What is a university curriculum? Curriculum of a secondary school What is extracurricular activities, what are their features.

Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) are a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (full) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education by educational institutions that have state accreditation.

Federal state educational standards provide:

  1. unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  2. continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007 approved a new structure of the state educational standard. Now each standard includes 3 types of requirements:

  1. requirements for the structure of the main educational programs, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by participants in the educational process;
  2. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material, technical and other conditions;
  3. requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs.

What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard?

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active nature, with the main goal being the development of the student’s personality. The education system abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; the formation of the standard indicates the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education.

Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULAs). UUD is understood as “general educational skills”, “general methods of activity”, “supra-subject actions”, etc. A separate program is provided for UAL - the program for the formation of universal learning activities (UAL).

An important element in the formation of students' learning skills at the level of primary general education, which ensures its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger schoolchildren in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to use them competently. The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to develop UUD, therefore the subprogram for the formation of ICT competence is included in the UUD formation program.

The implementation of the program for the formation of educational learning in primary schools is the key task of introducing a new educational standard. The Czech Republic considers it a priority to actively include the subprogram for the formation of ICT - competence in the educational programs of educational institutions.

Each educational institution develops its own educational program, taking into account, among other things, the requests and wishes of students’ parents.

What requirements for students’ results does the Standard establish?

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education.

Personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual positions, social competencies, personal qualities; formation of the foundations of civic identity.

Meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students that ensure mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

Subject-based, including the experience acquired by students in the course of studying a subject area in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as systems of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

Subject results are grouped by subject areas, within which subjects are specified. They are formed in terms of “the graduate will learn...”, which is a group of mandatory requirements, and “the graduate will have the opportunity to learn...” Failure to achieve these requirements by the graduate cannot serve as an obstacle to transferring him to the next degree of education.

The graduate will learn to independently title the text and draw up a text outline.
The graduate will have the opportunity to learn how to create text based on the proposed title.
You can get acquainted with the content of this division in more detail by studying the programs of academic subjects presented in the main educational program.

What is studied using ICT?

A distinctive feature of the beginning of training is that, along with traditional writing, the child immediately begins to master keyboard typing. Today, many parents who constantly use a computer in their professional and personal lives understand its capabilities for creating and editing texts, and therefore should understand the importance of including this component in the educational process along with traditional writing.

Studying the world around us offers not only the study of textbook materials, but also observations and experiments carried out using digital measuring instruments, a digital microscope, a digital camera and a video camera. Observations and experiments are recorded, their results are summarized and offered in digital form.

The study of art offers the study of contemporary arts along with traditional ones. In particular, digital photographs, videos, animations.

In the context of studying all subjects, various sources of information should be widely used, including the accessible Internet.

In modern schools, the project method is widely used. ICT tools are the most promising means of implementing project-based teaching methods. There is a series of projects, by participating in which children get to know each other, exchange information about themselves, about school, about their interests and hobbies. These are the projects “Me and My Name”, “My Family”, the modern edition “ABC” and much more. Parents should encourage their children to do this work in every possible way.

The integrated approach to learning, applicable when creating a new standard, suggests the active use of knowledge gained from studying one subject in lessons in other subjects. For example, in a Russian language lesson, work is being done on descriptive texts, and the same work continues in a lesson about the world around us, for example, in connection with the study of the seasons. The result of this activity is, for example, a video report describing pictures of nature, natural phenomena, etc.
Traditional textbooks or digital resources?

The new Standard set the task of developing new educational and methodological complexes, which is currently being solved. In addition to an active approach to the content of educational material, authors must provide means of presentation that are adequate to the modern information society, including digital ones, which can be presented both on disks and on the Internet.

What is extracurricular activity, what are its features?

The standard proposes the implementation of both classroom and extracurricular activities in an educational institution. Extracurricular activities are organized in areas of personal development.

Extracurricular activities may include: homework, individual lessons with children requiring psychological, pedagogical and correctional support, individual and group consultations for children of various categories of excursions, clubs, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, etc.

The time allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the maximum permissible load of students. The alternation of classroom and extracurricular activities is determined by the educational institution and agreed with the parents of students.

Lecture by Khabibullina L.K. TO and PT 2011

1. Secondary school curriculum:

a) Curriculum;

b) Standard (basic) curriculum;

c) Regional Basic Curriculum;

d) General secondary school curriculum;

2. Features of the structure of the standard (basic) curriculum.

3. Characteristics of curricula, textbooks and teaching aids.

4. Textbooks and teaching aids.


1. Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. – M., 1986. P. 96.

2. Bespalko V.P. Textbook theory. Didactic aspect. – M., 1988;

3. Zuev D.D. School textbook. – M., 1983.

4. Pedagogy: a textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges (edited by P.I. Pidkasisty. - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. P. 576).

5. Theoretical foundations of the content of general secondary education (edited by V.V. Kraevsky, I.Ya. Lerner. M., 1983).

a) Curricula- regulatory documents guiding the activities of the school. The curriculum of a comprehensive school is a document approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, containing a list of educational subjects studied in it, their distribution by years of study and the number of teaching hours for each subject for its study at each level of education.

By determining the set of educational subjects, the time allocated for studying each of them as a whole and at individual stages, curricula, on the one hand, establish priorities in the content of education, which the school directly focuses on, and on the other hand, they themselves are a prerequisite for implementation.

In the practice of modern secondary schools, the following types of curricula are known:

~ Standard (basic) curriculum of the Russian Federation;

~ approximate standard federal and regional curricula;

~ curriculum of a particular school.

The list of educational subjects in these plans is divided into three groups:

~ mandatory (basic component);

~ studied at the students' choice (differentiated component);

~ subjects that are introduced by the school council (school or regional component).

b) Model curriculum general educational institutions is the main state regulatory document, which is an integral part of the state standard in this area of ​​education. It is approved by the State Duma of the Russian Federation as part of the standard for basic schools. The model federal curriculum is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. As part of the state standard, the Model (basic) curriculum is a state norm for general secondary education, which sets requirements for the structure, content and level of education of students. The Core Curriculum serves as the basis for the development of regional, model and work-based curricula and as the source document for school funding.

c) Regional Basic Curriculum is developed by regional educational authorities on the basis of the state Standard (basic) curriculum. It is advisory in nature and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

d) School curriculum(general education institution) is developed on the basis of the state Model (basic) and regional curricula for a long period. It reflects the characteristics of a particular school. The school's work plan is approved annually by the school's pedagogical council.

The development of general education school curricula and their improvement are carried out in two directions:

1. New, previously unstudied subjects are introduced. They reflect the progress of science, technology, and changes in social life.

2. The share of traditional disciplines is being revised. A search is underway for a balance between different components of education - compulsory and elective, and between cycles of academic subjects.

The Russian Federation Law “On Education” gives schools the right to draw up individual curricula, provided that they meet state educational standards. This means the presence of compulsory academic subjects for all schools and the right to in-depth study of a number of subjects, expressing some specialization in the areas of science, mathematics, humanities, etc. There is also a set of elective subjects (electives). Differentiated education, its timing and degree constitute a theoretical and practical problem, since it directly affects the development of personality and the completeness of education.

Syllabus -a normative document that determines the composition of academic subjects studied in a given educational institution, their distribution by years of study, the weekly and annual amount of time allocated to each academic subject, and, in connection with this, the structure of the academic year. A curriculum is a certificate from an educational institution. It is compiled in accordance with the following principles:reliance on scientific achievements, taking into account sanitary and hygienic standards, subject matter, age-based approach, ensuring the goals of each educational level, continuity, optimal arrangement of educational subjects by year of study, combination of compulsory and elective subjects and types of classes.

The curricula of mass comprehensive schools are basic, developed centrally but, as a rule, in several versions, one of which is chosen by the school. Innovative educational institutions usually develop their own documents, but based on educational standards.

The Federal Basic Curriculum simultaneously acts as an external limiter that sets the general framework of possible solutions when developing the content of education and requirements for its development, when determining requirements for the organization of the educational process, when calculating budget financing, and as one of the main mechanisms for its implementation. The Federal Basic Curriculum is designed to fix the recommended composition of academic subjects and the distribution of educational time between them.

The structure of the Federal Basic Curriculum should explicitly highlight:

  • invariant part(mandatory), ensuring the familiarization of students with general cultural and nationally significant values, the formation of personal qualities that correspond to social ideals; determines the composition of educational subjects of compulsory subject areas;
  • variable part, including a component of extracurricular activities, formed by participants in the educational process, ensuring the individual nature of the development of students, their interests and inclinations; interests of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the content of general education.

The time allocated for this part within the maximum allowable can be used: to increase study hours, to study individual academic subjects of the compulsory part; to introduce training courses that cater to the various interests of students, including ethnocultural ones. Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development: spiritual and moral, social, intellectual, general cultural, sports and recreational.

To develop the potential of gifted and talented children, individual educational plans can be developed with the participation of the students themselves and their parents (legal representatives), within the framework of which individual educational programs are formed (content of disciplines, courses, modules, pace and forms of education). Distance education can be provided. The implementation of individual curricula and programs is accompanied by tutor support.

The Federal Basic Curriculum should include three parts focused on the stages of general education: primary, basic general and secondary general education.

The development of the Basic Curriculum is based, first of all, on an idea of ​​the structure of basic general education programs, an idea of ​​the structure and composition of the results of general education.

Study programs

The content of education in a particular educational institution is determined by the educational program (educational programs). Sample (basic) training programs But the subjects are designed to provide opportunities for variable implementation of the content of education. Since basic curricula regulate the pedagogical process, their provisions must necessarily be of an orienting and non-categorical nature. This means that, if there are appropriate grounds (for example, when implementing an experimental or original educational program), educational institutions are allowed to deviate from the recommendations of basic programs while mandatory compliance with the requirements of the standard related to educational outcomes.

Basic curricula are complemented by programs for the development of universal learning activities, which are designed to regulate various aspects of mastering meta-subject skills. The development of exemplary educational programs is based, first of all, on an idea of ​​the structure of basic general education programs, an idea of ​​the structure and composition of the results of general education, as well as on the specification of the concept of educational results, reflected in the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education.

Basic training programs are developed on the basis of the Federal educational standard for a specific discipline. They are of an approximate, recommendatory nature.

Workers curricula are created on the basis of basic ones and approved by the school's pedagogical council (in a university - by decision of the leading department). They reflect the requirements of the educational standard and the capabilities of a particular educational institution.

Copyright curricula, taking into account the requirements of state standards, may contain a different logic for constructing an academic subject, the author’s own approaches to the consideration of theories, phenomena and processes. Author's programs undergo a review procedure and are approved by the school's pedagogical council.

Such programs are widespread in teaching elective courses.

The main educational program contains the following sections:

  • explanatory note;
  • planned results of students mastering an educational program at a certain educational level;
  • educational institution curriculum;
  • a program for the formation of universal educational actions in students at a certain educational level;
  • programs of individual academic subjects, courses;
  • system for assessing the achievements of the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

The programs of individual academic subjects also contain:

  • thematic planning options;
  • recommendations on the material and technical support of the educational subject.

At linear structure individual parts of the educational material form a continuous sequence of closely interconnected links, i.e. the content of education (knowledge) will be transmitted once in a certain logic. The new is presented on the basis of what has already been studied and in close connection with it. This type of program design is more economical.

Concentric structure presentation involves returning to the knowledge being studied. The same question is repeated several times at an ever-expanding in-depth level (for example, learning mathematics in the elementary grades). In a traditional elementary school, programs are largely structured in a concentric fashion. Concentrism is necessary and pedagogically justified in cases where certain concepts and laws cannot be immediately revealed in the depth required for the purposes of general education, for example, the laws of mechanics, electric current, complex issues of the physiology of a living organism, the laws of the historical process, etc. . The need to repeatedly return to previously studied material is dictated by the nature and laws of the developing thinking of students; scientific concepts are not immediately acquired by students in a ready-made, most mature form, but go through a long path of development.

Characteristic feature spiral system presentation of the material is that students, studying any problem, constantly expand and deepen the range of knowledge related to it. There are no breaks characteristic of a concentric system.

At mixed system a combination of the above approaches occurs.

School subject program- the result of extensive and painstaking work by representatives of various fields of knowledge. Each program reflects historical and pedagogical experience, achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences.

Functions of training programs:

  • enrichment students' knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • meaningful and ideological-educational, consisting in the fact that the knowledge included in the programs is aimed at developing the spirituality and scientific worldview of schoolchildren;
  • organizational and methodological. They organize the teacher’s activities in preparation for classes: selection of material, types of practical work, active methods and dynamic forms of teaching. Programs organize the educational work of students: they determine the nature of their activities in studying the subject at school, at home, and in the process of assimilation of free information.

The specificity of each academic subject in terms of content, the nature of the application of knowledge in practice, and types of activities determines the variability of program structures.

The subject-based construction of the curriculum creates the danger of isolation in the student’s mind of the knowledge of one subject from the knowledge of another, the skills and abilities given in one academic subject, from the specific skills and abilities formed in the study of another. Therefore, the educational process involves deliberate guidance in mastering interdisciplinary connections. Such guidance is carried out by the instructions of the program, the content of textbooks, the introduction of general educational subjects (social studies) and the activities of the teacher.

Interdisciplinary connections there may be subdivided in touch between knowledge and skills, specific for each academic subject, and in touch between knowledge, skills and abilities, general for different items. In the first case, the necessary connections are revealed and established by each academic subject. In the second case, division between academic subjects is possible. Thus, the skills and abilities of academic work (working with a book, taking notes, etc.), universal educational activities are formed by all teachers, but in different academic subjects they will be given more or less time. At the same time, the content within related academic subjects is distributed over the years of study in such a way that information from a given subject, necessary for the conscious assimilation of another, is given, mainly, in advance.

The implementation of interdisciplinary connections is complicated by the fact that different sections of one subject, most closely related to the corresponding sections of another subject, can be studied at different times. Therefore, there is a distinction between implementation previous, or leading, and subsequent interdisciplinary connections. The first are implemented in the case when the topic of one subject precedes (with a larger or shorter time interval) the study of the corresponding topic of another subject. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to draw material from another topic. Subsequent connections are realized when considering a topic studied later than the one with which it is connected. In this case, previously studied material becomes the basis for a new topic from another subject.

At school, as at a university, the entire educational process must be confirmed by certain documents. In this article I would like to talk about one of them. We'll talk about what it is

Definition of the concept

First of all, you need to decide on the concepts that will be used in this article. The main one is the curriculum. It must be said that His goal is to determine the number of subjects, as well as the hours allocated for their study. Also, the curriculum will specify the arrangement of hours by week, the breakdown of these hours into various types of classes (for universities): lectures, seminars, laboratory work. An important point: the curriculum is drawn up and approved by the Ministry of Education.


So, it is also worth considering in more detail what the curriculum is filled with.

  1. This document determines the length of time (year, semester) allocated for studying this subject. Vacation days are also prescribed.
  2. The plan contains a complete list of subjects that will be taught to students.
  3. Each subject will have its own breakdown into hours (their total number; hours allocated for lectures, seminars, laboratory work).
  4. Official aspects: name of the course, indication of specialty codes, signatures of officials certifying the document.


It is worth remembering that the curriculum is drawn up once every 5 years. It requires changes only if adjustments have been made either by the Ministry of Education or by the department itself. Every year a working curriculum should be drawn up, which will provide more detailed information about a particular subject.

It is worth saying that all curricula and programs must be drawn up in accordance with the principles prescribed by the Ministry of Education. So, when compiling them, you need to adhere to the following points:

  1. The curriculum must be drawn up in accordance with the following documents: State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education and educational standards, which are official documents).
  2. All disciplines of specialties should not exceed the volume that was regulated by the educational standard.
  3. All individual student work - laboratory, coursework, graphic work, abstracts, as well as certification issues (exams or tests) - are included in the total hours allocated for studying a particular subject.
  4. The educational institution may change some aspects at its discretion. However, federal disciplines always remain the same. For example, the number of hours allocated to physical education is constant.


When drawing up a curriculum (2014-2015) for universities, it is worth remembering that the number of disciplines that a student must pass during the year should not exceed 10 exams and 12 tests. You should also take into account that the department can change some points at its discretion:

  1. Regulate the amount of hours allocated to studying a particular subject (necessarily within 5-10%).
  2. Independently formulate plan cycles, while leaving the cycle of normative disciplines partially untouched (this will include history, philosophy and other compulsory subjects intended for study by all students, regardless of specialty).
  3. Each teacher can draw up original programs for the disciplines he teaches, while recommending a certain number of hours for their study (the department must take these recommendations into account).
  4. The division of hours into the study of a particular subject from a cycle of disciplines specialized for a particular department occurs at the discretion of the department administration, but must be in sufficient quantity to fully study the subject.

Individual plan

Another very important document is the individual curriculum. It is compiled for a specific student who is trained according to a special, individual system. For schoolchildren this is possible due to illness, while a student can either work or be on maternity leave.


It is worth saying that an individual curriculum must necessarily implement the following principles:

  1. It is compiled on the basis of a general education program, which the student must necessarily complete.
  2. In the individual curriculum, changes relative to the curriculum are allowed, but within the limits of 5-10%.
  3. It is possible to make changes to the plan only in the third section (disciplines in the specialty); changes are not possible regarding standard disciplines.

Both regular and individual are sealed with a set of signatures and always a wet seal. Only in this case the curriculum is considered an official document according to which it is possible to conduct

Basic curriculum

It is also worth saying that the work plan for the academic year should be drawn up not only for students of higher educational institutions, but also for schoolchildren. So, it is worth understanding such a concept as a basic curriculum. This document is also being developed on the basis of the federal standard. Here is an annual distribution of hours for studying all school subjects. Features: it is worth remembering that the federal basic plan for primary school students (grades 1-4) is drawn up for 4 years of study, for students in grades 5-11 - for five years.

Distribution of federal plan components

It should be said that the school curriculum must be distributed according to certain rules. Thus, the federal component will contain approximately 75% of all subjects, the regional component - necessarily at least 10%, the educational institution component - also at least 10%.

  1. Federal component. It contains all the disciplines required for schoolchildren to study, prescribed by the Ministry of Education.
  2. Regional (or national-regional) component. This section may study subjects that are important for a particular region, but not for schoolchildren throughout the country. Example: the native language of certain nationalities.
  3. The educational component may deepen the study of certain subjects. Example: a school with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​gives an additional few hours to study these subjects.

In the 11th grade, additional hours will help allocate for pre-vocational training of students.


Well, at the very end, I would like to look a little at the structure of the curriculum (i.e., those points that must be present there).

  1. Front page. However, this is not a separate sheet, as in a term paper or essay. This is the so-called “anatomy” of the educational institution. The name of the school or university, department, specialty (with codes), etc. should be indicated here.
  2. Next item: summary data regarding the time budget (by week). The time allotted for studying, tests and exams, and vacation time is listed here.
  3. A plan of the educational process, which specifies the distribution of hours by subject.
  4. Special point: practice(industrial, pre-diploma (for university students)).
  5. A separate point goes
  6. A block of signatures that are sealed with a wet seal.

All these points are mandatory when drawing up curriculums. The structure of the curriculum is not subject to change and cannot be adjusted at your discretion.


the main regulatory document of the educational institution carrying out training. process within the framework of the class-lesson system and subject structure of education. U. p., as a rule, is a table in which for each account. subject and each year of study, the number of lessons per week allocated for its study is specified. Fixing the max. general restrictions on the content of education and teaching. student workload, educational instruction serves as the basis for the development of teaching. programs (see Curriculum). and educational method, manuals, for personnel and financial planning. provision of education institutions.

Selection of students subjects and academic distribution time, implemented in educational instruction, reflect the views of its compilers on what and to what extent it is necessary for students. So, U. p. grew up three years old. beginning schools (1897-1917). contained a trace. uch. subjects: God's law (468 hours), church glory. language (234 hours), Russian language (624 hours), penmanship (166 hours), arithmetic (390 hours), which clearly illustrates the predominance of the idea of ​​education in the spirit of Orthodoxy and the position of limiting the amount of practically useful knowledge. U. p. ros. men's classic (1914). included 12 subjects, and in ancient Greek. and lat. almost twice as many hours were devoted to languages ​​as to mathematics and science combined, reflecting the prevailing ideas of formal education at the time (see Material and Formal).

In Sov. time except will not last. period of the 20s, general education. The school operated according to uniform regulations developed and approved centrally in each union republic. U. p., for example, grew. schools, allowed for variability: for schools with Russian and for schools with native non-Russian languages ​​of instruction. The unity of the educational system was considered an important social achievement, providing all students with equal opportunities in obtaining an education. On the other hand, the unification of the mass school fully corresponded to its ideological status. institutions.

In U. p. owls. general education schools the share of natural-mathematics was significantly increased. subjects: unlike most developed countries of the world, they were studied not as integrated courses, but in a system of several. dept. subjects (arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and physics, chemistry, physics and astronomy, respectively), which required increased academic costs. time. Polytechnic and the labor potential of the school was strengthened by such teaching. subjects such as labor and socially useful work. As a result, the share of students time allocated to the study of humanities turned out to be unjustifiably underestimated.

In the process of development grew. school U. p. changed: beginning. the school was a four-year school, then during the “transition of the school to a new content of education” (60-70s). became 3 years old, after which, due to a noticeable overload of ml. It was decided to move schoolchildren back to 4-year-olds. The total duration of schooling also changed from ten to eleven years (during the implementation of production, training at the senior level in the 50s), then back to the 10-year school and again to the 11-year school in the reform of the 60s. Since 1966, a small number have appeared in the U.S. opportunities for students to choose subjects in the form of elective classes. In the 60s it became possible to develop a system of schools with in-depth study of the department. uch. items, for which the corresponding control instructions were developed. In order to compensate for the incompleteness of the control instructions, they were used (usually for a short time). the practice of introducing certain non-traditions. for schools disciplines (Logic, Fundamentals of Darwinism, Constitution of the USSR, Ethics and Family Life, etc.), which led to a noticeable swelling of the educational program and the appearance of pedagogically ineffective “one-hour” subjects in it. Similar processes occurred with the educational institutions of schools in the Union republics.

Rigidly unified, overloaded teaching. subjects and hours, the technocratically oriented education system restrained the adaptive capabilities of the school while taking into account national, regional, and local characteristics and needs of students, and hindered the development of the school in the areas of humanization and democratization of education. In the 80s a fundamentally new mechanism of basic educational training was developed, ensuring a real diversity of educational training in schools while maintaining a single educational system. space of the country.

The essence of the basic educational program lies in the distribution of the content of education and training. student load on the department components designed at the national, regional and school level. levels. General introduction component (in the USSR since 1990, in the Russian Federation since 1993). ensures the unity of the school and the socially necessary quality of education. Regional component (in the USSR it was determined at the level of republics, in the Russian Federation - at the level of territories, regions and republics). ensures taking into account local and national characteristics and needs. Shk. The component allows you to adapt the operating instructions of a particular school in relation to the needs of the student population and the capabilities of the school.

In the basic educational institutions, a certain humanitarization of the content of education has been carried out due to the allocation of a relatively larger share of educational content. total time component on humanitarian subjects. The introduction of basic U.P. makes it possible to reduce obligations. uch. students' workload, using freed-up hours to ensure variability in education, training at students' choice, and group and individual work with students. Based on the basic U. p. - the most important element of the state. education standards (see Educational Standards) - various programs for specific schools are formed, search and innovation in the field of education is carried out. V. V. Firsov.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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    syllabus- mokymo planas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Dokumentas, kuriame apibrėžiamas pagrindinis tikslas ir uždaviniai, numatomos vienų metų sportinio rengimo rūšys, turinys ir laikas. atitikmenys: engl. curriculum vok. Lehrplan, m … Sporto terminų žodynas

    Syllabus- breaks down the content of the educational program by training courses, by disciplines and by years of study, and is an annual calendar educational schedule. State authorities, educational authorities and local authorities... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary


  • Curriculum for the educational program of a kindergarten: how to draw it up taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education and SanPiNov? Federal State Educational Standards, Natalya Viktorovna Maklyaeva. The manual is included in the methodological set of the All-Russian Educational Education Program "Primroses" and reveals a practice-oriented technology for developing curricula for basic and adapted educational programs...