The distant wrath of the emperor download fb2. Iar Elterrus - Emperor's Wrath

Iar Elterrus

Emperor's Wrath. Book two. Long journey

© Elterrus I., 2016

© Publishing House "E" LLC, 2016

Small Council

Drops of thick, almost black-looking blood fell heavily from the cut face onto the cracked control panel, but did not reach it, spreading in red balls throughout the cabin - weightlessness reigned in it. The dying pilot piloted the half-broken shuttle with all his strength. He was clearly aware that he was dying, but at the same time he knew that he had no right to do so, that he was obliged to reach the planet’s orbit as best he could and not get caught by those who would give everything so that the information he was carrying would not reach its intended destination.

The pilot glanced sideways at the short, dark-haired man in a torn spacesuit, still trembling in the next seat - the companion was also still alive, but not for long, with such wounds they could not survive, and they still had to reach a magician capable of weaving the Color of Health, which was almost impossible. It is unknown whether there is at least one such magician on the cruiser now, even if we manage to get to him. He looked again at his wheezing neighbor. What is known about him? A mountain master with a white cord on his shoulder, according to him, is a former nomad of one of the tribes of the Great Steppe.

However, Onn-Kkar was not yet very well versed in the peculiarities of the peoples of Elian, since he was a Guardian. Remembering recent events, he smiled wryly. Who would have thought that the natives of the collapsed Guardian Empire, exiles who flew from unknown distances, would be accepted as relatives? Elian has become their second home, and the pilot will do everything to keep her alive.

A new attack of pain made his vision darken, and Onn-Kkar hastily threw another painkiller capsule into his mouth. Of course, you can’t take it in such doses, doctors have always warned about this, but this only matters for those who hope to survive. He had no hope, he wanted only one thing - to fly to his native cruiser at such a distance that he would be heard and picked up. And then you can die.

At that moment, the neighbor arched over in his chair in the last convulsion, wheezed and fell silent. Onn-Kkar turned his head with difficulty, wiped the blood from his lips with a trembling hand and whispered hoarsely:

- In loving memory... Demon, I don’t even know what your name was, guy... Sleep well...

He extended a trembling hand and switched two switches in turn, releasing the afterburner - you can’t approach the planet at that speed. Then he tried to call Ddin-Rat II, but the cruiser still did not respond - the low-power transmitter of the suit did not reach it, and the large one did not work - the pursuers knocked down the antenna. I really wanted to hope that the shuttle managed to escape from them, that everything would not be in vain.

It came to mind how it all began. A routine flight from the planet to a station on the edge of the system. The only difference is that Onn-Kkar did not go to the Elian sector for legal cargo, but to the Mervan sector for smuggling - the Sanri pirates delivered there something small, but important for Elyan, and therefore they sent only a shuttle, and not a cargo ship. The pilot was not afraid of getting caught, even if this happened, he would only have to pay a fine - the money was allocated to him for this.

Just as soon as Onn-Kkar had time to dock and open the hatch, a man in a burnt, torn spacesuit fell into the hangar. Three more people jumped out behind him with blasters in their hands, but the first one pulled out his sword, and the pursuers, not having time to shoot, fell to the floor - what he did, the Guardian did not have time to see, the killer was moving so quickly. So, as far as he knew, only Elian mountain masters could do this.

- From Eliana? – the stranger with the sword croaked, rushing towards Onn-Kkar.

“Yes-ah...” he recoiled.

- Let's go home! Now!

- B-but... I have a load...

“I don’t care about the cargo...” the stranger took out some kind of medallion and showed it to the pilot.

Onn-Kkar knew such medallions - according to the strictest orders of Admiral Ttin-Shtar, their owners were to provide any assistance required. Something to do with the intelligence services. Therefore, with a sigh, he helped the Elian climb the ladder into the shuttle, glancing at the traces of blaster hits on the suit, and asked the dispatcher for permission for an urgent launch, but did not receive it - on the contrary, he was strictly ordered to remain in place until the security service arrived.

- Start! - ordered the mining foreman, who fell on a chair, - he could not be anyone else.

– No “buts”! I have in my hands information on which the very existence of the empire depends. Do you understand?.. If they intercept it, it will be bad for all of us. Come on, break through at any cost...

Onn-Kkar felt scared, terribly scared, but he knew what duty and honor were, since after all he was not a civilian, but a military pilot. Therefore, without hesitation, I ran my fingers over the control panel, conducting pre-launch preparations, and then took off, shooting off the grips with a directed explosion - this method was used only in an emergency. But now she was, if you look at it. As soon as he left the mooring mast, he immediately gave afterburner, trying to gain speed as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, he didn’t have time - from a frigate docked nearby without signs of belonging to any country, they opened fire on the shuttle from meson guns. The very first hit knocked out the antenna, which means that the transmitter became useless, and even the Elian sector of the station was now impossible to contact. At first, Onn-Kkar was going to go there - after all, there were Eldar there who could instantly transport the mountain master home through the teleport. But it didn’t work out - they intercepted him on the way. And again two ships without identification marks.

- What to do?! – the pilot turned to the heavily breathing mountain foreman. – You can’t get into our sector...

- Go to the planet... Do you have a hyperdrive?

- Yes. Only for the jump acceleration is needed.

- So speed up, damn you...

Onn-Kkar did not hesitate, he turned the shuttle away from the station towards the central luminary of the system, at the same time giving the order to the navigation computer to calculate the current coordinates of Elian. Turning on the engines afterburner, he anxiously stared at the growing green line of speed indicators, hoping that he would have time to jump into hyper. Meanwhile, the pursuers, joined by two more ships, were catching up, broadcasting the demand to immediately surrender throughout the airwaves.

The speed gradually increased, but there was still about a minute left before the jump, when the pursuers realized that no one was going to give up, and they started shooting again. The shuttle was shaken by several hits, but the protective field withstood it - fortunately, the old machine was a military one, built with a triple degree of reliability. A civilian shuttle would have died long ago. Only at that moment did Onn-Kkar realize how lucky they were - after all, the shuttles of eight countries did not have hyperdrives; they believed that this was impossible in principle for such small ships. Therefore, the pursuers did not fire from all calibers, being confident that the fugitive would not escape from them.

At the last moment, something dawned on the frigate captains, and literally a few seconds before the transition to hyperspace, heavy fire fell on the shuttle. The unfortunate ship was rocked by several more explosions, Onn-Kkar was torn from his chair, breaking the straps, and hit the bulkhead, causing him to lose consciousness. But it was no longer possible to change anything - the shuttle became transparent for a moment, curled into a point and disappeared - this is exactly what going into hyper looked like from the outside.

Onn-Kkar woke up in pain, floating in weightlessness. The shuttle entered normal space on its own; apparently, the hyperdrive was still damaged. He looked down and saw that his chest was pierced by a thin piece of the bulkhead. As soon as he didn't bleed? But since he’s alive, it’s too early to give up; is he, after all, an officer or not? The Guardian, groaning in pain, reached the chair and somehow tied himself with the remnants of the broken straps. He thanked the Almighty for the fact that weightlessness reigned on the shuttle, otherwise he would have immediately died from painful shock. With naughty fingers I groped for the first aid kit in the niche next to the console and swallowed a capsule of painkillers. Then he glanced sideways at his neighbor, who also suffered a lot during the explosion, so much so that at first glance it became clear that he was not a tenant. However, the mining foreman was conscious. He turned his head and wheezed in a barely audible voice:

- Wow?..

“I think so,” answered the Guardian, trying to decide where they were. - Who are you?

– Mining master, steppe dweller from the Black Buffalo tribe... Where are we?..

– I don’t know yet.

Finally, Onn-Kkar managed to revive the navigation computer, and he realized that he was only a two-hour flight from Elyan. But are the engines working? As it turned out, they worked, albeit intermittently. The pilot again silently thanked the engineers who created this car - they did a good job, damn it, well done.

Sometimes, immersing yourself in the events of fantasy worlds, you begin to feel that the real world no longer seems so attractive. It may even seem that the imaginary world has become much closer to you. A similar feeling arises while reading the novels of Elterrus Iar. The book “The Wrath of the Emperor. The Long Journey" became the fifth in the series about the Elian Empire, and it is read with the same enthusiasm as all the previous ones. The writer manages to come up with incredible plots that harmoniously intertwine with each other and connect with his other books. It introduces readers to colorful characters, about whom it is written in pleasant, figurative language. His novel is an opportunity to forget about reality, completely immersing yourself in a fantasy world and enjoying exciting adventures.

The Elian Empire was long considered the strongest, and although not everything was smooth, the ideas that were considered a priority in it gave it a great advantage. The most important thing here is goodness and justice, and self-sacrifice is highly valued. In such difficult times as now, this is very important.

Highly developed civilizations are accustomed to relying exclusively on technology for everything. The Elian Empire had nothing like this; it could only oppose them with magic. But those who think rationally cannot understand magic, and it is better to destroy everything incomprehensible so that there is no reason for concern. Onn-Kkar, born in the then-existing Guardian Empire, is engaged in smuggling. And when he was about to fly to Elian, he could not even imagine how it would turn out for him...

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Apr 19, 2017

Emperor's Wrath. Long journey Iar Elterrus

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Title: Wrath of the Emperor. Long journey

About the book “The Wrath of the Emperor. Long Journey" Iar Elterrus

Iar Elterrus is the creative pseudonym of the modern Russian writer Igor Tertyshny. He works in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He was born in 1966. His mother was a fairly famous poetess. Together with his family, he lived for a long time on the territory of Ukraine, in the Dnepropetrovsk region. After graduating from high school, he went to university. The choice was made at the Faculty of Radiophysics. Then he headed a small publishing house for several years, but after its bankruptcy he decided to move to the Urals. A year later he moved to Israel for permanent residence. He returned to Russia in 2008 and has since lived in St. Petersburg.

He began his literary activity in 1997, but began publishing his works only in 2006. Many readers learned about the author after the publication of a rather scandalous novel called “The Gray Wastes of Life.” The book was written in the BDSM fantasy genre and published online under a different pseudonym. The author's works are worth reading, first of all, for those who love fascinating stories about space adventures with a touch of magic. Iar Elterrus has long been able to win the love of many fans who are eagerly awaiting the release of his new books.

Novel “The Wrath of the Emperor. The Long Journey" is the fifth part of the "Elian Empire" series. The events in it unfold in a certain inhabited galaxy, which serves as an arena for confrontation between different civilizations.

The Elian Empire and its representatives remained for a long time in the shadow of stronger opponents. Highly developed civilizations used their technical advantage to frighten other contenders for dominance in galactic space. The only thing the Elian Empire has is magic. But it is precisely this that can become the weapon that will frighten all opponents who are accustomed to new technologies. Developed civilizations will try to destroy the Elian Empire at any cost.

Iar Elterrus builds his narrative around the person of a native of the Guardian Empire, which long ago collapsed. Onn-Kkar is used to making money by smuggling and he has to complete his next task. He receives a mysterious cargo that he must deliver to the Elian Empire. But he does not even suspect what this dangerous journey may lead to.

The book “The Wrath of the Emperor. The Long Journey" will be a wonderful gift for all fans of the author's series. It is worth reading for all those who want to escape from the usual reality and immerse themselves in a completely unique world in which adventures prevail and incredible dangers lurk.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “The Wrath of the Emperor. The Long Journey" by Iar Elterrus in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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