education and Science O.Yu. Vasilyeva noted that assigning powers to the regions to organize the provision of psychological assistance leads to inequality due to differences in their economic status, which “has led to the destruction of a single federal space and requires improvement of legal regulation.” According to her, normative per capita funding also “hit psychologists very hard”: there are 1.5, or even 2 thousand children per psychologist. To resolve personnel issues, the Ministry of Education and Science intends to increase the number of budget places in universities for the training of psychologists, including clinical ones.

“I myself will monitor the increase in budget places for the training of psychologists,” said the Minister.

The topic of restoring the school psychological service was also raised at the Business Breakfast with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The head of the department, O.Yu. Vasilyeva, believes that there should be a psychological service in every school, and that the issue of remuneration for psychologists in every school must be resolved.

“I think we can do it soon. Now, in my opinion, it is impossible without school psychologists,” noted O.Yu. Vasilyeva.

According to the Minister, not only the school is to blame for the tragedy that occurred in the Pskov region, but also close people, the social environment in which teenagers find themselves, and the main reason is our indifference to other people's grief and misfortune.

“If we talk again about good and evil, what is good and what is bad, about what are values ​​for each person, there will be fewer such cases.< >All the moral foundations of human existence are given in golden examples of Russian literature, but for some reason we decided that Russian literature should not be in the curriculum to the extent that it was in school before. Two school generations were deprived of the opportunity to touch the source that nourishes man,” emphasized the Minister of Education and Science O.Yu. Vasilyeva.

Illustration copyright RIA Novosti Image caption A school psychologist could help teenagers, the government believes

The psychological support system in Russian schools will be reformed after the tragedy near Pskov, where two teenagers opened fire on police officers and were later found dead, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said on Monday.

“First of all, to study the entire psychological service that exists to support our schoolchildren. This case shows that this service needs to be reorganized and its professional base strengthened,” Golodets said, answering a question about measures taken to prevent similar tragedies in the future .

“Today, psychologists in schools most often focus on children in difficult life situations, on children who live in obviously dysfunctional families and whose families have already emerged as dysfunctional in one way or another. Hidden trouble, discomfort, lack of attention to the child, lack of human parental love and attention, the lack of time parents have for their children leads to more complex and sometimes tragic consequences,” the Deputy Prime Minister added.

The ICR unit for the Pskov region reported on Monday that, based on the results of monitoring social networks after the death of teenagers, representatives of four ministries and departments jointly managed to prevent suicide, which, according to investigators, was inspired by the example of the dead teenagers.

“On November 15, 2016, an unidentified user daily announced in countdown mode his upcoming suicide, which was supposed to happen in a certain way on November 20, 2016, his birthday,” the department said.

Information about the threat was transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but until the scheduled date of suicide, it was not possible to find the young man, until the night of November 20, when the young man “went to the place where the suicide was committed, was discovered and detained.”

“During the interrogation, the young man admitted that he was pushed to suicidal intentions by the deaths of teenagers in the village of Strugi Krasnye, widely covered in the media,” the Investigative Committee said.

“More than 200 police officers, Investigative Committee investigators and regional administration officials were involved in the operation,” the Investigative Committee reported, recommending that residents of the region “pay attention” to the strange behavior of their loved ones, especially if they communicate on the Internet at night.

On November 14, in the village of Strugi Krasnye in the Pskov region, a 15-year-old teenager, while in a private house with a girl the same age,...

On his Instagram, he posted a video of himself standing at an open window with a weapon in his hands. A few hours earlier, a photograph was posted there, showing two hunting rifles, a pistol and a large amount of ammunition.

The girl published a farewell entry on her VKontakte page, which, among other things, said: “I loved you, you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life...” She added that she was not being held hostage and that it was hers "informed choice"

Only "United Russia" repented of what she had done in Article 116 "Beating" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, how a new initiative turned up with the same catch of family violence.

The psychological assistance service in schools is being reformed, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said on November 21 at a meeting with journalists, TASS reports.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister, who is in charge of social issues, the work of school psychologists requires « strengthen professional beginning" . “To change the entire service of psychologists is our task. Give it a completely different professional content and establish different methods of working with parents, teachers, and directly with children,”- Golodets said.

She drew attention to the fact that school psychologists mainly come to the attention of children from disadvantaged families, while “hidden disadvantage, discomfort, lack of attention to the child, parents’ lack of time for the child leads to much more complex consequences” . This statement was made after the suicide of two Pskov teenagers.
IA Krasnaya Vesna

Vague formulations about « hidden disadvantage" . If you remember the topic of beatings, the same thing happened there. Battery against children - this is unacceptable, they exclaimed loudly juvenile lobbyists, sarcastically silent, What exactly does the Criminal Code mean by beatings in this case? . It turned out that slaps on the head, spanking, etc. methods of education are now illegal and punishable by criminal law.

Now the psychologists' service is under the pretext of fighting « for everything good, against everything bad” is transformed. What? To the control service for each family? If hidden troubles, lack of attention and lack of time from the parents are revealed, will the child be removed from the family?

Problems exist in families, and the juvenile lobby is based on these real problems. Having pushed off, it inflates them to a universal scale in order to induce immediate radical measures. Which , according to juveniles, should end with one verdict - remove the child from the family. The family cannot be helped so that the child remains with his loved ones, he must be moved to another family, often with worse conditions, the main thing is that the child is not loved in the foster family.

Case of suicide in Pskov - a good reason for imposing juvenile standards, which have already begun to be used. The juvenile lobby, despite public protest and the position of the president, is putting a wedge on Russian families. This means that the struggle for traditional family values ​​will continue.

Alexander Berezin

Golodets promised to reform the work of school psychologists after the tragedy in Pskov

© Photo from kremlin.ru

The work of all school psychologists in Russia will be completely reformatted after the tragedy in Pskov. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets, TASS reports.

“First of all (instructions were given - editor's note) to work through the entire psychological service that exists to support our schoolchildren. This case shows that this service needs to be reorganized and its professionalism strengthened,” the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

According to her, today psychologists in schools most often focus on children in difficult life situations, on children who live in obviously dysfunctional families and whose families have already emerged as dysfunctional in one way or another. “Hidden ill-being, discomfort, lack of attention to the child, lack of human parental love and attention, parents’ lack of time for the child leads to more complex and sometimes tragic consequences,” Golodets added.

She indicated that the Serbsky Institute will prepare a course of seminars and methods for psychologists in schools based on the results of an analysis of all the tragic cases and suicides that have occurred in Russia over the past few years. They will also prepare programs for retraining school psychologists.

On November 14, Red teenagers who ran away from their parents from Pskov to the village of Strugi climbed into the house, broke into a safe with weapons and opened fire with a gun at the police officers who arrived at the scene. Law enforcement officers began negotiations with the teenagers, but after some time the young man and girl stopped communicating. The decision was made to storm. The police discovered that the teenagers had committed suicide.