Children's fairy tales online. Fairy Tale: The Generous and the Greedy Read stories about the generous and the greedy

In a small town, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, there lived a boy, Petya. Petya had recently turned 8 years old and felt very grown up. His parents gave him a beautiful new soccer ball for his birthday. Petya treasured this ball very much. When I was walking on the street, I didn’t let him out of my hands and didn’t let any of the kids play with him.
One day, when Petya was left at home alone, he heard some rustling in the closet. The boy was scared, but curiosity got the better of him, he decided to open the door slightly and look inside. There, in the dark, sat a small round man...
- Hello, Petya.
- Hello. Who are you?
- I? I'm a little wizard. Petya, you are a very good boy, so I can give you everything you want. Do you want some candy?
“I want to,” Petya was happy.
- Okay, but I have one condition.
- Which?
- You must eat the candy alone and not share it with anyone.
“Okay,” said Petya, “it’s easy, I can do it.”
And the little man gave him a large package of sweets.
The boy thought: “How wonderful that I now have my own little wizard! It’s great that you don’t have to share with anyone, as mom, dad and grandma always taught.”
Petya went outside. The sun was shining brightly. The boys immediately ran up and, seeing a large package of sweets in the boy’s hands, began to wait for him to treat them. But Petya hugged the sweets to himself, went to the bench and ate them all alone.
Several days passed. One evening, Petya again heard rustling in the closet, this time it was louder. The boy opened the door without fear and saw the same round little man, only he had become bigger. The little man smiled.
- Hello, Petya! How wonderful that you stopped by to see me. I have a surprise for you.” The little wizard took out a new cell phone from somewhere. “Here,” he handed it to the boy.
- Wow! - Petya exclaimed. His parents had not yet allowed him to have a phone, but he really wanted to.
“Now he’s yours,” said the little man. - But remember our agreement!
- Yes, yes! Certainly! “I won’t give it to anyone,” the boy said quickly.
Petya was happy. He went out into the street, beaming with pleasure, he wanted to show off, but the guys didn’t come up to him. The boys already knew that Petya would not share anything with them; among themselves they called him a greedy man. Petya sat alone on the bench all evening, admiring his new acquisition.
The next day he looked into the closet again. Opening the door, the boy screamed in surprise. The little wizard grew up overnight and was already as tall as Petya.
- Hello, dear Petya. Do you like my gifts?
- Certainly! But what is happening to you, why are you growing?
- Because you help me, thank you for that. And today I have prepared a special gift for you - a bicycle. It's yours, take it.
Petya's joy knew no bounds!!!
- And not give it to anyone? - he asked again.
- No one.
Petya took the bike and went for a walk, imagining how his friends would stare at him with envy. When I went outside, I saw that all the children were playing in the neighboring yard. Petya rode up to them on a shiny new bicycle, but no one paid attention to the boy. “Well, so be it,” thought Petya. He rolled around the yard for almost an hour, and when he got tired of it, he went home a little upset. “I’d better talk to my new friend from the closet,” he decided.
When he returned, he found that the door to the closet was slightly open. Looking there, Petya recoiled in horror. The little wizard was no longer small at all; he barely fit in the closet. It seemed that if he started to move, the walls of the room would collapse.
-You have become so huge!
- Yes, and it’s all thanks to you! The closet has become cramped for me, and now I will live in your room.
- But this is my room! And only mine!
- Of course, of course, I understand. But I'll give you everything you want.
Petya thought about it. A couple more days and the little man will destroy the house. What will happen then? “So be it, I won’t be greedy and will give him my room,” the boy decided.
- Okay, live with me.
After these words, right before our eyes, the wizard began to shrink. Suddenly it dawned on Petya who this little man really was. It was greed!! Yes, yes, his greed, Petina! How did he not realize this before? The boy immediately took the bike and went outside. Seeing a neighbor's girl, he invited her to go for a ride, while he himself ran home. To great joy, greed became less. Then Petya understood what needed to be done next. He grabbed the soccer ball and ran outside again. The boys were playing on the sports ground, and Petya headed towards them. They played together until the evening. Petya came home joyful and tired. Opening the closet, he saw no one there. Greed is gone!

The fairy tale is intended for children of preschool and primary school age. The author is a psychology teacher, practicing “clinical psychologist” Daria Aleksandrovna Potykan

Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.

At the halt, the Generous took food out of the khurjin, and the Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.

At the halt, the Generous took food out of the khurjin, and the Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. The generous man, of course, treated his friend, and so it happened every time. When the Generous One ran out of food, the Greedy One left him to his fate and, without saying a word, walked on. Generous, despondent, turned onto the path.

Soon it got dark, and it was time to take care of the night. Generous saw an abandoned mill, lay down in a grain trough and fell asleep.

A strange noise woke him up. Waking up, he saw that a fire was burning nearby, and a fox, a wolf and a bear were sitting around it. Generous was very frightened and lay motionless.

Tell me something,” the wolf and the bear asked the fox.

“I’ll tell you about things that are useless for us, but useful for humans,” said the fox. - Near the mill ditch there are two

large stones, under them there is a hole, and in the hole lives a mouse. At sunrise, she takes gold out of the hole and takes it back in the evening.

And now it’s your turn,” the fox turned to the wolf.

There are sheep grazing on that high mountain,” said the wolf. - One of them, the lousiest one, produces as much wool as the whole flock does not. That's what a person should know!

“And I know that there is a treasure buried under the walnut tree at the city gate,” said the bear.

At dawn the animals left, and the Generous One took for himself all the treasures that the animals spoke about and bought the worst sheep from the shepherds.

The Generous One returned home and lived in abundance.

And then Greedy returned. He was very exhausted and dressed in rags. At home he was told about the good fortune of his traveling companion.

On the second day, Greedy went to Generous and began to complain about his fate:

I traveled to many countries, and everywhere I experienced grief and suffering. How did your luck come to you, my brother?

The generous one told him everything and shared his treasures with him.

But it seemed to Greedy that he had been deprived, and he decided to go to the same place himself and eavesdrop on the conversation of the animals. Suddenly they will tell you about new treasures!

Once upon a time there was a girl. The girl went into the forest to pick berries and met an old woman there. Hello, girl, the old lady told her. Give me some berries, please. Here, grandma, says the girl. The old woman ate some berries and said: You gave me some berries, and I will also give you something. Here's a pot for you. All you have to do is say: “One, two, three, Pot, cook!” and he will begin to cook delicious, sweet porridge. And you tell him: “One, two, three, don’t cook anymore!” and it will stop cooking. Thank you, grandmother, the girl said, took the pot and went home to her mother.

One day a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said: One, two, three, Pot, cook! He started cooking. I cooked a lot of porridge. Mother ate and became full. And the pot keeps cooking the porridge. How can you stop him? You had to say: “One, two, three, don’t cook any more!” Yes, the mother forgot these words, and the girl was not at home. The pot cooks and cooks. The whole room is full of porridge, there’s porridge in the hallway, there’s porridge on the porch, there’s porridge on the street, and he cooks and cooks.

The mother got scared and ran after the girl, so that the hot porridge would flow like a river before she could get across the road. It’s good that the girl was not far from home. She saw what was happening on the street and ran home. Somehow she climbed onto the porch, opened the door and shouted: One, two, three, Don’t cook any more! And the pot stopped cooking porridge.

Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.

At the halt, Generous took food out of the khurjin, and Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. The generous man, of course, treated his friend, and so it happened every time. When the Generous One ran out of food, the Greedy One left him to his fate and, without saying a word, walked on. Generous, despondent, turned onto the path.

Soon it got dark, and it was time to take care of the night. Generous saw an abandoned mill, lay down in a grain trough and fell asleep.

A strange noise woke him up. Waking up, he saw that a fire was burning nearby, and a fox, a wolf and a bear were sitting around it. Generous was very frightened and lay motionless.

Tell me something,” the wolf and the bear asked the fox.

“I’ll tell you about things that are useless for us, but useful for humans,” said the fox. - Near the mill ditch there are two large stones, under them there is a hole, and in the hole there lives a mouse. At sunrise, she takes gold out of the hole and takes it back in the evening.

And now it’s your turn,” the fox turned to the wolf.

There are sheep grazing on that high mountain,” said the wolf. - One of them, the lousiest one, produces as much wool as the whole flock does not. That's what a person should know!

“And I know that there is a treasure buried under the walnut tree at the city gate,” said the bear.

At dawn the animals left, and the Generous One took for himself all the treasures that the animals spoke about and bought the worst sheep from the shepherds.

The Generous One returned home and lived in abundance.

And then Greedy returned. He was very exhausted and dressed in rags. At home he was told about the luck of his traveling companion.

On the second day, Greedy went to Generous and began to complain about his fate:

I traveled to many countries, and everywhere I experienced grief and suffering. How did your luck come to you, my brother?

The generous one told him everything and shared his treasures with him.

But it seemed to Greedy that he had been deprived, and he decided to go to the same place himself and eavesdrop on the conversation of the animals. Suddenly they will tell you about new treasures!

Having found the mill, he climbed into the grain trough and waited.

At midnight the animals came, lit a fire and began to warm themselves. They looked very unhappy.

Why are you sad, fox? - asked the wolf and the bear.

How can I be cheerful when someone found out my secret and stole the gold,” answered the fox.

“And someone took our treasures,” the wolf and the bear complained. - They must have overheard us! Let's check if anyone is here.

The animals began to search the mill. They found Greedy in the grain trough and tore him to pieces.

Somehow it happened that Generous and Greedy lived together. They decided to go seek their fortune. They put the khurjins on their shoulders and set off. They walked cheerfully, told fables and fairy tales, and the road seemed shorter to them.

At the halt, the Generous took food out of the khurjin, and the Greedy said that he would leave his own in reserve. The generous man, of course, treated his friend, and so it happened every time. When the Generous One ran out of food, the Greedy One left him to his fate and, without saying a word, walked on. Generous, despondent, turned onto the path.

Soon it got dark, and it was time to take care of the night. Generous saw an abandoned mill, lay down in a grain trough and fell asleep.

A strange noise woke him up. Waking up, he saw that a fire was burning nearby, and a fox, a wolf and a bear were sitting around it. Generous was very frightened and lay motionless.

Tell me something,” the wolf and the bear asked the fox.

“I’ll tell you about things that are useless for us, but useful for humans,” said the fox. - Near the mill ditch there are two large stones, under them there is a hole, and in the hole there lives a mouse. At sunrise, she takes gold out of the hole and takes it back in the evening.

And now it’s your turn,” the fox turned to the wolf.

There are sheep grazing on that high mountain,” said the wolf. - One of them, the lousiest one, produces as much wool as the entire flock does not. That's what a person should know!

“And I know that there is a treasure buried under the walnut tree at the city gate,” said the bear.

At dawn the animals left, and the Generous One took for himself all the treasures that the animals spoke about and bought the worst sheep from the shepherds.

The Generous One returned home and lived in abundance.

And then Greedy returned. He was very exhausted and dressed in rags. At home he was told about the good fortune of his traveling companion.

On the second day, Greedy went to Generous and began to complain about his fate:

I traveled to many countries, and everywhere I experienced grief and suffering. How did your luck come to you, my brother?

The generous one told him everything and shared his treasures with him.

But it seemed to Greedy that he had been deprived, and he decided to go to the same place himself and eavesdrop on the conversation of the animals. Suddenly they will tell you about new treasures!

Having found the mill, he climbed into the grain trough and waited.

At midnight the animals came, lit a fire and began to warm themselves. They looked very unhappy.

Why are you sad, fox? - asked the wolf and the bear.

“How merry can I be when someone found out my secret and stole the gold,” answered the fox.

And someone took our treasures,” the wolf and the bear complained. - They must have overheard us! Let's check if anyone is here.

The animals began to search the mill. They found Greedy in the grain trough and tore him to pieces.