Alexey name and character. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Alexey

It's no secret that a name is very important for every person. After all, it is not only an integral part of the personality, but is also considered the embodiment of the culture and traditions in which the child was raised.

And today many are interested in questions about the meaning and origin of the name Alexey. Astrologers have always argued that a name can give a person certain character traits, and in some cases even determine his future. For many expectant mothers, it is extremely important to know what qualities this name will impart to the baby.

A little history

What does the name Alexey mean? Today it is perceived as something native, primordially Slavic. But this was not always the case; several hundred years ago it was foreign. So what is the meaning and origin of the name Alexey?

It’s immediately worth noting that this is an ancient Greek name, derived from the word “alexis”, which means “to protect”, “to defend”. At one time, men wearing it were considered true protectors.

Origin of the name Alexey

As already mentioned, it came to us from Greece. And if in the ancient Greek state “defenders” were encountered extremely often, then on the territory of Rus' this word appeared already at the end of the tenth century AD along with the Christian religion.

But even after this, for a long time the name Alexey was considered unusual - it was worn mainly by church ministers.

For example, the first famous historical figure to bear this name was Moscow Metropolitan Alexy. The minister of the church had an amazing power of persuasion, thanks to which he more than once pacified the enmity between warlike princes. However, the main merit of the Metropolitan is the construction of churches in Moscow, and Alexy was canonized by the Orthodox Church, after which he became the patron saint of all men bearing this name. Name days, by the way, are celebrated on the second of June.

This is roughly what the origin looks like. But it is worth noting that this name had a lot of abbreviations and so-called home forms. The boy could be called Olekseik, Oleksha, Leksey, Oleksa - all these are different interpretations of the same thing.

By the way, the history of the name Alexey is depicted in folk art. Every child is familiar with stories about the Russian hero Alyosha Popovich. This name is often used in proverbs and aphorisms.

What qualities does a child bearing this name have?

They say that by the name chosen for a baby, you can learn a lot about his mother. And the mother of the boy Alyosha is a calm, quiet, but self-confident woman. The child himself, already in early childhood, shows all his spontaneity and sincerity.

The boy does not know how to lie or be cunning at all. He is sociable and makes friends quickly. Almost always, such children become leaders in children's games and enjoy authority among their classmates. And if in the first years of his life Alyosha often gets sick, then by school age the boy’s body becomes strong and tempered.

Alexey is emotional, but with age he learns to hide it behind a thin mask of irony. Despite his sociability, the child can express his thoughts to the offender in a very open and aggressive manner. Even at such a young age, Alyosha does not tolerate injustice and shows his protest in every possible way - parents and teachers often get the impression that the boy is growing up as a bully and a hooligan.

Studying is relatively easy for a child, since he has a flexible, but whimsical and subtle mind. When raising and training a boy, these character traits should be taken into account.

Positive traits

Almost all character traits that manifest themselves in childhood remain in adulthood. Most often, Alexey is an amazing person who, if desired, can bring a lot of bright colors and harmony to the world around him. By nature, this man is a peacemaker. He always tries to resolve conflicts peacefully. However, if there is a need to protect something especially dear (for example, a family), Alyosha will do what is required. As in childhood, the bearer of this name is extremely sensitive to injustice.

Alexey is a calm, cheerful and easy-to-communicate person, so he very quickly becomes part of any team. Moreover, quite often he takes on the role of leader. Such a man will never force his own point of view on someone. He himself also refuses to submit to the will of others.

Alexey makes friends quickly, but he is very whimsical in choosing loved ones - finding a person you can completely trust is not always easy. This is a real man who has a strong will, a balanced character and an unsurpassed sense of humor.

Negative traits

Like every person, Alexey has some negative traits, although the extent of their manifestation largely depends on his upbringing and the people around him. Since such a person is naturally peaceful and calm, if there is too much pressure from parents and relatives, excessive softness and complaisance may appear. It is difficult for such a person to make decisions.

However, too aggressive upbringing makes Alyosha quarrelsome and stubborn. Aspiring to grow into a real man, a teenager may join companies with a dubious reputation. Ambition imposed on parents can lead to internal discomfort, resulting in excessive rigidity, stubbornness and a desire to attract attention by any means. That is why it is extremely important in raising Alyosha to maintain a balance between strength of character and compliance.

The secret of the name Alexey

Modern astrologers claim that this name is not burdened with any negative karma - Alexey can become both a saint and an extremely unpleasant person. The main character trait is balance. But with improper upbringing, the worst sides of character can appear.

The element of the bearer of this name is water, and the planet is Jupiter. Alexey's ideal color is blue. To enhance positive qualities, men are recommended to wear jasper jewelry.

Now that the meaning and origin of the name Alexey has become clear, you can turn to advice on choosing a future profession. Some innate data will help a person achieve success in certain industries.

For example, a keen sense of justice along with fortitude can make Alexey an excellent lawyer. He will definitely sort out the little things and get to the bottom of the truth. Such men make excellent lawyers and judges. Quite often, the bearer of the name chooses a political career for himself - such work is easy.

Born a peacemaker, Alexey can become an excellent diplomat - this has been proven more than once by famous owners of this name. In addition, a man can achieve success in medicine thanks to a sincere desire to help, literally save people.

Alexey can create a thriving business, but only if this business interests and excites him. If it deprives a man of the opportunity to demonstrate his innate talents, interest quickly fades away.

It is worth noting that the owners of this name are valuable workers. They can patiently do painstaking work and rarely become a cause of conflict. Alyosha easily fits into any team from the very first day thanks to her intelligence, unsurpassed sense of humor and natural love of communication.

Secrets of communication and compatibility

Of course, the description of the name Alexey should also include some recommendations regarding love relationships. In fact, such a man craves not just passionate love, but sincere and strong affection. The future wife will firmly occupy an important place in Alexei’s life. It is believed that a successful marriage will be with Irina, Yulia, Galina, Natalya, Daria or Sophia.

As for communication, such men are pleasant to talk to, they are understanding and compassionate. But Alexey does not tolerate aggression, hypocrisy, attacks and rudeness.

The most famous bearers of the name

Famous people with the name Alexey were workers in various professions. As already mentioned, this name was borne by the Moscow Metropolitan. Don't forget about the rulers, in particular Alexei Romanov. Owners of this name can become artists, which has been proven dozens of times. As an example, we can cite Alexei Gorky, famous writer), Alexei Potekhin (writer), (poet), Alexei Egorov (artist). But Alexey Speransky is a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Among the Alekseevs there are commanders, generals, aircraft designers, doctors, and military leaders.

In a word, the bearer of this name naturally has enormous potential. And it is extremely important to monitor Alyosha’s upbringing, development and education, because his future will depend on this.


Meaning: According to the main version, the name Alexei comes from the Greek words “alekso” or “alexios”. Translated, it can mean “protector” or “helper,” or, according to the second version, “protector” or “reflector.” The Orthodox godfather name is Alexy.

By the way, the male name Alexey has a rather interesting history, but more importantly, it has good significance, promising many good qualities to the boys who receive this name. This name is also one of the hundred most popular Russian male names of our time.

Popularity: The name Alexey ranks 13-15 in the ranking of popular male Russian names. Accounts for approximately 24 boys out of a thousand newborns.

Conversational options: Alekseyka, Alekha, Lekha, Alyosha, Lesha

Modern English analogues: Alexius, Alexis, Alejo, Alessio

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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This name is purely Russian in origin (from Alexy). He is considered Russian Orthodox and is listed in the Russian name book according to the Saints. It is in demand in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and even Georgia. It is believed that this name promises a boy such character traits as compassion, self-sacrifice, good nature, sensuality, emotionality, strong-willed and strong spirit, and determination, self-sufficiency, self-confidence and more.

The majority of Alexeis try to be bosses and leaders, which is not surprising, because all Alexeis, without exception, have leadership inclinations. But there is one “but” - even in early childhood, parents must begin to develop these inclinations, otherwise they may simply dry up before maturity.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, hard work, perseverance, perseverance, the ability to overcome difficulties, reluctance to use standard schemes for achieving goals and the ability to find non-standard solutions where it seems impossible to do so.

Alexei treats him badly betrayal, lies and self-interest, ambition, secrecy and isolation, too intrusive people and duplicity.

The name Alexey currently continues to be popular among Orthodox people and has been leading the rankings of the most popular Russian names for many years.

Character of the name Alexey

The character of the name Alexey is a complex topic; a large number of researchers have studied it at one time, and, however, not without results. It turns out that the character of this name is capable of shaping the character of the bearer as such, and, as they say, from “a” to “z”. Thanks to this parameter, the character of the boy named Alexey becomes as described above - tough and strong. Well, thanks to it, the bearer himself is also endowed with such traits as persistence, assertiveness, determination, and efficiency. And character can also be endowed with organizational and even leadership inclinations. But that's not all...

Incredible willpower, excellent leadership qualities, the ability to organize people, a thirst for justice, a thirst for self-improvement, the inability to be second, arrogance and responsibility - these are the things that can bestow the meaning of this name on the character of the bearer who received the name Alexey. Although, it is not a fact that everything will be exactly like this, because all this is only in theory...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the name Alexey, is filled with a variety of impressions from everything that happens around him. He is a very receptive and impressionable child, never leaving anything unnoticed, noticing everything around him, even little things that rarely anyone pays attention to. In general, he does not cause problems for his parents, he is positive, always leaves a good impression of himself on the people around him, rarely gets involved in conflicts and, moreover, often even at such a young age tries to act as a peacemaker.

Such a person will not even leave parental quarrels without his participation, and what is no less interesting is that this trait will remain in him until the very end. But all this is primarily due to such a factor as the meaning of the name. In addition, the meaning promises him many other characteristics, among which are integrity, optimism, mobility, activity, attentiveness, hard work, and responsibility. Even as a child, he is already a responsible child beyond his years. By the way, the influence on this boy of such a factor as the significance of a name can endow him with a strong character, which will manifest itself especially strongly in adolescence. As for communication with peers, everything is simple. He has many friends, and moreover, Alexey, this is the boy whom everyone respects, but at the same time no one will make him a leader. He is too calm for a leader.


Adolescence and the energy of a boy named Alexey can together give this boy a much larger number of good characteristics. True, this matter cannot be done without the influence of other factors, including the patron planet, elements, and even a talisman stone. Usually Alexey is a teenager; he is a balanced, tough, silent, but eloquent guy who knows how to convince people, impose his opinion on others, and prove that he is right. This is still not a leader, but a respected child, a teenager, whom everyone, without exception, treats with due respect. Significance also endows him with the talent to adapt to everything new, which is reflected even in his studies. This boy has an inclination towards the humanities, but does not like the exact sciences, although he can study them “excellently”. Relationships with peers are usually good. Conflicts arise mainly only when he tries to act as a defender of the weak, which happens often. Nobility, unprincipledness, the ability to compromise, commitment, diligence, planning - these are his main features, and it is the significance of such a nominal variation as Alexey that bestows them on him.

Grown man

The life of an adult boy, or rather a man, who received the name form Alexey, is filled with difficult moments, mainly, and the reason is his strong, but at the same time complex character. He has excellent intuition and the ability to work, as they say, by the sweat of his brow; his determination is rampant. And the desire to give in and compromise upon reaching maturity disappears somewhere. Proving to him something with which he disagrees is very difficult. But this is not a reason to be upset, because despite all of the above, he is a good person with such qualities as justice, honesty, straightforwardness, selflessness, planning, goodwill, cheerfulness, sociability and devotion. The value of this man can, however, be endowed with other qualities, but the list of additional qualities no longer depends on such a parameter as the value, but on upbringing and other factors.

Interaction of the character Alexey with the seasons

Winter - this period gives rise to emotional, stubborn, fair, self-sufficient boys who demonstrate selfishness from childhood. Unfortunately, life is not easy for such people - often the combination of the above characteristics leads to disagreements even with close people. But in family matters he is a reliable and faithful man.

Summer - in this case, such character traits as eloquence, uncertainty, modesty, naivety, and weak psychological stability play an important role. Such people are often controlled from the outside, they are subservient to those around them, do not know how to defend their opinions, and rarely become bosses. Only a significant other, powerful and responsible, will help here.

Spring - children born during its reign, called Alyosha, are peace-loving and modest by origin, impressionable and non-conflict, indecisive and naive. These are psychologically and morally weak people, but it is impossible to control and manipulate such people. They lead or strive with assertiveness, but have self-respect and strong character.

Autumn - and here we are talking about a self-confident, purposeful, eloquent, sincere, honest man, whose arsenal is full of characteristics important for leadership. He skillfully manipulates people, is practical, rational, mentally developed and delicate - such people are respected and even feared. In his career, it will be easy for such a person to achieve new heights, but the top of Olympus will turn his life into a boring pastime - he always needs to move forward.

The fate of the name Alexey

The fate of the name Alexey in relationships with female representatives, in marriage, and, in general, in love, is very difficult. Why is it not easy? Yes, because Alexey himself is usually to blame for the fact that many women, after a short relationship, begin to run away from him. No, he is not a sadist, not a rude man, but a tough and overly serious man, too correct - not everyone can withstand this, and that is why fate suggests the bearer of the nominal form Alexey many partings.

But there is one big plus - fate assumes that Lesha will become a real gentleman, a man with manners that men are practically not endowed with today. Courtesy, romance, attentiveness, caring - these are the ways he can seduce almost any woman. Although all this manifests itself not in a boy, but in an adult man.

Well, fate also assumes that the named Alexey will become a good father and an ideal husband in all respects. This one will not betray, will not deceive, and in general, will be a wall protecting the whole family from troubles and grief. Although, again, fate is a ghostly parameter, and it represents only the most ordinary theory - it is simply impossible to verify its veracity and correctness.

Love and marriage

Alexey will treat marriage as responsibly as possible. He will not rush to get married at an early age, but will gradually approach this issue, without haste. If it happens that Alexey marries at an early age, then he will hold on to his marriage, no matter what it is, to the last, even if his wife irritates him, and even if a crack appears in the relationship that could destroy it once and for all .

For Alexey, marriage is not just a stamp in a passport or a legal basis for a relationship, but a complex and very responsible step. That is why he will spend a very long time sorting out potential brides. He will choose the one with whom he will be as comfortable as possible. He does not care about the material or moral aspects of the issue - he only cares about comfort, harmony and balance in relationships.

Having married, he will become a devoted and faithful husband, reconsider his lifestyle and change beyond recognition. If before marriage Alexey can go to clubs, change partners like gloves, and live the life of a “reveler,” then in marriage he will become dramatically different. Faithful, reliable, devoted, attentive and honest - that’s what Alexey’s husband is like.

Alexey as Father

As a father, Alexey can be good in all areas without exception. And first of all, it is worth saying that fatherhood for the bearers of this name is not just a status - it is a way and way of life for them, it is a reward that only the most worthy are awarded. Papa Alexey will be a good father, attentive, caring, devoted, reliable, responsible and obligatory. Mom will not have to run after him and ask him to pay attention to the children - he will do this of his own free will, on his own.

Can Alexey be trusted to raise children? It is possible and probably even necessary. These are, after all, leaders in the majority, and leadership inclinations, with proper upbringing, can be passed on to children. So, raising children is not only possible for Alexey, but also must be entrusted to him. He definitely won’t teach his children anything bad. The only “but” is that Lesha dads are often too demanding and strict. So, don’t be surprised if you hear him yelling at his child or demanding something that not every child can do - this is the norm...

Horoscope named after Alexey


A boy born under the auspices of Aries and given the name Alexey will be respectable, sincere, but overly naive, and also freedom-loving. He is also an idealist - he likes to attribute qualities to people that they lack, and then naturally becomes disappointed and becomes depressed.


Taurus - and here, who received the name Alexey, is by nature independent, strives for self-improvement, loves communication and new acquaintances, especially with female representatives. True, it is difficult for him to find a common language with women - he rarely understands them properly, idealizes them and ultimately demands from them what they cannot give him.


Gemini is an interesting zodiac, creating a personality that is soft and sentimental, dreamy and irresponsible. This seemingly serious person is actually not serious and is too absent-minded, and even quick-tempered. He is demanding of the opposite sex, has a complex character, and hence the lack of compatibility with the beautiful people of this world.


Cancer - and this bearer of the name Alexey is a completely strange person by nature, combining contradictory traits in his character. He is calm and active, independent and freedom-loving and at the same time controlled by women, powerful, but loves to obey, and will look for a powerful and morally strong lady for a marital relationship.


Leo is an egoist, no matter what you look for, he is constantly in the process of proving the correctness of his own judgments, and will never accept someone else’s opinion. It is difficult to be friends and live with someone like this, and therefore in most cases he is left alone, and then he is already absorbed by his own negative traits.


Virgo - this zodiac promises a newborn boy named Alexei a fighting character, warlike characteristics and perseverance that can only be envied. He is a conqueror by nature - he will never fall in love with an easy woman, he will prefer someone who is inaccessible and beyond her control. In a relationship with such an unapproachable person, he will try to become a leader.


Libra, in conjunction with the name Alexey, creates a well-mannered, restrained, non-conflict, reasonable, intelligent and responsive person. He is popular in society, but no one can understand him, because he is too secretive. Even the chosen one is unlikely to be able to unravel this mysterious nature.


Scorpio - the compatibility of such a guy with women is weak, they do not understand him and are afraid, because he is too hot-tempered, jealous, and even possessive. Unpredictability and inconstancy complement his already incomprehensible personality - an incomprehensible and secretive pessimist, with whom it is not easy to get along.


Sagittarius has such a romanticism that can charm any lady, even the toughest and capricious one. But this is a person who idealizes and lives in his own illusory world. He is sincere, but naive, it is easy to deceive him, and the practical majority of people take advantage of this.


Capricorn is open, sociable, sincere, humorous, optimistic, stubborn and persistent. Such a person achieves his goal by any means, be it a leadership position or a woman he likes. But there is a minus - it is impossible to impose on him an idea he doesn’t like or simply someone else’s. These are called self-confident turkeys.


Aquarius is freedom-loving and self-sufficient, self-confident and selfish. He does not accept anyone’s opinion, and he is not interested in other people’s experiences - he lives in an individual world where there is no place for people. That is why such people remain single until the very end.


Pisces - and this zodiac sign promises the bearer of the name Alexey dreaminess, intuition, fantasy, a philosophical disposition and the habit of idealizing everything around. He is a romantic, but too pessimistic, seeing negative shades in everything. It is difficult to come to terms with the negative aura of such a gentleman, and therefore women shy away from him.

Compatibility with female names

The question of compatibility with female names is quite complex, but specifically in the case of the name Alexey, everything is simpler, because the answers to it have been received a long time ago. So, it turns out that such chosen ones as Agatha, Vera, Dora, Mirra, Maria, Emma and Bronislava would be ideal.

It will not be possible to build a strong marriage with Praskovya, Rosa, Susanna, Elina, Nelly, Lada and Iya, but the relationship will be passionate and really bright.

And it’s better not to create an alliance with Ninel and Taisiya, because nothing good will come of it.

The meaning of the name Alexey (from ancient Greek) is “protecting”, “protecting”. Origin - from the male name Alex, literal decoding - “protector”, which means a person strong in spirit and body. According to church canons, the name sounds like Alexy. The man celebrates Angel Day twice a year - March 30 (Reverend Alexy) and February 25 (Moscow Metropolitan).

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Other forms and diminutive variations of the name: Leshenka, Leshka, Aleshenka, Alekseyka, Alekha, Leshy, Lekhan, Lex, Alex, Alekseyushka, Leshik.

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      Little Lesha's childhood

      The child is very attached to his mother, he always shows his tender feelings for his parent, without hesitation that he may be considered a “mama’s boy.” Lesha helps her loved ones and eagerly performs household duties. Alyosha never lies to his family, he is used to telling the truth, even if he is punished after his confession.

      • The boy grows up a little reserved, he does not like boasting and excessive talkativeness, the child has a developed sense of justice, he will never offend the weak and will always help a person in trouble. Lesha does not participate in boyish squabbles and showdowns through fights. He is used to resolving all conflict situations peacefully. The child is very sensitive and knows how to empathize, he is devoid of selfishness and is not capricious.

        Studying at school is easy for Alexey, but he is lazy to do homework regularly and spend a lot of time studying textbooks, so he often receives reprimands from teachers. He values ​​friendship and will never reveal a secret entrusted to a friend. Lesha loves active pastime; he enjoys attending physical education classes and participating in sports clubs. The boy has enormous creative potential, loves to draw, has a good ear for music and excellent artistic abilities.

        Teenage years

        At a young age, Alexey learns to control his emotions, he is persistent and always achieves his goal. A large role in the fate of the young man is played by the company of friends and people from his close circle, since Lesha easily succumbs to bad influence and is inclined to adopt the habits and addictions of his comrades.

        The guy is very popular among representatives of the opposite sex. He is charming, endowed with good manners, always protects girls from bullies and has an attractive appearance. He is always dressed immaculately and tastefully, he knows how to emphasize his external advantages with the help of clothes. The young man knows how to beautifully look after young ladies, he writes poems and love messages to his beloved, gives her bouquets and arranges unforgettable romantic dates.

        A man named Alexey

        General characteristics of adult Alexey.

        Character typeSanguine
        Good pointsResponsibility, reliability, dedication, hard work, cheerfulness, activity, perseverance, calmness, self-control
        Negative aspectsExcessive gullibility, stubbornness
        HealthHealth problems in childhood and adolescence, weak immunity. An adult man may experience various diseases of the digestive system.
        PsycheThe man is balanced, friendly and patient, has an extraordinary sense of humor and can laugh at his own shortcomings
        Intellectual abilitiesPossesses critical thinking, he has excellent memory, he can quickly make decisions and instantly analyze the information received
        SexAlexey craves new experiments in intimate relationships; he takes an active position in bed, demanding that his partner be relaxed and ready for role-playing games.
        HobbyCars, travel, sports, music
        ProfessionsWriter, journalist, artist, film director, art critic, financier, actor, musician, sculptor, physician, lawyer, lawyer
        FriendshipAlexey values ​​his comrades, he is very attached to his friends, he will always help and listen, and give valuable advice
        MoralityThe man is a highly moral and spiritual person who rarely commits questionable acts.
        BusinessHis business will flourish, since Alexey is accustomed to completing any task, he will make every effort to ensure that his own business begins to generate good income
        Intuitive abilitiesA man’s sixth sense is well developed; he always relies on his inner feelings and completely trusts his intuition.
        Love compatibility with female namesMargarita, Alexandra, Evgenia, Darina, Olga, Lilia, Natalya, Irina, Yulia, Lydia, Elena, Ekaterina
        Love incompatibility with female namesNadezhda, Claudia, Vera, Varvara, Raisa, Tatyana, Tamara, Larisa, Karina, Christina, Carolina

        Love relationships

        The girl’s appearance is not the main thing for Lesha; he initially pays attention to the character traits and inner essence of the young lady, her intellectual abilities. Sincerity and sincerity are extremely important for a man; he will never fall in love with a scandalous and hypocritical woman. A man with a similar name does not forgive betrayal; he is a monogamist, so he approaches the choice of his future wife very responsibly.

        Alexei's mother must like his beloved; the young man will never marry a girl whom his mother does not approve of.

        In love, Alexey is attentive and gentle, ready to fulfill any woman’s whims, he does not skimp on expensive gifts and gives flowers not only on holidays. A woman should take care of her man and support him in any endeavor, praise her husband and show her love in every possible way.


        For a man with a similar name, family is sacred; he protects his loved ones from life’s hardships and tries to spend all his free time with them. It is important for Alexey that his wife becomes his best friend and advisor.

        A woman should create a cozy home atmosphere and maintain family harmony, she should never criticize her husband or reproach her for anything, she should remain calm under any circumstances. He always takes the leading role in Alexei’s family, however, he discusses all important decisions with his wife.

The male name Alexey means “to protect” in Greek. The meaning of the name Alexey has a very favorable effect on the character and fate of its owner. In his youth, Alexey was distinguished by his calm disposition and curiosity. In his childhood fantasies, he often sees himself as a protector of the weak and disadvantaged. In real life, he tries to match the created image as much as possible.

Lyosha is a kind, easy-going child. He treats elders with respect, is always ready to help, and at the same time he is characterized by boyish mischief and curiosity. He loves animals very much and enjoys caring for pets. The meaning of the name Alexey for a child is openness and good nature. The boy is open to knowledge, gets to know the world around him with delight and is drawn to new knowledge.

During his school years, he is no different from most of his peers. He is not so interested in studying that he sits over his textbooks. Nevertheless, it can sometimes surprise teachers with unexpectedly bright answers and solutions to complex problems. The meaning of the name Alexey for a boy in these years acquires new characteristics: independence, seriousness, perseverance. By high school, our hero already knows where he will go to study next, and shows diligence in his studies.

An adult Alexey has clear goals, constantly strives for self-education and achieves a lot in life. A man’s destiny is successful thanks to perseverance and self-confidence. The interpretation of the name will be incomplete without revealing the meaning in love, family and career.


Love for Alexey opens no earlier than in his student years. First love is always bright and leaves an indelible mark on the soul of a young man. He marries closer to thirty, when he has the financial resources to provide for his family. Love means a lot to him. It is an obligatory component of a man's marriage. Before marriage, Lyosha usually has little experience in love relationships.

Our hero has failures in relationships with women due to lack of self-confidence. Trust in his chosen one is of great importance to him; the man himself is honest and open in relationships. In the absence of sincerity on the part of the woman, he becomes withdrawn, suspicious and jealous. Alexey is capable of real, deep feelings and can make his chosen one happy.

In marriage he is faithful to his wife. If Lyosha cheats, he does it more likely because of insoluble problems in his marriage. In this case, he does not intend to live in constant deception and cheat on his wife throughout his life; the man honestly admits to cheating and demands a divorce. Honesty and mutual trust are important for our hero.


Alexey's family life is generally developing favorably. He gets married closer to thirty or even in his thirties. Creating a family is a deliberate, meaningful step. Lyosha needs time to get to know his future spouse better, so marriage is preceded by several years of relationship with his chosen one.

He attaches great weight to the material well-being of loved ones, which means his constant desire to give his family the best. The father of the family takes his responsibilities seriously. She prefers to do all the men's work in the house on her own. There is nothing superfluous in his home. Our hero values ​​quality and durability, so he prefers expensive furniture and appliances.

It has a direct bearing on raising children. He spends all his free time with children, ready to spend hours reading books to them or playing games. The owner of this name is a wonderful, caring father who dotes on his children. For a man, planning a vacation with his family is of no small importance. Rest for him is time spent in nature, by the sea. He organizes any trip in advance and carefully prepares for it.

Business and career

For Alexey, the correct choice of the field of his future activity is important. If he chooses the right profession, he will find great success and recognition. The work should captivate our hero, be creative and promise prospects for further development. Sometimes, after working in some field, Lyosha goes to retrain for another profession.

Typically, a man’s field of activity is related to foreign languages, management, design, and marketing. In a group he is not particularly sociable, but he finds a common language with everyone and is characterized as a pleasant and conflict-free person. He always performs his work accurately and diligently, which means he often achieves what he wants.

Not a careerist, but once in the manager’s chair, he knows how to create all the conditions for successful and productive work of the team. His ideal occupation is to create a small business where he could understand and manage all processes. The owner of this name tries to get to the bottom of everything, strives for constant self-education and feels dissatisfaction with routine and monotony.

Origin of the name Alexey

The origin of the name Alexey comes from the ancient Greek word ἀλέξω - “to protect.” The etymology is also associated with Byzantium. In ancient Byzantium, where the name came from, from the 11th to the 14th centuries. That's what the emperors were called. The history of the name continues in Russia. Many representatives of the royal family of the Romanovs were called this way. The most famous, second Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty is Alexei Mikhailovich.

The mystery of the name is also associated with Christianity. The patron saint of men so named is Saint Alexius, a man of God whose name is commemorated in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

Characteristics of the name Alexey

The characteristics of the name Alexey have its pros and cons. By nature, our hero is a calm and balanced person. Among the positive character traits, one can especially highlight responsibility, decency and honesty. You can completely rely on a man in the most difficult situations. He will do his best and sacrifice his personal time for someone in need of help. However, he himself does not like to ask for help and tries to get by with his own efforts.

Negative aspects of character include: forgetfulness, harshness, touchiness. Being a conflict-free person, he is still capable of harshness and an inadequate reaction in response to even the most insignificant offense. He may speak out sharply or flare up, thereby making a mountain out of a mountain. A man carries grudges within himself for a long time and cannot forgive the person who caused the insult.

By listening carefully to the interlocutor, he can later say that there was no conversation. But this does not mean that the owner of this name is a deceiver. The downside of nature is absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. While listening to the interlocutor, he may become so deep in his thoughts that he will not even be able to remember what the conversation was about. It is of no small importance for Alexey to learn to listen and be attentive in dialogue.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone: lapis lazuli.
  • Name days: February 17, 20, 25, 28, March 8, 22, 28, 30, April 6, 18, May 4, 7, June 2, 5, 20, 22, 23, July 4, 6, 14, 17, 2, 4, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30 August, 4, 7, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29 September, 1, 2, 4, 18, 29 October, 3, 6 , November 13, 20, December 3, 5, 6, 11, 17, 26.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign: Aquarius, Aries.

Famous people

  • Alexey Makarov - Russian theater and film actor;
  • Alexey Guskov - Soviet, Russian actor, producer, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation;
  • Alexey Chadov is a Russian theater and film actor.

In different languages

The translation of the name Alexey from Greek is “to protect.” How the name is translated into Japanese according to its meaning: 助け (Taske).
Let's look at how the name is written and sounds in Japanese, Chinese and other languages:

  • Japanese: アレクセイ (are-ku-sei).
  • Chinese: 阿列克塞 (a-le-ke-sai).
  • Arabic: أليكسي (ali-ka-say).
  • HindiHindi: एलेक्सी (e-le-xi).

Name forms

  • Full name - Alexey;
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Lyosha, Lyokha, Lyoshik, Leshenka, Alex, Alyosha, Alyokha, Lyoshka;
  • Declension of the name - Alexey, Alexei;
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Alexy.

The name of a person is full of mysteries that scientists have been trying to unravel for a long time. Thanks to years of observation and research, we can now begin to get a little closer to answering some questions. In this publication you will learn the meaning of the name Alexey: origin, influence on the owner and astrological characteristics. You will also become aware of the names of women most suitable for creating a prosperous family with the bearer of this name.

Historical significance

In Russian folk tales, Alyosha Popovich is the favorite hero from the great trinity of heroes. He was even born an unusual child who asked his mother to swaddle him in chain mail. Later, the boy was excellent in the saddle and wielded weapons with full readiness to perform feats. In the legends, this character does not have the same physical characteristics as his fellow travelers Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, but he is the most perky and cunning. He often uses his main weapon - his mind. True, there is a drawback: boastfulness, self-confidence and the ability to be disingenuous even with comrades. So, in fairy tales, this hero personifies an ordinary person named Alexey.

Secret identity

There is no negative karma in the name, and in terms of sound energy it is cheerful and calm. It contains the following qualities: mercy, kindness, philanthropy, will to win, determination, which are transferred to the owner. The guy does not strive for leadership, but can protect himself from adversity. Alexey is capable of understanding and compassion, and is ready to do anything to help others. His level-headedness makes him an excellent listener and advisor. Consider one more point: when communicating with this person, you should not put pressure on him.

Origin of the name and its features

The name Alexey translated from ancient Greek means “protector” or “protector.” Diminutive pronunciation options: Lyokha, Aleka, Leksey, Lelik, Lyoshik, Alex, Alekseyka, Alyonya, Alyokha, Alyosha, Lyoshka, Lyosha, Lyoka (Leka), Lyolya, Lex. The meaning of the name Alexey by letter: A - the personification of the beginning, the desire for spiritual and physical balance. L - the ability to subtly feel beauty, the search for one’s purpose in life. E - the desire to assert oneself and exchange ideas. K - great fortitude, endurance, ability to keep secrets, the motto in life: “Sink or perish.” S - material security, power, common sense. Y - good nature, peacefulness, gentleness, romance, spirituality.

The influence of a name on a child

If you want to know the meaning of the name Alexey for a boy, then you should be aware that in childhood he is very similar to his mother, to whom he is strongly attached. He is calm, balanced, friendly. The baby believes that he must protect her, and later he inevitably becomes the favorite of the whole family. Respects elders and obeys his parents and teachers. Little Lesha is timid, and because of this it is difficult for him to communicate with other people. He studies well at school and behaves exemplary. He is not a leader among the other boys, but people always come to him for advice.

Character of an adult man

Alexey will become his own person in almost any team and will not cause hostility, although sometimes not everything goes well. If there is no ambition in the individual in question, the person may become lazy. An excess of this quality leads to a strong internal conflict arising in Lesha. This may not be noticeable to others, it’s just that Alexey is on the sidelines for some time and lives by his own mind. A man may be loved and respected in society, but because of his calmness he is invisible.

Alexey: characteristics of a name by time of birth

The period of birth has a strong influence on personality. The meaning of the name Alexey, born in winter, is completely different: he is an emotional person, very stubborn and persistent, often a real bully. Pride and the eternal desire to fight for justice are his main character traits. Someone born in the summer does not have a very strong will. Lesha greatly needs the support of others and, due to his modesty, cannot realize everything. Lesha has a hard time withstanding failures and criticism, but quickly understands everything new and can boast of a good memory. “Spring” Alexey is extremely indecisive, which is why he suffers. Mental trauma greatly knocks him out of the mainstream. He will never put up with violence and pressure from others, but he will not tell them this to their faces, he will simply look for ways to avoid such individuals. If Lesha was born in the fall, he will strive to analyze all the words and defend his ideas. This person is concise in communication, witty, practical, rational and often takes initiative. He is tactful, ready to listen to his colleagues and lend them a helping hand. Always takes into account the opinions of others before making a decision.

The influence of a name on a career

The person in question does not strive to achieve great success in his professional activities, since this is not for him. However, thanks to his diligence and ambition, Lesha is able to win a certain status in society. His poise, patience and diligence will help him become an excellent doctor, teacher, manager, programmer, bank employee. Alexey is a responsible employee, completely subordinate to management. If he loses his inner balance, life may become more difficult for him, and his experiences may be expressed in creative activity.

Astrological characteristics

Those who want to understand the meaning of the name Alexey in the language of astrology should know the following: the name corresponds to the zodiac sign Aquarius. This person is under the protection of Neptune. The amulet stone is lapis lazuli, alexandrite, and jasper. Guardian animal - elk. Name color - green, red. Among the flora, mistletoe and poplar are considered to be mascots. The most favorable day is Saturday. The personality is prone to peace, patience, and calmness.

Relationships with women

From a very young age, this man is surrounded by women who are fascinated by his poise, tact and attractiveness. Alexey himself is not against the novel, but most of the fair sex are just friends for him. It is noteworthy that if he meets his chosen one, then the ability to love one woman and the ability to communicate in a friendly manner with others will be an important distinguishing feature of a person who bears the name Alexey. He sees his soul mate as a gentle, kind and obedient lady, while her external data is not particularly important.

The meaning of the name for the family

In the family, Alexey is an exemplary owner. He is hardworking, flexible and conscientious about his responsibilities. It is very easy to communicate with him and in everyday life, besides, the guy can easily transfer the position of leader to his wife. It is not difficult for him to give in to his wife in small things, but in more important matters he is persistent. If a wife has a conflict with someone, her husband will definitely stand up for her, no matter whether she is right or wrong. Alexey is very vulnerable and touchy, but he is not jealous of his wife. Often, unfaithful girls take advantage of this and can secretly cheat for a long time. He does everything for his children and thinks about them more than about himself.

Alexey: name compatibility

Men with this name have high demands on their soulmate. The woman next to him must be very neat and clean; her duty is to maintain perfect order in the house and be able to maintain a positive atmosphere. Unfortunately, in each applicant Lesha still finds a character trait that needs to be corrected or eliminated. His marriage will be successful with a woman named Anastasia, Anna, Varvara, Angela, Varvara, Galina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyubov, Svetlana, Roxana. It will be more difficult to get along with Tamara, Alina, Vera, Antonina, Elena, Taisiya and Yulia.


The name Alexey, the origin and meaning of which future parents should know, is common among great people in Rus'. These were kings, generals, nobles and other persons. For example, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. The real name of the Russian writer Maxim Gorky is also Alexey. It is also worth remembering the Russian poet Alexei Pleshcheev. It is also worth mentioning the Hieromartyr Alexis of Constantinople. Hero of the USSR Maresyev was the owner of the name in question. Currently, there are also many talented people, for example, Olympic champion Alexey Yagudin or the unique artist, musician and TV presenter Alexey Chumakov.

Let's sum it up

Now you know a lot about the person whose name is Alexey: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the individual, abilities, interests. Many of the data inherent in a person can be developed and one can begin to correct one’s character even in childhood, but one should not forget that he is greatly influenced by those around him with whom he spends a lot of time.