French language Skype. French on Skype: learning with a tutor

French, along with German and English, is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by about 200 million people around the globe, 75 million of whom consider French their native language. French speech can be heard not only in France, but also in the countries of northern Africa that were once colonized by the French, as well as in Switzerland and Canada.

In addition to the practical considerations that usually guide those who decide to study a foreign language, many people are fascinated by the romantic aura, melody and euphony of the French language. After all, anyone who speaks French well can feel like a little sophisticated Frenchman. Therefore, today French remains one of the most popular languages, and modern methods of studying it are becoming more accessible thanks to the latest technologies.

Benefits of learning via Skype

It is better to learn any foreign language under the guidance of an experienced tutor. Despite the fact that independent work with various manuals, auxiliary materials and textbooks is useful and effective, unfortunately, it cannot replace the necessary live communication. Textbooks help in learning grammar and vocabulary, but to practice correct pronunciation, communication practice is important.

Among other things, a qualified specialist, knowing not only languages, but also pedagogical skills, will help, using special techniques, to organize the learning process in such a way as to make it as effective as possible. But, unfortunately, a busy schedule often simply does not allow you to find time even for self-study, not to mention going to courses and classes with a tutor.

This problem has become solvable thanks to modern technology. You can now learn French via Skype. This method is optimal for people of different ages and professions, as well as people with varying degrees of employment. French on Skype is an excellent option for busy businessmen and office workers, young mothers, schoolchildren, students and even people with disabilities. In short, for those who need individual lessons in a comfortable, non-stressful and safe environment.

French lessons via Skype can be held at any time convenient for the student. You can study a language in any place convenient for the student: in the office, at home, or even outdoors (in the park). It is much easier to create an acceptable lesson schedule with an online tutor, and the choice of teachers who have experience teaching via Skype is much wider.

There is no need to spend a lot of time getting ready, tiring trips, or endless traffic jams. It is now possible to learn French without leaving your home. To do this, you just need to have the common amenities of our time - a computer, Internet access and Skype. Online lessons will save both time and money. After all, online training (according to various estimates) is almost two times cheaper compared to the services of a regular tutor. And at the same time, classes take place in a pleasant, relaxed home environment.

How are online classes conducted?

In terms of efficiency, online French lessons (as well as other foreign languages) are in no way inferior to classes that require the student’s personal presence. In this case, just an interactive whiteboard will be a computer monitor and Skype functionality such as chat and the “screen share” option. Skype lessons are available individual and group. Both forms of training have certain advantages.

An individual form of training is preferred, as a rule, by those students who want the tutor to devote all his attention only to them. However, group classes are good because they help to practice pronunciation and communication skills not only with an online tutor, but also with classmates.

There are times when people want to study together with friends, relatives, etc. In addition, group training will allow you to save some money, since group training costs less than individual training.

Teaching staff

Online teachers are, as a rule, university teachers and final year students, certified tutors who have an excellent command of not only the French language, but also didactic skills. Classes with native speakers who permanently reside both in France and other French-speaking countries are also possible.

At the first stage of mastering the French language, it would be preferable to take classes not with those for whom French is their native language, but with Russian-speaking tutors. The fact is that they are the ones who know all the difficulties that Russian-speaking students usually face when learning the grammar and vocabulary of a language that is completely foreign to them, since they themselves once started from scratch. They will explain unclear things and provide qualified assistance in overcoming difficulties that arise.

If your level of knowledge of French is quite high, but you want to achieve perfection for complete freedom of communication in this language, then the best option for you would be to communicate with a French teacher or simply a genuine native speaker, a resident of a French-speaking country. So, if not everyone has the opportunity to visit France or live in this country for some time, then learning the language under the guidance of native French speakers today is a luxury available to almost everyone.

Interesting program and individual approach

The online course program is individual for each student, it is compiled taking into account his wishes and goals, as well as in accordance with the level of French language proficiency. In addition, students can create their own lesson schedule and schedule classes when it is convenient for them. This could be free time before or after work, or even during lunch break. But in order to achieve the best results and, when moving on to a new lesson, not to forget the material already covered, it is advisable to study French three times a week.

Try to follow all the tutor’s recommendations, take careful notes and don’t be lazy to open the dictionary when you encounter unfamiliar words, and the desired result will not be long in coming. Many people mistakenly think that learning a foreign language is a boring activity. The program involves the use of numerous gaming techniques; in the learning process, special attention is paid to the practice of live communication; the play-out of everyday situations that can be encountered in real life is widely used: acquaintance, shopping in a store, departure, telephone conversation, excursion, etc.

The ancestor of the Romance languages ​​was Latin, but, for some reason, it was French that broke away from it the furthest away, becoming one of the most difficult to learn in its category. But this is not a reason to refuse the opportunity to master one of the most beautiful and popular languages ​​in the world. The main thing is not to think that it is too late to learn foreign languages. There are no age limits for self-improvement and development!

Example of a lesson via Skype.

Free access to the World Wide Web has significantly expanded people's opportunities for self-education. As a rule, not everyone can learn a foreign language from scratch on their own. The reason for this is the lack of discipline among most students. However, with the advent of a good teacher, the situation changes dramatically.


French is one of the TOP 10 most spoken languages ​​in the world. It is recognized as official in about 70 countries, most of which are located in Western Europe and the African continent. Knowledge of this language opens up horizons for travel, study and employment in French-speaking countries.

The desire to learn French via Skype may not be so pragmatic. Many people do this to experience the culture of a country they like. With the proper level of preparation, everyone can afford to read such writers as Hugo, Dumas or Beigbeder in the original. Teaching French via Skype covers both the "correct" speech used by the classics and the modern interpretation using abbreviations and borrowings.


Learning French via Skype has become one of the most popular teaching trends in recent years. In terms of presenting and assimilating material, distance learning is no different from direct contact with a teacher. The tutor maintains live communication with students, addressing unclear questions in a timely manner. Thanks to this technique, French via Skype simultaneously affects all areas:

  • Written speech;
  • Oral speech;
  • Auditory perception.

At the end of each lecture and workshop, the student receives homework, which is designed to consolidate the material covered in the lesson.

The advantage of French language courses via Skype is the time savings. Due to the fact that the student and teacher do not need to waste time traveling to the meeting point, both parties have more free time. In addition, this method of communication between students and teachers is available even in remote localities where professional specialists do not live. All these nuances are reflected in how the schedule of online meetings will be built.

It is worth noting that to obtain an “above average” level, lectures and practice must be regular, at least 3 academic hours per week. The meeting schedule will be permanent or flexible, depending on the free time of both parties. The weekly number of French lessons via Skype can be increased if rapid progress is required. In any case, payment is made for time worked.

An undeniable argument in favor of learning French via Skype is the choice of teacher. There are several teachers on our team. Each of them has a personal page from which you can glean important information about the experience and other qualities of the teacher. Each teacher has a corresponding certificate, which gives the right to teach.

The teaching staff also includes native speakers. They take both completely unprepared students and those at an “above-intermediate” level to correct their pronunciation. Each teacher independently draws up a training program, as well as selects additional teaching materials. Individual seminars and lectures give you the opportunity to independently influence your study plan. At the student’s request, specific topics and vocabulary are included, preparation for tests is provided, and an idea of ​​modern language trends and changes is given.

How to become a student?

It's easy to start learning French via Skype. Right now you can view the list of teachers and sign up for a trial lesson. A trial lesson is necessary to determine your language proficiency level. Also, during a free lesson, you can meet a tutor and tune in to positive results. After a trial consultation, you need to decide whether you want to seriously begin training.

Skype courses can be conducted individually. For many students of different ages, this is the most suitable way, when the tutor’s entire attention is directed to only one person. An alternative would be group courses designed for several people.

In some cases, group conferences are held with members of the same family. The cost of an academic hour for one person will be cheaper for them, but regulation of the cost of classes largely depends on the tutor. He can reduce or increase the price for his academic hour, depending on his success, discipline, and the time for which the online meeting is scheduled.

Nowadays, English is the most relevant language. However, even now it is believed that knowledge of French is a sign of an intelligent, educated and cultured person. This language cannot go out of fashion; all representatives of the world aristocracy know it. To learn it, many people decide to take intensive French courses.

Perhaps you once studied a language at school, but have now forgotten everything? What to do? There is a way out: study French via Skype using Language Real. After all, you really want to feel comfortable abroad, communicate freely with foreigners, and not blush at your pronunciation.

Start taking an intensive French course with us! You will soon notice significant progress! In order to advance in mastering French via Skype with a native teacher, a month will be enough for you.

As you know, this language is official not only in France, but also in Switzerland, Canada, Southeast Asia, Belgium, and African countries. Learning French via Skype with experienced teachers will help you relax comfortably in popular resorts, as well as truly appreciate the sights and works of art in French-speaking countries. Now you can travel without problems!

French lessons via Skype are taught by experienced teachers, whose professionalism you will quickly see.

Classes are held in the form of conversations, the topics of which can be very different. So, in the process of casual conversation, the student gradually learns French. At the same time, he expands his vocabulary and remembers the rules of grammar.

Teachers use various teaching methods, depending on the student’s level of knowledge: we offer you French courses for beginners and advanced students. The results will pleasantly surprise you! The whole secret is that you study French directly with a native speaker from France. This will allow you to communicate with foreigners without problems in the future, understanding the original pronunciation and feeling free in a foreign country.

Of course, you can try to study on your own, using a tutorial. But learning French online is much more effective. “Why?” – you ask. The answer is simple: by studying French with us, the student receives live communication via Skype with a native speaker from France, which in itself is much more effective than lessons with a Russian-speaking teacher. This is a significant plus: the opportunity to better get to know the country and the characteristics of its inhabitants first-hand, get answers to questions about life in France, and simultaneously train your conversational skills.

It is possible to learn a language in a short time! Language Real – overcome the language barrier without difficulty!

Course name Number of lessons Price Total cost Pay
"Course (French) "8 lessons"" 8 (30 min each)
1000.00 rub. RUB 8,000.00
"Course (French) "16 lessons"" 16 (30 min each) 980.00 rub. RUB 15,680.00
"Course (French) "26 lessons"" 26 (30 min each) 960.00 rub. RUB 24,960.00
"Course (French) "36 lessons"" 36 (30 min each) 940.00 rub. RUB 33,840.00
"Course (French) "48 lessons"" 48 (30 min each) 920.00 rub. RUB 44,160.00
"Course (French) "60 lessons"" 60 (30 min each) 900.00 rub. RUB 54,000.00

Attention! Prices differ from those indicated for the basic course.

Why are French lessons via Skype better than traditional courses?

  • classes are held in the most comfortable environment for you;
  • learning French via Skype with a native speaker will cost much less than lessons conducted in person;
  • The main focus is on overcoming the language barrier and the ability to understand foreign speech.
Course name Number of lessons Price Total cost Pay
"Course (French) "4 lessons"" 4 (60 min each)
RUB 1,800.00 RUB 7,200.00 Add to cart
"Course (French) "8 lessons"" 8 (60 min each) RUB 1,780.00 RUB 14,240.00 Add to cart
"Course (French) "13 lessons"" 13 (60 min each) RUB 1,760.00 RUB 22,880.00 Add to cart
"Course (French) "18 lessons"" 18 (60 min each) RUB 1,740.00 RUB 31,320.00 Add to cart
"Course (French) "24 lessons"" 24 (60 min each) RUB 1,720.00 RUB 41,280.00 Add to cart
"Course (French) "30 lessons"" 30 (60 min each) RUB 1,700.00 51,000.00 rub. Add to cart

What are the advantages of Language Real lessons?

  • The opportunity to choose among qualified teachers who are Russian-speaking or native speakers with a TEF certificate and two years of experience working with foreign students.
  • Free schedule of classes that you can plan yourself.
  • Saving effort and time that could be spent on travel and transport.
  • Saving money – training materials are sent by email.

How is the trial lesson going?

To evaluate the convenience, capabilities and effectiveness of learning French via Skype, we offer a free trial lesson. To do this, you need to fill out some information about yourself, indicating the chosen language, your level of knowledge, which will help determine the test we offer, and the expected time of classes.

The specialist will select a teacher for you and schedule study time.

Are there any offers for corporate clients?

It is planned to use promotions and discounts, and bonuses are expected for regular customers. Having resolved technical issues, you can conduct classes in a mini-group, for example, of two people.

Are schoolchildren prepared for the Unified State Exam in French?

We will help your child master a foreign language; French lessons via Skype will create positive motivation, solve the problem of listening comprehension, and help you speak without an accent. Lively conversation in a foreign language contributes to the acquisition of important grammatical structures and lexical units.

French teachers (native speakers):

Sebastien - A native speaker from Paris, teacher with a degree in French, teaches online to international students who want to study, work and live in France. The teacher has extensive practical experience in teaching language to students from all over the world. Sébastien works using lively spoken French rather than literary French, with an emphasis on pronunciation and correct use of grammar. In addition to teaching, he enjoys hiking, photography and travel.

Kim- a young 35-year-old teacher, a native speaker from Canada, now lives and works in Honduras. Kim is dedicated to teaching and enjoys teaching students from different countries and with varying levels of French language proficiency. She has been teaching online for over 5 years, creating tailored communication programs for both adults and children.

Alicia- highly qualified French teacher, native speaker, since receiving a Master's degree in Paris and a TEFL certificate in Prague. Over the years she has worked in various educational institutions. She has developed many valuable teaching skills for various groups of students, adults and children. Alicia specializes in customizing the curriculum to suit each student's personal needs. Alicia currently teaches French in Thailand.

A very accessible and one of the most effective ways to learn a language is to communicate with a native speaker or a Russian-speaking tutor via Skype. Rave reviews from students confirm the reasonableness and validity of online lessons, as well as the growing popularity of this method. So what is the positive side of this type of activity?

Benefits of learning via Skype

A student who chooses this method of learning French receives the following undeniable benefits:

  • Significant time savings. You do not need to travel to a specific educational institution, spend precious minutes and hours on the road, and also adjust your life to a set schedule.
  • Classes are conducted individually. The student receives maximum attention from the teacher, working through the theoretical and practical parts in detail.
  • Availability of this type of lessons. Learning French via Skype costs a third less than similar classes with a visiting tutor or in a specialized educational institution.
  • Individual approach. Language learning occurs in a mode that is comfortable for you - you set the frequency and duration of classes yourself, and you can easily adjust the lessons due to emerging needs or situations.

Undoubtedly, online lessons give greater freedom to the student, which will be appreciated not only by teenagers, but also by working adults who value every minute.

What are the advantages of classes with a native speaker via Skype?

Classes not just with a Russian teacher who knows a foreign language perfectly, but with a native speaker - a foreign tutor for whom the mentality and language are native - are becoming increasingly relevant and in demand. This is largely due to the presence of certain nuances in speech, writing and reading, which are revealed during in-depth study of the language.

Nowadays, French lessons via Skype with a native speaker are in demand. Often the teacher may even be located outside of Russia. Such classes make it easy to overcome the language barrier and perfectly master the skills of live speech.

A student who chooses this type of lesson receives the following bonuses:

  • Communication with a foreign tutor in his language.
  • The specifics of pronunciation are better absorbed, attention is paid to the smallest errors and slips.
  • The mentality of the French side is easier to understand, which allows you to better master the language and find active practical application for it.
  • Live direct communication is being established. Classes are held in the form of friendly conversation easily and naturally.
  • Russian speech is rarely used, which forces you to pay more attention to your French-speaking interlocutor.

Learning with a native speaker is an ideal solution for people who need a high level of language proficiency. French is simply vital for you if you work in a company with branches or representative offices in France or collaborate with representatives of this country. It is also important to master the French language during planned trips not only to France, but also to other countries of the world: Canada, Switzerland, Belgium. In European countries, particularly Germany, tourists who speak French are more welcoming than those who speak official English.

Thousands of Russians have already appreciated the beauty of online courses. Their practice has confirmed the effectiveness and accessibility of classes with a native French speaker via Skype. Such classes are useful for children, teenagers, working people, and those planning to migrate to France. You can not only learn all the intricacies of spoken language, but also improve your grammar, writing and reading. In individual lessons, you decide for yourself what skills you want to acquire or improve. It all depends on you!

Remember that working with a native speaker via Skype is fast, convenient, and effective!

If you are starting from scratch

There is an opinion that in order to master the culture of foreign speech at the initial stage, it is better to conduct lessons with a Russian-speaking tutor. This has its advantages. Such training is gradual in nature, when the student smoothly moves from the basics to more complex nuances. However, a native speaker is good because thanks to him, there is an immediate immersion in the essence of the phenomenon being studied. And the more difficult it is at first, the easier it will be later.

If you have basic knowledge

If you studied French at school or college, but have forgotten it over time and want not only to revive your knowledge, but to significantly improve it, then you need linguistic lessons. We offer you learning French online under the guidance of experienced teachers, real native speakers. Having determined the current level of your preparation and the goals set for you, the tutor will, already in the first lesson, recommend what courses you need in terms of duration and intensity.

How online classes are conducted

Classes via Skype are conducted in the form of dialogues and interesting conversations, where the tutor communicates with the student on a wide variety of topics, identifying his cognitive interest and encouraging search activity. A native speaker clearly demonstrates which words and figures of speech are appropriate in various situations, and the student expands his vocabulary, improves pronunciation and remembers the rules of grammar.

The tutor uses the latest techniques in his work. They are determined based on the student’s knowledge (beginner, advanced). As a result of the online lessons themselves, the student achieves the following goals:

  • expands vocabulary, practices new words and word forms;
  • uses more complex constructions in conversation;
  • speaks freely with his own opinion on any topic of conversation;
  • improves written French skills and techniques;
  • achieves rapid understanding of speech in listening comprehension.

Lessons via Skype are good because you can choose any time convenient for you to conduct them. Studying can take place in the morning, afternoon and evening hours, at home or in the office. To do this, you need to decide when the tutor is free to conduct classes, and then correlate your time with the available time. The host provides training using materials published by French publishers. After each lesson, you receive homework, and then consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in practice on your own.

Why you might need to learn French

You can learn French via Skype with a native speaker, pursuing different goals. Among them is a tourist bias of knowledge for traveling around the world. French can be aimed primarily at business practice, for advancement in the business community. Learning a language is also necessary to successfully pass certain tests and tests. But most often it is mastered as part of a general conversation course. During the teaching process, Skype connects two people at a distance, allowing them not only to communicate, but also to see each other’s reactions and make the necessary adjustments during the conversation. The effectiveness of the system is clearly demonstrated by the reviews of students who have completed such courses under our leadership.

Even though learning French may seem like a difficult task, having a native speaker can help you get through it as quickly as possible. Classes with a tutor are exciting due to the use of various games and mastering roles in a wide variety of life situations.

You should really learn French on Skype

Thanks to Skype, you work with a teacher in a comfortable atmosphere for you. You hear live speech, discuss sensitive moments and debate on various topics. Gradually, the tutor helps you master not only the language, but also the inherent French mentality. By studying with a native speaker, you will learn the folklore of a great country, its customs and traditions. You will improve your style and skillfully combine classical speech with modern colloquial speech.

Training with a native speaker via Skype is intended for those people who want to gain a high level of knowledge in a short period of time. Evaluate the effectiveness of this technique for yourself! Learn and open up new horizons of your capabilities with us!

Friends, look - the era of the 21st century dictates more and more improvements in human knowledge due to the rapid development of innovative technologies, in particular the Internet. Distance forms of education are becoming increasingly popular, erasing conventional boundaries between states and allowing you to study without leaving home, while having the opportunity to gain knowledge from the lips of even native speakers!

It's no secret that knowledge of any foreign language is not just the key to your success, but also its obligatory component!

The modern rhythm of life often leads us to the point where we don’t have enough time or energy for anything, especially for schoolchildren, students, business people, in general, all those people who revolve around a large amount of information and who need to constantly replenish their own knowledge bank. Moreover, the most urgent need is mainly felt in the study of foreign languages. It is good language knowledge that helps you successfully enter a specialized university, achieve success in your career, confidently climb the career ladder, etc.

Watch an example of a video lesson in French:

But what exactly can introduce a person to the precious values ​​of world culture, making his life more multifaceted and interesting? There is an answer! Recently, distance language courses, which are conducted in real time, have become increasingly popular - online learning French.

No one will argue that French is one of the most beautiful, melodic and romantic languages; the French themselves agree with this, proud of the grace and melody of their native language.

Ours offers an online course “French via Skype”, which can be a very good help for schoolchildren who study French in parallel with another foreign language, while experiencing certain difficulties due to the heavy workload at school.

Individual will help both a beginner in learning the language and a lagging student equally well in solving any difficulties associated with grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation of French words, etc.

Our teachers have an individual approach to each child; in their work they actively use game forms of teaching, which is especially interesting for schoolchildren, taking into account the peculiarities of child psychology - all this makes the process of learning French online a very useful, convenient, educational and very effective way to achieve intended result.

Distance learning of French via Skype has a number of undeniable advantages, such as: saving your own time, transportation costs, basic physical strength, as well as a flexible work schedule and ease of coordinating the time of lessons. Classes are held only at a time convenient for you and in a place convenient for you, the latter is not difficult to organize, the only condition for conducting a lesson is the availability of the Internet.

Universal access to the information network allows the student to communicate with the French teacher in real time, which guarantees the high efficiency of the educational process!

At the initial stage of working with the student, our French tutors are engaged in establishing the correct pronunciation of French words, and it is almost impossible to achieve this on your own. Classes with a distance teacher will help speed up this process, as well as avoid many common mistakes, while ensuring the effective acquisition of basic vocabulary and the basics of French grammar. In the future, the teacher will help you understand the intricacies of the language and maximally improve the student’s knowledge to the level he needs.

How to learn French via Skype?

How it all happens

Elementary, Watson! - as they say. The learning process is simple. The teacher and student must each have Skype installed on their computer. At the agreed upon time, the French tutor makes an audio or video call to the student through the program.

Communication is similar to talking on the phone, the only difference is that the program allows you to send messages, files of various formats, Skype calls - absolutely free, which allows you to conduct lessons while in another city or even country.

Who do we teach lessons for?

Classes are held for children starting from 10 years old (a trial lesson for children is carried out only in advance, agreed with parents!) and for adults.

I don't have Skype, where can I download it?

The program is downloaded from the developer's website: Before downloading, you will be asked to register - fill out a form. In it you indicate the necessary personal data and do not forget to remember your login and password, which you indicate in the form. After registration you can easily download the program.

  1. You install Skype on your computer;
  2. Enter the username and password specified during registration;
  3. Now your Skype login must be reported to the teacher;
  4. The tutor makes you a request to add it to the program, after which you need to authorize it for yourself.

Promotion – a trial lesson as a gift for every new student!

Before the main training, you will need to apply for a free trial lesson - some kind of introductory 30-minute meeting with the teacher, where you will get acquainted, test the connection, the teacher will clarify your goals for learning the language, and may conduct a mini-exam to determine your level of proficiency.

After deciding all the organizational issues, choosing a training program, setting a schedule and time for classes, you begin to study for a fee. You can pay for a minimum of 1 lesson. The duration of one lesson is 45 minutes.

You can sign up for a trial lesson with a French teacher by filling out.